TITLE: Harry Potter, the Chosen One

(A Harry Potter / Star Wars crossover)

AUTHOR: Patrick Mallard (DWDuck)

SUMMARY: After Harry follows Sirius through the Veil of Death, the two of them are thrust through time and space to a point long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away. Under the training of Yoda and Ahsoka Tano, Harry will learn the skills he needs to fulfill his destiny as the Chosen One, and defeat a dark lord back on Earth.

SETTING: This story takes place immediately after the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, and in between Episodes 3 and 4 of the Star Wars saga. This story is AU, and does not take into events presented in Star Wars: Rebels, or anything after Sirius fell through the Veil in the Harry Potter universe.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the rights to either the Harry Potter or Star Wars universes. Those rights belong to J.K. Rowling, Scholastic Books, and the House of Mouse. No profit is being made from this story, unless it encourages someone to to purchase items related to Harry Potter or Star Wars. If that ends up being the case, Jean… Mickey, you're welcome.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Much like Unexpected Animagus before it, I can't get this story out of my head, and decided to go ahead and start writing it. Obviously, this story is AU and full of my own particular brand of humor. In other words, **WARNING** the occasional pun and low brow humor lie ahead.

***Harry Potter, the Chosen One***

Nar Shaddaa

Ahsoka Tano woke from a fitful sleep, and cursed under her breath in a very un-Jedi like manner. The walls of the flat were very thin, and her neighbors bred like womp rats (meaning both noisily and frequently.) She rolled over, and hugged her pillow over her blue and white montrals to try and block out the noise.

Ahsoka was hiding out on Nar Shaddaa to avoid being another victim of the Great Jedi Purge. A purge led by her one time master, Anakin Skywalker, now known as Darth Vader. As such, Ahsoka had rented a tiny flat in one of the worst areas of the vertical city in an effort to stay under the Imperial radar.

A frown of confusion crossed Ahsoka's orange face as she realized that the amorous trio that shared a wall with her were quiet for once. She sat up, and slowly looked around the room. Her eyes confirmed what the echolocating abilities of her montrals told her - she was alone in the studio flat. Careful to only use passive powers, Ahsoka opened her mind to the Force to try and sense if one of those thrice damned Inquisitors was nearby.

The instant she closed her eyes, Ahsoka was flooded by a feeling that the Universe wanted her to go somewhere, and it wanted her to do it NOW! While she no longer had any belief (or trust) in the Jedi order, Ahsoka still firmly believed in the living Force, and the feeling was too pure to have come from any other source.

Sighing, Ahsoka slid out bed, naked as the day she was born. She put on a gray, non-descript work coveralls she had taken to wearing in an effort to blend in with the dock workers. Once she was dressed, Ahsoka reached under her mattress, and pulled out her lightsabers. The weapons fit snugly in special, quick release holsters she had installed in her sleeves. After packing the few other belongings she owned into a depressingly small bag, Ahsoka took one final look around the tiny flat.

Satisfied she had collected all of her belongings, Ahsoka pulled out a small, metal orb, and adjusted the settings on the side. While her neighbors had annoyed her to no end, they definitely didn't deserve to die for their noisome mating rituals. She set the thermal detonator to its lowest setting. It was now powerful enough to remove any DNA traces in the room, but not powerful enough to go through the plas-steal walls of the building. With a flick of the wrist, she tossed the thermal detonator into the flat, and then shut the door as made her way out into Nar Shaddaa.

One of the reasons Ahsoka had decided to live near the dockyards was the presence of an Imperial impound yard on the outskirts of the district. She knew that at some point she would probably have to leave Nar Shaddaa quickly, and stealing a smuggler's ship away from the Imperial bastards sounded both fun and poetic. Ahsoka always made it a point to walk past the impound yard on her way back from her warehouse job to get an idea of what ships were stored there. The day before, the Imperials had brought in an old CEC YT-1000 light freighter in surprising good condition. It was even more impressive that the freighter was in one piece considering the previous owner had not only been smuggling spice, but indulging in it as well.

A quick flick of her arm had Ahsoka's larger lightsaber resting comfortably in her hand. The ancient weapon made quick work of cutting through the outer plas-crete wall of the impound yard nearest the YT-1000 freighter. She waited silently in the shadows of the ships while she visually inspected the spaceship that looked vaguely like a round sandwich with an olive stuck in the middle. Ahsoka shook her head in dark amusement. She decided she really should limit the amount of meals she was skipping.

When the expected alarm never activated, Ahsoka crept silently back to the wall she had cut through. From this side of the wall, she could see that the builders had cut corners. The owners of the construction crew probably bribed the Imperial inspector to ignore the fact that the wall only had one sensor along the top, instead of the standard three spaced evenly from the bottom to the top of the wall. Realizing she had more time than she had expected, Ahsoka gave in to her childish side and indulged in a little "artistic expression".

In the morning, the impound workers were shocked to not only find the YT-1000 was missing, but someone had burned into the wall a rough drawing of Lord Vader on the receiving end of a sexual encounter with a very well endowed Gungan. For some reason they couldn't fathom, the Gungan had a speech bubble above him that read, "Meesa missed our special time, Annie."

Ahsoka cautiously piloted her "appropriated" light freighter well outside of the Nal Hutta system to start her quest to go wherever it was the Force was sending her. When she was certain she was far enough from any of the poorly hidden spy satellites in the system's asteroid belt, she started prepping the freighter's engines for an interstellar voyage. Trusting the Force would guide her, the young Togruta closed her eyes, pushed forward on the lever that controlled the jump drive, and made a blind jump into hyperspace.

***Harry Potter, the Chosen One***


Master Yoda made his way carefully through the swamp during his morning walk. Like it had on countless days before, his subconscious steered him to the strange stone arch set on one of the few raised hills in the swamp. The arch was narrow, gray stone structure that looked liked it would fall apart at any moment. The fact that the stone arch was still standing after the terrible storms and occasional planet quakes was an intriguing mystery.

Yoda had originally found the arch a few weeks after he had made his escape from his battle with the Emperor. There were two sources of dark Force energy near where he decided to build his hut. The first was a cave he had dubbed "the Cave of evil". The old Jedi Master had visited the cave on the urging of the Force ghost of his one time pupil, Qui-Gon, during the Clone wars. The second source of dark energies was the one that surrounded the strange arch. The arch itself was tied to Force, but was neither light nor dark. It was simply a tool. The dark energy came from the deaths of numerous Force sensitives around and near the arch.

Like all of the days before, the strange writings etched into the stone refused to give any answers as to who had built the arch, or what it's actual purpose was. Yoda sighed loudly as he sat on a fallen log next to the arch, so he could rest a while and meditate on the mystery of the structure.

Yoda was nearing 900 years old, and felt every day of each of those years in his tired, old bones. His limited ability to sense the future had told him that he had to wait until after he taught two more padawans before he could finally rest, and become one with the Force. He assumed that this meant he would be teaching the Skywalker twins, and they wouldn't be ready to start their training for some years to come. Since he had nothing else to do (and had forgotten to pack his tri-dee viewer when he fled Coruscant,) meditating on the arch and watching moss grow was what passed as entertainment on the swamp planet.

The sound of a ship descending through the lightning streaked clouds drew his wrinkled, green face upwards. A quick search with the Force helped him recognize a Force signature he never expected to feel again. His curiosity peaked when the saucer shaped freighter landed softly in a clearing next to the stone arch.

Ahsoka cautiously walked to the bottom of the loading ramp, her physical and Force senses searching for any sign of danger. She put her head in her hands, and shook them in frustration when she recognized the tiny, green figure sitting on a root next to a stone arch. "I should have known. There was only one Jedi strong enough to send a summons through the Force over that great of a distance," she moaned. "What do you want, old one?!" Ahsoka spat.

"See you again too, good it is," Yoda chuckled. When he saw she was not amused, Yoda decided to change tact. "Angry at the Council, you still are. Council, exist it does not. Anger, can you let go of," he chided the ex-Jedi.

Trying to ignore the horrible smells around her, Ahsoka took in a deep, cleansing breath to center herself. "Sorry, Master Yoda, I just get a little testy when I'm forced to abandon a decent hiding place to reply to a summons from someone I no longer feel has my best interest at heart," she stated.

Yoda cocked his head to the side in confusion, the hair on the end of one of his long, pointed ears brushing the side of his robe. "Summon you, I did not," he replied.

"Well, if you didn't summon me, why am I here?" Ahsoka asked slowly, not sure she was going to like the answer if one was given.

A low hum coming from the stone arch had Ahsoka and Yoda look over at it, and then had them creep closer to examine it. The writings etched into the stone glowed, and then shifted as if they were liquid stone/ he liquid stone reformed into new patterns. The humming grew louder and then faded away as a strange looking mist started to form in the middle of the arch and then spread to the sides where it clung like fabric. Muffled voices and the sound of a battle could be heard from behind the curtain like mist.

***Harry Potter, the Chosen One***

Harry watched in dawning horror as his godfather, Sirius Black, taunted his cousin, Bellatrix Le-strange nee Black, in their impressive duel. Sirius was clearly the better dueler and was just playing with Bellatrix. Harry wasn't too worried that Sirius might lose the duel, he was worried that Sirius wasn't watching where he was in the room, and had stepped dangerously close to the stone arch. An arch the older wizards had called the Veil of Death.

Bellatrix gave a wicked smile and cast the one spell from her childhood that she knew Sirius was horrible at blocking. With a twist of her hand and snap of her wrist, she cast a simple tickling charm at her cousin. Like he had always done during their childhood, Sirius failed to block it. He stumbled backwards through the Veil of Death, laughing the entire way. His laughter was cut off short when the final part of him was through the Veil. Bellatrix, and just about everyone else in the room, froze in shock as the Harry potter, the boy who had caused so much trouble, dove through the veil after her cousin.

As Voldemort's chief servant, Bellatrix was of two minds about what she had just witnessed. On one hand, the boy who had defied her lord was gone for good. However, said boy had still been in possession of the prophecy orb she had been commanded to retrieve. She hoped the news of Potter's death would be enough to outweigh Voldemort's displeasure at her failing a mission.

With their objective now no longer possible, Bellatrix gave out a sharp whistle to let the other Death Eaters know it was time to leave. Almost as one, they apparated away in clouds of greasy, black and gray smoke. This left the students and a few adults to collapse in grief over the death of Harry Potter. The adults wept for the loss of the Chosen One. The students wept for the loss of a beloved friend.

***Harry Potter, the Chosen One***

"Humm… done this before, it has not," Yoda said to himself while tapping on the stone with his wooden cane. Before he could say anything else, a human male with long, black hair and a trimmed, black beard came sailing out of the mist backwards to land flat on his back. For some reason, the human male was laughing hysterically, and didn't stop laughing until a much younger human male with messy, black hair caming flying through the mist to land on the first one. Once the younger one was through, the stone arch shuddered and a crack ran down the length of one side. The mist collapsed back in on itself with a soft whooshing noise.

Harry looked down at Sirius with relief in his heart. Not only was his godfather not dead, but they were together. Harry's elation fled as he realized Sirius's face was contorted into a grimace of pain. "Sirius, are you hurt?" Harry asked quickly.

"You're… kneeling… on… my… quaffles… " Sirius managed to choke out, tears forming at the corners of his eyes.

Harry glanced at where his knee had landed, and rolled quickly off to the side muttering, "Oh, sorry." Harry turned to look back the way they came and saw only a brown and green swamp through the silent stone arch instead of the Death Chamber. "Where are we?" he asked.

Sirius was looking in the same direction Harry was. "Well, if this hell, it's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. If somehow I managed to tag along with you to heaven, they need to be sued for false advertising," he replied jokingly. Voices from near the edge of the circular stone base of the arch drew their attention. Whatever language the tiny, green skinned man and the beautiful, orange skinned woman were speaking in, it certainly wasn't English.

"What just happened?" Ahsoka inquired. She had experienced much during the Clone Wars, but nothing like what she had just seen.

"No idea, I have," Yoda replied. "Language they speak, unknown to me it is," he added.

Ahsoka frowned for a moment as she thought back to the time she was forced to work in the Jedi Temple Archive. "When you had be grounded and sent to work at the library, Jocasta Nu taught me a Force technique used to learn an alien language directly from the mind of another. She said it was an invaluable skill for the Jedi Consulars who went on to become diplomats," she said.

"Familiar with the technique, I am. Younger human, I will take," Yoda stated.

"No, I'll use the learning technique on the younger one. You get the older one," Ahsoka countered, partly out of spite, and partly due to how handsome the young man was.

Yoda rolled his eyes, and hopped off of the tree root. He shuffled over to where the older human lay, and slowly stretched out his hand to touch the human's forehead. Ahsoka knelt next to the young man, and also slowly reached out to gently touch his forehead. As she touched his forehead under his lightning bolt shaped scar, she wondered if the scar was from an accident, or some sort of ritual self-mutilation.

The instant the tiny, wrinkled, green being touched his forehead, Sirius felt his Occlumency shields gently moved aside, like a lace curtain in a modest breeze. Almost as soon he felt the presence of the alien mind in his, it was gone. The green creature sat down suddenly, and started laughing.

"Oops… more than language did I learn. Powerful Force sensitive he is. Sense of humor, did I absorb," Yoda chuckled. He looked over at Ahsoka, and saw her eyes were locked on the young man's, and she still had her fingers touching his forehead.

Using English, Ahsoka whispered, "Master Yoda, there are two Force presences in him. Both are very, very powerful. The main one reminds me of Anakin's before he turned to the Dark Side. This young man is brave, reckless, and compassionate to a fault. The other presence is extremely dark, and more polluted with evil than anything I've ever felt before."

"Impossible it is for one being two Force signatures to have. Dark parasite it must be," Yoda pronounced. He looked at Harry and said, "Permission I ask, help you I would."

"Sorry, but after dealing with Dobby, I'm a little hesitant to accept help from a small person with long, pointed ears who speaks oddly. I don't even know your names," Harry apologized.

Yoda nodded his head. "Handsome being this Dobby must be," Yoda muttered. "Harm you, I will not. Yoda, I am called," Yoda assured him.

Ahsoka moved her hand from the young man's forehead to hold his hand. "My name is Ahsoka Tano. What is your name?" she asked.

"I'm Harry," Harry replied.

Ahsoka looked over at the other human with a twinkle of mischief in her eyes. "Would that make him 'Harrier'?" she asked.

Sirius rolled his eyes. "No, my name is Sirius Black. I'm Harry's godfather and I want to know what you mean by saying he has some sort of parasite in him? All you did was touch him. You didn't use a wand to diagnose him, or mutter any spells," he demanded.

"Both Yoda and I are able to sense and use something we call the Force. We can sense that you and Harry also have this ability. By opening ourselves up to the Force, we can sense much more than what our physical senses would let us," Ahsoka explained. "There is another lifeforce residing in Harry's scar," she stated.

Harry let his shoulders slump. "Well, that explains the headaches and visions from Voldemort," he joked half-heartedly. He looked over at Yoda. "Can you really get this thing out of me?" he asked, his eyes begging for help.

Yoda closed his eyes, and stretched out his hand towards Harry to direct his Force senses. When he opened his eyes, Yoda answered, "Powerful the Force presence sharing your body is. Alone I tried, kill you it would." Harry let his eyes drop to the ground in disappointment. "But with Ahsoka's help, double the chances of you surviving it would," Yoda added.

"Harry, think about this for minute," Sirius pleaded.

"You heard what they said, there's something powerful and evil living in my scar. It has to be a part of Voldemort. Why else would I be able to see through his eyes?" Harry countered.

All of the color drained from Sirius' face as the pieces fell into place - the pain in Harry's scar whenever Voldemort was near, the visions, why Voldemort tried to kill Harry in the first place. During his exile at the Black home, Dumbledore had tasked Sirius with going through his family's extensive library devoted to the Dark Arts in search of ways for a wizard to cheat death like Voldemort had. The most disturbing of the rituals was committing a cold blooded murder to break off a piece of your own soul to hide in a container. The murder of an innocent in his crib fit the bill perfectly.

"DO IT!" Sirius yelled. "Harry's right! Part of Voldemort's soul is in him. If you can get it out of him, please do," he begged.

Yoda nodded and reached up to take Ahsoka's hand. The Jedi Master and ex-Jedi closed their eyes, and funneled a combination of healing and defensive Force energy into Harry. Tense minutes passed while Yoda and Ahsoka fought the soul fragment of this Voldemort person. Ahsoka was right, even Darth Sidious' Force signature wasn't as tainted with the Dark Side as this soul fragment was. The evil entity fought Yoda and Ahsoka to a standstill until Harry added his own strength in pushing against the monster that murdered his parents. Harry's scream sounded like it came from two voices as his scar split open, and an oily, black smoke like creature streamed out from the broken skin.

Without hesitating, Yoda let go of Ahsoka's hand, and drew his lightsaber. Ahsoka knocked Harry over, and shielded him with her body as the smoke creature dove at him. It was obvious the creature was trying to enter Harry again through the open wound on his forehead.

While the evil entity was distracted, Yoda ignited his glowing, green blade. He used the Force to help him jump over four times his own height, and bounce off of the stone arch. Yoda lept again at an angle, swinging his lightsaber through the Force incarnation of pure Dark side energy. The smoke creature screamed in anguish, and then dissipated back into the Force after the green blade sliced through it.

The last thing Harry heard before he lost consciousness was Yoda saying smugly, "Still have it, I do."

***Harry Potter, the Chosen One***

Harry slowly swam back to consciousness. When he opened his eyes, he was looking into a set of beautiful blue eyes set in an equally beautiful orange face. "Welcome back to the land of the living, Harry," Ahsoka said softly. "How do you feel?" she inquired.

After taking stock of his senses, Harry replied, "Other than my head hurting, and feeling weak enough that a puffkin could beat me up, not too bad."

"Rest here while I go tell Master Yoda and Sirius that you're awake," Ahsoka instructed before she stood up, and walked out of the room. As she walked out, Harry indulged his teenage self and watched her shapely backside under her gray dress and leggings.

Sighing because he couldn't gather enough strength to sit up, Harry managed to turn his head from side to side. He was in lying in a bed inside a small, metal room. The walls were free of any pictures, and only had one shelf on it, which itself was bare.

After a moment, Harry realized he was able to see these things without his glasses. When he closed his eyes and focused on his other senses again, most of them seemed to be slightly heightened as well. The most dramatic change other his eyesight was with what he considered his connection to Magic. He had never felt it so strong and clearly before.

Before he could ponder on this further, Sirius rushed into the room followed by Ahsoka. Yoda came in a moment later holding a bowl full of steaming sludge. "Drink this, make you feel better it will," Yoda told him.

Sirius helped harry into a sitting position. As the bowl passed under his nose, Sirius commented, "Just to warn you Harry, this stuff smells like ass."

"Smells like ass it might, but promise you I do, taste worse it does," Yoda told him.

Without thinking, Ahsoka joked, "And how would the noble and chaste Master of the Jedi order know what ass tastes like?"

Yoda shrugged his small shoulders. "Tall I am not. After sparring with Master Windu, Jedi locker room we went. Following Windu out of showers, I was. Stopped suddenly, he did. Awkward, it became. Very, Very awkward," he replied in a soft voice. After a moment he added, "Weird the Council meetings were after that. Years did it last."

Sirius blinked his eyes a few times, and then pointed to Yoda with his free hand. "Did he just say what I thought he did?"

Ahsoka slowly nodded her head, and then shook it to clear her mind. "Yes, and we will NEVER talk about it again," she ordered, the images being conjured too disturbing for her. Changing the topic somewhat, she took the bowl from Yoda, and held it up to Harry's mouth. She was impressed that Harry managed to drink the whole bowl full of the vile concoction without gagging even once.

"Tastes better than some of the potions Madam Pomfrey has given me," Harry stated in an offhand manner.

Ahsoka and Sirius gently eased Harry back into a horizontal position. "Rest now, you should," Yoda suggested softly. "Talk more in the morning we will," he promised.