He wanted to blame Dudley for this. He really, really did. But to blame it on Dudley would be implying that this change was a bad thing and quite frankly, Harry was kind of enjoying his new outlet of anger and snark. That did not mean that he enjoyed mass displays of venting in front of the Hogwarts population, however.

When he came home for the summer, Harry did not expect his daily life at the Dursleys to improve much despite the fact that he now had an escaped convict for a godfather; and he was right for the most part. Dudley, however, had been gifted with a new boxset of a series off the telly and had gotten it into his head that he wanted Harry to sit down and watch it with him. Since it was a luxury he's never been allowed before and because he had nothing better to do than worry for his newly found godfather on the run, Harry agreed with only a few suspicious questions. With nothing but a few mumbles about how it was his guidance teacher's idea, something that clearly upset and irked Petunia and Vernon, the two estranged cousins spent their free holiday time bonding over seasons one and two of the medical comedy, Scrubs.

When Harry eventually left for the Burrow on good terms with Dudley for the first time in nearly his entire life it was for one reason he was aware of and one reason only. Harry had picked up the mannerisms of one Doctor Perry Cox with alarming ease and Dudley found this absolutely hilarious. Originally, Harry had been somewhat repulsed by Dr. Cox's character for the sole reason that he strongly reminded him of Professor Snape. Despite that, the more he watched the series the more he found himself liking the character. Yes, he admitted that Dr. Cox was an ass on a level with Snape but he just seemed to have moreā€¦ Heart. This, Harry was sure, had nothing to do with the ironic fact that he was a doctor working in a hospital called Sacred Heart.

Explaining all of this to Hermione was easier than it was to explain it to Ron and some of the other Weasleys, purely because Hermione had heard of the sitcom and, at the very least, knew the function of a T.V. Ron had also been as repulsed as Harry had at the idea of a Snape like Doctor (read; Healer) right up until Harry let rip at the Twins in such a Dr. Cox like fashion it had Hermione and the other Weasley children present in tears with their laughter. He'd been glowing red with embarrassment for days afterwards, never having blown up at someone in such a way with an audience, and was thankful that neither the Weasley parents nor Percy were around to witness it as they would surely be very disapproving of his new attitude, or so he assumed. Though the Twins now thought he was the coolest thing since Zonko's Jokes for some reason.

All of this, of course, led him to where he was now, standing in front of Draco Malfoy in the Great Hall with an audience from three separate schools. He was sure Malfoy was meant to be insulting his flying abilities and Quidditch skills, but he'd attempted to do it by asking a rather obvious question, which in turn, led to the snapping of Harry's rather feeble restraint. Harry had only realised later what a golden opportunity Malfoy had given him.

"Because you should never, ever jinx a seeker when he has the chance to throw a perfect game," he barked right in Malfoy's face to the blonde's discomforting surprise before Harry spun on his heel and marched off still ranting. "My God, Barbie! How do you put your bra and panties on in the morning?! All by yourself! It's -Remarkable!"*

Harry didn't notice as he left, too frustrated with himself for snapping like that in front on not just one student body but three, but the stunned silence encompassed the entire Hall before Hermione, of all people, gave a little giggle, making a flush of colour appear on Malfoy's cheeks. The sight of that released the floodgates and Malfoy's spluttering was soon drowned out by uproarious laughter. Harry would later be surprised to learn that he didn't actually lose any points for event, which seemed to make the Weasley Twins indescribably proud.

*Dr. Cox in season one, I believe.

No word of a lie, I have had his voice floating around in my head for the past month! An entire Month! I'm surpised I'm not like the nervous guy, Doug.