Chapter 1

Third Person POV

In a Grigori facility just outside Toronto a massive battle had just ended four figures of great power were the only survivors. There were bodies of humans and fallen angels alike strewn on the floor and the smell of blood lingered in the air. These four were used to the smell of death having been involved in some of the greatest wars in history. Yet nothing prepared them for the smell when they went inside.

Inside the facility the first main room there was a big hall kind of room and two piles of bodies that made the outside pale in comparison. On either side of the room there was at least 100 bodies piled up in various stages of decay. The pool of blood on the floor covered the entire floor with the walls coated in blood as well.

"This is disgusting" The lone female of the group said whilst pinching her nose. She had her hair done up in twin tails and was wearing a pink magical girl outfit.

"I agree just what has, Kokabiel been up to?" The man with Crimson hair said, he was wearing a grey and red ornate royal attire, completely contrasting the girl.

"Let's move on, then we will find out" The man to his right said he had green hair and sharp blue eyes. He was wearing an outfit similar to the first man, just with green accents in comparison to the red of the first man.

"Yeah, let's get this over with" The last man said he was wearing blue pyjamas that made it look as though he had just gotten out of bed, he also had dishevelled shoulder length blue hair, that further emphasized the lazy attitude.

As they walked into the next room they saw it was a corridor that split at the end with a door leading to the left and the right.

"Falbi, you and Ajuka-chan take the right door, Sirzechs-chan and I will take the left door."

"Okay Serafall." With this the two groups split up.

As Sirzechs and Serafall went into the room they saw a room bathed in blood, with a surgical table in the centre of the room. The table had heavy duty straps on it similar to the ones you see on lethal injection tables, when executing someone. In the corner of the room there was a very small cage that looked just big enough to house a dog.

"What is that in there?" Sirzechs asked, unsure Serafall went over to it wary in case it was dangerous.

"It's a child!" She said surprised. In the cage there was a small boy who looked no older than 12 years old. He too was bathed in blood and dressed only in some torn trousers and a single shoe.

As they opened the cage up they realised the boy was asleep and seemingly completely harmless, they lifted him out of the cage with Sirzechs holding him.

Then, Ajuka and Falbium walked back into the room, Ajuka was holding a file with the words Weapon XI written on the side.

"What did you find?" Serafall asked, "Just the folder, or was there more?"

"The room was an office it seemed to be for the head of the facility, they seem to be making a weapon in something called the Deadpool project." Ajuka said.

"The Deadpool Project?" Sirzechs said, he looked confused.

"I haven't read into the details but I think it has something to do with sacred gears."

"Then maybe this boy, is he Weapon XI?" Falbium asked.

"So are you saying all of the dead bodies in the hall were sacred gear users, and there gears were placed into this boy to turn him into a living weapon?" Serafall asked.

"It is possible if that is the case we made the right choice trying to stop Kokabiel, a weapon like that in the hands of a battle maniac would be a truly dangerous foe." Falbium said, "Therefore we should dispose of it"

"We can't treat him as a Weapon Falbi, he is just a child." Serafall says.

"Well what do we do with him?"

"Um, I could take him as a peerage member I still have some pawns left and a Queen if it comes to it." Serafall says, with conviction in her voice, probably due to some kind of motherly instinct kicking in, after all despite her usual demeanour she is over a couple of centuries old.

"Okay but I think we should take him back to the underworld and let him wake up first, it should be his decision. Also we don't know his name which is necessary for the evil pieces." Ajuka said with the voice of reason.

Back in the underworld the four devils were gathered in the Sitri mansion, where Serafall kept her evil pieces. They were now also joined by her younger sister. The boy they found was lying on the Sofa still asleep.

"Who is this Nee-san? Why is he so bloody? Is he going to be Okay?" The one firing off the questions was obviously Serafall's younger sister Sona.

"He is going to be fine So-tan, I'm going to reincarnate him as a devil, when he wakes up."

"Do you want me to wake him up, Nee-san?" Sona asked.

"If you want to, but be gentle" Serafall replied softy. With that the young devil used her demonic power to create a ball of water above the boys lying body. The older devils instantly realised what she was going to do, but before they could stop her, she dropped the ball of water right on him. The boy woke with a start whilst he was adjusting his eyes to the new surroundings.

"So-tan, I said gently" Serafall scolded.

"I was trying to wash him off the blood must be horrible, I'll get a towel." The young devil then skipped away happily.

"Please don't hurt me … no more." The boy mumbled.

"What are you talking about?" Serafall asked softly, whilst sitting next to him. The other devils were keeping a step back out of wariness of the unknown within him, but Serafall was happy to sit next to him and get close to him.

"Who are you … don't hurt me" he mumbled

"I am Serafall Leviathan one of the four Yondai Maou. What is your name?"

"U-Um I don't have a name" The boy replied.

"Oh really, what did they call you at the facility then?"

"Either Project Deadpool or Weapon XI, I never liked that."

"Well that won't do, you need a name, but first can I ask what did they do to you there?"

"They hurt me." It was short but that is probably the brain telling him not to delve into the details anymore, Serafall deduced.

"Okay then, tell me, do you know what a devil is?" The boy nodded "Do you want to be one?"


"Then if you become my servant devil I can keep you safe from the people who hurt you, and we can see you have nowhere else to go."

"Hmmm, Okay" The boy said after a while of waiting "If, the pretty woman protects me that will be good" Serafall blushed at that "And for some reason I trust you … but I don't know why."

"You don't need to worry … Kazuki, as long as you trust me that is all I ask." Serafall said whilst hugging the boy.

"Kazuki? Hmm, I like that name, but you have two names should I have two?" The boy asked, the other devils in the room were impressed at how quickly he deduced that despite what they guess is a limited knowledge of the workings of the world.

"That is true, but one on its own is enough, for now we can always give you another one later on" The boy accepted this and then did as he was told in order to receive the evil piece, so he lay on the floor. As Serafall started to place 3 pawns on his chest she noticed that they weren't activating.

"Is that all you have Serafall" Ajuka asked, she nodded and started putting them back in the case were they came from. She then took out a Queen piece from the box and placed it on Kazuki's chest, as she did this the Queen started glowing a pale blue colour before sinking into his chest as the ritual was said.

"It's done" She said "You are now my cutest Queen, Kazu-tan" wrapping the shocked boy in a hug

"You'll have to get used to that, kid" Sirzechs said with a laugh.

So this is my new story, Weapon XI.

Kazuki is going to have hundreds of sacred gears, with varying abilities. This makes him to be similar in a way to the Deadpool from X-men Origins but unlike that he hasn't had his mouth covered up.

please review