The Supernatural characters belong to Kripke Enterprises and the CW. No money is being made from this story. It is for entertainment only.
A Very Supernatural Christmas
Sam watched Dean from the comfort of the saggy leather couch as he sipped a cup of heavily spiked eggnog. Big brother was on his hands and knees rooting around under the Christmas tree.
"Dean why get a tree now, it's already Christmas Eve."
Dean replied, "Because Tubbs Tree Ranch was having a blowout sale. I got it for five bucks. Now stop guzzling down that disgusting crap and help me find something." He looked over at the bowl of nog and wrinkled his nose, "Gross, it looks like a bowl of phlegm sitting over other."
Sam gagged on the last of his eggnog, "Thanks for the image Dean. I used to like eggnog."
"Correction, phlegmnog."
Sam let out a sigh along with an eye roll. He sat down on the floor next to his brother. "Are you going to tell me what I'm looking for?"
"Just something I bought Cas and now I can't find it."
"Is it bigger than a bread box?"
Exasperated, Dean shook an oddly shaped package at Sam, "Less talking and more looking. It has a tag with "Cas" on it. Keep it up and you don't get this."
The package looked like something Sam probably didn't want in the first place. It was shaped like a sexual aid.
"Are you sure that's not the one for Cas? It looks like a…dildo."
Now Dean was the one to rolled his pretty eyes, "Uh, Cas could have the real thing meaning moi so what would he want with a dildo?"
Sam leaned in and bravely sniffed the wrapping paper, "Is this a sausage?"
Dean tossed the package back under the tree, "You love sausage."
Sam burst out laughing, "No, you love sausage."
Dean socked his little brother in the shoulder, "I'm just gay for Cas you bitch. Besides he's an Angel so it doesn't count."
Castiel stood in front of the full length mirror at Lolita's Naughty or Nice examining himself in the mirror, "Is this an authentic costume?"
The sales girl twirled her finger in the air, "Give me a spin…turn around."
The Angel of the Lord turned to face the wall, "Like this?"
She took out her phone and snapped a photo of the adorably hot customer's ass, "Yup that's perfect. You can turn around now."
The Angel cocked his head giving the girl a quizzical look, "Is it customary to take photographs of the customers?"
"Only if they look as good as you."
Castiel glanced in the mirror one more time, "You didn't answer, is this authentic?"
"Depends on what it's for."
The Angel's expression changed immediately from quizzical to sunshine happy, "I'm going to surprise my companion and his brother. In fact I have a big sack for both of them."
"Kinky! I think you picked the right outfit then."
"There are goodies inside my big sack."
The blue eyed pretty boy went from cute to creepy in an instant. She took a step back, "Um…cash or charge?"
"The Shop Around the Corner" had captured Sam's attention. He watched as Jimmy Stewart had a bout of word play with Margaret Sullavan. It was a Christmas classic that lightened the feel of the dreary bunker.
Dean's deal of a Christmas tree was doing a good job of that as well. He had found some old colored lights and despite the possible fire hazard and burns received while stringing them Sam had to admit the looked really nice.
Dean hummed as he dropped little goodies in Sam and Cas' stockings. Sam had already put something in Dean's. It looked lumpy and Dean wondered if it was a new pair of socks.
He turned and looked at Sammy, "What are you wearing on your head?"
"A kerchief, it's like a bandanna. I found it while we were poking around for ornaments. There are all kinds of old clothes here."
"It has lace on it Sam. That is not what I call a bandanna. It's a lady hat."
"Oh yah, well what are you wearing?"
"A cap…you know a night cap."
"Nice hat grandpa."
"Stick it up your butt Sam."
"No thanks, I have that big sausage waiting for me under the tree."
Sam and Dean settled in for a long winters nap. Dean was dreaming of a blue eyed Angel and Sam was dreaming of deli meat.