"Another one?" I ask as I crouch down next to the exsanguinated corpse. I reach out with my gloved hand and push back the thigh of the body to reveal two puncture holes.
"Yeah," answers Claudine with a sigh. "Just like the one from last night. Think we're looking for the same vamp?" she asks as she crouches beside me. I pull out my measuring tape and hold it against the bite marks.
"Same bite radius, I'd say it's a good bet," I answer as a chill runs through me. Claudine looks thoughtful at this.
"Gather up any more evidence you can find. I'm going to pop in and visit Grandfather," she tells me as I nod to her. She "pops" from sight and I begin the tedious task of collecting minuscule hairs and fibers as my mind begins to wander.
If this really is the work of the same vampire from last night, we could be looking at a serial case. This could finally be my big break; my chance to prove myself to the rest of the fae squad.
I don't exactly fit in with the rest of my fellow fae vampire hunters, well except for my partner Claudine, but since she's technically my cousin, I suppose she's a different story altogether. No, I don't fit in because I was born to fully human parents and am therefore only one eighth fae.
This wouldn't be so bad except being mostly human; I have yet to develop the powers of the rest of the fae. I can't teleport, and I don't have the ability to use my light as a weapon, which just totally blows. I make up for my lack of powers with fun weapons and toys though, that and the fact that I was born telepathic which comes in handy in this line of work.
I can't read vampire or fae minds, which actually kind of sucks, considering those are the supes I spend most my time with. But I can read human minds, along with weres and shifters. Being able to 'see' or 'hear' exactly what the witness did has certainly come in handy in bringing in perps, but it still leaves me a bit of an outcast among my fellow fae.
I look back to the lifeless corpse before me and a small frown forms on my face at the injustice she has suffered. Vampires; the bane of my existence. Not only are they the fae's greatest foes, but I have a personal vendetta against the fanged creatures of the night.
My own parents were killed by a vampire and to this day, he's never been caught. I guess that's what got me into this line of work in the first place. I've been searching for answers to their murder for years now and am still no closer to solving the mystery of their deaths than I was when I first started. I'll find the one responsible, even if it takes the rest of my life to do it; I'm determined to avenge my human family.
"Find anything useful?" Claudine asks, bringing me from my thoughts. Damn, I didn't even hear her "pop" back beside me. Careless. I need to pay better attention, shit like that will get you killed out here. I stand with the baggies of evidence I've collected and hand them over to her.
"What did Niall say?" I ask anxiously. Niall is my great grandfather, and prince of the Sky fae. This technically makes me a faerie princess, a title I hate with a passion, makes me think of glittering wands and fluffy tutus; so not my style.
"He's giving us the case," she tells me with a wide grin. My heart pounds with excitement. This really is my chance to prove myself and I can't wait to get started.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me," growls Preston as he approaches with his partner, Colman in tow. "You two get to take over the serial case?" he asks in frustration.
"Yup, so suck it up, Buttercup," I tell him with a smirk. Claudine winks at me but Preston doesn't seem amused.
"It's only because your granddaddy is the boss that he's letting a hybrid like you take on such an important case," he sneers as I huff.
"Drop it, Preston," Colman scolds as he leans over and kisses my cousin on the cheek. The two of them are seriously the cutest couple, and I'm glad he sticks up for me, especially against his prick of a partner.
"Whatever," Preston huffs as he turns to talk to one of the crime scene photographers. I flip him off as he walks away; earning me a snigger from Claudine and an eye roll from Colman. Childish behavior, I know, but he really pisses me off.
"Grandfather wants us to check in with the local vampire sheriff tonight to see if he has any pertinent information to the case," Claudine explains cautiously to make me groan.
"Fucking hell," I mumble as she shakes her head at me.
"You know it's important we keep on good terms, especially now that vamps are out of the coffin, as they put it," she lectures as I sigh.
"Yeah, but I miss the good ol' days," I tell her dreamily, hearing Colman chuckle. "You could just stake any ol' vamp on the street and no one gave it a second thought," I add with a longing grin.
"Yeah, well, the times they are a-changin'," Colman replies with a smirk.
"So where do we have to go to meet up with the fanged sheriff?" I ask Claudine. She grins at me as she looks me up and down.
"Fangtasia, the vamp bar downtown," she answers. "Looks like you'll fit right in," she adds with a smirk. I roll my eyes at her. We have totally opposite tastes in fashion. I look down to my leather mini skirt and motorcycle jacket, topped off with a pair of black shit kickers and shrug.
"Better than you will anyway," I tell her with a smirk as she looks down to her chinos and powder blue sweater set adorned with matching pearl jewelry. She looks like a freaking soccer mom, but I know she can kick serious ass despite her harmless appearance.
"You know they aren't gonna want you to take your weapons into the bar," Colman warns as I shrug. I reach back to run my hand over my pistol, stocked with silver ammo. I also have silver blades strapped to both my forearms, a dagger strapped my thigh, and an extra switchblade tucked into my boot. Call me paranoid, but being mostly human up against creatures that can easily bench presses small cars will make you that way.
"Let them try and take them," I reply with a smirk as Claudine and I link arms and head off to meet with the Area 5 sheriff.
"Fuck," I curse as I cut off the phone call. Godric glances up at me with a blank expression and I sigh. "We've got company coming tonight," I inform him as he shrugs slightly. His emotions coming through the bond are still disturbing to me. I asked him here about a month ago when his melancholy and depression seemed to be engulfing him in overwhelming sorrow.
I was sure he was about to meet the sun, or do something equally as harmful once I felt these waves of alarming emotions coming from him, which is why he is here with me now. I was hoping having him close to his bloodline once more might help him return to his normal self, but so far he seems just as detached and uninterested in everything as the day he arrived.
My child, Pam, strolls into the office then with a wide grin, bringing me from my worried thoughts.
"I guess our guests have arrived," I say with a sigh as she grins wider. Fucking fae vampire hunters coming into my bar; I would just soon drain them than have to work with them, but given the precarious state between our species, this would undoubtedly be unwise.
"They just arrived, should I send them back, Master?" she purrs to leave me rolling my eyes whilst kicking back in my chair and propping my feet up on my desk. I wave to her, signaling my readiness before she vamps from the room to corral our fae guests.
"Did you eat tonight?" I ask Godric softly, seeing him shake his head.
"I'm not hungry," he informs me as he flips through the pages of his book. I rub my hands over my face in frustration. He's much too pale and looks almost emaciated. I've been trying anything to try and get him to feed the way he should, but to no avail.
Pam strolls back into my office with two female fae trailing behind her. Godric glances up and I watch as he eyes our company, showing slight interest. I move my gaze to the fae and have to hide my grin. This night just took a turn from the better. If I have to deal with the fucking annoying fae police, at least they were kind enough to send me two in deliciously appealing wrappings.
"Ladies," I tell them with a slight nod. "Take a seat," I tell them, waving to the two chairs before my desk. "I'm Eric Northman, Sheriff of Area 5, I understand you need some help on a murder case," I tell them as they sit before me.
"Claudine Crane," the attractive brunette introduces with a slight bow of her head.
"Sookie Stackhouse," grumbles the leather clad blonde. I eye her tight fitting apparel that hugs her gracious curves in a most sensual way. She looks like another fangbanger, but as she is fae, I know better than to treat her as such. I notice her fidgeting almost nervously and am intrigued by her unexpected behavior.
Claudine stands then and lays a manila folder before me on the desk. I open it to be greeted by the images of two women, both obviously victims of vampire attacks. "There have been two attacks in your area in as many days, Mr. Northman. We have reason to believe both women were drained by the same vampire."
"I don't recognize either of these women," I inform them as Godric stands from the couch and walks behind me, glancing down at the photos. I hide my shock at seeing him even slightly interested in anything and hold onto the hope that maybe this distraction is what he needs to escape his current melancholy.
"What leads you to believe the same vampire did this?" he asks curiously. The blonde stands then, leaning over the desk and pointing at the photos and I can't seem to take my eyes of her ample cleavage displayed so perfectly before my face.
"The bite wounds," she informs him. "The incisors are both at equal distance in each bite; it's usually a pretty good indicator of a serial attacker." She clears her throat then and snaps her fingers bringing me from my trance. "My eyes are up here, leach," she spits out as I glance up to see her annoyed visage.
She did not just fucking call me leach. My anger builds at the audacity of this faerie thinking she can insult me in my own fucking bar. Who the fuck does she think she is? I'm the Northman; no one talks to me like this.
"Excuse me, Tinkerbelle," I retort angrily, standing to tower over her as she continues to glare at me. "But I seriously doubt you bought this particular ensemble in the hopes of displaying your intellect," I reply tartly as she huffs.
"Hey now, let's get along, children," Claudine chides as we both look to her in annoyance.
"Look, I don't want to work with vampires any more than you do the fae," Sookie informs me heatedly, crossing her arms over her ample chest defiantly. "But if we want any decent shot at finding the monster that did this, we're just gonna have to suck it up and get along." Godric places his hand on my shoulder and the contact is soothing. I feel my anger quickly subsiding under his calming presence.
"You're right," I concede with a sigh, slumping back in my chair and giving my Maker a slight nod of gratitude. "If you leave these here, I'll see what I can find," I inform them to see them nod to me.
"Thank you for your help," Claudine tells me with a genuine smile as she smacks her pouting, blonde partner. Sookie glares at her.
"Yeah, what she said," Sookie huffs before they turn and exit the office together. Godric picks up the photos, studying them closely.
"I'm looking forward to helping with this case," he informs me to make a wave of relief wash over me.
"Good," I tell him as I lay my hand on his shoulder. "Your input would be invaluable, Master," I tell him as he nods slightly, still studying the photos carefully.
"The fae hunters were interesting," he adds, making me grin. Thank Odin, maybe working with the fae won't be so bad after all. If this is what my Maker needs in order to overcome his disconnected state, then I look forward to dealing with the annoying faeries. "Especially the blonde," he adds to make my brows shoot up in surprise.
"You didn't find her irritating?" I ask as I lean back in my chair. He shrugs at me, looking up with the slightest lift of lips.
"Watching the two of you proved to be quite entertaining," he informs me with the slightest smile forming over his face.
"So glad we could amuse you," I tell him with a smirk. I stand then, wrapping my arms around him to hold him to me tightly. I will do anything to keep him from leaving me, even if it means working with fucking faeries.