Evansfire: So... I've been a fan of Kingdom Hearts for a while. And Kingdom Hearts 3 came out last month... Enough said.

But I jumped back into work after I beat the game and cried myself into a million pieces from the ending (I'm a fucking mess over it). This chapter had a lot thrown in there, along with the last of the entries that we have for Akasha's Diary. If you guys wanna see more of Akasha's Diary, let us know and we can make it an entire other story.

This one is a lot of fun to read, in my opinion, and we finally get to see things start to come together, as well as the new abilities that some of the characters have been working on.

Now, onto my partner's thoughts.

Chris the Phoenix: While he was playing Kingdom Hearts, I was blitzing through Resident Evil 2... X ain't gonna give it to ME that's for sure! But we're back folks... again after far too long...

Evansfire: Here we go, ladies and gents... the chapter you all have awaited...

Chapter 17: The Ambush and a Vampire

I spent my days training with my new father and brother, enjoying every last minute of it. I felt like a new girl, free of my worries and able to improve upon herself once again.

However, it seemed my new brother was not of the same mindset. It was as if every time I was around him, he constantly scoffed and almost seemed intolerant of my presence.

As if I were something expendable, more a burden then an opportunity to be around. I tried, in my naive way to be as little of a problem to him, I never complained about his attitude, not once spoke up about his actions. He was my brother and I was his sister and all I wanted to was to know him.

My new mother, Lady Vale, would brag about him constantly, and made him sound like an amazing young man. So, one day, I thought it'd be best if I tried to help him out as best as I could.

One day, after I found out that he was training with Father out in the fields, I waited outside with some small snacks I got from the cooks and a drink.

The training seemed pretty intense; for Fafnir it appeared he was struggling to improve, impressive as he was however it was no surprise that our father barely seemed phased by the assaults, if at all. Though I was yet to discover that despite the efforts our father would make to train him, my brother continuously demonstrated a stubborn refusal to heed the wisdom that many would devote their lives simply for the opportunity

As they left the field and approached me, Father greeted me warmly and patted my head affectionately. I giggled as he did so, as I always did. I never could help it. However, my big brother seemed to glare at me.

I felt the brunt of it all, but I did my best to smile at him and raised the platter. "Are you hungry, big brother? I brought you some-"

"I am actually; let one of the servants know I could do with a decent meal. Make it quick." He commented with a snarl, whether he was aware of the glance that father was showing didn't show in how he simply walked right past me as if he didn't even notice the offering.

I frowned. "But, I brought you a snack right here." I held up the plate to show him the plate I'd previously been proud to get from the cooks earlier.

"That's what we have servants for, you know?" Fafnir commented cruelly before knocking the plate from my hands "Does that make you my little servant? Then sit at your master's feet where you belong!"

"No!" I yelled, unable to hold in my hurt. "I'm your little sister, and I was just being nice to you! Can't you see that?"

At that, Fafnir growled and grabbed me by my hair, hoisted me up by it, and slammed me against the wall with his hand around my throat.

"I didn't ASK for a little sister, nor do I care for one! And if you EVER dare raise your voice to me again, I'll see to it that you never speak aga-" His violent outburst was cut short as I felt father's looming aura flare in volume. I could feel myself buckling and as I looked up, clutching my throat while I coughed, I witnessed Fafnir's knees buckle from underneath him from the intense pressure. The look on Father's face said it all; my brother was acting in a manner in which he would not tolerate.

"I wager that you will explain yourself, boy?" Father spoke in an unusually stern tone. Fafnir couldn't even look at him, only out of fear of the pressure rather then of any particular guilt.

"Explain myself for making myself clear, Father?" He, rather bravely remarked as I could then feel the intense flare drop, only to feel the same gentle hands I had grown accustomed to tend to my shoulder and cheek as he checked for any injury.

"Clear of what? That you have express permission to harm your sister? Was not the matter of your brother's enough?" Father replied and to which my brother simply had no comeback, he simply sulked before giving me a stare I could have sworn was laced with the urge that it could have killed me.

"It's okay, Father. I'm okay." I patted Father's hand gently. "He's just not used to having me around yet, being the only child for so long..."

"You... condescending... little...!" Fafnir almost roared but again paused with just a look from Father.

"Not another word." Was all it took for my brother to once again fall silent. A single raised hand pointing upstairs was all it took for him to realize that he was being sent to his chamber, not as a request but an order. He growled under his breath as he forced open the door and I could have sworn he violently pushed one of the maids aside as he stormed through.

"What's wrong with him, Father?" I finally asked, dropping the act I had so desperately held up as I clung to my Father. "Does he really not want me?"

Father paused for a moment. "He... has what one could say an elevated sense of his own importance." He responded with a sigh and a shake of his head. "Your mother, she has spoiled him ever since he was young. Though I will hope you bear no ill toward her, she has her reasons..." He finished his sentence silently as he held me tenderly. Looking back at that moment, I can tell it was from a silent guilt that he was indulging me in not knowing.

"Well, I'll keep working on him." I said after a moment, smiling. I pumped my little arms, deciding to be optimistic. "I'll grow on him. Just you see!"

I could feel one of my Father's hands lovingly pet the back of my head, I looked up to see his eyes shining ever so softly as he looked back down at me.

"Ever so kind." he almost cooed. "How could one not treasure you?"

I giggled, smiling at him. This was my family, after all. I needed to be optimistic about the outcome or I'd rue it.

I owed it to my mother and little brother to do so.

It was an optimism I had; hoping that little naive me could somehow win over the begrudging nature of my brother, the future Dragon King. Certainly the following months, even years were filled with their incidents and each time, Father would immediately come to quell the fighting; even in the moments that it appeared that I was indeed the one winning the share of scuffles that he inevitably started.

Fortunately, before long he simply ceased his aggressiveness. Either finally accepting me as his sister as he became cordial and well mannered with me, or perhaps simply having to deal with the circumstance of my being here and merely mulling away at what could only be described as his jealousy in silence. Whichever the outcome, I believe I may discover one day when I am finally able to sit down with my beloved brother and discuss the matter in reflection.

"...a... Moka? Can you hear me?"

Moka felt a sudden shock run through her body as she felt Tsukune's hand on her shoulder.

"Whe- When did you get here?" Moka stammered.

"You didn't show up for our date, so I figured I'd come find you." He brushed her cheek gently, cupping it slightly.

Memory flushed back into her mind, and she suddenly remembered the lunch date she'd set with Tsukune moments before Apollo handed her the key to her Mother's room. Her face flushed, and she started to panic.

"Love, I'm... I'm so sorry. I lost track of time -"

"Reading your mother's journals." Tsukune nodded, as he kept brushing her cheekbone. "I understand. It's a huge thing that I'm guessing Apollo wanted to make you wait to read for a reason, right?"

She nodded. "It's rough. Mother went through some terrible, terrible times, and... And why are you doing that to my cheek so much?"

Tsukune blinked. "You didn't know? You're crying right now."

This time, it was Moka's turn to blink. She slowly reached a hand up to her cheek and, sure enough, it came away plenty wet.

"Come here." Tsukune pulled her into his arms until they were lying on the bed, with Moka curled up with her head on his chest. Tsukune continuously ran his hand through her hair, which helped her calm down considerably as she snuggled even closer to him.

"It was a lot." Moka finally said after a moment. "I thought we went through a lot, you know? What with losing my mother's clone, with you almost dying, with the Shinsai ordeal and the Wendigo, and Alucard... But one look at my mother's journal, just volume one, blew everything we went through out of the water."

"I saw..." Tsukune said softly. "I sat with you for quite a while. I'm sorry for interrupting you, but it seemed like you needed a break."

Moka nodded and pulled one of his hands to her lips so she could kiss it, holding it gently to her chest as she ran her thumb over it, feeling each of the callouses on his knuckles and palm. "Thank you, love. I did. It also made me realize something else."

"What's that?" Tsukune looked down at Moka, who looked back up at him, and then winked at him with a huge grin.

"Mother really was a badass."

Tsukune couldn't help but laugh. "Is that so? Well, I can't imagine. There are only so many Night Warriors that tell so many legends about her."

Moka slapped his chest. "Okay, you don't have to be such a jackass."

Tsukune shrugged. "I don't ever know what you mean, babe? I'm only ever sincere when you're around."

She pinched his chest.


"Shut up, or it's the nipple next." Moka climbed on top of him, her hair surrounding her and Tsukune's faces, putting on what she thought was her best menacing glare.

"Oh, no! Not the nipple! What ever shall I do?"

She frowned. "You're kidding me. That look doesn't work anymore on you?"

Tsukune chuckled as he replied. "You can only use it so many times before I develop an immunity to it."

"Well, I know something you'll never develop an immunity to."

"Oh?" He said, just as Moka leaned in and gave him one of the sweetest, love-filled kisses in all their time as a couple.

She lifted her head back, brushed her hair over one shoulder, and focused her eyes on Tsukune's. "I love you." She said.

Tsukune gulped. "Yeah. You're not wrong there."

He then pulled her closer to kiss her again. "And I love you more."

"I... highly doubt that." She nuzzled against him, laying her head on his chest, one of her favorite places in the world. There was just something about hearing her husband's heartbeat that was... beyond comforting. Blissful, maybe even paradisaical.

"So..." Tsukune said. "About that study group? I was thinking maybe we could have it tomorrow, since it's the start of the weekend. We could spend all the time we need and have some fun while we do it."

"Sounds like fun, baby." Moka said, closing her eyes, silently wishing he would shut up so she could keep listening. "Just remember to invite Bail."

"Sounds like a plan."

And as those words were said, the two fell into silence, simply enjoying each other's presence in their arms. Nothing could have been more blissful.

An hour later, after Moka had left to take care of some personal training, Tsukune found himself wandering the halls of the Estate. It was nice every now and then to simply take a walk, to let all the thoughts and worries running through his mind simply melt away.

As he strolled through the Estate, numerous Night warriors and servants went out of their way to greet him, or simply nod their head and mutter his name in mutual respect. Tsukune would always smile and wave to each of them, or turn down their offers for assistance. He didn't feel like he needed to be helped any extra than he already was, what with Apollo assigning a servant to him to help him with his blood and general hygiene needs. He already felt that was a bit much, and he also didn't feel like he had anything to offer the young Bulls or Hales that approached him asking for lessons. There were even a few young Bulls that wanted to spar with him. But Tsukune declined, feeling like Timaeus would have his head if he were to do so.

Eventually, he came upon Apollo walking alongside Eris, presumably gaining a new report on the world from her. Before he could even call out to them, he felt a strong hand on his arm.

"Excuse me, Apprentice Tsukune, but would you have a moment to spare?" A sultry female voice asked behind him.

He turned and saw what looked like a supermodel blond that was way bustier than she had any business being. She wore a green robe, and smiled like there were stars embedded within her teeth.

"Um, sure? Not sure there's much I can help you with, but I'll do my best!"

The Hale seemed to frown. "Well, I had come to seek some advice from you about battles and lessons you've learned from the Lord, but it seems I'm not talking to a man as I assumed, but a boy... Granted that it's impressive that you've gotten this far as such, its nonetheless disappointing."

Tsukune felt a sharp stab in his chest. She was beautiful, but he couldn't quite grasp a hold on what her attitude was. "I'm... sorry? What do you mean, I'm a boy, not a man?"

"I meant what I said!" She then dipped forward, and faster than his eyes could track, she was at his side, whispering in his ear. "Of course, you always can prove to me just how much of a man you are..."

Her voice suddenly went from an intelligent tone to a dark, sultry tone that tickled a button Tsukune didn't know he even had. His voice cracked as he backed up, trying to calm his heart. "I'm married, but I appreciate the intentions."

She straightened up, and looked at him in innocent confusion. "Oh, but I only meant that you could prove yourself in a quick duel! What ever did you think I meant?"

Tsukune stammered, trying to hide his impure reaction and thoughts, as the Hale smiled mischievously at him.

"See?" She said. "Still just a boy..."

Tsukune suddenly got angry. "Do you always act like this? I feel like Cicero would have a field day with you, the way you two chat."

"Oh, but Sweety doesn't even mess with me." She pouted. "Makes a girl like me feel bad about herself, the way he hits on everything that moves and ignores me..."

She chuckled and tapped his shoulder. "Don't take what I say too seriously. I'm very playful by nature... Just try not to make me mad. I have a very long fuse, but when it burns out..."

She stared at him with that same grin on her face, and Tsukune suddenly felt the hair on his neck stand up. "I'll just let you imagine the rest of that."

At that moment, she backed up as she seemed to notice something. She placed her fist on her chest and bowed deeply.

"My Lord."

Tsukune turned around and saw Apollo striding towards him, with Eris in tow. He nodded and smiled. "Good afternoon, Apollo."

Apollo smiled gently at him. "It is always a good afternoon, young Tsukune, as long as one is alive. I take it you've rested up since your session in the Arena?"

"That I have." Tsukune cracked his neck. "I hadn't done that before, and it was interesting to do so."

Apollo nodded, then turned to the Hale. "I apologize, Emeral Raskova. Did you have some business with young Aono?"

Tsukune turned to her and saw her shake her head. "Mere banter, my Lord. I am sure you have more important matters to attend to with him, so I shall take my leave."

Tsukune almost felt sad to see her go. "Guess I'll see you around sometime, Emeral. We can have that duel sometime if you wish."

Emeral Raskova looked over her shoulder and grinned. "Call me Marina. Everyone else does. And, I'd like that. It sounds like fun!"

She turned back around, and then left.

Tsukune turned to Apollo to see him shake his head.

"What's wrong?" He ask, confused.

"I will never understand how one who is paired with another could be acting as you are." Apollo spoke, almost sounding disappointed.

"No offense, but I remained loyal, and surely you've felt it and been affected before, haven't you?"

Apollo stared at him levelly. "Not once."

Tsukune stared at him. How?! Tsukune could practically feel the pheromones wafting off Marina earlier.

It was almost as if Apollo could hear him think. "Intimate love is shared between one and one other. My kind, for one, had no concept of polygamy, nor do I find the manner 'pleasurable.' Even if I could have my own 'harem,' as I hear it is called, I would rather cherish the heart of one."

Tsukune felt as he knew the 'one' he spoke of between the lines, but chose to keep his mouth shut. "So, you wanted to speak with me?"

"I indeed do." Apollo nodded. "It has been a while since you and I have spoke, and as such, I believe that a mentoring session is in order."

He turned to Eris. "I believe I am free in another hour, am I correct in thinking so?"

Eris nodded. "Yes, my Master."

"Very well." He turned back to Tsukune. "Meet me in my study in that time, and not a moment later, understood?"

"Got it, Apollo."

Apollo nodded once more, and started to walk away, as if the conversation had ended itself. Before he faded from sight, Tsukune remembered something.


The Harbinger turned to look at him.

"About what you offered in exchange for the interview, can we do it tomorrow?"

Apollo nodded. "You have unfettered access to the Arena, and considering what we accomplished so far, I see no reason as to why not. Your studies are of the utmost importance, after all."

Tsukune smiled. "Thanks! See you in an hour."

With that, the Harbinger and the Valkyrie at his side vanished through a door.

Tsukune made his way down the marbled hallway until he came to a grand set of double doors. He took a deep breath to calm himself, which his brief anxiety denied him. Eventually, he steeled himself and rapped his knuckles against the fine wood.

"Enter, young Tsukune" Apollo's voice immediately echoed through the dark varnished door. As Tsukune turned the handle on one door and walked right into the Emperor's office, he wasn't at all surprised to find Apollo with his concentration on a document rested in his hand. And as Tsukune had come to know him in the short time that he had, the Vampire didn't hesitate to imagine that the Emperor had already sensed he was there before he even raised his hand to the door to knock.

"What can I do for you, child?" Apollo asked kindly, his face betraying the fatigue he had hoped to conceal.

"...We had an appointment?" Tsukune chuckled softly. "Is the exhaustion getting to you that badly? Perhaps we can put off this mentoring session until later."

Tsukune sighed softly and despite his words, took his place upon the couch nearby. "You really do need to take better care of yourself. A small break every once in a while is not a bad idea, and is kind of required when dealing with heavy workloads like you're dealing with right now."

Apollo briefly glanced at Tsukune and gave a small smile, before signing the document with eloquent speed, then taking a stick of wax, melted the end so it dripped onto the paper next to his signature before finally imprinting the imperial insignia onto it via a well used stamp.

"I see you are concerned..." the Emperor commented kindly as he rubbed two fingers between his eyes, the document neatly rested on top of the pile nearby. "But do not be, I am fine. I am, as you would say 'used to it'." He then stood from his chair and took ahold of his cane as he walked toward the couch.

"Yes, we do have an appointment; your mentoring towards your eventual designation as Dark Lord." Apollo mused to confirm to himself more so then to Tsukune. He mused for a moment then continued "Perhaps this could be something to go by..." The Emperor then headed towards the door and gestured Tsukune to follow him.

Tsukune stood and followed Apollo out of the room and down the hallway, struggling to keep up with the Harbinger's stride. "So, where are we headed?"

"Somewhere where I often prefer to reflect and gain perspective." Apollo responded cryptically as he slipped a ring on his finger; a pair of maids paused and bowed their heads to the Emperor and received a curt nod in return. Heading towards the door which Tsukune realized was the entrance of the Arena, the Harbinger snapped his fingers before walking straight through the threshold as the door opened.

Tsukune, while musing over the comment, nonetheless followed and was immediately taken aback when he entered what he was expecting to be the same small stone chamber which he had entered several times, only to find himself and Apollo walking out of a building down the middle of a busy street in the human world.

As they walked with the crowd of commerce; unnoticed, Apollo narrowed his eyes as he gathered his thoughts so as to begin the talk he believed the boy needed to hear, no matter how tough the implications would be.

Tsukune blinked. "This is a different change of pace." Tsukune raised his arms above his head and stretched, feeling his muscles grow taut from the countless exercises he'd been put through. "So, you gain hope and resolution for the future through literal visualization here?"

"In a way." Apollo responded as they walked amidst the crowd. "However bear in mind that hope and resolution are only words, should realization for the issue that drives one to hope and resolve, be no longer kept in mind."

They walked up to a crossing as the lights on the road turned red. "The world of both man and yokai are filled with variables, young Tsukune. That issue is as much an impediment as it is an essential..." Apollo paused just as the lights turned green, permitting the crowd to resume walking.

"You look around, what do you see of people? Their occupation, their living arrangements, concerns, ideals; the very matters of which we are trying to align for existence between both" Apollo continued just as he noticed the first 'disturbance' of a crime about to occur down a side street.
"However, until we can resolve the factor of certain perspectives, we remain detached from that achievement and that is what makes the notion of "it takes all sorts" as much a dilemma as it does a solution..."

A fire suddenly broke out of one of the apartment buildings on the opposite side of the road, sending a hail of glass down to the scattering crowds below. Apollo was about to begin again as a gunshot could be heard, followed by a cacophony of screams, both human and non-human alike.

"You must ultimately understand, that there are many, who have either yet to abandon their inclinations for revenge, self improvement at the expense of others and even the desire for carnage and ruin.

"And many are so innately driven by those impulses, so convinced of their viewpoint that they will even sacrifice themselves to undo the work we commit..." Apollo paused as he looked back at Tsukune, who had just noticed a wave of water suddenly surge in to threaten the entire populace with panic in his expression.

"Are you understanding me, boy? Or does the scenario around you have you troubled?" The Harbinger asked calmly, yet sympathetically.

"I'm watching humanity slowly tear itself to shreds." Tsukune looked at Apollo with all seriousness. "How could anyone stay calm watching a species crumble?"

Tsukune stepped to the left with Apollo, almost on instinct, as a car careened off the road and into a building, crushing a small family underneath it. He couldn't help but stare at the puddle of blood that oozed out from underneath the car.

"I'm understanding you, however." Tsukune said, hearing his voice grow soft. "The only problem is that all life is connected like a neverending machine, each individual gear turning thousands of others in an endless cycle. How could we ever find the right gears to grease and tune correctly?"

"Will you act to save any of them here?" Apollo asked in the same tone.

"I think you know that answer better than most others." Tsukune felt his nails biting into his palms as he spoke, only now realizing how hard he'd been balling his hands into fists. "However, I feel that the lesson you're trying to teach me is more than just 'will you save them?"

The Emperor shook his head as he raised his hand and snapped his fingers, freezing everything in the street; the carnage and even the people.

"Then, have you overlooked the purpose of why I brought you here? I have done so, both to respond to your musing of my need to rest and to instill a very important lesson: If you are not working, 'they' will." Apollo commented, much like a mentor.

"One can never rest when there is unease in the world, I suppose." Tsukune walked over to a small child, who was looking at the oncoming tsunami with a look of one who was horrified at something they could not comprehend.

"I... I want to save every last one of them." Tsukune finally said. "I always have. But... my friends have shown me a better way of saving others."
Tsukune rustled the hair of the small child, and slowly picked him and his family up before bringing them to higher ground. He jumped down, then smiled at Apollo. "And that's to rely on others when one grows weak; to let them feed off of your weakness to share their strength, and vice versa. That way, even when the world is against you, you yourself are never alone as you fight to make things right."

Tsukune walked over to Apollo and patted his shoulder gently. "Try and rely on me more, at least. I may not know much, but at least I can take some of the weight off of your shoulders. We can make the world a better place together, instead of having me follow in your footsteps alone."

"I appreciate your sincerity, as I do your passion and integrity." Apollo began compassionately but firmly. "And if I were not at all convinced of your character, I would not have brought you so far. However, what you are missing the point on, is that it takes such a great deal of effort to press on in times of your own personal ordeals. How far ahead have you planned, child? A year? Perhaps ten? In the position of leadership, even to the degree for which I would prescribe you, foresight and anticipation are essential since omniscience is not a luxury we have the fortune of having." The Emperor frowned "And it takes both personal loss and realizing the scope of everyone else's before you can even begin to conceive planning as far ahead as I try."

"I have every confidence in your ability and in your motivation, but sooner or later; that fire of yours will be challenged by the very nature of those you will be looking to save, serve and protect."

"I understand that, Apollo." Tsukune tapped his chest. "But I'm not giving up that easily. I was given these powers and made to suffer the way I did for a reason. I understand that there will always be someone who has suffered worse, and I may not be able to save all the ones that I want, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to keep moving forward."

Tsukune reached deep into his pocket and pulled out the silver and crimson key Apollo had given him. He focused all his yokai into the key and jammed the key straight forward.

There was a bit of resistance, and then a soft click as the key found its way into the unseen keyhole. Tsukune smiled, and then turned the key.

The whole world seemed to roll back on itself, seeming to pull back all the carnage and chaos back into the depths it came from. Eventually, the world froze, revealing the world at peace again, but this time it was different.

Man and Yokai walked together, unafraid and unashamed. Many Yokai worked in the stores alongside humans, seemingly cheerful.

"Even I can look at this world and see the small blemishes. The woman who looks at her husband as she struggles to hide what she's done behind his back. That group of men crawling out of the car, trying to hide the weapons under their belts. The children who scurry behind the streets, searching for food. Nothing can change the fact that anything that lives will always have that blemish.

"However," Tsukune continued. "Looking at the world this way, we can't just restrict the way life moves. Free will exists for a reason, and until the day we find the right wheels to grease, the world will keep spinning as it always has. There's also no point in looking at the clock you've tried to make tick right and complain that no matter how much you bleed, it will stay out of tune. We just need to whisper the right things and show the same compassion and light that we always have until those gears fine tune themselves and run smoother than ever, instead of driving itself into a wreck."

Tsukune then poked Apollo with his elbow and winked. "And maybe, when that day comes, the two of you can walk together just like that." He pointed towards a couple off in the distance and watched for Apollo's reaction, hoping that his hunch was correct.

Apollo knew deep down what Tsukune was implying and knew further that the young Vampire had suspected that a bond with a certain someone was blooming. The Harbinger for a moment allowed himself to imagine the world for the better, however wisdom and experience took hold of his judgment.

"If I had only not heard that conversation before, child." Apollo commented solemnly. "I share your enthusiasm for what could be, but do not permit your ideals to cloud the realities. Another once spoke the same as he convinced me to permit him to press forward in his own project..."

"Alucard?" Tsukune commented almost instinctively, to which the Emperor nodded.

"Just after I took in Akasha, I witnessed the return of Dracula from his first sealing and beheld his gentle spirit, to which I bestowed a similar role that I am giving you." Apollo mused as he recollected the events so vividly to the point he felt he was reliving the days.

"Years later, I stumbled upon his intentions to bring about the realization of the inhabitants of Wallachia and indeed his motives and machinations were as close to perfect within the confidence of those under his banner."

"In my bid to allow 'hope' overrule wisdom, I seized the opportunity to permit him to reveal the truth to his peers and thereby provided the catalyst which ignited a war between his kingdom and those of the human settlements surrounding it."

Apollo sighed "This one, reckless act unraveled the skein of the entire plan. Dracula never became the next checkpoint towards our goal: Wallachia burned as a failed state, I the responsible Emperor was thus liable for the lives of the countless who were persecuted and murdered in the upstarts in both mankind and yokai and those aspiring bloodshed profited from it all. In the bid to end conflict, we created one far worse."

Apollo patted Tsukune's arm "I know how you feel, but I am trying to get you to realize that even the best intentions can lead to the gravest consequences: Every time I have ever let down my guard, every time I have put myself first, someone has died. Now it is not the matter of just saving those you can, but rather can you continue on; knowing that those you failed will haunt you?"

Tsukune smiled. "We owe it to those we serve for to do so. To throw it all away, consumed by the despair of your own failure... You would be throwing away the hopes and dreams of all those who've followed us along the way.

"It's like my father once said to me... 'We can always get back up if we're still alive."

"Your father is wise." Apollo replied kindly "Allow me to share with you the two words that drive me, even if I must deprive myself of sleep and the freedoms of what position I have would otherwise afford me: Never. Again."

"Those are pretty wise." Tsukune nodded, then twisted the key again, plunging the room into darkness. "But all that wisdom is lost if it takes us to a dark place to achieve our ideals. Part of what keeps me human is the fact that I will never give up on those feelings, no matter the betrayal, no matter the darkness. So, take that and change "Never Again" into "Never Again Will I Refuse to Feel."

Tsukune chuckled as the light trickled back, revealing the stone room. "But, I'm only 19, so what do I know?"

Apollo couldn't help but smile, despite feeling a growing sorrow within himself; Tsukune was indeed proving himself wiser then his years, but having not even seen his first quarter of a century, the Harbinger knew that his young student would need to learn a few hard lessons on his own. He could only wish that those hard lessons would not darken the boy's heart as they had Dracula's.

"So, with that being said," Tsukune grinned, putting his hands behind his head. "What are you going to do about Ruby?"

Apollo blinked at the name "Young Tojo? What about her?"

"Seriously? Thousands of years old and still playing dumb? Remember, I've read your journals." Tsukune sighed. "It's the Moment, isn't it? You've found your next Queen, but can't figure out where to go from here. At least, that's what I figure."

He turned to Apollo. "Why not go for it? I'm pretty sure she's into you too, from what I've seen and heard."

Apollo bit his lip in realization; Tsukune had clearly been reading more of his musings. At first the Harbinger wanted to dismiss the conversation, but then he realized that Tsukune could be trusted with something only few would know, or could understand.

"...Tsukune. What I am going to talk to you about, I ask you; not as Emperor to a subject, nor even teacher to student. Right now I am simply Apollo of Grelfoyl, talking to you, Aono Tsukune, to not be repeated outside of this chamber."

"So... guy talk, per the usual. One moment." Tsukune walked over to the wall and twisted the key, changing the room into a mimicry of Apollo's study. "There, now we can talk in comfort."

On the table between the two couches was a kettle with two cups on either side. Tsukune quickly used it to pour two cups of tea and offered one to Apollo as he sat on one of the couches. "Come on into my parlor and let me hear every last one of your worries."

Apollo sat down on the other as he accepted the cup and stared deep into the rippling liquid.
"You read about a Harbinger's Moment, so you know that now that a potential Queen has come into my life, that I would be looking to have her as a wife?"

"That's why I brought up the conversation." Tsukune sipped from his cup. "I think you chose well. She's an incredible gal, and would make any guy happy. But you haven't made a single move, so I asked as a friend."

"I did not 'choose' her, Tsukune." Apollo corrected as he continued staring into the cup. "As a Harbinger; a Lue, I am compelled by instinct toward a compatible Seral in terms of personality, stances, ability, etc. As Seral no longer exist, my instincts are broader a field, hence the last five of my Queens were of varying kinds."

Apollo coughed as he realized he was losing track. "What is important however that love is integral; if there is no unconditional and irrevocable love for either or both, then the Moment never affects them. My point is, I loved each and every one of them... well, you tell me how much you love Moka... then multiply it ad infinitum." Apollo swallowed then continued "And that is the problem; death of a Queen, spells the inevitable agony and longing for death of the Crown and vise versa."

"I know." Tsukune stared at him. "I read about it."

"Then forgive me for sounding harsh; you may have read and learned of the agony and suicide of a Harbinger losing their partner, but I assure you know nothing of it." Apollo choked as his body trembled.

"How fortunate for every other specie to be able to overcome grief and loss, though they live with it. Denial, anger, fear, bargaining and depression before finally acceptance... Harbingers can do nothing of the sort for the last. Once paired, my heart bonds with her..." The Emperor began gritting his teeth as he held back as much emotion as he could "And when she dies, that part of me of what she takes up dies with her!"

Tsukune at this point sat still. This was the real Apollo here. Not the elegant, regal figure that would stroll through the Estate, greeting all and controlling the Yokai Realm with grace and mercy. This was a man who'd been shattered mercilessly, multiple times at that. He was revealing himself, now that Tsukune had prodded him in the right direction. Now, the only thing left to do was listen.

Apollo's heart wracked with the memories being brought up to recollect and put into words, his mind raged with the losses of each of the women that had touched his heart only for time and circumstance to tear them away, his body ached from head to toe and his yokai threatened to flare and consume the entire dimension of the Arena.

"It...hurts..." Apollo barely croaked as the cup fell from his hands, now clasping each shoulder before he fell forward; the emotions finally breaking free of the mental wall.

"IT... HURTS! Apollo suddenly screamed, sending a shockwave of raw yokai emanating from his body.

...Fuck. Tsukune thought to himself.

Tsukune flew to Apollo's side, but the fury of Apollo's yokai flung him against the wall. Tsukune could feel it all: Apollo's pain, his anguish, his reluctance to love again, his fear. But Apollo now needed to get past all of that if the Yokai Realm had any chance of a better future. Tsukune gripped the key in his hand tightly. He had hoped he wouldn't have to do anything extra, but... He twisted the key again.

The world didn't change again, but somehow, over the chaos, a voice could clearly be heard calling Apollo's name gently.

Apollo's emotions seemed to blaze inside him like a raging inferno, relentlessly assaulting his very soul and threatening to consume him. No matter how much he cried, the agony of the only flames able to harm a Harbinger failed to cease.

"Apollo... Apollo..." that soft voice pierced through the torment, permitting him a short reprieve before the torment recommenced.

"Apollo... focus... focus on me..." The Harbinger opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings blindly, despite Tsukune barely being a few feet away and the visage of the young witch kneeling right in front of him, Apollo seemed completely lost.

Tsukune smiled through the pain, seeing Ruby's mimicry take Apollo's hand in her own. This was it... This is what Apollo needed...

"I'm here." Apollo heard that soft voice again and suddenly felt his hand grow cool, then his chest and shoulders as if someone dear to him was holding him as if a lover.

"You're going to be just fine, open your eyes to me..." Apollo blinked hard and beheld the black locks of Ruby's hair as she embraced him tenderly.

"...Ruby?" the Emperor whispered as he felt the last of his tears fall. Aware of his surroundings, he reined back the flood of yokai.

The vision smiled. "I'm here. I won't be leaving you anytime soon, okay?"

With that, there was a knock on the door, and the world changed back into the stone room as the real Ruby came inside. "Apollo, I..."

It was then that she noticed the awkward tension in the air. "Is... is this a bad time?"

Apollo immediately reacted to her voice and turned to behold the Witches expression. "...What is going on?"

"That's...what I'd like to know." Ruby came up to the Harbinger and put her hand on his arm gently. "Is everything okay?"

The witch's soft touch sent the same waves of serenity through Apollo's very form, he didn't for a moment want it to end, but he noticed her concern before looking to Tsukune and shook his head.

"Everything is fine, my dear... as you would say, it is a long story... please excuse me." The Emperor stroked the back of Ruby's hand before leaving the small room, swallowing hard when he realized that the hall was empty.

"...A century at most... is that all it will last?" Apollo spoke to himself.

Ruby turned to Tsukune, confused. "What just happened? What were you two doing in here."

Tsukune threw his hands in his pockets and tried to plaster an innocent expression on his face. "Guy talk. Top secret. But...let's just say your futures are going to look pretty rosy..."

With that small statement leaving Ruby turning beet red and stuttering, Tsukune walked out of the stone room and went to look for Moka and his phone. He had some calls to make.

Several days later, Ruby found Apollo, hard at work at his desk; reading document after document which stacked as high as his head. She could tell by his body language that he was exhausted, but his facial expression told of a stubbornness to continue. She heard him sigh in frustration as he reached for his pen to sign the rather intricate looking piece of paper, only for the ballpoint to roll out of his reach and clatter on the marble floor.

She had seen enough and with conviction, she entered the Harbinger's study.

"Apollo?" Ruby asked gently, garnering his attention as he looked up after reaching down for the ballpoint.

"Ruby, my dear..." the Harbinger greeted kindly, his voice also betraying his fatigue. "I do apologize, if I have been absent for the better half of the hour..."

"It's eleven o'clock..." Ruby began with a cringe as Apollo stretched.

"Eleven? I suppose four hours was..."

"...Friday evening." the witch concluded, her cringing interruption having an immediate effect as Apollo blinked in disbelief.

"...I have been in here, for almost two days?" He asked bewildered before looking to at the vast stack of documents that he had worked on, tied up and ready to be distributed, which rested on the nearby table along with a half full teapot. "I really thought I would have kept track." He frowned before noticing his company's attire; she was wearing a lavender silk dressing gown, her dark brunette locks tied up in a ponytail and resting on her right arm was a towel.

"Were you intending to bathe, my dear?" Apollo asked kindly before nodding as he sat down and signed the document in his eloquent handwriting. "Please, do not let me keep you. I have to finish this paperwork at least before my presentation with the newly elected senate. I am still waiting for the last remaining species to have declared their senators."

Apollo, I'm not here because I am going to bathe." Ruby began with a shake of her head before she walked towards his desk. "You are exhausted and you are going to end up collapsing if you carry on." The young witch swallowed lightly then gave a small smile. "I'm here to give you a break; to relax and to letting you avoid hurt yourself." The Harbinger looked at her intrinsically and offered a gentle, tired smile back.

"I appreciate the offer, my dear; however please understand that..." Apollo began as reached for another document, but accidentally overreached as he looked toward Ruby and knocked the pile off the desk. His reaction was almost immediate as his attention swung to the now cluttered mess before him, following up with a frustrated groan as he leaned back in his chair and rubbed the bridge of his nose with a click of his tongue.

Ruby looked at him sympathetically; he had been awake clearly for much longer then the two days that he had isolated himself to the study and it was showing. His co-ordination was completely giving way and his eyes were showing their strain. Apollo attempted to stand and walk around the desk to begin cleaning up the mess, but his strength failed him and the proud Harbinger ended up needing to lean on the desk to avoid toppling over. The Witch realized that Apollo was obstinate and focused on his task. She was going to need to push.

And so she did; Ruby placed the towel on the desk and placed her hands on Apollo's shoulders and shook him gently. "This. Will. Not. Do. You can't even stand properly and if you think you're going to finish all this, you're mistaken." The young witch stated firmly. Now, I know you're dedicated; I respect you so much for it, but you aren't doing yourself any favors by working until you can't even stand. Come on; call time and let me help you relax. You can get back to this once you've had some time to yourself"

...I..." Apollo began, but Ruby looked him straight in the eyes with a scolding glance.

"Now." She instructed bluntly as if talking to a student, causing Apollo to shake his head and blink. He was about to protest further, but the look on the witch's face told him that she was not going to back down and somewhere in himself, he knew this was a battle of wills which he was surely destined to lose. The Harbinger sighed and nodded.

"Very well, Ruby... I had forgotten that you had your fair share of thorns to match your beauty. So this is how they sting." Apollo resigned with a smile and pulled himself away from the desk. Ruby fought fiercely not to blush and smile as she grabbed the towel.

"So, what did you have in mind?" He asked curiously and this time, Ruby did nothing to hide her smile.

"You've never had a massage before?" Ruby asked curiously as they both arrived at the spring baths, now completely empty save the two of them. The witch had her back respectfully turned to Apollo as he unclothed at her request, she was glad; her blush had returned at the thought of him nude and somewhere inside herself, found the thought of him alluring.

"No, I never considered it; nor ever postulated that I would ever have purpose to seek one." Apollo answered honestly as he neatly folded his robes on a nearby chair. He then removed his tunic after untying his tassel, proceeding with his sandals. "Very well, I am unclothed, do I now rest upon this apparatus?" Apollo asked curiously as he motioned to the massage table which had been set up on the lounge pad, by one of the Behemoths at the Witch's request.

"Y-yes, rest on your front and cover your respectable areas..." Ruby almost squeaked and fanned her face, out of Apollo's sight. She heard him comply and turned just as he had courteously pulled the towel over himself. She almost drooled but stopped herself; Apollo even in his human guise was every part the man that she had imagined and more. She had known him to be athletic, having watched him train in the Arena through the parlor and even though he was not ridiculously over muscled as she had seen in the case of an occasional Behemoth Bull, he was every part masculine.

Oh...boy, keep it together, Ruby. He's letting you do this; don't get too overexcited with his nice...Oh, no, what am I thinking?! Ruby bit her lip before she placed a hand in her dressing gown pocket and squeezed on the dispenser within it; the smooth oil covered her hands and with a quick rub of her hands, the Witch immediately began caressing Apollo's lower back with a moderate pressure.

Apollo hadn't thought much about how massage would feel; he had never relaxed his body by another's touch in his life. Not in any other way but in the embrace of a night with his former Queens. But as Ruby kneaded the innumerable tight knots in his spine, the Harbinger could not help but give an involuntary gasp; his eyes widening in disbelief. Apollo felt his entire lower back react to each and every stroke of the witch's firm, yet tender fingertips and felt as if a great weight he had been carrying for so long was being lifted. He almost believed he would fall asleep at any moment, but each new stroke along with an application of lotion over the span of his back, shoulders and neck, sent the Harbinger into a new state; almost as if he had discovered what a certain faith deemed Nirvana.

"Just let me know if I'm working too hard, or there's a spot that you feel I need to work on." Ruby encouraged, trying not to smile at how cute she found the Harbinger's reactions to every single stroke. And when she found herself not being challenged or opposed, she realized for a moment that it was the perfect time to talk to him, if he was even able to put together a legible sentence given how each movement of her hands seemed to illicit a response of loosed tension.

"Where on earth did you learn such means..." Apollo asked, as his eyes rolled back, the witch having eased the tension on his left shoulder.

"Well, it's a long story..." Ruby began as she reminisced but shook her head and changed tact. "However, there's so much I don't know about you... like your name? I mean, I know your name but... not to be offensive, you're older then the name itself..."

Apollo found her bold comment amusing as she'd spoken so carefully and was drifted into recalling the day he had chosen his name.

"I had to choose a name that was close in modern translation to mine, so others could understand, for the tongue of my kinds has long since lost the means to be understood." He commented with the Witch concentrating now on his right shoulder.

"What is your name in your language if you don't mind me asking?" She asked sweetly and was treated to a brief two second hum from the Harbinger; she was taken back by how well the three high notes complimented the four low and mid notes along with a haunting beauty that he seemed capable of giving, however to no surprise, she didn't understand a word. "So Apollo comes close to that?" She asked making sure to be sincere.

"Actually, the syllables in the word are what come close, the actual meaning of my name requires explaining a little; would I be troubling you for a few moments of clarifying it?" Apollo asked almost wanting to tell her, his eagerness threw Ruby off for an instant, she hadn't been prepared for such example of his boyish charm. She replied with a kind "Yes" hoping that he didn't turn to face her to see just how pink her cheeks had become.

"To explain the circumstance that lead to my naming, would be a story into itself, so to cut the long story short..." Apollo began as he considered his words "At the age of ten, each Lue; each young boy Harbinger, would be taken to enlist in what could be called "The Brotherhood" it was, you could say the military as our lives unlike our sisters would be dedicated to training and battle. As new recruits we were taken before a fully grown and fledged soldier to determine our reaction to one far more powerful then ourselves. If we could not pass this inauguration then our chances on the battlefield would prove essentially nil, how we reacted essentially explained the most prominent aspect of our young personality."

"So you had to pass a test?" Ruby asked as she trailed her knuckles down his mid back, causing Apollo to react by leaning his head up off the bench with a content smile before he continued.

"Somewhat of a test, easy to pass but equally easy to fail. Said soldier would roar - and by roar I do not mean just yell and shout; it is the pinnacle of our kind's power. Raw uncontested power that each Harbinger contains deep within ourselves and perhaps the greatest asset we possess that grows in strength as we age." he frowned in recollection as to his own experience, he could recall the atmosphere, the intensity of the moment of the one who had been tested before him and the insecurity of the one behind him, unsure as to what was to come though further unnerved as not too long before the body of one their age had been carried through.

"It seems cruel, to put a child so young before something so... overwhelming" Apollo commented as he then recalled his calling before the towering Lue, reminded of how despite his nerves being completely shot, he managed to remain in place; bracing for the ordeal as the . "There would be few of us that would be inspired, knowing that the power they witnessed and maybe more would one day be theirs; they would be considered the brave. Many did the wise thing and fled in terror... and then there were the occasional poor souls who simply lost their minds."

"Ruby hesitated as she squeezed more oil onto her hands, she could feel how the Emperor was looking back at such a time with many emotions, she partly felt guilty for asking what she'd considered just an honest question, yet it appeared that the more she was discovering about him, the more enigmatic he seemed to be. She relaxed as she heard him chuckle somewhat and proceeded to press down on the small of his back.

"So...how did you react? I'd like to say you were one of the few inspired...I mean for all you've done since then, or even if you had been one of those who ran, that would show you were smart..." Ruby couldn't help but raise a brow curiously as to why Apollo continued to chuckle, but he stopped and responded somewhat guiltily.

"I did neither, though fortunately I was not one of those who lost his mind... instead I was branded as reckless and impulsive...passing out on the spot. I should have fled, but..." Such a revelation forced the Witch to conceive something so inconceivable; the emperor had always been seen as indomitable and next to the mighty Alucard, endless in potential, yet the truth was that he too had been a child thrown against the unknown.

"The result of the test ultimately decided on the name we were given and my name essentially translates to "The fool who fainted" Apollo couldn't help but sigh with a nostalgic smile on his face. Ruby found his tone inescapable and endearing, even after breaking the image of what so many would have seen of him, she found herself unconsciously leaning further toward him as she continued to press her fingers and palms.

"Apollo... I suppose that is much better then being called 'Passed out.' Ruby tried to joke as she suddenly felt a pair of muscles in the center of his back that seemed extremely tense as well as out of place, she gently massaged around them while giving them both a gentle press to ease them.

"Pass out... I believe that is among the nicknames given to one of the Emerals of Obsidi Timaeus' leg-ion-!" Apollo's voice suddenly raised a hitch as he gasped. his back almost violently jerking forward as he felt what would be in his Messenger form, the ligament of his wings react in stimulation to the Witch's touch - in the instant, Ruby had immediately felt a massive rush and instinctively pushed back in time for the limbs to suddenly shoot out from the Emperor's back. She beheld the sight in awe as he knelt up, both black feathered wings spread out in an arch, he then turned to her with a look of concern with both hands covering his mouth.

"Ruby, are you alright?! I can not apologies enough!" but Apollo's words were almost unrecognizable to the Witch, his voice along with the sight of what she could only describe as an 'Angel' even though she didn't believe in such things, completely overwhelmed her senses. She quickly snapped back to realize she was sat on the tiles of the room, the belt of her robe had loosened giving Apollo a subtle and yet visible view of the black one-piece swimsuit she was wearing.

"I suppose next time I should be careful of stiff joints." She played off the incident as she gratefully took the hand of Apollo and rose from the ground.

"Perhaps we should conclude this - you did something so generous and yet I could have just..." Apollo remarked shamefully as he loosened his hand on the now standing Witch intending to reach for his discarded role, however he felt the grip that had taken his hand refuse to relent.

"No, Apollo. I'm okay, it happened and I should've asked about those muscles. Please, I haven't finished treating you yet." Ruby immediately felt rooted to the spot as she realized just how seducing she heard herself speak, she immediately turned to face away from Apollo. His own stunned disbelief at how he was so easily responding to her every word and action could only be measured as astounding.

"Alright, now something else we're going to do... um... I'll ask you to go into the water and I'll be coming in with you." Ruby responded, trying her hardest not to be nervous. Apollo nodded with a sigh as he folded in his wings and concealed them within his human form while walking to the water's edge.

He looked back over to Ruby just in time to see the witch removing her dressing gown, revealing in full the black one-piece swimsuit that clung well to her bust, waist and hips; extenuating her figure. Apollo felt himself feeling the urge to resist swallowing; the Harbinger found her enchanting, enticing, desiring and he almost stared for too long before noticing her looking at him with a motioning nod to the water; made so more desirable by the fact that she had the most beautiful smile that he had seen in so long.

Apollo complied with Ruby's instruction and entered the water with several graceful steps upon the stone steps at the bottom of the baths. He again was about to look back, then felt the witch's arms wrap around his shoulders, guiding him back against her chest. Apollo offered no resistance and then felt his mind easing as Ruby began gently running her fingers through his hair and began massaging his scalp.

She couldn't keep her eyes off him, her serene, though somewhat shy smile still apparent as she noticed Apollo's eyes closing, his face peering up at her.

"I can not even conceive the words to describe this feeling..." Apollo struggled as he looked at the witch with half-lidded eyes. Ruby giggled as she continued. "Now are we so opposed?" She teased and poked out her tongue before continuing in a tender manner. "Apollo, you know...I don't mind ever helping you take your mind off things. You're like Tsukune; always worrying about everything and everyone except yourself. But you should, now and then."

"Perhaps...but there is so much to do and not enough time to do it in." Apollo replied tamely then sighed "And I do appreciate this gesture; I will truly cherish what you have done for me..." Ruby felt her heart skip, something about just holding the Harbinger; the strongest of all Ayashi, the Emperor, Apollo just felt so right and reassuring. He could be none of those things, but Ruby would always see him as a dark angel She didn't want the moment to end. And while she was still nervous, she noticed that he too was wary and she wished he wasn't. She was still conflicted, but wanted just one sign from him, a sign of interest. It almost brought tears to her eyes and then she remembered something and so began to surprise the man in her arms to hear her sing.

Apollo's eyes opened widely and couldn't help but look at her; the beautiful maiden, who's fingers caressed his head and neck as she hummed such an entrancing song. Almost as if she were a Siren as although she was not speaking in tone, the expression of affection and longing could be felt and though it all, the Harbinger realized somewhere in his mind that his grieving was all but dulled; where he had felt grief and agony, only a distant soothing calm remained. He was bewildered at all probability of this instant; he knew it was "The Moment" that had come and as Ruby had finished her song, his mind was dispelled of any doubts as to what this young woman now meant to him.
"Ruby..." The Witch heard him call as she ended her song, her eyes were met with his. she smiled and looked away.

"I remember my mother singing that song to me, before I went to sleep every night" She offered tenderly with a sigh "I always thought it was the most beautiful song in the world"

"And so it is." Apollo offered with an undertone of affection before turning in the water to face her and cupping her cheek in his hand "Made so, for you sing it." His words struck Ruby like lighting, her eyes widening as they lit and focused on his. She felt his hand on her cheek and instinctively leaned into it as she unconsciously wrapped her arms again around his shoulders. She only just heard herself beginning to whisper the Harbinger's name but her whisper was cut off at the sensation of the kiss that they had both initiated, her breath uneven but her embrace and desire indulged as she felt his free arm wrap around her frame hoping to pull her toward him.

"My master?" Eris' voice broke the spell of which Apollo and Ruby had allowed themselves to fall into. Although their kiss was broken, both the Witch and the Harbinger remained in each other's embrace under the gaze of the Valkyrie.

"Yes, Lady Eris." Apollo breathed lowly as he looked at his attendant, who bowed dutifully.

"The final selections for the remaining representatives have arrived. I have come to inform you that you will find the documents on your desk." the Valkyrie replied. Apollo almost allowed himself to close his eyes and rest against Ruby's chest, but he realized that he had to learn the information.

Apologetically, he looked at Ruby, who softly sighed but also lovingly smiled.

"The Emperor needs to return to his duties I suppose" She teased understanding as she slid her hands to Apollo's chest and he nodded.

"Indeed, but I will be hoping to continue this matter." Apollo responded assuring and surprising Ruby with another kiss on her lips and a stroke of her cheek. "To this, I give you my word." With that, Apollo gently pulled away and rose out of the bath, grabbing the abandoned towel and wrapping it around his waist before grabbing his clothes. Nodding to Eris, the Harbinger walked toward the exit, but not before looking back at Ruby, who caught his glance and gave a small wave back at him as she too left the bath and reached for the other towel.

You were right, boy. Apollo thought to himself of his conversation with Tsukune as he forced himself to pay attention to the Valkyrie as she detailed a situation to him which although he absorbed the information, his mind was clearly on the young woman who even if she didn't realize it had already stolen what he believed was his undeserving heart.

Ruby watched Apollo leave, with Eris behind him. The moment they were out of sight, the young witch felt her heart flip so much that she found herself placing both her hands on her chest and let herself drop to her knees as she felt the strength drain from her legs.

"Oh my god..." the young witch whispered, with her smile being so wide, she thought she would never be able to stop.

Finally, the day came. Tsukune, Moka, and the group sat outside the front of the Estate, patiently waiting for the van that would be bringing them their friends.

After what seemed like a while, the limo slowly drove around the courtyard to the front driveway, and Gin and Bail hopped out of the vehicle once it parked. Once they got a look at the Estate, the two stood there with their eyes bugging out of their skulls, their mouths dropping limp.

Kurumu chuckled and patted the two boys on the back. "Don't worry, you two. You'll get used to it."

"It's big." Bail muttered under his voice, which Gin picked up on easily.

"Really big." He responded. "There's so much room for activities..."

"Make sure your tail isn't wagging, bro."

Gin's tail, which Bail had correctly predicted its materialization, went limp.

"It's fine." Tsukune chuckled, holding Moka under his arm in a tender hug. "You can let your tail out if you feel. Apollo's not that way unless there are humans around."

The tail went back to wagging, more passionately and vigorously than before.

The group laughed together, feeling that familiar sense of camaraderie one gets when they rejoin a group of friends that they haven't seen in ages.

"Follow me, you guys." Tsukune gestured, walking into the entryway. "The Arena is this way. We could study for ages in there, and only a moment would pass out here, so it's perfect for us."

"So you've said before." Bail said, popping his neck, the scar on his neck reflecting painfully in the light. "But I don't really feel like frying my brain in a long ass cram session. Are there any snacks?"

Gin snapped his fingers. "This man is asking the right questions."

Yukari snapped her fingers, and a set of frying pans popped out of thin air and dropped on the duo's heads. As they writhed on the steps in agony, Tsukune looked at her worriedly. "Don't do that again. You know how Eris can get."

Yukari waved her hand in front of her face. "Eris will be fine. It's outside the Estate, technically, so she can't say anything!"

"Wow." Mizore said, popping her sucker out of her mouth. "You've got some balls."

She then turned to the two boys on the ground and rubbed her hands on their heads. Small wisps of ice hissed in the sunlight as the boys sighed in relief. "And the answer is yes, you two. There will be snacks. All we have to do is ask Ancestor's servants and they'll be more than happy to help out."

"Hold up." Bail looked up in sheer confusion. "Who's 'Ancestor?'"

"It's a long story, everyone." Came Ruby's voice, and the group turned around to find her hurrying down the steps to help the boys up. "Frankly, I feel it's not one we have time for now. As the only teacher from Yokai Academy present, I'm here to make sure you all hurry along your way!"

She dusted the two boys off, and gave the others a pointed look. "Now. Chop, chop!"

Everyone chuckled, but started to make their way through the Estate, making minor conversation as they walked through. They were almost through to the Arena when they heard the soft sound of someone clearing their throat. They turned and saw that it was Apollo himself.

"Forgive my intrusion, children, but may I be permitted to acquire young Aono for a moment?" Apollo asked sincerely as he stood in the nearest doorway, his eyes quickly locking with Ruby's and if he didn't know any better, he could perceive the light brighten in the Witch's eyes, wondering if the company were able to see that in his own in the brief moment before he turned his attention to Tsukune.

Tsukune turned and smiled at the Harbinger. "Sure."

He then returned to his friends. "I'll be just a moment." Tsukune kissed his wife on the cheek once, then walked over to where Apollo stood. As he left, he could hear his friends talking about how big Tsukune was getting for his britches, having the Lord of Yokai call on him personally. He chuckled as he reached Apollo. "You needed me?"

The Emperor simply gestured to follow him into the room behind where he stood. Tsukune followed to then behold Apollo closing the door behind them.

"Yes I do, Tsukune" Apollo began in a sincere manner before looking down "For two matters actually; the first for which I will apologize right now, as I feel I am imposing too much on your kind ear."

Tsukune chuckled nervously. "It's okay, Apollo. If you're asking me, I guess I must be ready for it. What's up?

"Relax, what I am going to divulge to you first, is not something to be nervous over" Apollo kindly remarked, sensing his younger company's nervous demeanor. The Harbinger looked toward the closed door with a sigh.

"...Ruby. Something transpired between us..."

A small twinkle appeared in Tsukune's eyes and a huge grin broke out on his face as he leaned forward. "Go on..."

Apollo couldn't help but give a small chuckle from the sudden piped curiosity that Tsukune was giving, but it was doing little to lessen the situation. "I did not believe I would be entering the Moment so soon. For you, the idea of eighteen years being widowed must seem a lifetime, but for myself; the amount of time training in the Arena aside, it is barely a few moments."

He placed a single hand on the door. "Tsukune, you must already have deduced my uncertainty of acting upon such affection - our last conversation on the matter was rather... intense."

"That's an understatement, if I ever heard it." Tsukune said, sitting down on a nearby chair. "Which is why I did what I did in there; you needed a little nudge in the right direction."

"The gesture is indeed appreciated and I will not forget it." Apollo commented thankfully, his voice still belaying his sadness "But it is a situation I would be eventually compelled to follow sooner or later... the Moment can not ever be undone and as it affects me, so too it does Ruby, even if not in the same manner. The longer we leave it, the more severe the impulse will become."

"So..." Tsukune leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. He could feel for Apollo, but knew there was something else. "What's your plan? I doubt you would have brought this up to me without something in mind."

"It is better to face one's circumstance, then to cower from it." Apollo commented, his tone changing to one of resolve. "I plan on proceeding, to make her my Queen if it is to be; for her sake if anything, no matter the pain her inevitable passing will give me"

He gave a small humorless laugh. "I must really disappoint you, must I not? I am disputed as to being the most powerful being both this world and man's and yet I am incapacitated by a circumstance that is set to repeat over and over throughout eternity... to a point where I do not know which will first transpire; whether my life reaches the eventual, penultimate conclusion, or my heart and soul are scarred so much that I cease to live and merely exist. But at least in this way, she can be happy with what I can give her."

"Why would I be disappointed?" Tsukune chuckled. "It's your Achilles Heel, practically. Everyone has one. You only become greater by realizing what it is and acknowledging it. And you did just that."

Tsukune stood up and patted Apollo on the shoulder. "I'm here for you, and so is everyone else. I'm sure Ruby will be overjoyed when she hears the news, and so will you, when she says yes."

"This is not the first time I have been in this situation, nor the first time I have come to that realization." Apollo freely admitted "And like times before this, it took time and the advice of another to nudge me forward..." he then placed his hand gratefully atop Tsukune's and genuinely smiled. "Thank you, child. You really do not realize how much I appreciate your encouraging kindness... even now I see what my daughter saw in you and what my granddaughter sees in you."

"I know." Tsukune chuckled and placed his hands behind his head, throwing Apollo a mischievous grin. "I'm pretty great, aren't I?"

But even Apollo could see how the young Shinsai was blushing ever so slightly.

"So, what's the plan?" Tsukune repeated. "Gonna propose to her in song? Woo her with gems of the highest prestige? Write her a poem?"

"I have a plan; it is a custom that goes back to the time of my race." Apollo responded earnestly "It is custom for Lue to craft a mating band for their intended Seral, both to make her, his Queen and to show to others that he is her Crown." The Harbinger sighed and gave a rather guilty glance that quickly diminished the grin on the Vampire's face.

"And this is the second matter for which I required you here, right now."

"I'm all ears." Tsukune simply said.

"I feel that by the time I have divulged your role, you may wish to... as they say; 'Eat those words'" Apollo mused as he beckoned Tsukune to follow him to the other side of the room, toward an open glass door which overlooked a balcony. Tsukune followed the Emperor and noticed, rested against the flawless marble handrail, an unusual looking rock, the size of a large suitcase attached to a sturdy chain made of a substance which the Vampire could not recognize.

"What's this?" Tsukune asked, resting his hand on the rock curiously.

"Where I am going, few substances can survive; much less yokai, or any living being for that matter." Apollo responded cryptically as he removed his robe then untied his tassal while kicking off his sandals. "That rock acts much like the egg I had Pyotan guard during one of your trials; it is a container, put quite simply. One that can survive the intense heat and pressure for where I am to travel."

One look at Tsukune's face clearly spelled that he did not follow.

"To craft the band I intend to give my future Queen, I require material - one including a rather difficult find." Apollo followed up with a conclusive remark as he pulled off his tunic. "It is found deep within the earth, to a place known to so few; the Mantle Caverns."

"Makes sense." Tsukune nodded. "So, is it a good material? Like, a precious gemstone or?"

"One does include a precious stone, yes. A rather rare one as it must be virtually flawless. I trust should you see my future Queen wear it, you shall understand completely." Apollo explained as he took his discarded clothes and folded them neatly over the rail. "The other material I require is the highest quality of a metal countless times harder then even diamond and more precious then any other material, save one.."

Tsukune sighed, internally disturbed by the Harbinger's lack of modesty.

And then, it occurred to him. "Um... while you're down there, think you could get enough of that material for two additional rings?"

"Rings... I see..." Apollo smiled as he caught onto Tsukune's intentions. "It may be difficult, but I shall be looking to return with at least twenty kilos worth anyway."

"Indeed it is." Apollo's smile turned into a mild press. "I will be away for approximately a day to two days and although I have arranged my timetable around this outing and everything has been settled, I have a task for you. Not only will this task prove your ability, but it should also provide you with a lesson of perspective." He placed a hand over his chest. "You are going to be 'me' until I return..."

Tsukune smiled. "Sure, no problem. Things will be fine until-"

Then the depth of what Apollo had said hit him. "Wait... huh?! Me? Be you?" He winced. "Damn... That's going to be hard."

"Perhaps." Apollo mused then continued "However you are only assuming this role until my return in a day or so; be reminded that I have taken to these reins for millennia. Every action considered, every choice made has either resulted in rewarding success or torturing consequence in time.

"You are instructed to undertake this yourself, but you will have support, for Lady Eris has already been instructed to act as your enforcer, to see your decisions carried out. Use as much resource as you wish, but keep mindful of what your actions will carry down the line."

Apollo frowned. "The issue I have with many with notions of grandeur and their own ambitions is that they deal in only the present tense and think only at most a few weeks to a year down the line. I for one have been laying down the paving for the next ten thousand years, with many concurrent alternatives in the event of a roadblock, so I have little time and patience to indulge such childish shortsightedness. As a Dark Lord, you must overcome this and as much as I have confidence in your enthusiasm, you will have to prove your mettle to those you will be serving. Do too much for one and not only will that one become too dependent on you, to the point any deprivation of support will be met with discontent by others, but you will be showing nothing but favoring at their expense. Alternatively, if you do nothing, you will be seen as incompetent or even careless."

The Harbinger could tell that the situation was pressuring the young boy and he sympathized for the tribulation would carry a grave deal of weight. "Tenmei failed to prepare you for the likes of this, boy. If you choose to continue in pursuing what you spoke to me of previously..."

Tsukune scratched the back of his head. "I knew something like this would come up, just not this early. But, if you feel like I'm ready to handle such a feat, then I can't really let you down, now can I?"

Tsukune smiled up at Apollo. "You can leave it to me. I won't disappoint you."

"I am pleased to hear that, Tsukune." Apollo replied with a confident nod "I shall hold you to that vow, though do not be troubled since it should be highly unlikely that anything other than what Lady Eris should be expected to bring to your attention." With that, the Harbinger grabbed ahold of the chain attached to the rock and with little effort, flung it over the estate gardens and witnessed it plummet into the fiery depths of the volcano's reservoir. The emperor hopped atop the balcony rail and looked down at Tsukune.

"I look forward to seeing and hearing how you manage. Best of luck." Apollo finished, his eyes turning to their true colors before the emperor instantly crouched down then just as quickly leaped impossibly forward; over the estate and into the Inferno with elegant ease.

Tsukune smiled as the Harbinger left, and as he turned to return to his friends, he was met with the cold stare of Eris.

"Whoa!" Tsukune started. "Hi there."

"You have much to do, young master Aono." Eris commented with a sincere bow "My master has left me with instructions to aid you and to oblige your requests until his return." The Valkyrie turned to the side presenting the door. "Shall you be beginning your tasks, young master?"

"I'd honestly love nothing more," Tsukune said sincerely. "But I can't just yet. I have to study for my final exams so I can graduate and turn all my focus on this. But we will be studying in the Arena, so after we leave I'll be more than eager to get started. Can you tell me what's on the agenda, though?"

Truth be told, Tsukune was quite shocked with her change of demeanor towards him. Tsukune walked towards the door, with Eris following close after him.

"Your agenda consists of approximately sixteen piles of propositions and appeals pertaining to laws and permits across the yokai species." Eris commented as she caught up. "My master has instructed that you are to review each bill presented, decide on whether they should be approved or rejected with a detailed explanation as to your judgment whilst avoiding conflicts of interest between them. Given how the number of these bills will increase within the next few hours, my recommendation is that you do not neglect your duty for too long."

"I will take that into consideration." Tsukune thought aloud. "However, I still need that study time. Apollo would skin my hide if I neglected my studies." He stopped and turned to Eris. "How long does one hour in the real world translate to time in the Arena?"

"It has been preset to approximately one full twenty four hour day." Eris replied. "It was deduced to be sufficient for the purpose being decided, with any further extensive twist in the time frame posing a risk of loss of actual time for those other then yourself, Lady Aono, and my master."

Tsukune nodded. "Will an hour without working suffice? If I have not returned by then, which I think I probably will, I'd like for you to come and get me."

Eris simply bowed her head "As you instruct, young master."

"Is there anything else that requires my attention?"

"It may be important to inform you that all four Generals have resumed their posts and the assigned officer stationed within the estate if required is Second Captain Sapphi Raphael Octavian of the Eastern Legion." Eris immediately responded. "Are there any other orders?"

"Nothing at this time." Tsukune replied. "Thank you, Eris. If you need me, please don't hesitate to come and get me."

"As instructed, young master." Eris bowed her head.

With that, Tsukune left to meet up with his friends.

Sweat poured from their foreheads as they sat on the floor in a circle and stared at the piece of paper.

"You do it." Bail said.

"Like hell I am." Gin glared at him. "I already graduated, so if I do it, it'll be like helping you cheat when you're supposed to be studying it."

Kurumu groaned aloud, grabbing fistful's of her hair and yelling out in despair. "The numbers... What do they mean?!"

Tsukune leaned back and scratched his head. "Why does calculus have to be so hard?"

Moka crawled over to Tsukune and whispered in his ear. "I know something else that can be hard."

Tsukune blushed hard. "Moka, we're trying to study right now."

"I know, but I'm bored."

"Maybe later?"

Moka kissed his cheek. "Maybe all I want right now is a kiss from my husband. How about that?"

"But we're in the middle of a study group..." Tsukune said weakly as Moka's fingers ran daintily along his back.

"Well, I'm sorry for bothering you with my love." Moka smirked at him.

Tsukune sighed. "Fine. One, then back to studying."

Moka grinned and leaned in. "That's fine. I'll be collecting more later."

Tsukune raised his eyebrow. "Is that so?"

"Hey, resident Baka-ouple," came Bail's voice from the group. "It's nice that you're all back together and lovey dovey again... But seriously. We got some work to do."

The two looked at each other for a moment, then blushed and chuckled.

Right then, Tsukune felt a chill run down his back, just as Moka said, "Did you guys hear something?"

Kurumu shook her head. "Oh no, we're not falling for that again. Now, you're gonna help me with these polynomials that are kicking my hind or so help me-"

And then they all heard it. And saw it.

From over by the entrance came a loud crash that sent wood, splinters, and dust flying everywhere. Tsukune felt his body automatically move, moving in front of his wife as a snake head darted out from the dust cloud. Tsukune quickly slapped it away, barely avoiding the fangs that threatened to snap at his wrist.

"Get back!" Tsukune yelled, right as he saw several gray objects darted on either side of his peripheral view.

They flew towards the dust, and several yelps came from the dirt, followed by a quick whirlwind, blowing the dirt away. When the dust cleared, they could see a woman with snakes for hair being trapped by several strands of metal crisscrossing her body, almost like a fisher's net, completely restricting any type of movement.

"What the..." Both Tsukune and the snake woman said, right as she collapsed, unable to keep her balance.

"You're not the only one that's gotten better at fighting, Tsukune." Came Yukari's voice from behind him. She walked over to his side, brandishing a new magic wand that he'd never seen before. It was about as long as her previous one, but gold with dark vines entwining the rod, leading up to a dark circle with a single golden star atop it.

"My last one broke as I was training." Yukari said, noticing him looking. "My magic's gotten a lot stronger, so Apollo found one for me that could handle it."

"Regardless," Gin said, joining them. "We need to find out who this bitch is."

He was standing next to them, then he blurred as he suddenly appeared next to the snake woman.

"What kind of business would bring a Gorgon here?" Yukari wondered as she joined him, poking her wand at the woman's hair, which snapped at her futily under the net.

"Aren't Gorgon's super rare nowadays? And aren't they supposed to turn you into stone if you look at them?" Tsukune asked, recalling lessons at the academy.

"That's only if they make eye contact with you. We were lucky. But, if I recall," Moka said, her hand under her chin. "There's a small group that have been traveling around..."

"...And they always go out in pairs of three..." Kurumu realized aloud as a soft hiss came from behind them.

Tsukune saw the dirt underneath him shift and barely made it off the ground in time for the ground to break apart and another Gorgon came screeching out from the dirt, hands outstretched and each of the snake heads ready and primed to inject their poison.

But she barely got two feet out of the ground before the temperature rapidly dropped and a thick sheet of ice flew across the ground and immediately stopped the woman in her tracks.

Tsukune landed on the ground and took a quick breath. "This place isn't safe. We need to find out where the last one is, and get out of here. I'm sure that the Estate isn't in much better shape if they're in the Arena."

"I've got this." Kurumu said, and knelt down next to the woman, who was still struggling to get out.

"It's alright, love..." Kurumu's voice suddenly took on a deeper, more sultry tone. Tsukune could practically feel the pheromones vibrating in each syllable, and apparently so could the Gorgon. The Gorgon's gaze settled on Kurumu, fully enraptured.

"Just tell me where your sister is, and I'll help you leave... Okay?" Kurumu smiled innocently at the Gorgon, who started to nod very enthusiastically.

"She's somewhere in here, as well." The Gorgon's voice was rough and raspy. "I don't know her exact location, but we let her do what she wants, because she's good at surprising people. But, I can find her for you!"

Kurumu slowly stroked the Gorgon's cheek. "You're so helpful... Thank you." She had completely wrapped the Gorgon around her finger.

"Wow, Kurumu!" Tsukune exclaimed. "That was incredible. How did you not turn into stone?"

Kurumu's face lit up. "My technique is just faster! Do you love me yet, Tsukune?"

Moka bristled next to him, but Tsukune laughed it off.

However, the Gorgon didn't take Kurumu flirting with someone else too well, and she snarled at Tsukune, the numerous snake heads in her hair entwining to create a much larger snake head that quickly tried to snap at his head.

But, before the heads could get close, the woman's face went slack and her eyes rolled in her head as an eleven inch ice spike went through the side of her head.

Mizore pulled her leg away, revealing that the spike had grown from the tip of her foot. "Sorry about that, Kurumu... but she was trying to hurt Tsukune. Not cool."

Tsukune swallowed. Since when had Mizore grown so brutal?

"Regardless," Tsukune coughed. "We should head out and-"

"You should have kept her alive, oh mighty Apprentice!" came a shriek, and Tsukune turned to see yet another Gorgon hurtling at him from over her sister.

But like her sisters, she never got close enough to hurt him. There was a blur, and underneath the Gorgon they could see the form of Cicero as he deftly spun his green blade in a windmill fashion, severing the woman's head from her body. Blood sprayed across the field as the woman collapsed on the ground in two pieces.

Cicero cracked his neck as he stood up straight. "Whoo, gotta love doing that."

He turned to the group and smiled as he stabbed his blade into the base of the woman's skull, which caused both her head and body to crumble into dust. "Sorry about that, Replacement Chief, but I thought you might like to know we're under attack. But..." He looked at the two trapped on the ground. "I suppose you could already tell."

"How bad is it?" Tsukune got straight to the point, and Cicero's smile dropped.

"You'd better get out there. It's practically hell's feeding ground out there. They're everywhere. Be ready to get attacked at any second."

The group weren't able to step two feet out of the Arena into the darkness of the Arena before the attackers noticed them and launched themselves at them. There were so many of them, and so much variation that it seemed that they all complemented each other. Others breathed fire to move mass groups, while others used vines and limbs to bind and separate individuals. The lack of light only served to cause panic and disorientation as to where the attackers were.

It was tactical.

Fairy Tail.

Tsukune parried a vampire that had flung itself at him and delivered a swift chop to its neck, resulting in a sickening crunch and the vampire crumpled into a ball at his feet. But no sooner than that, another came rushing at him, fangs glistening in the faint light.

But, a small blur quickly knocked the creature off his track. Kokoa stood in front of him, sweeping the vampire's legs out from under him before bringing her heel crashing down on his skull, driving the monster into the ground, shattering the fine granite.

"Stay on your toes, you idiot." Kokoa snarled, her eyes almost seeming to glow red in the darkness. "There's more baddies out there to hunt."

Before Tsukune could even respond, she vanished again, just as quickly as she'd come.

"Guess I'm about to get left in the dust, huh?" Tsukune said softly to himself. "Definitely not cool."

He drew deep inside himself, and with a grunt, shifted from human to Shinsai, with all the flashing lights and yokai bursts that came with it. Several of the enemies fainted from fear at the sight, while others recoiled slightly, but rallied together and rushed him.

"Let's see how this goes, shall we?" Tsukune said to the rushing crowd, and ran to meet them.

A fist came flying past his ear, which he quickly broke and thrust his elbow into the owner's chest, sending him flying into several of his comrades. Tsukune spun away from another's rush, swept his feet out from under him, and kicked him in midair, using another body to knock out numerous others. An enemy from above dive bombed him, talons outstretched to tear his throat. But Tsukune swiftly ducked and grabbed hold of the creature's feet, using the creatures body to attack several other enemies like a bag filled with bricks. One by one, the monsters fell, and Tsukune discarded the unconscious body.

"Damn, you're good at crowd control, Tsuku." Came Cicero's voice from behind him. He'd joined Tsukune in fighting, watching his back and keeping him safe. "Sure you don't wanna join the Night Warriors and serve with Timaeus? He's good at that shit."

Tsukune chuckled. "That'd be fun, but not yet. Where are the Generals? I need to talk to them."

He could tell Cicero was smiling. "Now you're using your brains, Tsuku. Lucky for you, they just arrived a bit ago. Follow me."

The two of them cut a bloody path through the enemies, quickly making their way to an open circle where they could clearly hear Xerxes shouting insults at the enemies, as if he were a military instructor in basic training rather than in the heat of an ambush.

"The Lord's Apprentice..." Ramses softly said, using his long, black scythe to carve through a Orc's neck. "So glad you could finally join us."

"Sorry, I was preoccupied. Nobody bothered to come tell us until now." Tsukune snapped back. "How long has this been going on?"

"Doesn't matter." Cornelia interjected. "You're here now. That's what matters."

"It's been a few hours, if you must know." Ramses said. "Enough time for us to return from our posts and aid in the fight."

"Enough, Ramses!" Timaeus shouted, headbutting one monster and sidestepping another to thrust his sword backwards to pierce through two that were rushing him. "Focus on the task at hand, or you'll be in a much worse boat than you are now!" He then grabbed another creature's head from over his shoulder and flung him over and snapped his neck.

"Eris!" Tsukune called, and the Valkyrie was instantly at his side.

"You called, young master?" The Valkyrie responded calmly, as she continued to decapitated three more monsters, as if she hadn't moved from her previous spot at all. Blood spattered her tunic and face, but she seemed calm, as if she were merely strolling through the park.

"Why didn't you come tell me what happened as soon as it did?" Tsukune cried out as he delivered a swift thai kick to an Orc's arm, breaking through his guard as it shattered his arm and sent him to the floor in a bloodied mess."

"You did not request that I inform you should something like this occur."

Tsukune bit his lip. That was fair.

"So, what's it going to be, Tsukune?" Cornelia shouted amidst the chaos.

"What do you mean?" Tsukune shouted, then watched as several enemies flew into the air and were quickly pierced by ice spikes. Mizore's work, no doubt.

"The Lord made you his replacement before he left!" Xerxes said as he grabbed two monsters by the heads, cracked them together, and tossed them into the crowd. "So, we take orders from you for now!"

"As painful as it may be," Timaeus agreed. "It is the Lord's will for now."

Ramses sighed. "Your orders, young Apprentice? Quickly, make your decision as we have not much time left."

Tsukune sighed, the impact of the role hitting him once again. He started to think hard. Countless lives depended on him now! The responsibility was almost too much to bear, but a soft voice inside him told him all he needed to know.

His wife, almost as if she had heard his conflict. I believe in you, love.

Tsukune gasped, and as quickly as it had come, the panic disappeared, and he knew what had to happen.

"Cornelia, focus your troops on search and rescue." Tsukune began. "We need to get all non-combat entities out of harm's way. Focus on the men, women, and children and get them to safety!"

"You got it!" Cornelia was gone.

"Ramses, work on disorienting them." Tsukune turned to the eldest General. "You're good at getting under people's skin, so use that to divide them and lower their morale."

Ramses bowed dramatically after downing another enemy. "As you so wish, Apprentice..."

"Xerxes, get your men on crowd control." Tsukune blocked an attack and sent the enemy to the side. "We can't have these guys running lose, so box them in."

Xerxes smiled. "I like the sound of that."

"Timaeus." Tsukune gave the great General a solid stare. "Dissect them."

Timaeus nodded, but Tsukune could have sworn there was a small smile on his face.

"Eris, Cicero, you're with me." Tsukune faced the two of them and brandished Bloodbane. "I have to pay a visit to a certain Chimaera."

Eris nodded, but Cicero chuckled. "Going after the big baddie, huh? I like your thinking."

"Enough talk." Tsukune interrupted him. "Let's move!"

Together, the group slashed and sliced their way through wave after wave of enemies, making their way towards the front of the Estate, where Tsukune was sure that Kiria would be.

But, they weren't the only ones with that idea.

Right as the trio reached the entrance, they saw that Kurumu and Yukari were already locked in combat with the Chimaera. Kiria swung his scythe arm in wide arcs, keeping Kurumu at bay while somehow still defending himself from Yukari's long ranged attacks.

Kurumu seemed almost desperate, having obviously been at this for a while. Her claws were dripping with blood, which Tsukune could see that was from Kiria, given the large slash wounds on his chest. But regardless, the Chimaera still stood strong and managed to use the blunt end of his arm to knock Kurumu to the floor.

"Die, you useless bitch." Kiria said softly, right as he brought the scythe down.

"KURUMU!" Tsukune cried as he dashed forward. But it was too far, and he was too late.

The scythe came down with a sickening crunch. But as Tsukune looked on in horror, he realized that it wasn't Kurumu that the scythe had hit.

It was Yukari. She had rushed forward to stop the blade, and now that very same blade was sticking through her small body.

Right through her chest.

Evansfire: Welp. This was a fun chapter to write. I love cliffhangers. It seems like my specialty is the hook, as far as I know. (Apologies for all the cliffhangers, but at the same time... I'm really not...) We've been planning this section for a while, and I think we did a great job. We finally showcased the abilities that Yukari, Mizore, Kurumu, and Kokoa have been working on. Next chapter, you guys will get to see Ruby go ape shit. It'll be a sight to see...

So... What happened to Yukari? Again, you'll have to see...

Chris the Phoenix: Ruby going ape? I reckon I speak for Apollo when I say that her being mad probably scares even the mighty Harbinger himself... Still, now that they seem to be getting pretty close... who knows what could happen...

Evansfire: So, now that work has calmed down, and I finally finished KH3, I'll be getting to work on the next chapter. This one won't take that long.

(*sees Jump Force in the corner of his eye* …Goddamnit...)

So, Thank You, You Wonderful People. And we will see you in the next chapter, Chapter 19: Crossroads And A Vampire.

Until Next Time...