"Look at my baby!" Mom waddled toward me.

"Look at you," I gasped, looking over my very pregnant mother, "You're glowing, Mom."

"You're so stunning," she hugged me tight, "I'm so glad you didn't let me see the dress now. What's the name on it? Once Phil and I get married, I might have to look them up."

"Let's see," I thought it over, "Rogers, Odinson, and now Laufeyson. It was a collaborative effort."

"I can't believe it," Mom started choking up, "My baby got married."

"Your baby is still in your belly," I pointed out, hoping to God she wouldn't start crying. Her hormones had been all over the place and I couldn't…

"You know what I mean," a lone tear escaped her eye.

"Phil…" I begged.

"On it," he knew exactly how to handle her. Mom hadn't been too terribly emotional until the last few months. The other day, she was hanging around the tower and she cried for an hour over a butter commercial, "Come on, Charlie. Let's go inside. Sound good? We'll sit down and get you some more bacon. Maybe there'll be a jar of Nutella waiting for you."

"Upper cabinet, left of the stove," I directed, "Went to Costco yesterday and got three jars."

"Bless you!" Mom squeaked, sprinting inside.

"Thank you," I mouthed to my possible future stepdad. I was so grateful for Phil Coulson. He knew how to handle my mother. She was exhausting to manage on my own.

"Well," my perfect husband joined me, "That went well."

"Better than I thought," I surrendered to Loki's embrace.

He kissed the top of my head, "Mrs. Laufeyson, could I have the honor of getting you a drink?"

"Yes, please," I could stab a man for a drink right now.

Unfortunately, it would come later before it came sooner. Loki left me by myself at the head table and I kicked my heels off. My feet were killing me. And, at Natasha's insistence, if need be, my shoes could double as a weapon! On the off chance someone less than pleasant decided to crash the reception.

"Hey! There's the girl of the hour!"

Speaking of some less than pleasant. But we mildly tolerated him because he was occasionally useful, "What, Wade?"

"I'm sorry I can't stick around," he apologized, "Manilow's playing across town. I got third row center tickets. But congrats on the wedding with you and the horny guy. And thanks for letting me make a gratuitous cameo and do a little fourth wall breaking."

"No problem."

"See you later," Wade kissed my cheek, "Bye, guys! See you next chapter!"

"Dammit, Deadpool!" some strange, outside voice yelled, "Don't steal my end bit! And don't talk to my audience! A little fourth wall breaking is fine, but this is overkill."

"Sorry, Lumi. Big fan, by the way!" he chirped. Who the hell was Lumi? I'm sure it's nothing. Just Wade's voices in his head. Or me going a little nuts, "Well, time to run. Come on, Stan! YEAH! MANILOW!"

"So, about that drink," Loki came back with a flute of champagne, "Will this do?"

"Good enough," I downed it, "I'm guessing Tony hid all his good stuff."

"Probably," he figured.

"I'm just surprised Fury let us have our reception in the tower," I fell into him.

"Tired, darling?"

"Exhausted" I chuckled, "I need something. I'm sure Clint has a stash of Red Bull in his room, but he'd kill me if I stole from his caffeine hoard. No matter how tired I am."

"Would you like me to get one for you?" Loki offered, "Or ask someone else to do it?"

"I'll be fine," I brushed him off, "Just need a second wind."

"You'll have to get one," he teased, "I have something special for us later tonight after everyone's left. After you've put all the children to bed."

"Mommy and Daddy are going to have some special alone time?" I assumed.

"It is our wedding night…"

"Speech!" Tony yelled, "Speech!"

"Thank you, Stark," Thor winced a little. Tony was already drunk. Beautiful. Something for me to take care of later, "Forgive me. I've never been very good with these kinds of things unless it was prior to battle. But to my brother, you have been blessed with the most glorious queen in all nine realms. And to my sister…Well, we can all agree Loki's a bit rough around the edges, but…A great king will rule his people. But his queen? His queen will conquer. And that's exactly the dynamic of these two and I wish them all the best."

As we all toasted, my brother-in-law sat next to me, "That was beautiful, Thor."

"Thank you, my lady," Thor came down, "I don't understand why I was so nervous."

"Excuse me," my mother's soft, sweet voice stood out from the low murmuring of the crowd, "I'd like to say something, too."

"Go ahead, Mom," I allowed as the room died down.

"About four years ago," she began, "I lost my husband in a burning building. In the same year, my daughter was on a fast track for medical school with high marks. She had scouts from Johns Hopkins offering her a residence upon her graduation. Her father couldn't have been more proud. However, a week after his funeral, she dropped out and spiraled."

"Mom," I noticed her hands shaking terribly.

"However," she went on, "This story doesn't have a sad ending. Just a sad beginning. Because after a month of her not speaking to anyone, a man came to her door. I was kind of surprised she didn't ask this man to be the one to walk her down the aisle. But he said he was there to talk to her about a special project. He knew about her father. And how well she did in school. And her sudden dropping out. The next day, she joined that special project. And a year later, an even more special project was dropped into her lap. I never would've thought that project would've ended up marrying her."

"Lo and behold," I giggled, cuddling into that special project.

"When I first heard about Loki," Mom continued, "I sided with her. I couldn't stand him either. But I could hear it in her voice. That loathing would turn into love. It was only a matter of time. And when I first met him, I thought this is the pain in the ass she has to deal with? He's so sweet and charming and he's got a bone structure to die for."

"Mother!" I growled while Loki took the compliments with a dirty smirk on his face.

"He grew on me," Mom smiled, her voice breaking, "And I know if my husband would've had the opportunity to meet him…He would've loved you, Loki. I promise you that."

"And I him," Loki took her hand, "Much like I've grown to love you, charlotte. You remind me of someone very special to me."

"Me?" I figured.

"Of course," he gave me a kiss, "My queen."

And the night progressed. The shenanigans ensued. Tony started drunk hitting on my mom. Phil threatened to use his taser. Clint somehow lost his pants. A regular night in the tower. I couldn't have been higher on cloud nine. I had Loki's last name. I had a gorgeous ring on my finger. I had everyone I loved in one room. I couldn't complain.

"Hey, doll," Bucky pulled me to his hip.

"Hi, sweetie," I smiled, "Is everything ok?"

"Well," he bit his bottom lip, "There's a woman trying to flirt with me. And I don't want to tell her off. She seems really sweet."

"Where?" I looked out over the crowd.

"In the corner," Bucky pointed, "Blue dress."

"Bucky," I laughed hysterically, "Come on. Let's go talk to her."

"Seriously?" he whined as I dragged him behind me.

"Hi, Grandma," I sat next to the woman Bucky showed me.

"Hi, sweetheart," she beamed, "Who's your friend?"

"This is Bucky," I introduced, "Bucky, this is my grandmother, Lily."

"Pleasure to meet you, Bucky," Grandma put her hand on his leg, "You know, you look exactly like this boy I went out with when I was much younger."

"Really?" Bucky cringed.

"Oh, yes," she sighed nostalgically, "I was living in Brooklyn. He lived a few blocks from me. We went out one night. And what a wonderful, magical night that was. We weren't exactly decent, if you know what I mean."

"We know, Grandma," I assured, trying to suppress that thought.

"But unfortunately," she went on, "He said he was signing up to fight in the war the next day and I never saw him again. One of the Howling Commandos, they called themselves. They fought with Captain America, you know!"

"You don't say," Bucky got really nervous.

"It's amazing how much you look like him," Grandma put her hand to Bucky's cheek, "You wouldn't happen to be related to James Barnes, would you?"

"Nope," he got up from his chair and made a beeline in the opposite direction.

"Is he alright?" she worried, "Was it something I said?"

"I'm sure he's fine," I shook my head, "I'll see you later, ok, Grandma? I'm going to make sure he's ok."

"Ok," she let me go, "Congratulations, baby."

"Thanks," I followed Bucky outside to the balcony and shut the door, "YOU HAD A ONE NIGHT STAND WITH MY GRANDMA?!"

"I didn't think I'd ever see her again!" Bucky defended, "I hadn't seen Lily since the forties! I wasn't lying to her. I really did sign up for the army the next day! And it wasn't long until we got shipped to Germany and I ended up falling off a train in Siberia. Only to wake up to being captured by the other side…"

"I can't believe it," I cradled my face in my hand, "I can't believe you slept with my grandma."

"Is everything ok?" Loki walked out, "I saw you two running out here and I got worried. What happened?"

"Bucky had a one night stand with my grandma back in the forties," I groaned, "If you could keep that among the three of us, that'd be fantastic."

"What happened?" Steve joined us.

"Remember that girl Lily I was with the night before I enlisted?" Bucky described, "Real cute? Dark hair? Big blue eyes?"

"Yeah," he nodded, "What about her?"

"My mother came from her vagina," I snapped.

"She's your grandma?" Steve looked over at me.

"Yep," I steamed.

"Hey," Natasha stuck her head out the door, "Am I missing out on a sewing circle?"

"Not at all," I shook off my slight rage, "What's up?"

"Clint and Tony are trying to have a rap battle," she bit her tongue, "It's pretty cringe worthy."

I shook my head and let out a heavy sigh. A mother's work is never done…

A/N: And here we have it, kids. The end of Kilgrave's Good Little Girl. I'm pretty satisfied with the monster it's become. Because it's my little monster. Now, as for a sequel…Would you guys be interested in a sequel? I'm not sure if I want to do one. I kind of have an idea for one, but I'm not sure if I want to go through with it. Give me a shout. Let me know if that's something I should do. Because I know exactly who the next big bad would be and the majority of the plot.

And remember: Don't talk to strange guys in red suits with a pair of samurai swords on his back. He'll try and offer you candy, but he won't have any candy. There's never any candy…I'll see you guys…next chapter? I'll keep you posted if I ever post a sequel. Ok, bye. xx