A/N: Here is my first attempt at writing a Harry Potter story. Wish me luck!

Also, if anyone has any ideas for a better title, that would be appreciated. Admittedly, the one I have right now is rather mundane.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter

Ronald's Detention

Chapter 1


Ron jerked up from his slouched posture, raising his head to find Professor Snape's black eyes fixed upon his own not more than a foot from his face. The professor's thin, stained hands were splayed on the desk that acted as a barrier between the teacher and student. His greasy, lank hair hung down in front of his pale face, but not enough to hide the expression of vexation that sat upon it.

"The instructions for this potion are written clearly on the board Mr. Weasley. Is it really too much to ask for you brew it properly? Or am I incorrect in assuming that you have at least the minimal amount of intelligence it takes to read?"

Ron said nothing, knowing that Professor Snape's questions were rhetorical, and any response he could try to make would only result in more derision from his teacher. He kept his eyes on the Strengthening Solution in front of him… or at least, it was supposed to be a Strengthening Solution. Instead of the shimmering turquoise that was the result of a correctly brewed potion, much like Hermione's, his was thick and dark blue, almost black.

"Five points from Gryffindor for your abysmal performance." Professor Snape stood straight and vanished the foul concoction from Ronald's cauldron. "Tonight you can write me an essay articulating exactly all the errors you made, and I assure you Mr. Weasley that there were many. Do this and you will receive half credit for your work, such as it is. Hand it in tomorrow."

With a sneer Snape turned and stalked to the front of the class with his black robes billowing behind him.

Greasy bat, Ronald thought, but having just been the focus of Snape's ire, he didn't dare voice the thought aloud. He looked over to Hermione, who gave him a sympathetic look. Her potion was done perfectly, but of course Professor Snape would never acknowledge her intelligence except to mock her for being a know-it-all. She turned back to bottle up her potion and clean up her work space.

On Ron's other side, Harry had just completed his potion. It was more light green than turquoise, but Harry poured it into the vail to hand in. He had given up long ago on trying his best in potions class.

Ron began cleaning up his own workspace, using more force than necessary as he jammed his books back into his bag. He ignored Hermione's warning glance at his mistreatment of the texts and wiped down his desk with quick, jerky swipes.

Ron internally admitted to himself that he was still intimidated by Snape, and was unwilling to directly misbehave. His frustration instead manifested itself as he rinsed his cauldron out and slammed it down hard hard enough to cause a loud bang to ring throughout the classroom. He winced, but a quick glance up showed that the potions professor was occupied berating another student's work.

Still annoyed, and with his thoughts more occupied on bemoaning the amount of homework that he had to do in the evening, including Snape's extra assignment, than what his hands were doing, he reached out for the Salamander's blood to put away. His coordination failed him though, and rather than grabbing the jar, he hit it with the back of his hand.

Ron watched with horror as the container flipped end over end, its trajectory heading straight towards Neville and his cauldron, which had not yet been emptied. Like a parody of the game basketball, which Ron recalled Harry explaining to his father once, the jar bounced off the front and then the back of the rim, before tipping with a dull plop into the putrid mix that Neville had created.

Ron, Neville, and all the other students who had seen what had happened all froze. The jar sank into the brown concoction, and for a moment nothing else seemed to transpire. Then large, thick bubbles began to appear on the surface, inflating steadily before bursting, growing bigger each time.

At this, the students began to back away nervously. Five years of potions with Neville had resulted in his fellow students gaining a sixth sense for wrecked and potentially dangerous potions created by the nervous boy.

Neville himself had remained still by his cauldron, but Hermione reached out and grabbed his elbow, yanking him away just as the potion before him burst and coated the surrounding table, chairs, and floor in a thick, sizzling sludge.

The subsequent scramble to stay away from the mess came to an abrupt halt as the potion was suddenly vanished. Ron swallowed heavily, and turned to once again face his professor.

"I see now, Mr. Weasley, that you are so inept that you have managed to ruin another potion despite that fact that you were no longer actually brewing." The professor's voice, rather than being raised, had become smooth and quiet, and overtly menacing. "Admittedly, what Longbottom created could hardly be classified as anything other than a disaster, but that does not warrant tossing ingredients around the room."

Ron tried to protest. "I didn't do it on purpose! It was a mistake. I-"

"That does not exempt you from the consequences of your stupidity. Ten points from Gryffindor, and a detention for talking back. Be at my office at 7 o'clock. Do endeavor to be on time."

Once again, Ron opened his mouth to argue, but a sharp kick to his shin courtesy of Hermione kept him from saying anything. Harry glared at Professor Snape's back, angry on behalf of his friend, but refrained from commenting. Across the classroom, Ron could see Malfoy and the other Slytherins laughing and enjoying Ron's misfortune.

The three friends finished putting away their materials without incident. Ron handled the ingredients with exaggerated care as he carried them over to be stored. Finally the room was clean and Professor Snape dismissed the class.

Ron stormed out of the classroom, leaving Harry and Hermione to run to catch up.

"Tough luck Ron." Harry said as they made their way to transfiguration. "At least you don't have to do detention with Filch."

"Yes, because Snape is so much better" Ron replied sarcastically. "Greasy git."

Hermione joined the conversation. "Really though, Ronald. You should know by now to handle potion ingredients carefully. I'll admit that Professor Snape was a bit harsh, but that's to be expected by this point. We have had him for five years now."

"So regularly unfair is better than irregularly unfair?" Harry asked.

"Well, I don't know about that. I think I'd prefer never unfair myself." Ron groused.

They stopped walking for a moment, waiting for one of the staircases to move to the lading where they stood.

Ron continued complaining. "Now I have to do an essay on top of all my other homework."

"If you had started your other assignments earlier you wouldn't have this problem," Hermione reprimanded. She had already finished most of her larger assignments already except for editing.

"Maybe, but I didn't expect to have extra work and a detention. When am I gonna have time to do everything?"

Harry spoke up. "Don't worry, Ron. We can work together tonight before you have to see Snape. Hermione will help, right Hermione?" He turned his emerald eyes towards her.

The bushy-haired girl yielded under the pleading stares of her friends. "Fine. But please try in the future to keep from aggravating Professor Snape."

"It's not like we need to do much except be in the same room as him to aggravate him, Hermione," Ron pointed out.

"You know what I mean. Keep your head down and try not to attract his attention."

"I can try, but no guarantees."

The trio made it to Professor McGonagall's class and began to lay out their books. Hermione quickly looked over her lengthy notes from the previous class, ensuring that she was prepared to answer any review questions that might come up.

Professor McGonagall arrived and began lecturing in her no-nonsense manner. Ron jotted down the occasional bit of information and tried to look like he was paying attention. Fortunately, they received no more homework, and transfiguration was the last class of the day. Ron was relieved to leave the class. They had spent most of the time trying to change quills into glass paperweights, and Ron's had more often than not turned out too light to hold down anything with surety.

The three friends went to the Gryffindor common room for the following hours and got a passable amount of work done. Ron's growling stomach warned them that it was almost time for dinner, so they put away their work and made their way to the Great Hall to eat.

Throughout dinner, Ron avoided looking at the head table, where Professor Snape was sitting with the other teachers. He had to spend the evening with the bat, but for now he was determined to enjoy his time with his friends.

He had just finished a rather dramatic play-by-play description of the events in potions class to Dean and Seamus when he noticed a presence behind him. He turned to see Snape looming over him, obviously having heard the topic of their conversation. Ron internally cursed. He just couldn't get a break today!

"I am glad you found today's lesson so amusing, Weasley," Professor Snape said in a voice smooth with sarcasm. "I'm sure you will find your detention… equally amusing." With that statement, the black robed man gave an unnerving sneer and swooped away.

As soon as Snape had exited the hall Ron let out a loud groan and let his head fall on the table with a thump.

"Why does he always show up at the worst moment possible?" He griped, with his voice muffled.

Harry and Hermione could only give him pitying looks.