Chapter Five: BEEEEEP

His eyes fluttered open, a white ceiling coming into view. A gentle breeze washed over him, making his hair brush to the side gently. He was surrounded by cool air, and a thin blanket lay over him to keep him warm (it didn't work, he was freezing, but it felt so good).

Weakly, he tried to push himself onto his forearms but flopped back when fire shot through his arms and his right shoulder betrayed him and gave out. He now noticed the pain washing over him slowly, dimmed, but not gone.

Dimly, he noticed the beeping of a monitor, a constant beeep, beeep, beeep, beeep, beeep...


The next time he opened his eyes, he was aware of a burning sensation in his throat. It was dry and hurt to swallow, but he ignored it.

He turned his head to the side and saw soft light filtering through the white curtains (why was everything white, where was he, what was going on).

Over the constant beeping, he could hear the chirping of birds and the murmur of familiar (why do they sound so scared, who are they, I should know this, I should know them) voices in the hallway.

beeep, beeep, beeep, beeep, beeep...


He awoke to worried voices talking over him, about him. Something cold was pressed on his forehead, and icy droplets slid down his face. It felt so good…

And he felt so hot.

Why did the coolness go away?

"Come back—I'm burning up," He wanted to scream at the top of his lungs, but the voices showed no sign of noticing and went on about talking.

His skin felt like fire and his breathe came in sharp pants and his throat was raw—

beeep, beeep, beeep, beeep, beeep...


The next time he opened his eyes, the fire was gone, but the blanket still felt so hot and constricting around him. He started to struggle, trying to get it off, and it was too hot, please remove it,


He looked around the room, desperately searching for someone to help him and,

He remembered everything that happened.

Class A,

Going to the meeting,

Without Meg,

He told her to stay back,

Coming back up the mountain,

There was so much pain,

Koro-sensei telling him to go to the bathroom to cool down,

And so he went,

His leg hurt,

The lights were flickering,

He had no more pain relievers,

The panic he felt,

The room started to spin,

Why did it start to spin?,

And he was falling down,



Down the rabbit hole and nothing made sense anymore.

The last thing he remembered was hearing the machine going crazy when all of a sudden,


And his whole world went black.

A/N: I know, I know, I'm a terrible person for leaving you this long without a new chapter but here you go! Did you like it, please let me know?

I'd also love it if you could comment or favorite this story to tell me how I'm doing because I'd love to hear what you think!
