A/N: Just a little one-shot after the Draft last night!

PLOT: Dean's a lil sad after the draft because Roman won't be with him on SmackDown Live.

I hope you like it x x x

Dean smiled a bittersweet smile backstage as they announced his best friends name, Roman had just been drafted to RAW, whereas he himself was the first draft pick for SmackDown Live. Stephanie took what was his and there was no way in hell that Dean was letting Seth take his championship to Raw as well.

Somehow Dean managed to keep his focus and he retained his championship, even if his mind wasn't 100% on his match with Seth Rollins on the first ever SmackDown Live show, Dean knows it should be, but he kept thinking about the implications of the draft and what that meant for him and his best friend

Shane and Bryan congratulate him on his win, Dean knows it was a good match but not his best match he's ever fought in, but with the draft that has just happened, it was like Seth and The Authority were winning all over again.

Dean couldn't stand it.

"Yo, where's the fire dude?" Dean hears someone speak just as he is about to collide into someone, he has to look up twice, as it is Big Cass, "Sorry dude, congrats on being drafted to Raw" Dean says, half attempting to smile.

"Let me guess, you aren't happy because your boyfriend hasn't been drafted to SmackDown wiv yo?" The taller man asks with a smirk on his face.

"Roman isn't my boyfriend" Dean answers pitifully.

"You knew exactly who I was talking about though didn't you?" Big Cass asks Dean.

"Whatever" The WWE Champion mutters before walking away, only to be stopped by Big Cass speaking again.

"Well D, the thing is Carmella got drafted but she's gonna be on SmackDown instead of at Raw with me and 'Zo" Big Cass says and Dean swivels on his heels to face the his friend again, "That doesn't mean I'm not going to miss her like crazy.. BUT it doesn't mean i'm not gonna see her ever again, it just means it won't be everyday, so you and Roman will be-" Big Cass is explaining to Dean.

"Fine" Dean interrupts Big Cass, he nods his head at his friend before turning almost sprinting away out of the arena, "Oh by the way, congrats to the Princess" Dean shouts back, before exiting the building.

The phone rings and rings, he shakes his head, he knew the other man wouldn't take the news well, especially after his thirty day suspension and now they would be pitted against each other in a match on Sunday and then they wouldn't be on the same show again.

Stephanie was playing with his emotions, she doesn't care about anyone but herself.

When he finally gets to his best friends answerphone he decides just to leave a voicemail..

Hey, I just wanted to check in and make sure you are ok before I see you on Sunday, just call me ok? I'm worried about you...

After his five hour flight he has a rental car waiting for him when he lands, the whole time he was on the plane he attempts to try and formulate how to process how he feels, it's an overwhelming and emotional time for him.

He knocks on all to familiar door.

He takes a deep breath.

The door opens a few moments later, before his brain can catch up with his heart he's launched himself fully at the other man, wrapping his arms around the back of his neck and his legs around his thick waist.

"Hi" Dean says nervously meeting Roman's brown eyes.

"Hi" The older man says, "Is there something you want to tell me Dean?" He asks, as his large hands come to rest on his best friends waist.

"Ok.. I just, with you, I-" Dean nervously babbles.

"Dean?" Roman asks his best friend and partner in crime, he's normally so confident speaking.

"I don't want you to be on Raw with Seth" Dean says burying his head into Roman's neck.

"Did you have another fight with Seth?" Roman asks, stroking Dean's hair with one of his hands.

"No" Dean shakes his head softly.

"Then what is it?" Roman asks, tipping Dean's head to look at him.

"I love you and I don't want you to be with anyone else" Dean explains.

"And what you think because of the draft I'm going to fall in love with Seth instead of you because I'll see him more than you" Roman asks while laughing.

"No, there's more attractive people than Seth on your roster" Dean says flicking Roman in the forehead.

"I didn't realize you were on my roster babe" Roman says, kissing dean softly.

"So you flew all the way here to tell me this?" Roman asks, as soon as he's pulled away.

"Yeah..." Dean mummers breathlessly.

"Would explain why you didn't answer when I called you" Roman says, sitting down on the sofa, with Dean sitting on his lap.

"Well I'm here now, maybe we can do something before I fly our tomorrow morning..." Dean says snuggling into Roman, kissing his jawline.

"I mean I'm tired babe" Roman says.

"Romann!" Dean whines.

"I'm just joking, c'mere" Roman says pulling Dean towards him possessively.

"I love you too by the way" Roman whispers.

"I thought thirty days without you was bad enough, but now I have to spend more nights away from my own personal furnace" Dean sighs.

"Babe, you do realize it's summer, right?" Roman says and gets hit in the face with one of his cushions.

"It was my was of saying I'd miss you idiot" Dean says smiling up at him.

A/N 2: Please Read And Review x x x