A/N- Sorry about the pause. I'm back and ready to give you all the final piece to this puzzle. *grin*

Disclaimer: I don't own YGO or it's characters, places, or plots. I only own Aurora, her friends and her family. Thank you for reading!

It's been nearly a year since Atem returned to the Spiritworld. Life has managed to move onward. With Atem at rest, Adais found it necessary to return with his son and begin to rebuild the connection he had lost from being gone so long. They would come for visits often. It was nice to be able to enjoy time with my grandson for a change without having to have everything shrouded in mystery and danger all the time.

Zahara finished out her time with the school for that year. She had felt it only fair that she finish something that she had started. After school was done, she took over running a large portion of the dance club as a means of keeping herself busy. I cannot say that she ever really recovered from her trip to the Memory World. She and Ryou maintained a friendship, but her distance in a romantic setting made it difficult for them to maintain an actual romantic relationship. But Zahara had begun to feel it was for the best that she just did not really connect on that level with anyone at this point in her life. She said she felt too lost and had to find herself before she could consider being there for anyone else.

Sanura continued to work as Seto's personal assistant. He made arrangements so that she and Mokuba went with him on all trips he had to make. It was his way of keeping up with all of them. Sanura's pregnancy managed to be a fairly easy one, though she still had to be careful. It was not long after the return from Egypt that Dorian had been able to confirm that she was, in fact, expecting twins; a son and daughter. Mokuba had been overjoyed at the thought, while Sanura and Seto seemed concerned and, perhaps, a bit nervous. But eight months later, though the delivery may have come early, but they were both healthy births. Sanura and Seto are still finding a way to maintain the family. There have been whispered rumors of an engagement, but so far neither of them have confirmed anything of the sort.

Yugi and his friends graduated from school and I was glad to be there on his special day. Tears were shed that were bittersweet. They were happy school was done, but they knew that meant seriously life changes for all of them. Téa went on to New York where she found her admission to the School of Dance to be accepted with the whole of heart. She still writes to Yugi from what my grandson tells me. She is doing very well in the States and enjoys her life's path very much. Tristan went on to work in a mechanic's shop for the most part. He always seems to be in good spirits when I have the opportunity to see him around town.

I still see Joey on occasion in the dueling circuit because of my ties with Pegasus. His skills have greatly improved and he honestly has come very far. It was said he considered retiring after another year or two, but he is adjusting to his new life as husband to Mai Valentine. Their paths crossed during a tournament and instead of walking away, they continued to walk together instead. It has been good to see them both so happy. Mai occasionally comes by Industrial Illusions as a dueling spokeswoman for Pegasus when something new comes up. But as far as others, I have not been able to keep up with them all.

Yugi sought out Seto for help in creating a brand new game. It was a task that Seto was very excited to see come to pass. It also gave Sanura a chance to see her nephew a little more often as well, which became an added bonus. The game is expected to hit the shelves here soon. We are all very excited for him. There are times I have seen him become distant. As if lost in his mind. Before, it was because he was speaking with Atem. Now… I can feel his sadness. He misses his grandfather. Misses having him be a part of him as he once was. We all miss having him around.

And then came the day I received a call I never expected to take. It was from Seto. He had come to the states and wanted to meet with me….

1 year after saying goodbye

Aurora stepped into the restaurant and was immediately escorted to the back of the room where she saw a tall, young man with short brown hair busy at work on his laptop. She stopped as the server announced her arrival and Seto looked up at her. Immediately, he stood and pulled a chair out for her to sit.

Aurora gave him a searching look as he clicked on a few keys on his laptop. "Another game system set to come out, Seto?"

He looked up with an odd gleam in his eyes. He shook his head and a sly grin curved his lips. "No, actually, I have called to meet you on a more personal matter to all of us."

Aurora frowned. "What are you talking about? Are the twins alright?"

He nodded quickly. "Yes, they are fine. But what I have found I wanted to keep as a surprise to Sanura until we have secured a few things."

She arched an eyebrow at him. "Proposing to her?"

Seto choked on the drink of water he had just taken and his face turned red before he waved his hand and shook his head again. "Believe me, though, it is in the works." He looked up at her with another smile that she was not accustomed to seeing on his face. "I need everything to be just right for something that big," he elaborated to her as if they had been talking about it for years instead of just random comments here and there.

"What is going on, Seto?" Aurora pressed. "Are you striking a deal with Pegasus?"

"No, this is actually more related to you than it is him or anyone else." He turned his laptop around so she could see the screen and he watched as the blood drained from her face.

"This… this isn't funny."

"And I don't have a tendency to joke."

"How…?" Aurora stared at the screen feeling as though someone had just sucked the air right out of her. She looked up at him, her heart pounding in her ears. "Where?"

"Oddly enough, it was near the last place we were all together in Egypt."

"But that's impossible…"

"Please, as much as you all preached magic to me, now, you are going to try to deny what is right in front of you? How do you think I felt when my people alerted me to this? Three-Thousand-Years-Old, Miss. Hart. How does this happen?"

Aurora's eyes stared back at the screen again. An image had been sent to Seto of a sarcophagus that had been found. One that should have been destroyed when the temple fell. But it was in almost perfect condition. Another image showed the lid being lifted by scientists and archaeologists prepared to preserve what they believed was a centuries-old mummified Royal. What they found, however, was anything short of centuries-old looking. She struggled to catch her breath as her eyes locked on the perfectly preserved face of the man she watched leave their realm a year ago and enter the Afterlife.

"How… how can he look as if he is just asleep? As if he was never gone from us?" She looked up at him. "I don't understand. We all watched him walk into that light. We all said goodbye. His body should never have looked like this upon its reveal."

"That's what I thought. That's why I have kept this from Sanura for now. I felt you needed to see this and come with me. I think there is more to this than what we have seen. Perhaps, your doctor friend should come with us."

Aurora nodded. "I agree. When do you leave?"

"I am prepping a jet to leave in a few hours. We can be there by nightfall if not sooner."

"Give me just enough time to call Dorian and make him aware to grab a few of his things. We will be ready."

Seto nodded. "I'll send a limo to your hotel in three hours. We will depart soon after."

"Agreed. See you in three hours." Aurora stood and turned to leave. She stopped and took a deep breath before turning to look back at him. "Thank you."

He simply nodded and went back to work as she left the restaurant, her phone already in her hand as she hailed her own limo from Industrial Illusions. Her heart continued to pound hard in her chest and her breath came so fast, she felt her head become light.

"Dorian? Meet me at the hotel as soon as possible. And bring your bag, and maybe a change of clothes. We are going back to Egypt. I will explain when you get here."

Aurora paced the floor by her balcony window, lost in thought. She never heard Dorian open the door and throw his bag on the bed. She jumped when he reached out to stop her pacing and force her to look up at him.

"What is going on? Are you okay? Why are we going back to Egypt?"

"I don't know how okay I am," she told him honestly. "How is it possible for a Pharaoh who was supposed to have been dead three thousand ago to appear perfectly preserved as if he is merely sleeping in his sarcophagus?"

Dorian frowned. "What are you talking about, Aurora? It's not possible for that to happen." He placed his hand upon her forehead as if checking for a fever.

"I'm in shock, not feverish." She turned her phone over to him after pulling up an email Seto had sent her with the images he had shown her at the restaurant. She pointed to her phone. "Then tell me how this can be possible?"

Dorian's eyes snapped wide open and he looked from her to the phone and back to her again. "I-I can't explain that, Aurora. Unless…" He frowned. "Where is Blaze's ring?"

"Atem was wearing it when he said goodbye. He was wearing it about midway through the battle with Bakura."

"He had it with him into the Afterlife?"

She nodded. "Yes. He never took it off."

"Those Powers never left him, did they?"

Aurora stilled. She looked up at him and blinked. "You can't be serious. You think…"

"It's possible. Blaze's powers found a new host when he died before we crashed here to Earth. But those powers… we never saw them go anywhere. No one else has said anything about sensing them. Nothing. What if he really is still just sleeping?"

"Like Sleeping Beauty?" she asked him incredulously.

He chuckled softly. "Well it is a bit past the hundred year mark, but it's possible. The kind of magical fighting he had done before being sealed and then after being released takes a great deal of energy. Maybe he is just resting to fully recover. Maybe he doesn't know that he has a body and he is just dreaming the Afterlife."

"Maybe I am just losing my mind and just desperately wishing for a way that he could come back."

"How did you find this?"

"Seto's team found him. His resting place crumbled, but they found him. When he realized what they had found, he contacted me immediately and wants us to be there."

"Then let's get going."

"His limo will be here any moment."

Dorian nodded, picked up his bag and together, they made their way to the lobby to wait for their ride.

Aurora dabbed a handkerchief at her forehead. She may have, at one point, adapted to the heat in Egypt, but it had been some time since she had been there. It would take her a bit of time to re-adapt again. A company car was waiting for them at the landing strip and Seto gave a nod of his head as they all approached. It had been a mostly silent trip. Occasional chats about what they might expect, and what would happen if Atem really was in some form of stasis.

Seto had come a long way in the year since Atem's passing. He had grown to at least acknowledge that some things could not be explained, even though he still struggled to accept magic and immortality on a whole. Still, trying to wrap his head around what he might have stumbled upon, was a bit more unsettling for him. It meant that he could do something really kind for the mother of his children, but it also meant his greatest rival would be back again.

Aurora watched him as he stared out the window. She wondered what he would do. If he would demand a challenge right then and there, or if he would let old grudges lie. What would her kids think? How would Atem function in this world on a permanent basis? Why was he not allowed to adhere to the typical sciences of this world like the other mummies? Why did he still look so young? She had grieved for his death a second time. She was still grieving. She would rather keep herself busy and active so that she might not have time to reflect on him. This was not something she was ready for or even understood.

"We're here," Seto told them as the car slowed to a stop. The door was opened for them and one by one they exited and gathered together beside the car until a man in a long white coat approached them.

"Mr. Kaiba, we are ready for you, sir."

They followed the scientist into a white tented area and an odd feeling washed over Aurora. She swallowed hard and tried not to miss a step as she followed behind the young CEO. She felt Dorian place a hand on her shoulder. She looked up and could see in his eyes the fear that was in hers.

What if we are wrong? What if we have come out here for nothing? Dorian shook his head and nodded to keep moving.

She froze when they entered another room and caught sight of the sarcophagus. She knew the symbols. She knew the etchings. She knew the hieroglyphs all too well. She nodded to Seto at his questioning look.

"It's his, yes," she validated, her voice barely above a whisper.

Seto motioned to a small crew to lift the lid on the sarcophagus. They gathered around and groaned as they each took a section and heaved. Aurora and Dorian stepped around to the front. Tears flooded her eyes unexpectedly and her hand raised to her lips to try to mask the gasp that escaped her. She felt Dorian reach out and grab on to her arm, but wasn't sure if it was to steady her or himself.

"See what I mean?" Seto asked her softly.

She nodded and stepped forward. "I do," she breathed. "Oh Gods…Atem…" She let her eyes trail over him in fearful awe. It was too much for her mind to process all at once. He hadn't been mummified at all. No wrappings, no jars. He was in one piece, perfectly preserved. "I am seeing this… But I am not believing this…" She looked up at Seto and Dorian. "I don't understand…" She tried to take a deep breath. "He was here all this time. We left him and he was here this whole time…"

Dorian mentally tried to push passed the fear, awe, and emotional reaction to what he was seeing. He stepped closer and reached out to take Atem's hand, studying it thoroughly. One hand, he wore his wedding band. The other was what Dorian had been seeking. The Ring of Blaze. "I almost bet money on it, this is why he is so preserved," he murmured.

"But is he awake? Is he in a coma or stasis of some kind? Can he be brought back?" Seto asked.

"We … we might just be able to," Dorian told him, looking up at the CEO with dared hope.

"What do you need? Medical facility? More doctors?"

Dorian frowned in thought as he continued to stare down at Atem. He thought at first that Seto would be wanting to wake him for personal matters, but the sound of his voice… "A private area where our friends and I can work. It'll take some time. And even then, I don't know if it'll work. I don't want Sanura, Zahara, or Adais to know anything about it until we know for sure."

Seto nodded. "That's why I never told her about the reason for this trip. It's been under top secret clearance. Not even Mokuba knows because I know my little brother would tell her. He can't keep a secret from her to save his life. So top secret clearance meant me and me alone."

"They think is some game that's going to drag you away again, don't they?" Dorian asked with a slight grin.

Seto half-shrugged and a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. "What can I say; it's a believable story." He turned to the crew. "Okay, put the lid back on now so there is no risk of accidental harm coming to this body. Have it transported to my private vacation home. Use the back lab entrance." He turned to Aurora. "There is some paperwork that has to be signed by you as you were the caretaker to his tomb. This will grant me the permission to remove what is found here legally. You and your friends may stay at the vacation home as long as you need to in order to do what you need to do." He watched her continue to stare at the encasement. "Let's hope this works." She looked up at him and he continued. "I really do want to see this work."

"I believe you," she told him softly.

2 years after Atem's passing

Sanura watched as her son dug in the dirt at the playground and her daughter pulled at the grass just outside of the sandbox. She had met with her sister and brother there after their mother and her friends found themselves oddly scarce over the last year. Zahara approached her with a yawn and stretched her neck.

"Gods, Sanu, why did it have to be so early? I didn't even get home till two in the morning. I've had like three hours of sleep and definitely not enough coffee for this," Zahara whined.

Adais handed her a cup of coffee as he walked passed her. "Drink this and stop complaining, at least you have been keeping busy."

"And like you haven't? I hear Grandpa Motou has you pretty busy in that shop of his."

Adais nodded. "He does. And frankly, I'm grateful for that." He turned to Sanura. "Now, however, I do believe something is off for Sanura to call us out like this."

"I'm tired, honestly," Sanura admitted.

"You need a babysitter?" Zahara asked.

She shook her head. "No, but for the last year, mother and the others have all been oddly quiet. Dorian is distracted. Natara and Bryant are always busy. Saphira is always off with mom, even Seto is almost always busy or distracted by something. Ever since he came back from Egypt last year…"

Adais frowned. "What was he doing in Egypt?"

Sanura shrugged. "I don't know. Apparently, only Seto has access to that file. Not even Mokuba is allowed access to it."

"That means, whatever it is, it's something big," Zahara mused. She frowned thoughtfully. "No one is talking?"

"No one, anywhere. Ishizu has no information, Marik has no clue, Odion was lost in a temple somewhere. Seto will tell me it's the 'next big thing' and that we will all benefit from it. But he refuses to elaborate. Even more? He's locked down his private vacation home for the better part of a year. The holidays are approaching and we still have no answers."

"Well… we might be about to have some," Adais corrected. "We might have to wait a little bit longer, but the answers might be on their way."

"What do you mean?"

"We all got invites to the big family holiday party. Maybe that's where whatever has been going on will be revealed. Mother bought that old mansion on the hill. I've heard rumors that Pegasus is opening an office for Industrial Illusions here near Domino which will allow Mother to be here more often instead of in the states all the time."

"Mother is making plans for a permanent place to live," Zahara said thoughtfully. "Something has happened. She's had her walls up to protect her thoughts. She's planning something."

Sanura nodded. "I think that you are right."

"And in about 2 more months, we will be able to know just what is going on."

2 months later

Aurora finished wrapping the last of the gifts and tucked them under the tree. Natara and Saphira had stepped outside to help Dorian and Bryant add the last of the lights to the path that was lightly dusted with snow. They were gearing up for a party that was bound to be the best they had ever had. It was not just going to be a gathering for the holidays to them. There was something a whole lot more to this meeting. Aurora knew it had bothered her children that she had been distant so much in the last year, but she felt she did not have a choice. What she was working on, had to be done.

Two years had passed since everyone had last seen each other in the sands of Egypt. Two years since Yugi had last said goodbye to the spirit he had grown so close to while connected to the Millennium Puzzle. So many secrets had come out in that week. Aurora had marveled at Yugi's ability to handle the truth as it came crashing down. But she knew there was one thing he did not know. One thing he and so many had never been told.

She sighed happily as a pair of warm arms wrapped around her in a tight embrace. Turning, she found herself staring into a pair of crimson eyes. Reaching up she twirled a strand of his blond bangs around her finger as she admired the rest of the tri-colored head in front of her. The face was one she had once given up ever seeing again. But for some reason, the Fates stepped in and with Seto's help...

"Are you ready, Atem?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," he murmured as he leaned in for a tender kiss. It felt so good for him to be able to do that.

Atem was still not sure what had happened. He had memories of his time within the Puzzle. He had memories of his time with Yugi and interacting with everyone. He remembered saying goodbye and the bright light. He had no idea how he woke up to find himself surrounded by tear-filled eyes and warm smiles of people he thought of as some of his best friends.

He spent the last year in the vacation home with Aurora and their group of friends. It was a long year of adapting to what had changed in the year he was in his coma-like state. He had to re-adapt to having a body of his own again and understanding food and regular care for himself. He felt confident that he was finally ready to be revealed to everyone. It was the only gift left that he wanted. Now they were only waiting for the limos to arrive.

"I think we finally have everything done outside," Bryant reported as he stomped snow off his boots.

"It smells so good in here," Natara breathed as she entered the house behind him and removed her gloves and jacket. "Is dinner almost ready?"

"Almost," Aurora answered. "Where are Dorian and Saphira?"

Bryant checked the window. "Outside still, in the middle of a snowball fight it seems," he commented as squeals of laughter could be heard.

"Is there anything thing I can help you with, my lady?"

Aurora turned toward the soft voice and smiled at the dark haired Egyptian woman standing not far from them. When they found that they were able to wake Atem from his coma-like state, Aurora called Ishizu to have her help with stabilizing him into the modern world. As true friends, Ishizu, Marik, and Odion made the first flight out to meet them. Just one more secret kept, but Seto's people helped to ensure the secret operation of theirs remained hidden. "Thank you, Ishizu, but I believe everything has been taken care of. Have Odion and Marik returned with the firewood?"

"Right here," Marik's voice answered behind his sister as they came from the back door. Atem left Aurora's side to help Odion start the fire in the fireplace. Already, the main room of the home was beginning to warm up.

"It's been a year and I still can't believe you were able to bring him back," Ishizu said softly as she stepped closer to Aurora.

Lapis blue eyes misted over a moment before Aurora turned to her friend. "It wasn't easy, but I am glad it worked. The past year has been a wonder in itself. He already knew so much about the modern world thanks to his time with Yugi. It was just a matter of getting him used to other changes. Like seeing snow on Christmas." The two women laughed quietly.

The wonderful smells of turkey and stuffing struck her senses as Aurora entered the kitchen. Natara removed the turkey from the oven. Immediately, Aurora went to work helping to get the stuffing removed and into a separate plate before turning to the hot, spiced apple cider that was ready to be served. She lifted the container and carried it into the living-room where Atem met her to take the heavy container from her.

"I see a limo," Saphira called out as she and Dorian finally made their way inside from their snowball fight. Aurora joined her friend and her smile brightened as a blonde head emerged from inside. The blonde stood a moment before turning and allowing a white-haired boy room to exit the vehicle.

"I see Zahara and Ryou managed to work out the whole evil spirit of the Ring thing to remain together after all?" Atem asked Aurora.

She shook her head slightly. "Not exactly, but they did manage to remain friends. Ryou has moved on with another young lady who was unable to be here tonight," she explained. She turned to him with apologetic eyes. "Now, however, you have to find somewhere else to be for a minute while everyone arrives or you will spoil the surprise." She smiled warmly as he kissed her once more and meandered away to the next room until he was called for.

Aurora opened the door as the bell chimed and offered her smile to her daughter, opening her arms to her. "Thank you for coming, Zahara. I know I haven't been around much and I do apologize. I just hope that my surprise will more than make up for it."

Zahara hugged her mother and arched an eyebrow. "It had better," she said in a mock angry tone. She lost her stern look and smiled. "I know that you wouldn't have gone away without a good reason. So I am looking forward to hearing it."

"In due time, I promise. As soon as everyone gets here." She ushered Zahara and Ryou inside. "Ryou, it is good to see you again as well," Aurora told the quiet boy beside her daughter. "I hope things are still going well for you."

"Very, actually, Thank you Miss. Hart."


Ryou laughed softly. "Aurora. My internship was accepted with the museum. I still have a knack for ancient items, I guess," he said with a slight shrug.

They were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell and Aurora opened the door to more of her family. Sanura and Seto stood on the front step, a child carried by each other them and Mokuba stood beside them, holding a few wrapped gifts in his arms. Aurora quickly opened the door wider for them so they could get out of the cold. Zahara reached out to take her niece from Seto and he reached into a small bag to pull out a bottle of wine he had brought along with them.

Aurora nodded in the direction of the other room. "Here, I'll show you to where you can put that for now." She told everyone in the room that she would return momentarily and led Seto to the room Atem was waiting in. She took a careful glance around to make sure no one else was looking as she opened the door to allow Seto entrance.

"He's here?"


Seto turned and straightened as he took in the sight of the ancient pharaoh dressed in a modern suit and tie. The range of facial expressions went from a series of "this can't be right" to "wow". He strode up to Atem and looked down at him. "Not exactly royal attire, but you've managed to fit in with the rest of the world now. But what do you prefer to be called now? Pharaoh?"

The former Pharaoh shook his head. "That time is done for me. I'm just Atem, now. Thank you."

The two shook hands. Mutual respect, or just being civil for the holiday, Aurora was not sure which. She stepped up beside Atem. "If it wasn't for Seto's men finding you… I owe him so much."

"We both do." Atem looked up at Seto. "I can't even begin to express the gratitude I feel toward you for all you have done. If there is anything I can do-"

"Perhaps there is. See, I did actually have a personal matter to see you with you."


"I was going to ask Miss. Hart tonight, anyway, but I am grateful you could be returned. Not for me, but for Sanura."

"Is she alright?"

"Why does everyone automatically assume something is wrong?" Seto shook off is own question and took a breath. "Sanura has always been an important part to my life. Even more so now. She has never left my side, even when she probably should have. She's the perfect partner, not just in business, but in my life as well. She has given me such a blessing and I want to make her a more permanent part of my life." Seto opened his hand and a small box rested in his palm.

"Is this…" Aurora hesitated before taking the box and opening it to reveal a small but beautiful diamond set on a silver band. "Seto…"

"I wanted to do this according to custom and what is right. So I am asking for your blessing to have Sanura's hand in marriage."

"Of course, Kaiba," Atem told him earnestly. He chuckled as he watched Seto's face take on an unaccustomed look of shock to it. "Easier than you thought?"

"A little, yes."

Aurora smiled. "Welcome to the family, Seto." She tilted her head when she hear the outside door open again and began to recognize more voices. "Yugi and the others have arrived."

"Can I come out yet?" Atem asked her.

"Not just yet, but soon, love, I promise." She reached up and touched his cheek before leaving the room to greet the last of their guests.

"Wow, take a look at this place, you guys!" Tristan's voice could be heard from the front room.

"This is amazing," Mai said in awe as she joined him.

"I can't believe Ms. Hart flew all of us out here for the holidays," Téa added as she entered after them.

"Hurry up, Yuge! I wanna get a closer look at dis place!"

"All right, Joey, I'm going!" Yugi told his friend with a laugh. His grandfather chuckled and climbed out behind him.

"Settle down, Brother, it isn't like it's going to up and run away on us."

"You never know, Serenity. After everything we've all been through, I learned anything is possible." It was only a moment later before they were all standing inside the mansion.

Aurora had been looking forward to this day. Her gift to Atem was to reunite him with the people he had grown to love and cherish during his time with Yugi. In a sense it fulfilled her wish as well. Bringing family and friends together for such a joyous holiday. That was what the holiday meant to her. The gathering of friends and loved ones to share memories and laughter. The gifts meant nothing to her. Just knowing she was going to be able to reunite two people who held a bond as strong as hers was to Atem was enough to make her happy this day.

"Aurora?" Yugi's tentative voice asked.

"Yes, please come in and sit by the fire. We have been waiting for you. And we have a surprise."

Joey's head perked up. "A surprise?"

"Does it include food?" Tristan asked before getting slapped by Téa.

Aurora chuckled softly and held the door wider for them. "Food is in here," she told him. "But no, the surprise is much more." She caught the small hint of sadness in Yugi's eyes upon seeing her. She knew the memories seeing her must have given him. "Yugi, go into the living-room. The surprise is ready to be revealed." She followed behind him as he walked the short distance and through the door of the living room. There was a huge Christmas tree with silver and blue trimmings. Presents cluttered the floor around it. His eyes brightened as Marik waved to him and Ishizu smiled warmly. He saw Sanura and Mokuba playing with the twins. Zahara and his father were nearby. Adais saw him and came over to greet him with a hug.

"I'm glad that you made it."

"What's going on, Dad?"

"I don't know. I'm just as lost as you are. Your grandmother has been acting secretive for a while now."

A door opened and the room went silent. Seto exited and nodded behind him. He stepped out of the way and it was then that crimson eyes met amethyst. Tears filled both sets of eyes before smiles broke out and the two moved toward each other. Yugi crashed against Atem in a tight hug, his tears falling freely as they landed on their knees under his impact.

"It can't be. I watched you leave us two years ago. How? How can you be here?" Yugi asked, more questions filling his eyes. Atem looked up at Aurora.

"Remember when I told you he would one day return?" Aurora asked Yugi. He nodded. "His job on earth was not yet done. He had his memories, but his task was not finished. He was found. And for the last year, our friends and I have been working with him. He finally felt ready to be seen by those most important to him."

"I had to return, Yugi," Atem told him with a grin. "Who else is going to make sure you stay out of trouble in college?" Yugi laughed and they stood. Atem looked at his son, then both of his daughters. "Adais. Zahara. Sanura." All three approached him and hugged him tightly. Sanura wiped at the tears in her eyes and looked over at Seto.

"Did you know about this?" She asked him. "Is this what you have been keeping from me?"

Seto stepped close to her and took her hand. "I had to, I'm sorry. I didn't want to tell you if it didn't work. I didn't want you to go through that heartbreak again. I wanted to be sure that he was really able to return."

"You did this… for me?"

"For your family. And…" Seto shifted and got down on one knee, offering the ring box open for her to see the ring. "So I could properly ask for permission to ask for your hand in marriage. Sanura, will you continue to be a solid part of my life and honor me by accepting me as your husband?"

Sanura's eyes stung as she bent down to hug him. "Yes, Seto, a thousand times, yes." He stood and swept her off her feet, hugging her tightly as he spun her around. Mokuba cheered and even the twins clapped from where they sat by the tree. Everyone laughed as they watched the confusion n the little ones' faces. The room became alive with chatter and laughter. Tears of joy and excited squeals filled the home. Everything went as Aurora had hoped.

Aurora watched everyone that night all through dinner. Dinner rolls were hurled from one side of the table to another by Joey and Tristan as if they were little footballs. Jokes and stories were told. Memories were relived as the talked about their most difficult duels and some of the crazier ones they had been forced into. Later the presents were handed out and wrapping paper littered the floor while everyone marveled over their gifts. Atem reached out and pulled Aurora toward him.

"You are quiet. Is something wrong?"

She shook her head. "No, nothing is wrong. For once we are all together. No one is out to destroy the world. No one is in danger of losing their soul. No one needs to find lost memories. We are all here. We are together, relaxed, and having fun. I couldn't have asked for a better Christmas."

"I agree," Atem said as he placed a kiss on her forehead. "Family and friends all gathered together. That is the true meaning of the Holiday Spirit." Everyone raised their glasses and the sound of them clinking together brought smiles as everyone agreed and cheered.

"It's good to have you back, Grandpa," Yugi said lightly.

"It is good to be back, Yugi."

"Hey, do you guys hear that?" Mai asked. They all grew quiet a moment. Outside the sound of Christmas carolers could be heard. They all stood and went to the door. Seto held his twins while Sanura squeezed Mokuba's hand. Ryou glanced over at Zahara and watched her sigh. He reached out and pulled her close in an amicable hug and this time, she did not resist him. Everyone else wrapped their arms around each other and began to sway back and forth to the song. They could not help but join in as the group finished their last song.

We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

"Merry Christmas everyone," Aurora said softly and their glasses were raised again.

"To family," Mokuba started.

"To friends," Atem added with a wink at Téa.

"This has to be the best Christmas ever," Yugi said. "Thank you Aurora and Kaiba for bringing us together again."

Both just smiled and nodded at him. The holiday was just the beginning as their lives were all set to start anew. The missing piece of their own personal puzzle had been found and their family was complete again. Nothing to hold them back or keep them apart. Aurora knew one thing more for certain.

Her world was finally at peace.


A/N: Just to let you all know, this last chapter had actually been a part of a Christmas challenge on Deviant Art. I had to change a few things to make it fit how the direction of this fic ended up going.

10 years… It started 10 years ago and I have finally reached the end of the last chapter to the last part of the series.

The stories don't have to end here, though. I will still have shorts being posted to Wattpadd. So please be sure to find me there (under the same name as this site), and you will be able to see random little shorts of Zahara and Ryou, Sanura and Seto, Aurora and Atem. And don't forget that Aurora and her friends (as well as characters loosely based off of Atem) are also featured in their own book series called the Eudorian Chronicles. That will be announced when it reaches publication as well. And if you want to see sneak peeks or other behind the scenes of the Eudorian Chronicles, they will all be found on my account. I'm not going to stop writing. I do hope that some of you will continue to follow me on this journey of mine.

Thank you for allowing me to entertain you these last 10 years! You are the best! I do hope that you all enjoyed this. Hope to see you around!