Hello everyone! I wanted to let you know that I have finally started part two!

You can find it in my documents under the name Scorched Wedding Cakes!

And since I know using a full chapter post just to send out a note is not really allowed (wish there was some other way to send you all this message) here is a bonus drabble of the guys pulling out the floor in the Heartfilia Mansion.

Hope to write up to your expectations in the next one! Thanks so much for reading!

Gajeel stood and wiped the sweat from his brow. "I can't believe Lucy grew up in a house like this man, she seems so normal."

Natsu chuckled. "Normal is not a word I would use to describe Lucy."

Gajeel knelt back down and put his pry bar under another floor board. "Well, you know what I mean, she's not all stuck up and shit. Hell, I bet I'd get arrested for just walking down the street in this neighborhood."

"No you wouldn't. . ." Natsu furrowed his brow and paused. Then he grinned and said, "You know, just to be safe, don't go wandering on your lunch break."

There was a long high pitched whistle announcing Gray's entrance to the room. He looked around the room, hands on hips, and said, "This guy is really letting you marry his daughter?"

Natsu made a sound of annoyance. "Shut up numb nuts, what are you doing here?"

"Laxus said to come help you get this done fast. Since you lost the cougar, we need another in for high end jobs. So I couldn't just let you mess this one up too," Gray smirked.

Natsu pulled up a few more floorboards and tossed them into the pile behind him. "Well I'm pretty sure im safe here. Jude has no desire to see me naked."

Gray chuckled. "Sounds like a smart man, still don't know what Jenny was thinking. Where to you want me?

Natsu pointed to the side farthest away from himself. "Just go to the other far corner and get pulling. The quicker we get this out, the quicker we can get the new stuff in. The wood got here faster than I expected, apparently you say the name Heartfilia and people start jumping."

Gajeel snorted. "Maybe when you two tie the knot, you should be the one to change your last name."

"Shut up Gajeel," Natsu grunted. Another few pieces hit the pile.

"This the flooring," asked Gray. He stood over the neat stacks of walnut, still taking his sweet time on getting over to his corner.

Natsu rolled his eyes. "No, I just had them bring in the flooring for another house. This is my storage room now."

"Well I was gonna say good choice, it will look good in here, but instead fuck you, you're terrible." Gray picked up a mallet and a pry bar.

Natsu chuckled, "Thanks man and fuck you too."

The men got back to work, the sounds of scraping and banging falling slowly into a rhythm of sorts. Gajeel began bobbing his head. Natsu groaned internally, he knew what was coming, he was going to have to run to his car and get his headphones

Finally Gajeel couldn't hold it in any longer, he began belting out "We gotta hold on to what we got!"

Natsu just barely kept himself from covering his ears, he began doing his tearing up louder but it only seemed to encourage Gajeel to turn up the volume. Just when Natsu didn't think it could get any worse Gray chimed in, "Ooooohhh! We're halfway there!"

Natsu's eyes went wide when the guys sand in unison, "We're living on a prayer!" He was in his own personal hell. They ignored him when he dropped his tools and stormed out into the hall.

He nearly ran into Spetto. She looked up at him with eyes full of concern. "Mister Natsu, is everything okay? I thought I heard someone in pain!"

Natsu laughed. "Everything is okay Spetto, the guys are just trying to sing."

Spetto grinned wide. "Ahhh is that so? Then would Mister Natsu like some noise canceling headphones? Mister Heartfilia has quite a few."

"That would be great! You sure Jude won't mind?" Natsu asked.

"Of course not! Mister Heartfilia said to get you whatever you needed while you were here. Just come, follow me."

When Natsu came back, headphones on and snack in hand, Gray looked up with a frown. "Where did you go?"

Natsu shrugged. "It sounded like we had a bunch of cats in heat in here, I needed a break." Gajeel just ignored him and kept on singing. Natsu chuckled, at least somebody liked the singing, he turned back to Gray, "What were you working on before that Laxus sent you over here?"

"I was helping him pull some wire at that old house he's redoing near the old man's place. He said he was fine, he didn't need me anymore." Gray turned back to his work and returned to singing with Gajeel. Natsu frowned, he had a feeling Laxus had another motivation behind sending Gray over here. Natsu turned up the volume on his headset and grinned. If Laxus wanted war here, he would have it. It might be time for Natsu to tell him about all the hints Mira has been dropping, that would keep the jerk on his toes. Feeling a little bit lighter, Natsu went back to work, whistling along to the on pitch music in his ears.