Sanji was on edge the next day. After everything they had been through, Dressrosa was finally only a day away. Law had plans, but with time running so thin, Sanji wasn't sure what would happen. The surgeon was bound and determined to push their relationship further, whether he was fully comfortable with sex or not.

And he wasn't, Sanji definitely knew that much.

Law had never experienced those types of feelings before, something Sanji didn't understand at all, because if anything he had been hypersexual his entire life. If that was even a thing. For whatever reason, Law felt sexual attraction only to Sanji, which was quite flattering.

Still, time was running out, and Sanji wasn't the only one on edge.

Law was fidgety and very clearly agitated. Sanji didn't know the guy all that well despite being in a temporary relationship with him, but even he knew what was going through Law's mind right now. Feeling pressured to hurry up and do it but not having enough nerves to go through with it, which more than likely pissed him off. And then there was the issue of Doflamingo, but that was a different obstacle entirely.

Sanji had tried several times to calm the surgeon down, but Law was undoubtedly one of the most stubborn people he'd ever met and refused to snap out of it. All Sanji could do was wait to see when and if the warlord would make a move.

Which took all day, as it would happen.

Law waited until after dinner that night to grab Sanji and lead him into the aquarium. The benches there were small, but nobody would hear them at least. Law looked stressed, which irritated Sanji, because sex was supposed to be a pleasurable experience. Clearly he would have to work on Law before they could actually do anything.

"Alright, take your clothes off and sit down. If we're going to do this, then we have to do it right," Sanji said, ignoring the glare Law gave him at being bossed around. "I mean it Law, you're way too tense. I'm not letting you fuck me if you're this uptight."

Law's shoulders sagged a bit as he realized Sanji was right, but he was still far too tense for Sanji's liking. He was quick to strip, straddling Law's naked hips and gripping his tan shoulders. He could feel how bunched the muscles were beneath his fingers and sighed, firmly kneading Law's shoulders the same way he kneaded bread. Law hissed, tensing even more, and Sanji knew he had his work cut out for him.

"Alright, get on your stomach, you're worse than I thought."

"Sanji, we don't have time-"

"Stop thinking about that and let me make tonight enjoyable, dammit. Don't be a bastard, just this once," Sanji said, smirking when Law glared but reluctantly did as he was told. As soon as Sanji began digging into the muscles in his back Sanji could practically see all of the grumpiness leave Law's body.

"Fuck, what the hell did you do? You're a mess!" Sanji said, finding knot after knot along Law's back. Law merely grunted, body limp as Sanji worked his magic, until Law was completely relaxed.

"Are you satisfied now?" Law asked once Sanji was finished, looking more blissed out than Sanji had ever seen him.

"Not even close. That's your job, remember?" Sanji said, smirking when Law sat up and pulled Sanji into his lap. They began kissing, Law's tongue sliding into his mouth as Sanji's fingers tangled themselves in Law's fluffy hair. They were both quick to get hard, Law's cock pressing insistently against Sanji's ass.

"Do you have any lube?" Law asked him, which thankfully Sanji remembered to bring some. He busied himself with sucking on Law's neck while the surgeon began preparing him, one oiled finger sliding slowly into Sanji, the feeling strange if anything. Law's free hand began stroking his cock, distracting him at least until Law added another finger. The stretch wasn't painful, but it was a little hard to ignore. But Law was patient with him, going slow and easing him into it until the feeling became pleasurable and he was gasping for more.

"I'm ready, just do it," Sanji panted, cock leaking over Law's hand as he continued to stroke the blond, enjoying the faces Sanji was making. Law had covered his own cock with oil already and was now just torturing Sanji, leaving the tip just at his entrance and refusing to go any further.

"Are you sure? You seem to be enjoying this," Law purred, gripping Sanji's hips when he nearly impaled himself onto Law's dick, "Alright, fine, just don't do that."

Sanji's jaw dropped open when Law suddenly jerked his hips up, the tip of his cock entering Sanji a little faster than the cook was ready for. The surgeon bit his lip and waited, and Sanji realized he was probably nervous.

"Oi, it's just me. You don't have to be so jittery," Sanji said, cupping Law's face and kissing the man, their tongues sliding together slowly. Sanji felt Law's cock twitch, the feeling odd but weirdly hot, being able to feel just how turned on Law was.

"I don't want to hurt you," Law replied, eyebrows furrowed as he slowly slid deeper into Sanji, the cook groaning in response.

"Oh, fuck, you're not. Trust me," Sanji groaned, pulling on Law's hair as the man sucked on his neck, surely leaving marks.

Law's dick was twitching restlessly inside of him now, Sanji being completely seated on Law's lap.

"Hey, are you close already? Is that what that is?" Sanji asked, chuckling a bit at how it felt.

"Shut up," Law grumbled, hands gripping Sanji's hips tightly when he tried to move.

Sanji grinned, tugging on Law's hair and trying to wiggle his hips around. The surgeon made an odd noise in the back of his throat before suddenly deciding to jump into action, thrusting his hips and sliding in and out of Sanji who could only gasp and hold on for dear life in response. Law had a lot of power behind his narrow little hips and Sanji hadn't been ready for him to suddenly move.

"A-Ah! Oh fuck, Law, that's it," Sanji panted, crying out as Law continued stroking him off as well. At this rate he wouldn't last long, but Law was already at his limit and barely holding on.

Sanji gasped every time his ass came into contact with Law's lap, the feeling of being stretched open almost too much to handle. Law was looking at him with such heat in his golden eyes, teeth digging into his bottom lip as he tried desperately not to come, hand flying over Sanji's dripping cock.

"Sanji...I-I'm..." Law gasped, hot come shooting into Sanji's ass suddenly. Sanji was so overwhelmed by Law's orgasm he didn't feel his own coming, his release covering their stomachs, leaving them a hot, sticky mess.

They both panted for breath as they came off their high, Sanji wincing as he removed himself from Law, trying to ignore the come dribbling out of his ass. Sanji lit up a cigarette immediately, finding something to clean them up with and enjoying how completely boneless Law looked. He'd never seen the surgeon so relaxed.

"So, what did you think?" Sanji asked, handing Law a towel he found and raising an eyebrow at the shrug he got in return. "Eh? What's that mean?"

"It was enjoyable, I suppose," He replied, looking up at Sanji and giving the cook a rather cocky grin.

"Oh, is that so? Well, if that's how you feel then maybe I'll give it to someone who actually wants-"

"Don't you dare," Law said, suddenly appearing behind Sanji and holding the cook close. Sanji's head rolled back when Law began sucking on his neck hard, groaning at the very dark hickey that was sure to be there.

"Oh-ho? Is someone the jealous type?" Sanji smirked, a little breathless after that. He rubbed his neck, the spot a little sore, but grinned regardless. He certainly wasn't expecting that from Law.

Law looked a little irritated if anything, which answered Sanji's question. "I can't say what will happen to me in Dressrosa. But as long as I'm still breathing, nobody else gets to touch you and continue to live afterwards."

Sanji raised an eyebrow, wondering where the sudden protectiveness was coming from, "And when we're no longer allied? We agreed on temporary, remember?"

Law frowned even more if possible, something dark flashing across his eyes, and Sanji wondered if he'd taken it too far. Law seemed to really be taking it serious, for whatever reason. It wasn't like the surgeon to get so attached.

"Then you are free to do as you choose. I can't control that," Law stood and began getting dressed, his attitude completely different from what it had been minutes ago. Sanji watched, confused as he tried to figure out what had changed. They had agreed on a casual, temporary relationship, so why was Law getting so touchy about it? And where was the weird protectiveness coming from?

"Hey, wait a minute, are we-"

"We're fine. I hope the experience was enjoyable for you as well," Law said dismissively, attempting to walk past Sanji and blow off the conversation. But Sanji was quick to grab his hand, gripping it tighter as Law tried to pull away.

"Hey, don't do that," Sanji said, pulling Law closer to him even as the surgeon struggled to break free. Sanji felt like he was handling a feral cat. But Law was acting beyond weird and he needed to know why. "Law- will you just listen to me dammit? What the hell is wrong with you?"

"It would be best to drop it, Mr. Blackleg-"

Sanji was quick to kick his leg out and knock Law onto the floor, pinning the surgeon down with his knees and leaning in close to Law's surprised and slightly irritated face. Law blinked up at him, alarmed at the sudden intensity in Sanji's blue eyes.

"Don't you dare..." Sanji growled, voice low as he glared at Law, "Call me that. I've had enough of your little defense mechanisms, Trafalgar. I see through them now. Every time you start to feel things for me, you try to back off and revert to that shit. We just had sex, Law. I know that's a lot for you to take in, but-"

"You don't know," Law replied, looking incredibly conflicted. Sanji sighed and got off of the man, but kept a good grip on his shoulders in case he tried to get away again.

"Then tell me. This is our last night together, maybe forever. Tell me where this is all coming from," Sanji pleaded, desperate for answers knowing that Law intended on throwing his life away in Dressrosa if he had to.

Law sighed, running a hand through his hair and looking away from Sanji.

"I've never loved anyone. That's not to say I didn't love my family, but they all ended up dead. Anyone I've ever felt love towards is dead now, Sanji. That's why I vowed to never allow myself to get close to another human being again. I've been too busy with my plans against Doflamingo, I really never had time to think about it anyways. Until now, that is..." Law trailed off, not wanting to look at Sanji, who was beginning to piece things together.

"Law...are you saying love-"

"Our relationship is indeed temporary, however that does not prevent me from developing feelings for you, however inconvenient and unplanned those feelings may be. I can't tell you if it's love or not because I have not experienced that feeling in well over a decade. What I can tell you, Sanji, is that I care you for a bit more than I had intended on allowing myself and therefore can't help but feel a little protective," Law said, voice stiff and monotone as he pointedly avoided eye contact with Sanji.

Sanji blinked at the rather robotic way Law had put it, but he did understand. For someone like Law, experiencing these feelings meant that Sanji was someone he could lose, just like he'd lost everyone else. Whether it was love or not didn't matter, Law still cared about him, and that said a lot.

"Okay. Thank you for explaining that, I think I get it. But you don't have to worry, I'm a one-man guy. Once you've got me, you're stuck with me, got it? Don't think I'll run off the minute you look away."

Law regarded him for a moment before smirking, relieved that Sanji could understand him without too much difficulty. He knew he was a pain sometimes, but he had his reasons, and Sanji was the only person he could tell that too and actually feel comfortable about it. He still had plenty of other things to tell Sanji, but for now that could wait.

They still had Dressrosa to get through, and after that? Well, who could really tell, but Sanji did know one thing. As long as they were together, they would work out any problems that came their way.

What's the worst that could happen?

Yes, I'm ending it here, literally after months of no updating. The fact that I finished this is just amazing. Thank you to whoever kept up with this, I'm sorry for the hell I put you through! But guess what? THAT'S RIGHT, ANOTHER SEQUEL! Yes, I'm serious, I already have the first 2 chapters written but I'm not going to post it yet. It takes place post-the year of Sanji, which is turning out to be a disaster for our boy, and Law is just not apart of it which makes me sad. But yeah, I'm working on that now, so keep an eye out!