A/N: I got a negative review! Hell Yeah! They told me that this story has been done a hundred times with Tomione. Oh! And that Tom's out of character insert crying laughing face I've told my readers that Tom was going to be out of character (maybe I should make that a disclaimer before every chapter?) Besides this a story written by a fan on I can make him a Leprechaun if I wanted (I'm not going to). If you've already read this story I'm sorry I can only get so creative.
I did some research on Beauxbatons on Pottermore and while there is so much information about the school, there's nothing about the Houses!? I did however I did find this website that talks about the houses (I'm going to assume they made them up)
There's the link if you want to check it out
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from the HP Universe just the characters I have created. Tom Riddle is out of character.
Please Enjoy!
Word had gotten out about Myrtle it was the first time someone died on school grounds in centuries. Ravenclaw house gathered in the common room the house head told us this must be hard losing a friend and that if we needed to talk we're all here for eachother. Oh give me a break! Half the people here hated her and the other half didn't know she existed. I left the room honestly how could anyone say they were Myrtle's friend! I marched my way down to The Great Hall perhaps eating or being around other students will take my mind off of things. Rumors about the school closing started back when the attacks first happened but now it seemed more likely. I plopped down why!?
"Hey grumpy" Monica smiled down on me. It feels like I haven't seen her in months "How ya holding up?"
"Honestly I could be so much better, I thought Hogwarts was suppose to be easy, I thought I was going make new friends and be happy!" I quickly wiped tears away
"Hey," she caressed my knuckles "You got me I'm still here" I smiled what did I do to deserve her? "Tell me about Beauxbatons!" she beamed.
"Huh?" why would she want to know about that
"Yeah! Tell me all about it! Is it as fancy as they say? Do you eat off of marble tables? Was there really an ice sculpture that never melts!"
"Uh no and yes."
"What house were you in? Were there even houses? How'd that work?" she blazed through a lot of questions.
"I was in Ombrelune, the others are Bellefeuille and Papillonlisse."
We well I talked fondly about Beauxbatons, I miss it greatly I sometimes wish I could go back after everything I've been through. Classes had been cancelled and we were on complete lockdown, we couldn't even go to Hogsmeade. I couldn't help think about what Tom said "We're safer out here" how did he know? I'm probably just overthinking this. Come to think of it where is he? I hadn't seen him since that day in meadow.
"IT'S BEEN CAUGHT! SOMEONE CAUGHT IT!" a Slytherin student came barreling in Avery I think, he slammed a piece of parchment next to me.
"What's this?" Monica took it
"My dad writes for the Daily Prophet this' going out next issue" Avery tapped the paper furiously.
"Hogwarts school not closing. The prestigious school had been under attack by a vicious creature attacking muggle born students. However a source has told us that the creature along with its owner have been banished from the grounds. More to come as this story develops…" Monica finished "Wait so who caught it?"
Avery leaned in closer "Tom!" WHAT!? "I know right!" he laughed.
"I didn't know he cared enough"
"Well I mean if the school closed he'd have to back to that orphanage."
"Orphanage?" Monica gave the paper back to Avery.
"Tom lives in an orphanage somewhere in London says it's the worst" I answered.
"Prolly what made him catch whoever was responsible" said Avery
"Well wouldn't he have to back there anyway for the summer" Monica pointed out.
"Nah he got special permission from Dippet to stay 'er"
"What're talking about?" Another Slytherin student sat with us
"Oh just how Tom gets to stay." Monica pulled a plate of biscuits towards the center of our group.
"Oh yeah" the Slytherin responded "Crazy right?"
"What's crazy?"
"NIC!" Monica and I beamed "where have you been?"
"I was in common room they're still crying about Myrtle" he rolled his eyes
"Was anyone friends with her?" The Slytherin asked I learned his name was Faisal Lestrange.
"Not really" Nic took a biscuit "But it's still a little shocking."
I'm going to be honest Tom's 'friends' and I use that word loosely weren't all that bad Avery was kind of funny and Faisal was a little insane but it was ok. Funny how I've never officially met them until now. We chatted for a while longer, comparing our O.W.L scores yes we still had to take that Monica, Nic and I received an O while Avery and Faisal got an E which is still very good don't get me wrong. It was nearing noon when we decided to leave The Great Hall and hang out in another part of the castle,
"We could to the library" suggested Monica
"No she'll tell us to leave cause we're being too loud" Avery rolled his eyes "How about Slughorn's?"
"No cause he'll think he want something and we're not in the Slug Club" sighed Nic
"What about The Black Lake?" that's a wonderful idea I couldn't help my smile
"Yes!" I grabbed Faisal's arm and took off with the others following.
We were all very surprised at how empty it was Nic for sure thought there would be more students, not even the squid was out.
"He's probably down where it's cooler." It is pretty hot out. Once settled we talked about our summer plans Nic was taking a flying tour of Europe, Monica was going to spend it in America with her brother who was a world-renowned Quidditch player for the Fitchburg Finches.
"My dad can't take a holiday right now so I'll be in London just...I don't know" Avery trailed off and Faisal had no idea. We sprawled out on the rocks trying to get comfortable but it was nearly impossible they're rocks what do you accept.
"Hey!" I turned to Monica "We should go in" I bit my lip gesturing to the lake
"You want too!?" She shook my hand I nodded profusely "Ok then let's!" we began to strip down to our undergarments.
"Whoa! Wait! What're you doing?!" Faisal shouted
"We're swimming in the lake," I answered innocently
"Fantastic idea!" Nic began to strip too. Monica and I were already waist deep,
"Come On!" she shouted back at the shore soon the two Slytherin boys were in the water.
This is the most fun I've had in a long time lately I've been consumed with school and Tom fucking Tom. None of that matters now I'm having too much fun with my friends. We splashed around until I felt something crawl up my leg within seconds I screamed and scrambled into the nearest person's arms Nic.
"Merlin's-Fuck Turd what is it?" then he realized "Oh ok" he carried me back to the shore.
"What happened?" Avery asked pushing his hair back,
"A Grinylow touched her she's deathly afraid of them" Monica explained.
I was shaking violently this was just like the last time, I buried my head into his neck.
"Okay, Okay you're ok Astrid" He stroked my hair.
"What happened?" a voice asked, I wiped away the tears.
"We were having some fun and then something touched her I swear!" Avery rushed, the voice sighed
"Very well" Nic's grip grew tighter "Go." The voice spoke coolly Nic let go immediately no please don't leave! "Leave."
"Come on," Faisal tugged on Monica's arm "we have to go."
Without looking up I knew exactly who was here, "Hi Tom" I wrapped a robe around my body for warmth.
"I heard you get to stay at the castle over the summer." he didn't answer
"That'll be fun, any idea what you're going to do?" still no answer.
"If you're not going to talk I'll just leave" and to my surprise he let me! Tom Riddle let me go without saying anything there must be something wrong with him. Oh well I wasn't going to dwell on it. Later that night I had told Avery and Faisal that they could visit me at my parents house in London if they wanted Faisal seemed pretty excited about that. Honestly I was just excited that term was over I finally get to rest now.
A/N: Oh Boy! This took a long time to write I'm sorry. I've just been super busy with work and my depression and anxiety decided to have a field day… It wasn't good I had too many bad days. Anyway! I have some fun ideas for the next chapter it'll feature some Faisal and Astrid action *eyebrow wiggle* just kidding lol.
I wanted to talk about that, when I did research on the Lestrange Family there wasn't a name! It literally went Leta, Lestrange, Rodolphus, and Rabastan :\ If you don't like the name Faisal I'm sorry but it's already been done.