I don't have any warnings right now, but if I decide to add some that may need it, I will!


Seth looked at the big white house that is in front of him. Seth McMahon and his mother, Stephanie, are moving into their new home. In a few short months, Seth will have a new father. His name is Hunter Helmsley. Hunter has four children, three daughters and a son. His son, Dean, is the same age as Seth.

"So, this is our new home." Seth mentioned. "It's such a big house. I don't know, mom. What if Dean and I don't get along?" Seth asked. Stephanie stopped pulling boxes out of the truck and went over to her son. "You and Dean will get along just fine. You both like sports and wrestling. You two will be the best of friends in no time." Stephanie kissed her son's forehead and hugged him. "Now help me with the boxes.

When Seth was thirteen years old, his father left him and Stephanie for a much younger woman. Seth hasn't spoken to his father since. Now Seth is seventeen, it's the summer before his senior year of high school, and Seth has an entire summer to learn the streets of Beverly Hills. Hunter and Stephanie met at a key party, which was hosted by a mutual friend. Hunter and Stephanie dated for a couple of months, before introducing their kids to each other. A year later, Hunter proposed to Stephanie, and she said yes.

Hunter and Stephanie are getting married this fall and both of them talked it over about moving in together. Stephanie and Seth packed up their townhouse and moved into the secluded neighborhood that Hunter and his children live in.

Hunter is the C.E.O of Hearst Records. Hunter is the biggest music producer in the world. All the hot artists work with him. When Dean was only twelve years old, his mother took her own life. His three sisters Chloe, Anna, and Kirsten were too young to understand what happened, but his mother's death had hurt Dean mentally and emotionally.

Stephanie and Seth walked into the big white house and Hunter and the girls greeted them. "Hi sweetheart!" Stephanie said to Hunter, and then gave him a kiss on the lips. Hunter smiled over at Seth and extended his hand. "Hello Seth. How are you doing?" Hunter said, with a smile.

"I'm doing well, sir." Seth responded and shook Hunter's hand. "Is Dean home?" Seth asked. Hunter shook his head. "No," He started. "Dean is out with his friend, Roman. They'll be back around four o'clock." Hunter finished. Seth shook his head and started to take his box upstairs.

"Seth, your room is the fifth door down, on the right side." Hunter yelled out. Seth walked down the hall to his room. He opened the door to see this big white room, which matched the white house. Seth's new room is so nice and elegant. There was a queen size bed in the middle, up against the wall. To the left of the bed was a nice big bathroom. To the right of the bathroom was a door that led to a balcony patio seating. Seth had a place to sneak out now. To the left of the bathroom is a nice comfortable sofa and lounge area. In the middle of the wall across from the bed is a dresser with a cable box connected to a 55-inch plasma screen hooked up to the wall. "Damn," Seth thought. Hunter went all out. To the left of the TV is Seth's walk-in closet. Seth loves this the most. He can have a nice big mirror to check out his outfits before meeting the nice hot men in Beverly Hills. To the right of Seth's bed is a nice desk and swivel chair. Seth's grades are very important to him.

Seth finally finished unpacking his stuff. It was after four and Dean is home now. Stephanie came down to Seth's room, told him that Dean is home and that he should go down, and say hello. Seth sighed and put down his pile of folded clothes. Seth followed him mother downstairs, to where Dean is.

"Dean," Stephanie started, "This is my son, Seth." Dean turned around and smiled at Seth. Dean went up and hugged his soon to be stepbrother. "Hi Seth! I'm Dean. I guess we're going to be bros soon." Dean turned around and faced Roman. "Seth, this is Roman."

Seth looked at the person. Seth is mesmerized by him. His black hair pushed back into a bun, his smile that is burning a hole right into him. His dark tan skin. Seth is hoping that he has a washboard abs to go along with all of this.

"Let's go up to my room, guys." Seth and Roman followed Dean upstairs. Roman allowed Seth to follow Dean up first. The truth is, Roman is just as mesmerized by Seth, than Seth is of Roman. Roman is still in the closet to his family and Dean. Roman let Seth go up because he wanted to see if he packed in the back—boy, he sure did. Roman hoped that Seth is gay because Roman does want to fuck him. However, Seth is Dean's brother and he wouldn't do that to Dean, unless Seth wants it.

Seth went into Dean's room, and it's just as big as his. When Seth saw a pile of clothes on the floor, he just remembered that he still has his clothes out and needs to put them away.

"Dean, I still have to unpack. We'll hangout later." Seth turned to Roman and smiled. "It was nice meeting you. I hope to see you around here more often." Roman smiled back. "Oh, you sure as hell will see a lot of me this summer."

Seth giggled to himself, before leaving. He went back down to his room and continued to unpack.

"Hey Dean, I have to use the bathroom. I'll be right back." Roman said. "Okay, dude."

Roman walked down the hall. He really didn't have to use the bathroom; he just wanted to talk to Seth. Roman found Seth's room, and knocked on the door. Seth turned around and smiled.

"Can I come in," Roman asked. "You sure can," Seth said. Roman went in and sat on the edge of the bed.

"So, are you going to Layfield prep with us in the fall?" Roman asked. "Yes I am," Seth responded with a smile, as he took a seat next to Roman.

"Yeah, Dean and I are taking Calculus together." Seth saw the sadden look in Roman's face. "What are you taking in the fall?" Seth asked Roman.

"Well, I'm in advanced Statistics, Marine Biology, Home Economics, two free periods, Health, a Shakespeare class and Polynesian Cultures. Do we have anything together?" Roman asked with a look of anticipation on his face.

Seth smiled and shook his head. "We have Marine Biology, Shakespeare and Home Economics together." Roman smiled at that comment. He can now look forward to school every day because of Seth.

"Well, I better get back to Dean. He's probably wondering where I am." Roman said, as he got up. Roman started walking towards the door, but quickly turned around.

"Let me see your phone, Seth." Seth gave Roman his phone. Roman opened the contacts application and tapped the plus sign symbol. Roman put his name and number in Seth's phone, and then gave it back to him.

"Text me anytime. I will answer you." Roman said, before leaving.

Roman got back to Dean's room and sat on one of his gamer chairs. He looks down at his phone to see a text message from a number. He opens the text and it is from Seth.

'It's Seth! Is this time okay for you? Haha ;)'

Roman smiled and responded.


"Thank you for not using my bathroom. You must have had to shit so badly." Dean said. Roman crinkled his nose. "Shut the fuck up." Roman said, before shooting Dean's character on the screen. "I walked by Seth and he dropped a lot of things, so I helped him pick it up."

"Awe, look at you. Trying to score bonus points with the new bro." Dean said, and Roman laughed. "Sure, we'll go with that." Roman said, and smiled down at his phone. He had received a text from Seth asking him if he wanted to show him around the city sometime. Roman responded to the text with a 'yes'.

"Hey Roman, we're having a barbeque tonight to celebrate Stephanie and Seth moving in. Renee is coming over. Do you want to stay?" Dean asked.

"Yeah dude, sounds like a plan."

Seth came downstairs and outside to the smell of hamburgers and steak being grilled on the grill. His soon-to-be stepsisters are swimming in the pool and Dean is sitting with some girl and Roman on the patio.

Seth walked over to where Roman was and took the empty seat next to him. Roman smiled when Seth chose to sit next to him.

"Hey," Roman happily said to him. Seth smiled and returned the greeting. Dean turned to Seth and started to speak to him. "Hey Seth. This is my girlfriend, Renee." Renee smiled and extended her hand. Seth smiled and returned the handshake.

Renee and Dean went off to the side of the mansion to make out. Seth and Roman started to talk more. Seth told Roman where he's from and how Hunter and his mom met.

"You know Seth, I've known Dean for years, but I think that we're going to get along just well." Roman said. Roman smiled and placed his hand on Seth's thigh. He started to move it up his leg. He was starting to get close—a little too close. Seth didn't know how to react, but he knew right now and there that he didn't want it to stop.

So, this is my new story. The other one is on Hiatus. I hope you like this one! :)