Authors note: I'm sorry for the delay. Thank you to everyone who requested more of this… I can't say how long it would have taken for this chapter to be posted otherwise. I will go on and say that this is the last chapter…. I would have liked for it to be longer, but I'd rather end on a somewhat high note. So thank you for reading and enjoying this story thus far.. Onward my ducklings.

I feel groggy. I want to sleep longer but my blanket has run off. I slide on my boxers. I faintly hear a shower running when I test the knob it isn't locked. Surely he won't mind. After all I need a shower too, and saving water is always good. So I let myself slip in and climb into the shower behind him.

"Want me to wash your back?"

"I thought you were sleeping?"

"Well I was, but my blanket left me to take a shower. How am I supposed to sleep without my blanket?" I softly scrub his back. Last night was amazing. I didn't want to go to sleep, and now that I'm awake, I don't want to stay out of bed. But we both have classes to teach.

"After class I will be going to see Lenny. He's expecting both of us, but if you do not want to come I will not force you."

"It sounds like fun." I'd much rather us have a repeat of last night, but I doubt he will want to have sex for a while. I'm sure he's still sore.

"You do realize, if we go you will be expected to dress in drag." Severus in a skirt.

"I don't really think it would suit me." I don't know that I would want to dress in drag, but I need to see Severus in a skirt.

"If I can make myself look desirable then I can make you look like a model. I've already informed Albus and Minerva that we will be absent for dinner in the great hall. All you have to do is devise your own drag name." I still don't know that I want to dress as a girl. I really don't think of myself as gay, but seeing Severus in a dress is worth anything.

"Well it's not like I have any clothes. I mean. Female clothing."

"I have that taken care of. If you choose to accompany me, then I already have an outfit for you taken care of. I would take care of dressing you. If you choose to come. If you do not wish to, then I will simply go alone. You will not be accompanying me or seeing me in drag unless you are in drag as well. Tonight I planned to reintroduce myself. I felt it appropriate since I now see myself in a much different light than when I was 'Juliet'" He pulls from me and steps out of the shower. A towel is slipped around his hips. Severus looks over his shoulder at me and smiles toothily. "I can assure you though, when I am not myself, I am a sight to see."

He leaves me under the mist alone and impossibly hard. My answer was already made. After our classes were taught, he instructed me to sit down.

"This will take a bit of time. Some of the things I'll do, may seem odd."

"Why not just use magic." He blinks a few times.

"Where's the fun in that?"

"It would be easier, though right?"

"Easier perhaps, but. The fun is in the transformation. I could make a potion to give me breasts or completely turn me into a female, but that isn't the point. Create a character. Someone you strive to be. Then become that person."


"Alluring or naïve. Feminine. Strong. Independent. Beautiful." He takes a glue stick and starts to glue down my eyebrows. It's weird as fuck, but I let him. "Sometimes it's freeing to be someone else." There is a bag of makeup. I can't even begin to understand what he's doing. The process takes about twenty minutes. "I laid out your outfit on the bed, and I have about a dozen wigs. You can choose whichever you like. I moved them into the bedroom as well, go finish up while I get ready." I do as he asked.

On the bed is a modest but elegant dress. It's tight on me, but I manage to slip it on. It's a silver shade with white lace. Of the wigs, I choose the one with long black hair. I'm afraid to look at myself in the mirror.

"Severus, I put the dress on. I'm really not sure if this is a good idea though. I'm sure that I look ridiculous." The bathroom door opens and a tall goddess of a woman steps out. I wouldn't believe that this were Severus.

He… She is wearing platform heels. Shapely pale legs stretch forever until they are cut off by an impossibly short skirt. So short that he can't simply be wearing boxers underneath. Soft curves at her chest allude to supple breasts covered by a strappy halter top. Short blond hair softly falls against her ears as sharp eyes take in my appearance.

"My name is Onya Night, it's nice to meet you." The voice is silky and confident. "I'm sure we will both have a lot of fun together."

"Severus you look…"

"I apologize. You must have me confused with someone else." The girl smiles gently. "My name is Onya." Impossibly dark eyes flicker in amusement. "I'll help you get ready. You seem to have forgotten to wear a bra. That simply will not do. Men might mistake you for an easy woman." The front of the dress is pulled down as 'Onya' helps me fasten the strange contraption.

"How did you manage to make it look like you have breasts." Onya looks at me in brief confusion.

"I was born with them honey. Completely natural. I'll admit they are a bit smaller than I would like, but they suit me just fine." If it wasn't for those eyes, I would be fooled. Severus has transformed. Right now, I truly believe that she is Onya. "You never did tell me your name sugar." My name. What is my name.

"My name?"

"Yes honey. Everyone has a name."

"I'm not good at coming up with names." Onya smiles gently.

"You don't have to come up with anything. Who are you?" I don't know how to answer that. I pause for a moment.

"Phoenix. My name is Phoenix Star." Onya kisses my cheek.

"Stay close to me and you'll be fine. The rest of the girls are a bit flamboyant, but they are harmless."

With my arm in Onya's, we floo together. We chat about our lives with one another.

"Yes, I worked my way through school waitressing."

"What do you do?" She asks me.

"I'm a teacher. What about you?"

"I fancy myself a bit of an actress."

"That sounds so much better than teaching. Tell me more about you." And she does.

"Do you have anyone special to you." Onya asks me.

"I have a boyfriend."

"Not tonight you don't." She's laughing. "There's nothing wrong with being in a relationship, but you don't want the guys to know that. Then you might actually have to pay for your own drinks."

Her fingers are in mine and I just wonder how she is able to walk so easily in those tall heels.

Guys flirt with us, and I find that I don't mind. 'Onya' never leaves my side. She has an air of confidence to her that I've never known Severus to have. But then, this isn't Severus. 'She' introduces me to several old friends of hers, and I actually enjoy it… even if dressing in drag isn't my thing.

With her arm in mine, we start the trek back to Hogwarts.

"I had a good time tonight. I didn't think that I would."

"It's refreshing. To be someone new I mean. To be someone that isn't hated or disliked. It's a good feeling." She's being open. Focused eyes watch me intently.

"I love you." I find myself saying. She smiles. Easy and comfortably.

"I know you do. I wouldn't have believed this would ever happen to someone like me. I'm truly happy." My arm wraps around the lean body.

"So. Are you glad you adopted me?" A soft easy laugh leaves those chapped lips. I so want to kiss him.

"I wasn't really looking for a pet, but everything worked out for the best."

"I wasn't really looking for someone to spend the rest of my life with." The easy look leaves his eyes.

"You don't have to you know. If you ever change your mind, I'll understand."

"Just because I wasn't looking for it, doesn't mean that I'm not happy to have found you."

"I guess I'm still not completely use to having someone in my life." Gently I take him in my arms and kiss him intently. I can only image how it looks to 'women' kissing in public.

"It's alright baby steps. One day you will be."

It's quiet around us. But it's a comfortable quiet.

"Sirius. I really do love you." The words hold a hidden meaning. I can tell just by his tone. He's begging me to understand.

"I'm not leaving Severus. Not ever." I can't be sure, but from the way he smiles… I think he believes me. And for now… for now that's enough.