"A little lower," Seth moaned out with pleasuring sounds.

"Ahh that's the spot." Seth relaxed.

"You love it when I touch your ass," Roman spoke as he continued to massage his life partner's ass.

"Well, you're not wrong." Seth laughed.

"I know how to work my ass!" Roman exclaimed.

Seth turned over and faced Roman. "No, it's my ass. I just rent it out to you." Seth gave Roman a devilish smirk.

"Oh yeah?" Roman returned the smirk as he climbed towards Seth and started to kiss him.

Roman pulled the blanket up over them and started leaving a trail of kisses down Seth's chest.

"Roman, no!" Seth laughed out.

A loud bang was suddenly placed on the door as Seth and Roman were brought out of their morning session. Roman got out of bed and put on his pajama pants, while Seth grabbed his underwear and Roman's sweatshirt he likes to sleep in.

Roman went to answer the door with Seth behind him. Roman looked through the peephole and saw that it was their neighbor, Becky. Roman unlocked the door and opened it.

"Can I help you? You're cutting into our time." Roman said to her.

"Holy shit, can Char and I go one morning without hearing Seth over here screaming out 'daddy'?" Becky asked with her thick Irish accent.

Roman turned around and smirked at Seth, who was hiding his blushing face. Roman turned back to Becky and smiled. "I'm sorry, but I can't control his screams. I just make love to him and make him cum. The rate at which he is loud is fully controlled by him."

Becky rolled her eyes as Roman laughed. "We'll see you guys later for lunch today."

Roman shut and locked door after Becky when back to her loft.

"Now back to where we were," Roman said as he went over and lifted Seth up by his legs and carried him back into their bedroom.

"Roman," Seth giggled out his name as he smiled down at his man.

Roman placed Seth down on the bed and climbed over him. They both got under the blanket and cuddled up as they began to speak of their weekend activities.

"So, after lunch, we need to come back and get ready to leave for Dean and Renee's wedding. Mom wants us there by 7pm for dinner." Seth said.

"I can't believe they're getting married," Roman said.

"I still remember when he told me he was going to ask her out." Roman stated. "He told me that he wanted to take her out for ice cream and he was actually surprised when she said yes." Roman paused.

"I didn't want to third wheel with them and I was going to find I guy to have a summer fling with, but then…" Roman paused again and turned his head to face Seth. "You came into my life."

Roman leaned down and kissed Seth's lips. "I love you."

Seth blushed as he moved into Roman's lap. Roman wrapped his arms securely around Seth and pressed a long and meaningful kiss onto his head.

"I love and appreciate you so much. I wish I showed it more back in college." Roman said.

"Roman, it's okay baby." Seth said.

Seth smiled up at Roman and kissed his jawline. "We're together—forever—and that's all that matters."

"Besides…" Seth said and turned around in Roman's lap. He wrapped his arms around Roman's neck and his legs around Roman's waist.

"We made it official." Seth said as he stuck up his ring finger

Roman smirked at Seth as Seth returned the smirk.

After their junior year of college, Seth and Roman decided it was best for them to take a break. After people meddling into their relationship, lies, a senior on the lacrosse team trying to entice Seth, it was best that they spend their summer apart. That time apart lasted for one and half months due to the rekindling of their romance at a Fourth of July party at the beach that they both went to. Seth got super jealous that Roman brought a date and decided to go dance with some older man to make Roman jealous and while he though it didn't work, Seth decided it was best to leave, but the older man had slipped something into Seth's drink and was planning on having sex with him. The next morning, Seth woke up in a bed at the beach house with Roman next to him. Seth had no idea what happened after he tried to leave last night. That's when Roman told him that the guy he was dancing with had slipped something into his drink and he passed out. Roman also mentioned that he saw him do it and went over and punched him in the face. Roman then told Seth that he brought him into this room, locked the door, and waited here all night to protect him. They told each other about how jealous they were of the other men and then laughed about it. Roman had told Seth how he really missed him and missed being able to take care of him and Seth told Roman how he missed him and his company. That morning they made love and promised to never let each other go.

Roman squeezed Seth tightly against him and kissed his forehead.

"Thank you…. for what you did." Seth said.

Seth pulled his head up and kissed Roman on his lips. "You saved me."

"I told you that I'd do anything for you."

"I love you," Seth said and kissed Roman.

Roman kissed Seth back and returned the words.

Roman punched in the code to their old gated community. After his second year of college, his mother and her new husband and daughters moved to San Francisco and opened a new spa there. Roman doesn't mind her new husband, they just don't have much to bond over. He absolutely adores his daughters, Ella and Ana. Roman doesn't see much of his mother, but he's always talking to her. Roman stayed with Seth and Dean in their home when he and Seth would come home from school. Roman didn't want to be away from Seth and his friends, so his mother allowed him to stay with Dean and Seth. Seth loved having his boyfriend living in the house. No matter what, Roman always ended up in Seth's bed at night.

After college, Roman was drafted to play for the Green Bay Packers. He and Seth decided to live out in San Diego. Seth works in physical therapy at the hospital. They got a place along the beach and love every minute of living there.

Roman parked their car in the driveway. He met the new family that lives in his home. They have four kids; Olivia is 11, Abby is 16, Peyton is 25, and their oldest, Billie is the same age as Roman.

Roman grabbed his suitcase and Seth's suitcase and then locked the car. As they walked inside, they were greeted by Stephanie and Hunter. Roman took their things down to Seth's old room in the basement. After putting everything down, he looked around and began to smile.

Roman was suddenly brought out of his thoughts when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him. He turned around and smiled down at Seth.

"A lot of memories were made in this room," Seth said.

Roman wrapped his arms around Seth and kissed his head. "Remember that time…"

"…you fucked me hard against the walls in my closet." Seth said cutting him off.

"Yeah, always." He joked.

"Well, why don't we do that again?" Roman asked.

Seth felt himself flushing, so he hid his face in the crook of Roman's neck and giggled.

Seth pulled back and went over and sat on the end of his bed. Roman followed him and sat down next to him, wrapping his arm around his waist.

"I've fucked you everywhere in this basement and house…hell even the pool house," Roman said.

"We're animals," Roman joked.

Roman turned his attention to his husband and leaned in and kissed his temple. "Something on your mind?"

"Yes," Seth said.

"What's up?" Roman asked.

"I think we should tell everyone that we're married." Seth said.

"Seth, baby, I can't do that." Roman said.

"Why not?" Seth asked.

"I don't want to steal the thunder from Dean and Renee. This is their wedding weekend and I want them to have all the focus." Roman said.

Seth sighed. "You're right.

"We have to tell them soon though." Seth paused. "It's been four years."

"We'll tell them. We'll discuss the perfect time tonight." Seth perked up and pecked Roman on the lips.

After dinner, Dean, Roman, Murphy, and a few of Dean's friends from college in town, went out to the strip club. Dean invited Seth to go with them, so he didn't have to hang out with the girls, but after an incident during Roman's 21st birthday celebration, he never wants to go back to one.

Dean plopped down on the chair next to Roman. He handed Roman a beer and then patted his friend on the back.

"I have a question for you." Dean said.

"What's up?" Roman asked.

"Renee was going through her Instagram feed and noticed a ring on Seth's finger in a photo he posted last week." Dean began. Roman's attention fully went to Dean as he continued.

"Is there something you'd like to tell me?" Dean asked.

Roman swallowed his beer and began speaking to his best friend.

"The night of our college graduation, Seth and I flew out to Las Vegas to celebrate for a couple of days." Roman started. "We were walking along the strip and we walked by a chapel…"

"Oh my god, you didn't…did you?" Dean asked.

Roman shook his head. "We did." Roman paused. "We've been married for four years."

Dean was taken aback. His best friend and brother kept something so huge from him. Roman and Dean made a pact that they would be the best men at each other's weddings, but Roman's already married and that can't happen.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Dean said.

"It's complicated." Roman said. "Seth and I were nervous at first, but then we both warmed up to the idea of being married and he loves the idea of being 'Seth Reigns'." Roman paused and began again. "We want to do a ceremony next year on our fifth anniversary and have a party with friends and family, but before we can do that, we need to tell everyone we want to invite…that we're married."

"Am I still your best man?" Dean asked

"That's never going to change." Roman said

Roman and Dean did their handshake and then clanked their beer bottles together.

When the girls and Seth got to the bar, the found a table and Seth went up to the bar and ordered a drink.

"Now, what's a pretty boy like you doing all alone at a bar?" The man asked.

Seth turned to the man and smiled. "I'm waiting for my husband."

"What kind of husband would let his pretty partner come to a bar alone?" The man taunted as he moved closer to Seth.

"Let me buy your drink," he said.

"No, that's okay. We have a tab." Seth said.

"Come on baby; let me buy you one drink." The man said.

"No, it's okay…besides…I don't even know your name." Seth replied.

"I'm Bray…now let me buy you a drink baby." Bray said as he got closer to Seth.

"Hey babe," Roman said as he came up to Seth, sliding an arm around Seth's waist and kissing his head. Seth silently relieved himself when Roman came.

"Who's this?" Roman asked Seth and he glared at Bray.

"Just some guy who offered to buy me a drink." Seth said.

"So, you were hitting on my husband?" Roman asked Bray.

"I was just keeping him company until you came along." Bray said as he started to back off.

"Keep him company or get into his pants?" Roman blatantly questioned.

"Do you always come to the bar and hit on taken men?" Roman asked.

"No, but with an ass like his…I would have gotten in his pants" Bray said and smirked.

Seth gasped as Roman moved to grab Bray by his collar. "You don't disrespect him like that and you don't disrespect anyone like that. I should beat your ass right now."

"Roman no, he's not worth it." Seth yelled.

Roman let go of Bray as he ran around to the other side of the bar. Seth went up to Roman and hugged him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get angry like that." Roman said

"I keep forgetting that we're married now, and I can't keep beating guys up like that." Roman said.

"No, it's okay baby! I like when you defend me—it's actually hot." Seth said

"But, you don't have to keep protecting me. I'm always gonna be with you." Seth added.

"I know, but it's a force of habit." Roman joked.

Seth smiled and flushed as he buried his face into Roman's neck. Roman wrapped his arms around Seth's tiny body and held him.

"I love you,"

"I love you too," he heard Seth mumble into his neck.

Seth eventually pulled back and Roman grabbed his hand and led him back over to their booth, where they sat and talk amongst their friends.

"When we get back to the house, I want to show you this pent house I think we should live in when we move to Miami." Roman yelled over the loud music.

"I haven't even heard back from them yet!" Seth yelled back.

"I'm preparing for when they pick you."

Seth smiled as he leaned up to kiss Roman's cheek and leaned in to cuddle with Roman.

"Babe wait," Roman said.

Seth pulled back from Roman's neck. He smiled proudly at the hickey he just left.

"I know we just got back together this morning and it might be too soon, but—" Roman paused and then continued.

"Since you moved into the basement, how would you feel if I…moved into the basement with you?"

Seth wrapped his arms around Roman's neck as Roman placed a soft kiss onto Seth's neck.

"The whole point of me doing that was to get away from seeing you with other guys, but now that my sister moved into my room and I can't move back up and the only guy you'll ever be seeing is me…"

Seth smiled when he heard Roman laugh at his last point.

"We're going to go upstairs and pack up all your things and bring it downstairs into my room because if my boyfriend is going to live with me in my home, he's gonna stay my room." Seth said.

Roman smiled and brought Seth in for a kiss.

"I love you,"

"I love you too, Roman. More than you'll ever know."

Seth came up behind Roman and wrapped his arms around him. Seth then leaned up and kissed Roman's cheek.

"How do you feel?" Roman asked.

"My ass fucking hurts. It's like a big pole is stuck in it." Seth said.

"Well…something big was in it." Roman said, smirking through the mirror.

"You're not that big," Seth joked.

Roman turned around and raised his eyebrow at Seth. "That's not what you said last night."

"Shut up," Seth said with a smirk.

"Just admit I'm the best sex you've ever had." Roman said.

"There isn't much to compare to," Seth replied.

Roman turned around and looked at Seth. "Well, what about that rich man you snuck out for when we broke up?"

Seth shook his head. "After the first several times, it just started being the same and he just wanted to fuck on his business trips and I didn't want to be someone's fuck; I wanted to be someone's love."

Roman sat down in the chair next to the dresser. Seth turned around and went over to sit in his lap. "That's why we got back together." Seth began.

"You're the relationship I want and need."

Seth leaned down and pecked Roman's lips.

"Seth," Roman started.

"You taught me that there is more to sex then just a fuck, how to love, and most importantly…you made me a better person." Roman said.

"I don't regret our night in Vegas after graduation. I'm glad we're married, and I want it to stay like this.

Seth smiled as he leaned to down kiss Roman one more time.

Roman looked at his watch and realized that it was time to get going to the rehearsal dinner. Seth got up from Roman's lap and grabbed their phones and room keys, while Roman went over to turn the lights off in the bathroom.

"Come on baby," Roman said and held his hand out for Seth.

"The sooner we get this rehearsal over with, the sooner I can come back here and make love to you."

"Do you want anything to drink, babe?" Roman asked.

"Long Island please!" Seth replied.

Roman kissed his cheek before heading over to the bar.

"Hi, can I get a long island iced tea and a scotch on the rocks." Roman said to the bartender.

"Roman?" A man said.

Roman turned around widen his eyes when he saw his old flame walk up to him.

"How are you?" Tyler said to him.

Tyler came up and hugged Roman.

"Where's Seth? I want to see him." He said.

"I-I don't think that's a great idea." Roman said.

"Why?" Tyler asked.

"Is he still mad we used to hook up before he came into the picture?"

"No," Roman stated.

"He's angry over those photos you sent to me."

Roman ran his hand down his face. "At what part between thinking about it and sending them did you think it was gonna end well?" Roman asked.

"I just wanted to show you what you were missing." Tyler said.

"The only thing I am missing is my baby boy in my arms, so if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna get back to him."

Roman grabbed the drinks and walked back over to Seth at their table. He put the drinks down and pulled Seth up into his arms and kissed him passionately.

"Well," Seth smirked.

"Give me a few minutes to get freshened up."

Roman laughed as he sat down and pulled Seth into his lap. He placed a kiss onto Seth's temple.

"I don't want you to get upset, but—" Roman started

"But what?" Seth cut him off as he raised his eyebrow.

"…Tyler is here."

"What!?" Seth exclaimed.

"Why?" Seth asked.

"I don't know, you'll have to ask your brother." Roman said.

"I'm gonna go chat with Tyler." Seth said as he got up from Roman's lap.

"Oh no you're not." Roman said as he grabbed Seth's hand.

Roman pulled Seth into an embrace and tightly wrapped his arm around his waist.

"You're not going to do this here. Not at your brother's wedding." Roman whispered.

"Baby, I need to do this. I need to tell him that I am here to stay and that's what's what." Seth replied.

Roman kissed Seth's forehead. "You can do it, but-just promise me you'll do it after tomorrow."

Seth smiled and kissed Roman's lips. "Okay baby, I promise."

Roman walked out onto the balcony of the hotel room. Seth stormed up after him. "What the hell did we just do?" Seth asked.

Roman sighed. "I don't even know."

Roman plopped down onto the lounger. "Seth,"

"We're fucking married."

Seth plopped down next to Roman. "What are we going to do?"

Roman turned his attention to Seth and saw the worrisome look in his eyes. Roman knew that he had to do something, and he knew exactly what he wanted to do—and he truly felt it was the best choice.


Roman stood up and pulled Seth up with him. He wrapped his arms around his tiny waist.

"I know you're not going to like this answer, but…I would like to give this a shot."

Seth pulled Roman out of the banquet room and into the hallway. He pulled Roman down further, so no one could hear them.

"If you want me to fuck you, I would rather do it in the bathroom." Roman joked.

Seth smiled as he leaned up and pecked Roman's lips. "You can have me later in our room…anyway you want, but first I need to tell you something." Seth paused and smiled up at his husband. "I'm going to get into the group to catch the bouquet and if I am successful, we are telling Hunter and mom that we're married on Tuesday after Renee and Dean leave for Jamaica."

Roman looked at Seth and saw how anxious he is. He knows Seth is tired of hiding. He knows Seth wants to wear his wedding band in public and he wants to be able to legally change his last name to "Reigns", but they had to hide all of that from the media and from their friends and family.

Roman leaned down and gave Seth a kiss on the lips and then a hug. "You have my full support. We'll tell them regardless."

Seth pulled back and smiled up at Roman. "Oh my god, baby!"

Seth put his hands on Roman's face, stood up on his toes to be face to face and then placed multiple kisses on his lips.

"I want dance with you, let's go." Roman said.

After a few dances, Seth went up to Tyler at the bar in the back. Even though he told Roman he wouldn't do this tonight, he had to. He walked up to Tyler and tapped him on the shoulder.

Tyler turned around and gasped. "Oh…hey Seth," he stuttered.

"We need to have a chat." Seth said.

"And please don't interrupt me." He added.

Seth took in a breath and began to speak.

"It's very inappropriate to send nude photos of yourself to my h—man." Seth paused then continued. "If you don't stop, I will not only report it, but I'll report it as sexual harassment."

"If I ever see it happen again, I will kick your fucking ass."

Seth smiled at him. "Take care and leave us alone."

Seth walked out of the hall and went down to the bathroom. He went in and washed his hands and not too long did Roman come in.

"You don't like listening, do you?" Roman started.

Seth looked at him in the mirror and smirked. "Obviously not, because I'm still with you."

Roman smirked back at him and then locked the bathroom door. "Is that so?"

Roman walked up to Seth as Seth turned around and kissed him. He picked Seth up and placed him on the sink counter. He broke the kiss and mumbled against his lips. "I'm going to fuck you over this counter, and then later tonight, I'm going to fuck you into the mattress."

"Roman," Seth moaned out.

Seth hopped off and took his pants off. Roman turned around and leaned him down over the counter. He put two fingers in Seth's mouth and Seth sucked on them. He then placed his fingers in Seth's hole to loosen his tight ass up.

"Mmm, Roman…fuck" he moaned out.

Roman took his fingers out and then unzipped his pants and took his cock out.

"Are you going to fuck me, daddy?" Seth teased.

"So hard, you're going to feel me next week.

Roman wasn't too big on the "daddy" kink, but after their Valentine's day date during their last semester of college, Seth slipped out and called Roman daddy as he was getting fucked into their bed. Roman found it to be unbelievably sexy coming from Seth.

Roman round Seth's tight hole with the tip of his cock and inserted himself.

"Fuck," Seth moaned out.

Roman slammed into the back of Seth and started to fuck him.

After they broke up and started seeing other people. Seth got jealous of how easy it was for Roman to find a new summer fling, but it still hurt him because that was supposed to be him with him at the parties and in the clubs. When Seth found an older man to mess around with, it wasn't the same.

After they got back together, they spent that entire day talking and rekindling the romance. Seth told Roman about the businessman he snuck around with and later that night, Seth cried to Roman about everything and completely let out all his bottled-up feelings he had. Roman held him close to him as he listened and listened to Seth pour his emotions out.

They fell asleep together and Seth woke up the next morning in Roman's arms and everything felt right. They even made pancakes together—and made out in the kitchen.

"You like that baby,"

"Oh, I sure, do" Seth whimpered out.

The small time apart they had ended up bringing them closer together. Seth finally got the courage to stand up to his former friend, Cody, and his former fling, Randy. He cut all ties with his cousin, Marek. He made peace with his dad, and finally accepted Hunter as his father.

"Roman, I'm close!"

Roman fucked Seth several more times before Seth came on the sink counter. A few more times and Roman released his load in Seth's ass.

Both men collapsed on the sink counter as they panted heavily.

"I fucking love you, Seth Reigns"

Seth kissed Roman's hand and smiled. "I love you too, Roman Reigns."

"Are you ready to do this?" Roman asked.

Seth walked over to Roman and kissed him on the lips. "Yes"

Seth and Roman walked up the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Mom, dad…please sit down. Roman and I have to talk to you about something."

Stephanie and Hunter sat down in the seats across from Seth and Roman.

"Roman and I have been keeping something from you for a very long time." Seth paused and Roman rubbed his back in support. "The night we graduated from college, we spent a few nights in Las Vegas celebrating before the Hawaii trip and one night Roman and I were walking, and we stopped at a chapel—"

"You didn't," Stephanie said, cutting him off.

Both Roman and Seth pulled out their hands with their weddings bands wrapped around their ring fingers.

"We did," Roman said.

"You two have been married for four fucking years?" Hunter shouted.

"Do you have any idea how unbelievably stupid you two are?" Hunter added.

Hunter then focused his attention onto Roman. "This was your idea, wasn't it?"

"No, it wasn't." Seth interrupted.

"It was mine." Seth lied.

Seth stood up behind Roman and place his hands on Roman's shoulders. "You may think this was a stupid idea and you can think that all you want, but I know in my heart that this was the right thing to do. I know that Roman and I are meant for each other. We were given a sign and we followed it."

Roman stood up and stood strongly next to his husband. "I love Seth—more than I have ever loved any other person—and I see you two as parents to me." Roman started.

"Hunter, you let me into your family twenty-one years ago and I have never wanted to be apart of a family more than I do yours. Your oldest son is like a brother to me, I have fallen for your stepson, your wife was a mother for me when my mother wasn't around…and you…you were the father to me when my own father couldn't be."

Roman brought up Seth's hand and kissed it.

Hunter slowly walked over to Roman and…hugged him. "You will always be a son to me."

"You two are incredibly stupid for what you did, but I wish you two the best with everything."

Seth and Roman stayed for lunch with Steph, Hunter, and the girls, and then headed back to San Diego. Halfway home, Seth got a phone call—he got the job in Miami.

After Seth ended the call, he looked over at Roman and smiled. Roman grabbed Seth's hand and kissed it.

"Let's go see that place in Miami."

*Five Years later*

Seth and Roman moved to Miami at the end of the month and adopted a baby girl the following year. Her name is Anastasia, but they call her Ana. They are flying home for Stephanie and Hunter's 10-year anniversary party for the week. When Roman's contract ended, he ended up resigning a contract for 15 million with the Green Bay Packers. He and Seth spurred a lot of endorsements and sponsorships due to their public relationship. They were never afraid to hide their love. They didn't care about the comments because they were so in love, they have a daughter, and were just the happiest they ever were.

I am so sorry for the way overdue update. I had a lot get in the way and I finally found time to finish it!

P.S: I redid this whole like about six times, so I hope you like it!