Author's Note: I don't have a Beta right now. Please forgive me! Also, the blah blah blah about characters that don't belong to me. Obviously, or I wouldn't have to write fanfic to satisfy my creative mind! I love Shandy! Like, to the core, so please enjoy! Angst galore!

Mornings were Sharon's favorite time of day. Most of them anyways. Today was different. Today was a morning she could soon forget. Rusty was still in a fowl mood with everything surrounding the case and Gus. She had let her disappointment be known, but she knew that Rusty would eventually make the right decision. He was her boy after all. This morning she had tried to encourage him to talk with Gus before he gave his testimony in court. Why did things have to be so complicated...all the time? Rusty asked if she'd be there and she promised would be, if the case allowed. She saw the change in Rusty as soon as she mentioned Gus.

"Look Sharon, I'm going to talk to him. I know you're upset with me about the whole situation but I can handle it. I will handle it." He said as he slammed the box of cereal in the cabinet before storming off to his room. Sharon let out a small sigh. She knew the Rusty was coming from a place of shame and fear, but she knew he also would need to learn to navigate these waters. He needed to learn the responsibility of being kind with the feeling of others. She smirked as she thought to herself. She stood for a moment and let herself swell with pride remembering where he'd been and where he was today. He had work to do, but he was more than capable.

Sharon glanced at her clock before finishing up and heading out. She grabbed her things and headed for the door but paused and looked down the hallway. She was tempted to go speak with him but knew that conversation would require more time than she had to spare right now. She was already gonna be late and this latest case was proving to be more than difficult. She knew they were close, they just needed a break. She would go find one. With one last look down the hall she headed out the door. She hoped and prayed she'd be able to make it to the courthouse to be there for Rusty. Even though he was frustrated, he still had asked for her and she would come for him.

Andy took his time walking towards her office. He was enjoying the view of watching her work. She look so good just sitting there concentrating on a screen. He missed her. He missed knowing that she wasn't very far away. He loved working with her, he just wished his evenings were still filled with her. His surgery had put a lot more of them together than either of them had anticipated. He smiled at the memories though. The simple truth is he was in love with Sharon Raydor and there was nothing he could do about it. He hadn't even told her yet. So for now, he just enjoyed his view as he came to her office. He lightly tapped the door as he stuck his head in to speak with her.

"Sharon, do you have a minute?" He flashed her a smile. One he knew she'd have a hard time resisting.

"Yes, of course. Come in. What's going on?" She closed her laptop so she could focus on him. Since he moved out, things were different. She was finding herself missing him more and more as the days went by.

Andy watcher her close her laptop and decided to take advantage of the time he had. He closed the doors and closed the blinds. Sharon eyed him carefully. She didn't think anything of him closing the door. It was the blinds that caught her attention. She knew that it was personal and prayed to God that it wasn't something bad. She wasn't sure her heart could take anymore right now.

"Right now, I need to speak with Sharon. Can we do that for a moment?" Andy asked coming around to her side of the desk. She sat up straighter as he approached. When she didn't immediately respond he asked again. "Can I talk with Sharon?"

Sharon swallowed the anxiety that was starting to creep up her throat. She tried to stifle the panic that was setting in as well. She looked up at him for a moment before she found the courage to speak.

"Andy, of course. What's wrong?" She looked into his eyes to try to determine what was going on. She squinted her eyes at him when she noticed the mischief in them. Oh, she was very familiar with that look in his eyes.

"You see, I have a problem. There's this really beautiful woman that I work with and I haven't seen much of her lately. I mean, I was staying with her for a while but now that I'm back home...things just aren't the same. I miss her. I miss our time together. I thought that as a friend you could help me figure out what to do about it." Andy reached over and grabbed one of her hands as he finished speaking.

"Andy…" Sharon looked down for a moment. She couldn't handle looking at him right now. His admission matched her own feelings so closely. The last thing she needed right now was to get wrapped up in personal feelings. She needed to focus on this case, but when she looked into his eyes again, she fell prey. She stood up and came closer to him. "I think I could give you some suggestions on how to make it better. If you're as close as you say you are…"

"I really really hope so." He said interrupting her. She gave him a slight nod before continuing.

"If you're as close as you say you are, she probably feels the same way. She probably misses the little things like holding your hand or the hugs. I have it on good authority that your hugs have healing powers." She stepped closer into him as she spoke. "She probably wouldn't mind it if you kissed her more, and she would probably love a date tonight if she's not too busy at work."

She looked up at him as she said that last sentence. She knew she was walking a line and breaking one of her rules but she couldn't convince herself to step away. She missed him. She wanted more time with him. There was just never enough time. She hoped he knew how much he meant to her. Neither had spoken the words but the touches and looks left an almost undeniable impression upon both of them. Her smile grew bigger as she watched him take in her words. She saw when his mind was made up and didn't even bother to try and stop him when he leaned forward to kiss her.

"You're absolutely right. I think I'll take her out tonight, that is if she's not too busy. And I definitely can work on kissing her more." Sharon let herself fall into the hug he offered. She allowed herself a moment before she came to her senses. She stood up straight and composed herself. Andy noticed the change and took a cue. He knew she would only be able to handle so much at work. He was pleasantly surprised it went as far as it did, but he was grateful nonetheless.

"Are you gonna head over to the courthouse? Rusty should be up here pretty soon." Andy said taking a step away from her to give her room to breath. Sharon glanced at her clock before confirming with a headshake.

"Yes, I told him I'd be there and nothing is happening with this case right now. I can spare a few minutes to support my son." She started to gather a few things at her desk. "Did you plan on going back as well?" She looked up at him. She'd never ask that of him, especially just to have the support. If he was going anyway, she would definitely take advantage of the situation.

"Absolutely. I need to hear what's being said about the dirtbag. I'm so ready for this case to finally be over." He said as he reached for her coat. It was brisk outside and he knew how easily she got cold.

As they entered the courtroom, Sharon's eyes immediately landed on Rusty. She saw the look on his face. Relief and trepidation. She wished she could have gotten here sooner. She hated seeing him like this. She too wished for this all to be over. For the sake of everyone involved. She sat next to him and patted his leg as she offered him a smile. He only held her gaze for a second before retreating. She looked at Andy and took his hand. She loved being able to do this, just to be able to share this connection with him.

They didn't have to wait long. Rusty was called to the stand. Sharon's heart melted as she watched Rusty take the oath of truth. She was so proud of him in so many ways. She watched as Slider's lawyer tried to make him look more human. She was proud of the way he handled himself. She glanced at Slider occasionally and could tell he was upset by what Rusty had to say.

"Any further questions for the witness?" The judge asked Andrea as he reached for his gavel.

"No your honor." She replied as she glanced at her documents. She was sure Rusty's testimony was good enough as it was given.

"Well with that, Mr. Beck, thank you for your testimony here today. The court will now take a recess. Let's reconvene here at 3pm to hear closing statements. Bailiff, remand the prisoner to custody." The judge banged his gavel and dismissed the court room.

They all stood with the judge, no one expecting what happened next. Sharon's attention was on Rusty. He looked so done. Done with this case and all the feelings that came with it. She knew he still needed to talk with Gus and that it was probably weighing heavily on him as well. She was so glad she made the time to come support him. She watched and waited for him to make his way down the stand and towards her. She wasn't expecting it when Slider yelled no. She wasn't expecting to look and see him with a gun in his hand. She wasn't expecting for him to aim it at her Rusty. She wasn't expecting for him to fire off two shots in Rusty's direction. She surely wasn't expecting to look at Rusty and watch him fall to the ground.

Sharon stood frozen for a moment before she felt Andy pull her to the ground. Neither of them were armed. They weren't expecting something like this. She heard more shots and screaming around her, but all she could feel was Andy's weight on top of her and all she could see was Rusty's body falling over and over again.