It's set in Springdale City. It shows at a house. It shows an 11-year-old boy named Leon Wilson. He's getting ready for the first day of school tomorrow. And his Uncle Bruno is in his collection room new lights for his Power Ranger collection. "Hey, Leon, have you seen the blue lights that were in the box?" said Bruno. "I think Mia had them earlier" said Leon. "Mia! Where did you leave the blue lights?" said Bruno. "Oh they were in the car i almost forgot" said Mia. "So, how are you enjoying your stay here, Leon?" Bruno said to Leon. "It's alright, Uncle B. Too bad my Dad is too busy for the fire station" said Leon. "Ah, don't worry about it, I think Jerry had something to cheer you up. I'm not sure what it is. maybe you should go ask him" Bruno said to Leon. Leon goes down to the basement where Jerry's lab is at. "Leon, i'm glad you came here" said Jerry. "Yeah, what do you need for me?" said Leon. "Well, i have heard a lot of strange things happening in Springdale, and i finally narrow it down. I have made the ultimate discovery" said Jerry. "And what would that be?" said Leon. "It's about Yo-Kai" Jerry turned his computer to Leon. "They're real" said Jerry.

"Yo-Kai?" said Leon. "Exactly, these creatures are responsible annoyances for everyday lives" said Jerry. Jerry pulled out a red Yo-Kai watch with a dial on it. "The only way you can see them is with this. This is the Yo-Kai watch prototype" said Jerry. "This will allow you to see the Yo-Kai" "Okay thanks Jerry" Said Jerry then Leon. "Oh, before you go. You'll need these" Jerry gives them the medal for Negatibuzz, Signibble and Maleoknight. "Good luck to you, and keep an eye out for anything strange" said Jerry.

On the next day, an 11-year-old boy named Nate Adams is talking to his friends, Bear and Eddie. "Did you hear we're getting a new student today?" Eddie. "Where'd you hear that?" said Nate. "I overheard it for Katie" said Eddie. "I wonder who's this new guy is" said Bear. A moment later at Mr. Johnson's class. Mr. Johnson has an announcement. "Class, we have a new student today. I like to introduce you to Leon Wilson" Leon showed up. "Hey everybody, nice to meet you" said Leon. Whisper showed up. "Ooh, a new student, eh?" said Whisper. "Yeah, he seems like a nice guy" said Nate. "You can have a seat, right behind Nate" said Mr. Johnson. Leon takes a seat right behind Nate. A moment later, after class. Nate decide to talk to Leon and also his friends. "So, your Leon, right?" Nate said to Leon. "Yeah that's me" said Leon. "My name's Nate" Nate introduced himself. "My name's Bear" said Bear. "I'm Eddie" said Eddie. "And i'm Katie" said Katie. "Well, it's nice to meet you guys" said Leon. "So, when did you come to Springdale?" said Nate. "Oh, I came here last week, with my Uncle Bruno, his girlfriend Mia and his roommate Jerry" said Leon.

"Wow, that's nice" said Katie. "Well, i hope we can be good friends" said Nate. "Yeah, sure" said Leon. A moment later, after school, it started raining. "That's weird. I never heard about rain in the forecast" said Eddie. Nate is walking home, and the Rain keeps raining harder and harder. "Why is it keep being stormy out here?" said Nate. "Maybe there's a Yo-Kai Here" said Whisper. Nate took a Yo-Kai watch. "We'll know a second" said Nate. Then he spotted a Yo-Kai that looks like a cloud with eyes.


Whisper gets out his Yo-Kai pad. "Oh, yes. that's Chilly, he's a Yo-Kai that makes strange weather" said Whisper. "We gotta stop him before we get blown across town" said Nate. He took out the metal for Blazion. "Come on out, my friend! Calling, Blazion! Yo-Kai medal, do your thing!" Nate started to summon Blazion


Sumo shave!

Flavo engrave

Flash team'a Brave!


"Blazion, you've gotta stop Chilly!" said Nate. Blazion agrees. As Blazion charges on Chilly, Chilly froze him on a block of ice. "Oh no, Blazion!" said Nate. Then he gets the medal for Jibanyan. "Come on out my friend! Calling, Jibanyan! Yo-Kai medal do your thing!" said Nate. he starts to summon Jibanyan



Boom, boom, walla, walla

Dance, Dance, Charming!


"Jibanyan, you've gotta stop Chilly" said Nate. "I've got this! Paws of Fury!" Jibanyan uses his paws of fury. But then, Chilly released another cold wind and Jibanyan was freezing cold. "S-S-So C-C-Cold" said Jibanyan. Meanwhile, Leon spotted Chilly with his Yo-Kai Watch prototype. And he put on his Yo-Kai glasses which look like sunglasses to look up Chilly. "Chilly, huh?" Then he took out the Yo-Kai Medal for Maleoknight.

SET ONE! BRAVE! (Repeated fiery guitar strung) LET'S GO, MALEOKNIGHT! (dial turns) SET TWO!

Sumo shave!

Flavo engrave

Flash team'a Brave!


"Now what are we gonna do?" said Nate. A metallic figure struck Chilly. "I say my good sir, if you keep this up they will die of ammonia" said Maleoknight.

Maleoknight (BRAVE)

"Another Yo-Kai?!" said Nate. Whisper looks him up on the Yo-Kai Pad. "Ah, here he is. His name is Maleoknight. He's a truly heroic Yo-Kai. Once he inspirits you, he makes you heroic" said Whisper. "Yeah, but where did he come from?" said Nate. "So. You know about the Yo-Kai too, Nate?" said Leon. Nate turns around and he sees Leon. "Wait a minute. Leon?" said Nate. Leon revealed that he has a Yo-Kai Watch. "A Yo-Kai Watch?! Impossible!" said Whisper. Maleoknight walk to Leon. "Allow me to take care of this ruffian, sire" said Maleoknight. "Well, you better need some of the assistance" said Leon. Then Leon took the medal out of Signibble and set it to the Yo-Kai Watch.


Boo-Shiggy, Boo-Shiggy

Cling-Clang Delirious Mysterious!


"Wait, a minute, that's Signibble!" said Nate. "Maleoknight, Signibble. Would you please?" said Leon. "As once, sire" said Maleoknight. Then Signibble agrees by saying 'zap zap'. They use their powers to stop Chilly and the sun came out. "Ah, that feels so much better" said Jibanyan. "I'm sorry, i'll stop with the weird weather now" said Chilly. Leon gets the medal for Chilly. "Whoa, you got his medal" said Nate. "Well... That's it" said Leon. "How did you- Why-" said Whisper. "Don't worry, i'll explain later. Come on, i'll show you" said Leon. They head to Leon's house. "Well, this is my place" said Leon. "Hey, Uncle B. I've got some friends over" Leon said to his Uncle. "Oh, well that's nice" said Bruno. "Hey, Uncle B, where's Jerry?" Leon said to Bruno. "Oh he's down stairs in his lab right now" said Bruno. They went down stairs. "Hey, Jerry i'm back" said Leon. "Hey, Leon. How you encounter any Yo-Kai yet?" said Jerry. "Yeah, but i'm not the only one who can see Yo-Kai, this is Nate. He has a Yo-Kai Watch too" said Leon. "Hmm, I've never remember building this model. Where did you get this?" Jerry said to Nate. "I've actually got that from my Yo-Kai butler, Whisper" said Nate. "Well, that was really pretty interesting. I've been reserching Yo-Kai activity and I want it to guve to to my professor. So can you think you can help me with Yo-Kai research?" said Jerry. "Sure, we can help" said Nate. "Once you get a medal, take a picture of it in my email" said Jerry. "Don't worry, Jerry, you can count on us" said Nate.



Johnny Yong Bosch/Nate Adams

Joey D'Auria/Whisper

Alicyn Packard/Jibanyan

Melissa Hutchison/Katie Forester

Brent Pendergrass/Eddie Archer

Lyon Smith/Leon Wilson

Billy Bob Thompson/Maleoknight

Alanna Ubach/Chilly, Mia

Chris Tallman/Bruno

Daniel J. Edwards/Jerry