To Love Thy Self: The 1st Plot

Phase 1

Love Letters

16 year old Frisk stood by their locker awaiting their 16 year old brother Asriel and their former dark side Chara. As they saw the two coming down the hall, Frisk stepped away from their locker and joined them as they passed by.

Asriel turned to Frisk and asked: "So, how was the English test for you?"

They took out a graded paper and showed them the big fat B+ on the top. Chara took the paper forcefully and crumpled it up. "Damn class, how is it that when you study for the blasted English test, you do well enough to pass by with minimum effort; but when I take it, even with 3 'straight' weeks of reading from that blasted text book," Chara grabbed their test and tore it to shreds. "I get a C-! How does that even work?"

"Frisk and I have Mom to help us with this type of work. But if it makes you feel any better, I only got a C+." Asriel smiled as he showed Chara his test.

Chara growled and crumpled up Asriel's test. "I don't need your pity. In fact, I'm think I need a dummy to beat up on. You'd be the perfect candidate, if we weren't already friends to begin with." Chara giggled as they slugged Asriel.

"Hey!You promised that you wouldn't tease me anymore!" Asriel growled under his breath as he rubbed his shoulder.

"Come now, I can keep and break any promise if I want. But come on Azie, I thought you knew me better after all that time we've spent living in the Underground together. But it looks like the only other person that knows me a little better than you is Frisk over there. Am I right Mr/Mrs. Quiet All the Time?" Chara remarked as they looked over to Frisk.

Frisk only rolled their eyes and used their knowledge of ASL to say: 'I do, but you still made a promise to A-s-r-i-e-l.'

"Hehe, looks like I have Frisk on my side Chara." Asriel chuckled.

Chara sighed and added: "Hey, just be grateful that I'm keeping my promise to not kill any of you fools. Although I would be more than glad to break it, if Sans didn't take away my ability to gain execution points so I couldn't gain enough LV to fight monsters like Toriel and Asgore, let alone you two."

Frisk inside was grateful that Sans took away Chara's ability to gain Exp, and found a way to extended the amount of points needed to 'LV' up. But on the other side of Frisk's mind, they felt bad that Sans took away what made Chara, well Chara. Chara was basically the dark side of Frisk when they were once one, but thanks to the breakthrough by Asgore's royal scientist Alphys; they were not only successful separating Asriel's soul from Flowey, but they also had separated Chara from Frisk.

Since then, steps were taken to ensure that Chara would no longer be the threat that Frisk had feared they would be. But now after careful observation, Frisk felt both relief and guilty that Chara had to (but was forced to anyway) re-adapt to the society they once would love to hold under their foot, if they weren't being watched by their high ranking piers.

Yeah, Frisk knew Chara a lot better than any monster, human, alien, god, or whatever. But did Chara know Frisk any better than Frisk knew Chara? Does Chara know the reason why Frisk stopped being an A+ student, or why they kept staring at the back of their head in class, or why they kept leaving love letter's in their locker? Not really, Chara never had an interest of learning about anyone ever since they re-adapted. They always stuck to themselves, never wanting to have people around them unless those people included Frisk and Asriel.

So what if Chara didn't have a heart like the other humans and monsters around them? Frisk did have a high belief that anyone has a heart, no matter how heart less one was. But over the years, Frisk had started to feel attracted to Chara. Their intention was to become friends, or at the very least close siblings; but now they wanted both them and Chara to be something a little bit more. So, with a little help, they've devised a little plan to get together with them. What's the plan? Well...

Chara stopped in front of their locker and saw another letter between the crevasses of their locker door. Chara growled and then opened their locker to throw the letter on the pile of other letters they've received for more than a month. "Why is someone even bothering to give me these pointless letters when I'm not even interested?"

Asriel shrugged. "I don't know, have you read any of them?"

"No, why would I even bother?" Chara gave him the death stare.

"Maybe if you do, you could find out who's sending them and-,"

"Beat them up until they bleed from their noses! Azie, you are sometimes very useful to me!" Chara then took the pile out of their locker and rushed out the doors of the high school.

Asriel turned to Frisk and then frowned. "Sorry for ensuing your rejection."

Frisk patted him on the back and then gave him a quick hug. Asriel returned the hug and both headed out of the school to find Toriel reading up on a student's research paper.

"Hey mom," Asriel called as both Frisk and Asriel walked up to her.

"My children! How was the test today?" Toriel asked as she put the research paper into her portfolio.

"Frisk got a B and I got a C+." Asriel proudly announced.

"I'm glad you're improving Asriel," she kissed his forehead and then turned to Frisk and repeated the action. "I'm proud of you both. But I wish I could say the same for Chara. All they need to do is ask me, and they would be getting the results they have always desired."

Frisk then used her sign language to tell Toriel: 'They're going through a rough patch Mom, they'll turn around eventually.'

Toriel smiled and then started walking them to her car. "Well you've always knew them better than I ever could in the Underground. For all I know, you've known them since you the day you fell."

Frisk only nodded and got into the backseat of Toriel's sedan.

Chara's Secret Cupid

Chara tore some of their hair out as they walked back and forth in front of the wall of pinned love letters, trying to figure out who had been sending them the letters. Chara narrowed down everyone except Frisk and Asriel. They thought that Asriel would never be capable of writing such letters and Frisk might've known a lot about them, but possibly because of their violent play throughs in the Underground, Frisk wouldn't even consider them a 'love interest'; even if their life depended on it.

After many hours of staring at the wall, Chara's door opened to reveal Chara's least favorite skeleton next to Sans:

"I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS! Announce that dinner will ready very-,"

"Shut up you big tall, skin-less freak. I'm quite occupied at the moment." Chara coldly interrupted.

"Occupied? With what?" Papyrus asked as he entered the room and started to read one of the love letters.

"Stop! I demand you stop reading those!" a red faced Chara shouted.

"O-M-G! SANS YOU GOT TO SEE THIS!" Papyrus shouted at the door way.

"NO!" Chara shouted as they began to rip the letter off the wall.

Just as they got the last letter off, a blue aura surrounded it and flew into the hand of a yawning Sans. He got out his pair of glasses and began to read the letter:

"To my love, whose red eyes I could stare into for hours on end, whose blushes and distrustful smile fills me with determination, and whose hair that looks as soft as your skin.

-Love: A secret Admirer."

Chara whimpered in embarrassment as their face turned dark red. Sans couldn't keep his tears and laughter in after seeing their face, and he filled the whole room with the most annoying laugh he has ever let out. Papyrus, on the other hand, was screaming like little a girl as shrieked: "You have a secret admirer? OMG! OMG! Someone out there is in love with yo-,"

"ENOUGH!" Chara shouted at the top of their lungs.

Sans wiped the tears off his cheek bone. "Sorry kid, I couldn't keep myself from laughing. Haha, oh man. Toriel has got to get a load of this!"

Chara immediately went into high gear and ripped the letter out of Sans hand. "NO. ONE. ELSE, KNOWS ABOUT THIS! GOT THAT?!"

Sans raised up his hands and said: "Fine, but I am DYING to know if you know who this crush of yours is?"

"That's none of your business shorty. Even if it was, I'm still trying to figure 'that part' out." Chara ripped up the letter and dropped it in the trash can.

"Fine, fine! No one knows! Cross my heart." Sans said.

"Good, now you both get out!" Chara shouted as they pushed them out.

Just outside the door, Toriel was walking to her room as the two skeleton brothers were pushed out. Toriel then flinched when the door slammed shut. "What was that about boys?"

"Chara apparently has a-,"

"Sans you crossed your heart not to tell brother. That's a sacred promise in the Underground." Papyrus interrupted.

"It is? Almost forgot about that rule. Sorry Tori, promise is a promise." Sans said.

"It's fine Sans, but I just came up to tell you guys that it's, hehe, PASTA dinner time!" Toriel giggled.

Sans kept himself from laughing with little effort as Papyrus just sighed as the pun stung him like a pissed off bee. Sans wiped another tear from his eye socket and then asked: "So I guess Chara isn't coming down anytime soon, how about the kid and Asriel?"

"They're helping him with homework. I'll get them in a minute. You two just go before the food gets cold." Toriel explained.

As everyone went their separate ways, Asriel closed Frisk's door, and jumped onto their bed, and then explained to them: "Looks like Sans and Paps knows what's going on with the letters, and from what I heard, Chara is still in the dark about who the 'secret admirer' is."

Frisk smiled at the fact that Chara doesn't know yet. Now it seemed like it was time to put phase two of 'Operation: Love Thy Self,' into action.

Frisk used their sign language to ask: 'Phase 2?'

Asriel smirked. "Phase 2."

To my first non-DP and first Undertale FF! So, If you guys enjoyed this, Favorite and Follow, and if you have any suggestions: PM or Review. Until next time guys, Happy Holidays. :)