Harry Potter, the Chosen One

Chapter 3

In the standard month following the viewing of Harry's memories, the odd band of people on Dagobah fell into a routine of sorts. Harry and Yoda would get up a few hours before Ahsoka and Sirius. The Jedi Master and his new Padawan would go deep into the swamp to work on physical training as well as honing Harry's already tremendous connection with the force. Around lunch time, they would return and share a meal with the others.

After lunch, Ahsoka would work on teaching the humans the more common languages spoken in the galaxy. Yoda had originally volunteered to teach them, and was slightly miffed at the speed in which the human had said no. "Speak fine I do. Everyone else, incorrectly do they speak," he muttered, and then went off to meditate in his hut. For her part, Ahsoka was amazed at how quickly both wizards picked up new languages. They had finished Basic and had just started working on both Wookie and Twi'lek.

After language lessons, combat styles were taught by Yoda and Ahsoka. Originally, the only student had been Harry, leaving Sirius to his own devices. After a near disastrous fire in the cargo hold resulting from a prank backfiring on him, Sirius was added to the lessons.

****Harry Potter, the Chosen One****

Harry sat cross-legged in a small clearing with his eyes closed. Yoda sat across from him and used the Force to test Harry's mental defenses. Not for the first time, Harry had surprised his teacher in using the Force in a new way to accomplish something. While most Jedis surrounded their minds with impressive, immobile shields, Harry went in the opposite direction. He submerged his mind into the flow of the Force around him. Each time Yoda tried to latch onto one of Harry's thoughts, he would find himself reading the "thoughts" of the rocks and trees near them.

After a fourth unsuccessful try, Yoda opened his eyes. "Good, unable to read your thought I am," he praised. "Your emotions, easy to read they are, but ability to hide them, few Jedis posses," he added. "Now, work on levitating we shall," he told Harry.

Through the Force, Yoda felt Harry's frustration. The loud sigh the young human gave out would have clued in any non-Force sensitive people to his feelings as well. Harry had taken to his Force training like a fish to water, but the ability to levitate things without the use of Wingardium Leviosa was still evading him.

Inspiration struck Yoda when he thought about how well Harry was able to feel the Force around him. "Try something different today we shall," he suggested. "Your wand and spell to levitate that rock, I wish," he stated.

"Okay, that's easy," Harry replied as he took out his wand. He pointed the wand at the rock, but before he cast the spell, Yoda put his small, green hand on his arm.

"Close your eyes, and feel your magic you should," Yoda instructed him.

Harry nodded his head, and closed his eyes. He used the Force to pinpoint the rock, and muttered a soft, "Wingardium Leviosa." The rock rose up out of the mud with an easy grace. As he was instructed, Harry observed how it felt to cast the magic, and how the magic felt as it accomplished the task he had asked of it. After a few moments, Harry lowered the rock back into place.

"Feel it did you?" Yoda asked. Harry just nodded his head again. "Good, good. My hand you will hold as the Force to do the same thing I will use," he instructed. When he felt Harry take hold of his hand, Yoda went on by saying, "Close your eyes you will. Reach out with the Force to sense you shall."

Focusing on his teacher, Harry felt the Force flow through him and into the rock. At first, it seemed like the feeling of the spell and just the Force were very different. On close inspection however, Harry saw more and more similarities. It was almost as if they were the same note, just several octaves apart. Magic felt like a note high in the register, while the Force Yoda used felt like a deep bass rumbling. Thinking of the energies like music was the breakthrough Harry was looking for.

Yoda felt the sudden rush of excitement from his pupil. He lowered his out stretched hand and let the rock sink back into the mud. Opening his eyes and taking a few steps back. "Again, raise the rock you shall, but without your wand or spell," he stated.

Harry took in a deep breath to center himself, and closed his eyes. He examined his connection with the Force and realised that while he had an impressive range, he wasn't able to mimic the same low bass tone like Yoda produced. However, he could shift his energies to the lowest end of his personal spectrum. Focusing very hard on the feeling of the Force flowing through him, Harry thought about the rock and lifted it out of the mud. Without opening his eyes, Harry knew he had accomplished his task.

"Yes, yes… strong in the Force you are. But… your aim we must work on," Yoda said from a few feet above Harry. Opening his eyes, Harry was shocked to see not only the rock, but everything Yoda sized and smaller in a ten foot circle around him floating in the air and orbiting him like he was the sun in the center of his own solar system. The shock broke his concentration causing everything, including Yoda to fall to the ground. "Waaaaahhh!" Yoda exclaimed as he fell behind a bush.

"Yoda, are you alright?" Harry asked as he quickly rose to his feet. He wasn't expecting the aged Jedi Master to chuckle in response.

"Same problem as a youngling I had," Yoda explained. "Easy to fix it is. Point your hand at what you wish to move you should. Much better aim you will receive," he said warmly. After a second, Yoda frowned and wrinkled his nose. He sniffed the air a few times, and then turned his head to look at the back of his pants and robe. "Odds I wonder, likelihood of picking same clearing that Padfoot uses as a restroom I did," he muttered with a grimace. Without another word, the small, green alien stripped out of his robe and pants. He handed them to Harry and ordered, "Wash these you will when return to the ship we shall."

Harry took the clothes and just stood there, blinking as his brain tried to reboot. Yoda noticed the expression on the human's face and asked, "What? Never seen another in their underclothes have you?"

"You're wearing boxers," Harry managed to say, stating the obvious. The boxers in question were blue with little green lightsabers printed on them.

Yoda looked down at his boxers. "Yes, boxers I wear. Briefs to constricting do I find them. Room for the 'satellites' to orbit I prefer," he explained and swiveled his hips to get his point across. He stopped rotating his hips and pointed to the leather harness Ahsoka had whipped up in the ship's workshop. "Ride back to the ship you will give me," he ordered.

****Harry Potter, the Chosen One****

While Harry and Yoda were training out in the swamp, Sirius and Ahsoka were puttering around the ship's workshop. Ahsoka was using the time to machine new parts the ship desperately needed. Being the Padawan of a mechanical genius had taught her how to cobble together things they needed from seemingly unrelated parts. She was confident she would have a hyperspace motivator with twice the capacity of the original in a few days.

Sirius was busy with tooling one of the ship's blaster pistols into more of a tube shape. He had taken to the blaster as soon as he saw how quickly it spat out destructive beams of energy. He was able to get off four or five shots in the time it took him to get off one Bombarda spell. The problem was he couldn't hit the broadside of a castle with the blaster configured as it was currently. Back when he was an auror, Sirius had held the title of best marksman with his wand three years running. He hoped the new shape would make it easier for him to aim and bring him back to the level he was used to working at.

Sighing, Sirius sat up straight and arched his back. After a few more pops than he would like to admit, his back felt better. Taking this as a sign to take a break, he looked around the workshop. He still had no idea what half of the machines were for. Picking one at random, Sirius pointed at it and asked, "Hey Ahsoka, what does that machine do?"

Ahsoka looked up from her disassembled motivator. "That's a micro-engraver," she answered. Seeing the blank look on his face, she added, "It writes really, really small."

"Okay, so what's it used for?" Sirius pressed. A glimmer of an idea was starting to form in his head.

"It's used to mark property so it can be identified without marring the aesthetic of the item. The markings can only be read with a microscope. It can also be used to etch new circuit pathways on a microchip," she explained.

Sirius' smile started to get larger as his idea gained more substance. "What does it use to etch with it?" he inquired.

"All micro-engravers use tips of crystalline phrikite. It will cut just about anything save phrik alloy itself," Ahsoka responded.

Sirius was nearly vibrating with excitement. All magical runes had to be etched with a crystal, and a rune's efficiency was directly related to its size. The smaller the rune, the less magic was lost to resistance. That was why the Marauders always had Moony etch the runes they were using since he had small, compact, almost feminine handwriting. The thought of being able to write runes smaller than the eye could see was like an early Yule present for him.

"Show me how it works," Sirius begged.

Ahsoka shook her head. "Not right now. I'm in the middle of working on the ship's hyperspace-motivator," she replied. Sirius gave Ahsoka his best puppy dog eyes, which coming from a dog animagus, were especially potent. Ahsoka threw her arms up in the air. "Fine, you win. Come over, here and I'll show you," she ordered.

After turning the machine on, Ahsoka picked up the stylus and handed it to Sirius. "You draw what you want on this tablet, and it shows up on the screen here. You can make changes by pressing the drawing button here and the erase button here. When you are satisfied with what you drew, you press this button, and the machine etches it using the arm over there," she instructed.

Sirius ran over to the waste bin, and picked out a small bit of metal he had cut off the blaster he was working on. He put the scrap metal on the engraving mount, and used the stylus to draw out a simple Lumos rune with a connecting set of runes that would trigger the primary one when someone touched the metal.

Ahsoka looked over Sirius' shoulders in curiosity. Thanks to her language download from Harry, she knew how to read and write english. The symbols Sirius was drawing were definitely not letters or numbers. She would almost think they were nonsense scribbles if Sirius hadn't been so focused on making sure they were connected in a specific way.

When he was satisfied with his simple rune array, Sirius pressed the etch button. In less than a second, and with movements almost too small to notice, the phrikite tipped etcher carved his runes into the metal. When it was done, Sirius nodded his head towards the scrap metal. "Pick it up," he suggested.

Ahsoka was so shocked that the metal lit up like a torch when she touched it, she dropped it on the floor. As soon as it left her hand, the light went away.

"Woohoo! Who's your doggy? Who's your doggy?" Sirius chanted, spinning around in celebration.

Ahsoka picked up the metal again, and continued to hold it after it lit up. Her eyes grew wide when she felt a glimmer of the type of Force Sirius and Harry called magic. The light was sustained not by electricity, but by life energy that made up the universe. The implications of what she was witnessing were mind boggling. She was brought back to the here and now by Sirius talking.

"Ahsoka, I need you to do me a favor. Please don't tell Harry what we discovered today. I want to make him a present, and I want it to be a surprise for him. On my honor as a Marauder, I promise that it won't be a prank, and Harry will absolutely love it," he requested.

"Sure, Sirius," Ahsoka assured him. Her eyes lost focus for a moment before she said, "Harry and Yoda are on their way back to the ship. I need to go since it's my turn to make lunch."

Sirius looked at her with an impressed expression. "I still can't get over how cool it is that you can sense other Jedis from so far away. I would have killed to be able to sense other wizards when we were out past curfew," he told her.

Ahsoka turned quickly and headed to the galley before Sirius could notice the tips of her head tails blush. She didn't want to explain that for some reason, she could sense Harry's presence much clearer, and from a much greater distance, than she could Yoda's. Thinking of some of the more erotic dreams she had of the handsome young man caused her tail tips to blush even more.

While they were sitting down for lunch, Sirius looked over at Harry and said, "I've started reading the holo-news to help me get a better grasp of Basic. I find the personals section of the want-ads interesting. One of the ads I came across was from a Wookie cargo-master looking to meet someone in one of the various spaceports on Alderaan. I suppose you could say she was a Wookie for love in Alderaan places."

Harry groaned, and levitated a spray bottle of water out of the kitchen. When it was directly in front of Sirius' still grinning face, Harry used the Force to squeeze the trigger and spray his godfather in the face. "Bad dog- no puns at the table!" he jokingly chastised.

****Harry Potter, the Chosen One****

A few more weeks passed with Harry progressing through his training at a frightening pace. He had worked through most of the lightsaber forms using Yoda's lightsaber for practice. Harry finally decided to focus on the Shien form and was quickly becoming Ahsoka's equal in the form. Her skills in the two lightsaber form, Jar'Kai, was still far beyond him.

The day had come for Harry to show his expertise in the Shien form, a balance of quick attacks and blocks used to deflect blaster bolts. Like he had seen Ahsoka do his second day on Dagobah, Harry had Sirius tie a blindfold over his eyes. When he sensed that Sirius had stepped far enough away, Harry ignited Yoda's lightsaber. Like Ahsoka had, Harry managed to block every stone thrown at him. After the final stone was vaporized, Sirius sent a volley of stinging hexes at his godson.

Feeling the attack through the Force, Harry spun around and deflected the spells with the glowing, green blade. He twisted his wrist slightly, and sent the last stinging hex back at Sirius. Unfortunately for Sirius, the stinging hex caught him square in his non-neutered parts. The attack was over with the spell caster curled into a fetal position, with silent tears streaming down his face.

Harry took off the blindfold, and raced over to his godfather's side. "Sirius, are you okay?" he asked.

When he could finally breath, Sirius sat up, but kept both hands over his still aching groin. "I'll be fine in a few moments," he assured Harry. "I'm just really glad I was throwing stinging hexes instead of cutting charms at you," he managed to joke. "On the plus side, we now know a lightsaber can block a spell," he added.

Ahsoka waited until after Harry stood up from his godfather before she rushed over, and gave him a celebratory hug. When neither participant looked like they were willing to end the embrace, Yoda cleared his throat loudly. Harry and Ahsoka each took a somewhat embarrassed step back from each other. Turning her head so that only Yoda could see her face, the young Togruta stuck out her tongue at the ancient Jedi Master.

After completion of the Shien trials, the group had taken to shortening their combat training in favor of Sirius instructing Harry in the art of becoming an animagus. The meditation techniques of the Jedi proved far more efficient than the techniques the Marauders had come up with on their own. Ahsoka sat in on the training and after a few more weeks managed to master the initial transformation before Harry. Her animagus form turned out to be an Akul, a huge, orange furred, four legged predator from her homeworld of Shili. To Harry, her animagus form looked like a giant version of Hermione's cat, Crookshanks, complete with the bobbed tail.

The day after Ahsoka had mastered her transformation, Ahsoka watched as Harry sat still, his legs crossed beneath him. She smiled when Sirius walked up to stand next to her. She hadn't realized how much she had missed sentient company, and now thought of their small band as a family. Yoda was the stodgy, old grandfather with Sirius being the crazy uncle who was fun to have around. That left Harry - the young man she secretly wished would be her lifemate.

Sirius pointed towards Harry, and whispered excitedly, "Look, his form is starting to blur. I think he's about to change!"

Deep within his own consciousness, Harry felt himself whisked away to another realm beyond the physical. A voice that came from everywhere muttered softly, "Ahh, another one comes to us seeking to add another aspect to themselves."

Harry looked around at the softly glowing, blue mist. "Where am I?" he asked.

A different voice from the first answered, "The animagus choosing realm, of course."

"Sirius and Ahsoka never mentioned this place during our lessons," Harry said.

The first voice stated, "Of course they didn't. All memories of this place are wiped away after a animagus leaves here."

"Now, let's have a look at you, Harry Potter, shall we, " the second voice suggested. "Ahhh, even though you were subjected to a horribly abusive childhood, you have retained a gentle, kind spirit," it noted.

"You are also inquisitive with a love of flying," the first voice added. "I think we know exactly which form to give you," it said, obviously pleased with the decision.

The second voice chimed in with, "I agree. Have fun with your new body, Harry!"

Harry blinked his eyes, and couldn't quite place why he felt he had just journeyed somewhere and returned. He opened his eyes when he heard Sirius mutter, "Huh… never saw that coming." Craining his neck, Harry looked up into his godfather's face, which was now much higher than he was used to.

Ahsoka knelt down to look at Harry. He was now a small animal with soft, gray fur covering most of his body. His face had a brown stripe that started at the top of his head and ended at his small, pink nose. Harry looked down at his small paws, and then turned his head to look at his large, fluffy gray tail. With a "chitter-chitter-squeak," Harry smacked his forehead with a tiny paw. With his paw in front of his face, Harry tilted his head to look at the fold of skin that ran from his wrist to ankle.

"Take it easy, Harry," Sirius chided. "You're not just a squirrel, you're a Pteromys volans!" Harry put his tiny hands on his furry hips and gave Sirius a sceptical look. "Trust me when I tell you that nothing fascinates a dog more than a squirrel, and it sort of bled over into my human form. I've read just about everything I could find on squirrels. You are most definitely a Pteromys volans, or more commonly known as a Siberian flying squirrel," he pronounced. When Harry still looked at him skeptically, Sirius said, "Here let me show you."

Sirius had his wand out in a flash and quickly muttered, "Wingardium Leviosa." Harry found himself lifted several meters into the air before the spell suddenly shut off. Reacting on instinct, Harry stretched out his arms and legs and used the now taught skin to glide. Using his tail as a rudder, he angled his path so he would land in Ahsoka's outstretched arms.

Ahsoka gently rubbed the fur on the top of Harry's head. "All I can tell you about your new form is that you're adorable," she said. Harry leaned into her hand, and thought that maybe being a squirrel wouldn't be so bad after all.

"Ahsoka, put Harry back down so he can change back into a human. I've got a surprise for him that I've waiting until he completes his animagus transformation to give him," Sirius said.

The gray squirrel blurred, and then shifted form back into a human. Harry looked at Ahsoka, and saw she was trying very hard to hide a smile. The tips of her head tails were as red as a Weasley's hair. "I forgot to focus on bringing my clothes back with me, didn't I," Harry muttered.

"Yep," Sirius managed to choke out before he broke out in laughter.

Unable to meet Ahsoka's eyes, Harry scurried back to the ship to grab one of the spare flight suits he had found in the closet of his room. Ahsoka was pleased to see that the backside of the young human was attractive as the front side. The months of physical training with her and Yoda had really paid off for Harry. 'You could bounce a cred-chip off that butt,' she thought happily to herself. Not for the first time, Ahsoka was glad that Togruta and Humans had very similar genitalia.

When Harry made it back outside, Ahsoka had regained control of her head tails and Sirius was hiding something behind his back. She was surprised at the look of overwhelming joy in Harry's eyes as Sirius presented him a broom made from a tree branch and dried grasses from the edge of the marsh. The stiff, dry grasses at the end were held on by coil of copper tied tightly around it. The branch had been polished to give it a warm, brown shine.

Ahsoka wondered what difference in human culture could cause a young man to get so excited about a cleaning tool. Her answer came when Harry put the broom between his legs, and smoothly rose a few feet off of the ground. Like the light emitting metal Sirius had created, the broom was flying powered by only the Force.

Harry let out a whoop of joy before he shot to the edge of the clearing and started weaving his way between trees. Wanting to join him in the fun, Ahsoka called out, "Hold on a minute, Harry. I'll join you." She walked over to the ship, and pressed a series of buttons near the cargo ramp. A panel slid open, and a speeder bike was lowered out of the belly of the ship.

After checking to make sure the power cells were fully charged, Ahsoka mounted the metal contraption and fired it up. She gently pressed the accelerator with the tip of her foot, and eased along side Harry. With a mischievous smirk, she challenged, "Try and keep up, Harry." Ahsoka pressed harder on the accelerator, and shot off into the swamp. With another shout of joy, Harry leaned into his broom and gave chase.

After playing tag for over an hour, Harry motioned with his hand that he was going to go higher. He wanted to get above the tree canopy. Ahsoka nodded and followed as Harry wove his way around branches on his way upwards.

Eventually they finally broke through the leaves to see clear sky all around them. Ahsoka closed her eyes, and reveled in the feeling of sunlight on her skin again. She was so focused on the sensual, warm feeling, she didn't notice the swamp mynock until it had already attached itself to her speeder bike's power cells. Trusting in the Force, Ahsoka pushed away from the bike right before the power inversion caused the repulsors to overload and explode.

As she fell back towards the swamp, Ahsoka calculated her odds of survival. If she managed to hit water, there was a good chance her Jedi healing abilities would keep her alive. Granted she would have to spend a couple of weeks in a bacta tank, but she would still be alive. If she hit dry land, no amount of healing could bring her back from the dead.

Ahsoka's fears were justified as she realized she could see dry land below her through the branches. Small twigs snapped as she fell through them. Louder snaps came from behind her, so Ahsoka rolled over to see Harry speeding down through the branches like a bowcaster bolt. As fast as she was falling, Harry was gaining on her quickly.

Mixed feelings tore through Ahsoka when Harry wrapped one of his strong arms around her. Part of her felt safe and secure in his arms, a feeling she hadn't had in a long time. The other part of her cursed Harry, because her montrals told her how close they were to the ground and Harry would only end up dieing with her. All rational thoughts left her as she passed out from sudden, tremendous, and unexpected g-forces.

Harry saw Ahsoka kick away from her speeder bike right before it exploded, taking the weird winged thing with it. He pushed down on the front of the broom, and leaned forward to gain even more speed. Branches tore at his skin and flight suit as he raced downwards. He managed to wrap his right arm around Ahsoka's waist before he pulled up at the last second. His shoulder felt like it was going to tear away from its socket, but he held onto Ahsoka with a death drip despite the pain. In a move that would give Oliver Wood wet dreams for years, Harry managed to pull out of the dive, only brushing away the top layer of soil with the brush at the back of the broom before they were headed upwards again.

Ahsoka regained consciousness to find herself sitting backwards on Harry's broom with her face resting against his chest. They were motionless, hovering about midway up through the rainforest that covered Dagobah. Both of Harry's arms were wrapped protectively around her torso. Without thinking about it, Ahsoka wrapped her around him and brought her lips to his.

After an electrifying first kiss, Harry gave her a lopsided grin. "I hope I don't have to something like that for every kiss," he teased. With a brief thought of Yoda and the Council's rules about relationships, Ahsoka pulled Harry in closer for a second kiss, the Jedi rules be damned. She wanted to make sure he knew they were free for the asking, as long as the person asking was him.