Hi! This is my first story. It will contain Ikarishipping and a few others. I own nothing except the weird last names I made up for them! Enjoy!

Dawn didn't want to move. She didn't want to leave her old friends, and most of all, she did not want to go to a new school, no way, no how. But that's what she got.

"Dawn, you're being dramatic," her mother had just said, simply. "It's just school."

"BOARDING school," Dawn corrected. "As in: I won't see you for over half the year school! I don't think I'm ready for this."

Dawn was a dark blue haired young teen, who had moved a couple days ago from Twinleaf Town to stupid Veilstone City. She only had one Pokemon, a tiny Piplup, that wasn't very strong.

"Don't worry, you'll make lots of friends!" her mother countered. "And, by next summer, I expect you to have a boyfriend," she teased.

"MOM!" Dawn said, blushing. "You're not going to need to worry about my nonexistent love-life."

That night, Dawn packed her stuff for school. She took her one Pokeball, containing Piplup, and put it in her backpack. Her mother suddenly entered with a small package.

"This is your new school uniform!" she said. Dawn tried it on. It had a navy blue skirt with black leggings underneath, and a white blouse.

"I feel like a character from Sailor Moon," Dawn commented, looking at her clothes. "But hey, not too shabby, for a school uniform."

That night, Dawn had weird dreams about what the school would be like, which were all pretty surreal.

The next morning, she got up early to put her hair up in the requested ponytail (also for the uniform), and ate breakfast. She hopped in her mom's car thirty minutes later with a sick feeling in her stomach.

When they pulled up at the school, Dawn felt her jaw drop. It was huge. She had no clue how she was going to navigate that building.

"Well," her mother said, turning to Dawn. "I guess you should get going." She hugged her tightly. "Make lots of new friends, okay?"

"I will," Dawn promised.

"Remember," her mom said, getting back in the car. "You've got my video phone number if you need anything at all!" And she drove off.

With no other choice, Dawn headed towards the entrance of the building, where there was a lady at a desk. "Name?" she asked.

"Dawn Berlitz."

The woman smiled. "Welcome! Here's your dorm key," she said, handing Dawn a key with a tag that said: 876. She stuck it in her backpack.

"Thank you!"

She looked at her classes. "First I have Pokemon History with Professor Oak, apparently," Dawn said to no one. "In class...B8!" She looked around. The doors around her said: D4, D5, D6...

"Need help finding your class?"

Dawn whirled around to see a boy with green hair. "Yes," she said, thankfully. "I'm Dawn, and I need to find classroom B8."

The boy smiled. "B8?" he said. "We're in the same class. I can escort you there with me. I'm Drew, by the way," he added, producing a rose so quickly, it seemed like it materialized out of thin air. He handed it to Dawn. "Pleasure to meet you."

"Hey, Drew, stop flirting with the new girl!" said a girl with ginger hair, walking up. "Make her feel comfortable! You're Dawn, right? I'm Misty! Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too," Dawn replied, smiling.

"Oh, look, we're here," said Drew, as they approached a door with B8 inscribed into it. "Hopefully we're not late."

They walked into the classroom. There was no teacher there, but as soon as Dawn entered the room, there was whispering.

"A new girl?"

"I wonder what her name is."

"I hope she's nice."

Dawn blushed especially when a blond boy leaned over to a boy with spiky brown hair, and whispered, "Look at her, she's a total knockout!"

Dawn awkwardly headed towards the back of the room, and sat down next to a boy with purple hair (manly). "Hey," she tried, but the boy ignored her. 'Well, then,' she huffed in her mind. 'How rude.'

An older man who Dawn guessed was the teacher walked in, suddenly. "Settle down, everybody, I'll do the roll call!" he said, and everybody settled down into their seats.

"Ash Ketchum!"

A kid with black hair and a Pikachu on his shoulder stood up. Dawn found it strange that he brought a Pokemon to class, but nobody else seemed to find it abnormal.

"Gary Oak!"

The kid with the spiky brown hair stood up. Dawn immediately noticed that quite a few pairs of female eyes were on him. He must be the dreamy, fangirl-collecting boy, she decided.

"Barry Andersen!"

The blond kid stood up. Dawn could tell that he was the goofball of the class. He had that manic glint in his eye, and everybody was grinning at him.

Drew and Misty were also called.

"Dawn Berlitz! Our new student!"

Dawn stood up while everybody looked at Dawn. "Hi," she said, awkwardly, and sat down.

There was May, a friendly looking girl with light brown hair, Iris, a tan girl with a large amount of dark purple hair, Zoey, a cool looking redhead, and Trip, a quiet, yet sarcastic boy with light brown hair.

"Paul Jacobsen!"

The quiet boy next to Dawn stood up.

So, she knew all their names...She wondered what impact they would have on her life.

Sorry that was kinda short. I hope you are enjoying the story so far!