He doesn't deserve this

Part 1

Returning Home

Harry, Ron and Hermione boarded the Hogwarts Express, after finishing up their third year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Halfway to London, though, Hermione noticed that there was something wrong with Harry. Her best friend wasn't talking as much as he usually did. Upon closer examination, Hermione realized that he was asleep. Smiling to herself, she went and knelt down in front of him and tried to wake her sleeping friend.

"Harry, wakey wakey." She cooed. Hermione brushed some of his matted hair off of his forehead. Then she frowned at how warm he felt to the touch. "Harry, Harry. Wake up!" Hermione said in a much sterner voice.

"Wha? Ermph, Hermigny, ghot ghre uwho doig?" Harry grumbled, after Hermione had shoved her muggle thermometer into his mouth.

"Harry, would you please shut up for a moment." She said, rolling her eyes. Harry opened his mouth to grumble some more, but he caught sight of Hermione's face, giving him the stare that says 'don't you dare' and mumbled his defeat.

The thermometer beeped. Hermione took it out of Harry's mouth and gasped as she looked at the reading. "40.1! Harry, that's way too high! Ron, go and fetch me a damp cloth to cool his forehead." She said. Ron left the compartment and went to get a cool cloth for his friend.

"Here Harry, lay down." Hermione said as she pulled her pillow and blanket out of her trunk and gave them to Harry. "I'm fine, Mione." Said Harry. His hand flied to his mouth as he started coughing. "No, you're not." She whispered with a sigh. She rubbed his back in circles as he violently coughed. When he had finished, she got a goblet from the trolley. "Aguamenti" she cast the water making spell into the goblet and handed it to Harry. Ron soon returned with the cool cloth and Hermione rested it on his burning forehead as Harry fell asleep.