AN: WOW! The support for this was mind blowing! You guys sure know how to make a girl feel good. Yes, I do know it would be weird for Derek to hum. That is why Reid questioned it. It also goes along with Big Bang, it's weird that Sheldon hummed as well. Plus, I thought it would be funny to have Derek hum. :)

Dee: Thank you for the lovely review! Yes! I saw it and it was awesome! Big Bang is such a great show too.

Don't forget the Profiler Choice Awards. There are only a few more days to nominate.

Please enjoy this last chapter.

Derek causally walked up to Penelope's office. It was just about lunch time and he wanted to make sure they got out of the building on time. After some much needed thinking, he called up a little Italian restaurant not far from the bureau and made lunch reservations. He also stopped by Hotch's office to see if it would be okay if him and Penelope took off the rest of the day. Thankfully, Hotch had no problem with it, as long as no case came up.

I resolve to call her up a thousand times a day

And ask her if she'll marry me in some old fashioned way

But my silent fears have gripped me

Long before I reach the phone

Long before my tongue has tripped me

He knocked waiting for her to give the okay for him to go in.

"Oracle of all knowing, what can I do for you?"

He walked into her office, doing his best not to show any signs of nervousness. "Hey Baby Girl, you ready to go?"

She turned from her computers, with a big smile on her face. "Lunch time already, Hot Stuff?"

"Sure is," he answered walking over to her. In his head the lyrics played on, and he couldn't help but smile.

Every little thing she does is magic

Everything she do just turns me on

Even though my life before was tragic

Now I know my love for her goes on

"Let me just shut down my computers and we can head out." She started to move around her office shutting down her babies, before grabbing her bag. "Where do you want to go?"

He watched her with amazement. The way she moved was magnificent, so graceful, so refined. He shook his head trying to clear his thoughts before answering her. "You know that little Italian place you love around the corner?"

She raised her perfectly trimmed eyebrow at him. "You mean the place you have to have a reservation for?"

"That'll be the one," he said. "I called after you suggested we go out for lunch."

"Aww, be still my beating heart! You, kind sir, know a way to a woman's heart," she said, smiling as she moved past him.

"Only your heart, sweetness." He shut the door behind them.

She turned fast to face him. "And don't you forget it!" She laughed.

The drive to the restaurant was like any other normal day for them. They flirted and joked the whole way. He would reach for her hand pulling it to his mouth. He'd kiss it lightly, sometimes even sneaking his tongue out to lick it before smirking at her.

When they made it to the restaurant they were quickly seated. A waitress soon appeared and offered them their wine menu. "Can I start you off with something to drink?"

"Yes," Derek said. "I'll take two glasses of your house wine."

"Wine?" Penelope asked. "Derek, we can't drink. We have to go back to work in an hour."

"No we don't," he said smiling at her. "We're not going back."

"What do you mean we aren't going back?" she asked.

"Hotch gave us the rest of the day off." He opened his menu. He was nervous and he never got nervous. He could feel his palms sweating, and his knee was bouncing.

"Are you okay, Hot Stuff?" she asked reaching across the table to grab his hand.

Derek lowered the menu. He looked at her hand covering his. It was the small gestures she did, that had him fall more in love with her. She always tried to comfort him, even if she didn't know what was bothering him. He could always count on her being there.

He looked up from her hand to her face. It was slightly cocked to the side, her expression warm and inviting. Love radiated off of her, and if he were reading the signs right- it was a love for him.

"Penelope…" he started, taking a deep breath.

"You guys ready to order?" The waitress asked.

Derek looked at her before shaking his head. "Uh yeah, I am. You ready, Pen?"

"Sure," she answered still looking at him strangely. "Can I have a plate of your Fettuccine Alfredo?"

"Make that two," Derek said, taking both menus and handing them to the waitress.

"Sure thing. They'll be right out," she said, as she bounced away.

"Derek, you're scaring me. Is everything alright?" Penelope asked.

Derek cleared his throat. "Have you ever done something subconsciously because you were thinking about something else?" he asked.

"Huh? That makes no sense to me."

Derek shook his head. Of course that made no sense. That didn't even make sense to him. "I was humming a song," he started again.


"I was humming it all the time." He looked her in the eyes. "But I would hum it louder whenever you were near or had just left."

She turned her head to the side, listening intently to him. She picked up her glass of wine taking a small sip, waiting for him to go on.

"I couldn't get this song out of my head no matter what I did. Funny thing was, I didn't even know what the song was. All I knew was I was humming it all the damn time. I did everything I could to figure out what the song was and only after humming it to Rossi did I find out."

"I didn't hear you humming," she said.

"Trust me I was."

"What was the song?" she asked.

"Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic, by The Police." He reached over and grabbed her other hand. "Penelope, that song is about you."

"Hot Stuff?" she asked a little confused but a smile was still present on her face.

"It's you. You're magic to me. When I read the lyrics, I almost fell out of my chair. It's us, Baby Girl. It's like the song was written for us," he explained.

"Derek, are you trying to tell me–"

"I'm in love with you," he said matter of factly. "I am madly in love with you. I tried to tell you once, but you took it as just a friend thing. I was foolish to not make you understand the way I really meant it. But I'm not foolish anymore. I am madly in love with you. Every part of me loves every part of you."

He watched her sit there. Her mouth slightly agape. Her cheeks were red, and her breathing seemed to be coming faster. He started to panic. Maybe he shouldn't have done this in a public place? Maybe he should have waited until he knew for sure her feelings regarding him?

He was about to apologize when he saw her face light up and big smile appear. "You love me?"

He nodded, smiling back at her. "I love you, Penelope."

"That's good to know," she said, smirking at him. "I like it when the person I'm in love with is also in love with me."

Derek felt relief wash over him. "Say it."

"It," she laughed.

"Penelope," he said in a mock warning tone.

"I love you, Derek. You and only you."

Just then the waitress brought their food. Derek turned to her and said, "Do you mind if we take this to go?"

The waitress looked at him, before shrugging her shoulders. "Sure give me a second."

"To go, huh?" Penelope questioned.

"Yes, to go. My woman just told me she loved me. I got some plans for the next couple of hours with her."

"Oh really," she smirked.

Derek grinned at her as he pulled his wallet out leaving some large bills on the table. He grabbed their food, then reached for her hand, pulling her out of the restaurant.

He helped her into his SUV, before running to the driver's side to get in. When he opened the door, he heard Penelope humming loudly. He sat there for a minute before it donned on him.

"Penelope Garcia, are you humming Hot Stuff by Donna Summer?"

Instead of answering him. She turned to face his directions and started to sing. "Lookin' for some hot stuff baby this evenin,' I need some hot stuff baby tonight, I want some hot stuff baby, this evenin,'" She started to shimmy around in her seat. "Gotta have some hot stuff, Gotta have some love tonight,"

He grinned at her. "Oh, I'll give you some Hot Stuff," he said before grabbing her hand. "I'll give you hot stuff every day until the day we die as long as you promise to always make my life magic?"

She climbed out of the seat over to his lap. "I love you Derek Morgan. And everything we do will always be magic." She leaned over, finally bringing her lips to his.

The End

AN: There we have it :) I hope you all liked it. I also own nothing… not the show or the two songs… shame really.