A/N 1: REPOST- This set of one-shots was originally posted on here a few months ago, but now I am back :)

Plot: Dean is drunk and who does he want to see? And what happens when he crosses the line one too many times? x x x




Roman groaned, rolling across to see what time it was, the clock on the bedside table stated that it was 02.37 AM, he'd had a long couple of days full of media interviews, including Radio and TV today and yesterday, then there was Monday Night Raw and the Smackdown Taping earlier tonight, he must have fallen asleep early as he didn't want to go out with the rest of the superstars who wanted to go out drinking, where as Roman had no energy for that.




Slowly Roman got out of his comfy hotel room bed, turning on the light near the door, so he could see what was going on, he swung the door open fully, he was dressed in light grey sweatpants that hung low on his hips, "Yeah?" he said letting out a yawn, seeing the long-time loved up couple Randy Orton and John Cena outside his door, maybe they were lost?

Clearly they had been drinking as Randy was leaning against John for support to stand up properly, "Roman!" Randy said loudly, "We have something that belongs to you..." Roman was seriously not in the mood for John or Randy's games at the moment, he was tired and now angry at being woken up needlessly, he was about to close his hotel room door when he heard Randy speak again after what felt like a life time, even thought in reality it has been a few minutes "Well... Someone who belongs to you I should say..." Roman felt confused as he could only see Randy and John and he certainly didn't want them he was straight, unless it was a certain man who will not be named, Randy looked towards the wall to the left of him.

"Dean, look it's Roman, you like Roman right?" Randy asked Dean, Roman swallowed deeply.

Upon hearing this Roman opened his door fully again and took a step out of his hotel room and saw the lunatic fringe better known as Dean Ambrose, his best friend, the beautiful dirty blonde haired man, slumped against the wall, clearly more drunk than John and Randy, his eyes were glazed over, staring into space.

Dean was drunk once again, why did it not surprise Roman that Dean was drunk and somehow ended up outside his hotel room.

Dean got drunk and the only person he ever wanted to see what him, Randy and Seth weren't the first superstars to guide Dean towards his hotel room and probably wouldn't be the last.

He heard Randy laugh softly, "You got him for here Reigns?" Roman heard John speak, he was the least drunk out of the three men in in front of him, Roman sighed inwardly, he was too tired for this shit, but it was Dean, some how he just couldn't turn him away, he was his best friend after all.

"Yeah sure thing" He muttered, trying hard not to grind his teeth in annoyance.

"Dean.." Roman spoke softly not to alarm the younger man, as Randy and John disappeared a few doors down the corridor, upon hearing Roman say his name, Dean somehow managed to push himself off the wall and jump into Roman, wrapping his legs around his waist and his arms fumbling to reach around Roman's broad shoulders like a baby.

Roman was shocked, he stumbled back slightly at the force that Dean body had hit his body with, Deans head resting upon Roman's left shoulder, "Romie... I missed you!" Dean was slurring his words and his warm breath was hitting Roman's bare chest.

Roman managed to close his hotel room door by one of his long legs and he had to walk backwards towards the bed as he didn't want to spin Dean around and have him be sick on him or well sick at all.

Dean moved suddenly and it resulted in Roman and Dean ending up on the bed with Dean on top of the taller, muscular man, Roman's hair coming out of his bun he had tied it up to sleep.

"Romie... You look so good!" Roman feels Dean's fingers tracing over his tribal tattoo, "Romie, I love you" Was the last thing that came out of Dean Ambrose's mouth before he kissed his best friend Roman Reigns on the lips, before burying his head into Roman's neck and falling asleep.

"Just great!" Roman muttered out loud, Roman was going to have to sleep in the most awkward and awful position, having Dean lying on top of him pinning him to the bed, his legs still wrapped around him and his arms behind Roman's head, his warm breath hitting Roman's neck whenever Dean took a breath and even worse Roman could feel Dean's erection against his stomach, all of these elements made Roman's erection grow bigger and being restricted in his boxer shorts. Roman mentally cursed himself and Dean, before shutting his eyes and trying to go back to sleep.

This wasn't the first time that Dean had done this and enough was enough.

Dean Ambrose was going to get it in the morning.

Dean groaned as his eyes fluttered open, his head was banging he had far too much to drink last night, it took him a few minutes to register that he wasn't sleeping on a mattress, he was sleeping on top of somebody.

And the body below him he was definitely male...

The last thing Dean remembers from last night is walking with John Cena and Randy Orton into the hotel, and right now he's praying to god it isn't one of them. It's only a few seconds later that he realises that he is practically eating the other man's hair or well part of it he can see that it is, long, jet black hair.

That mean it was only one person, and part of him is glad, and on the other hand he hoped that he didn't embarrass himself in front of the other man, because it's his best friend and the only man he's ever found attractive.

Dean Ambrose is not gay, he likes women.

Except then there's Roman Reigns, possibly the most beautiful person on the planet, who happens to be a man and Dean Ambrose is 100% attracted to him.

Damn it.

Whenever he's drunk he ends up here and he knows it isn't fair on either of them. It's not fair on Roman because he's a nice guy, his best friend and it's not fair on him because he thinks he's in love with his best friend.

Dean hears a vibration coming from the other side of the room.

Roman's phone.

Dean feels a slight movement from the man who has been sleeping underneath him this whole time. Dean closes his eyes as Roman untangles himself from Dean and stands up to answer his phone.

"Hello" Roman says roughly, he is still tired his voice sounds deep and Dean loves it, "Where are you man?" Seth says, Roman curses inwardly, "Seth I'm sorry, I over slept" Roman says appologetically, "Is this because of Ambrose? He needs to learn not to drink so much!" Seth sounds irritated. "Leave Dean alone, you know what he's like he gets a bit carried away.." Roman tries to sympathise with Seth, if only Seth knew what Roman had just been through. "Why do you defend him? Get his ass up and come to the gym both of you" Seth responds on the phone "Seth I'll see you later, Dean needs to sleep and I have to shower" Roman laughs before hanging up on him.

He puts his phone down on the bedside table before sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I'm sorry" Roman hears Dean say quietly, "For what?" Roman asks without turning around to face him, "For Seth being angry at you" Dean says sitting up, Roman lets out a chuckle, "Is that all?" Roman says turning to face Dean. Dean looks confused, "Roman, I'm sorry I have no idea how I even got here" Dean confesses and Roman feels sad "This is why you shouldn't drink so much" Roman replies standing up to walk towards the bathroom, "Ro, wait" Roman stands still on the spot, he doesn't turn to face Dean, "What's wrong why are you being weird?" Dean asked.

"Why am I being weird?" Roman raised his voice, turning to face his best friend.

Roman felt angry, why did he feel so angry all of a sudden?

"Exactly when where you going to tell me?" Roman says through gritted teeth, walking back towards the bed where Dean was sitting up now.

"Tell you what Roman? I have no idea what you are talking about!" Dean shouts at him, feeling confused and sad that Roman is raising his voice to him, he's never done that before.

Roman lets out an evil chuckle, "You really don't remember what you did last night do you?" Roman shook his head angrily, burning a hole through the shorter man, who was watched his best friend curiously, "I-I" Dean starts to speak but has no idea what he's going to say.

"So i'll tell you what happened last night shall I?" Roman says, Dean is still staring at him, "Ok" He notices the dirty blonde haired man swallow deeply.

"So I get woken up at two thirty something this morning by Randy and John claiming they have someone who belongs to me and low and behold it's you, drunk off your ass once again! And not just that, my so called best friend told me he loved me and kissed me last night before he passed out again and not for the first time" Roman sounded so angry, he didn't know who he was more angry at, himself or Dean.

"Roman, I was drunk, you know I say and do stupid things" Dean says standing up, walking around the bed to stand in front of Roman, his best friend looks hurt, why is he hurt?

"I, sorry we need to go and meet Seth" Dean's heart sinks, Roman turned his back on him again.

"Can we talk about this?" Dean asks grabbing Roman's arm to turn the larger man to face him.

"I thought you were drunk and you say and do stupid things?" Roman says glaring down at Dean.

"I lied" Dean admitted quietly.

"Lied about what?" Roman asked raising an eyebrow, challenging him, it's now or never, he needs to tell him the truth why he always comes to him.

"Roman" Dean says softly, taking a deep breath before carrying on, "Seriously, have you looked in a mirror, see how many girls basically die when you so much as glance at them, you are straight! How do you tell the your best friend, your only friend in the world that you love them! And not as a friend!" Dean says trying his hardest not to cry.

And then Dean hears Roman's laugh, not cruelly but his normal happy laugh, "Why are you laughing?" He asks and he can feel his anger rising, this was not the response he was expecting, he was expecting Roman to get angry or storm out, maybe even hit him.

"Because you are an idiot Ambrose!" His friend says, taking his hair down out of what is left of his bun, letting the hair cascade down around his face, before Dean can respond Roman's lips are on his, Dean's slightly shocked at Roman's actions, but that doesn't stop him from kissing him back, tangling his hands in Roman's long hair, pulling him closer to him.

It was Roman pulled away first, "I don't understand..." Dean said confused, "Well least one of us doesn't need to be drunk to tell the other one how they feel, Dean I love you too, I swear I was straight until I met you, you are the only guy that makes me feel anything" Roman confesses, a shy smile on his lips, causing Dean's heart to summersault, the man of his dreams was finally his.

"Well I guess that makes you mine now" Dean says his eyes turning predatory as he takes in Roman's muscular chest, "I heard you tell Seth you need a shower, I think that's a great idea right now" He says pushing Roman into the bathroom, not that he was protesting.

Didn't people know the best lovers are the ones who are best friends?

That's exactly what Dean and Roman are.

A/N 2: Please Read And Review x x x