Chapter 1: Purple Trailer
The room was quiet, empty, and dark, a feeling of tense patience blaketed the area as three figures sat waiting.
The first sat behind a desk, and had white hair that fell down of its own accord, whilst he wore a formal dark coloured suit and thin framed circular dark glasses, whilst a cane leant against the side of his chair.
The second, standing up, was a woman with blonde hair, tied neatly back, wearing a white shirt with a black business skirt, and sharp glasses that framed her green eyes.
The third, also standing, was a lanky male with caucasian skin, with icy blue eyes and dark blue hair that fell down in a curve at his sides and back, whilst it curved to the left as it fell across his forehead to cover his entire forehead and just cut across the top of his right eye. He wore a dark blue suit with four gold buttons at the waist, thin light blue stripes up the torso and along the sleeves, and a breast pocket at the left side with a white napkin folded into a diamond shape sticking out of it. Under this he wore a sky blue shirt, as evidenced by the sleeves and the collar, with a white tie hanging out of both of them, extending down to his stomach. The trousers he wore were identical to his shirt, with his hands casually placed in his pockets with his thumbs sticking out, along with a pair of dark brown black laced tap shoes.
Just then, a screen appeared before the three, illuminating the room. It depicted what looked like a forest, though the trunks of the trees were black, and the leaves were a dark orange, despite it not being spring. Rocks jutted out as spikes randomly, as streams of water zigzagged in between them, constantly trapped by the dominating spires.
"I see you've arrived safely." The white haired man said.
"Yeah..." A voice on the end said in a quiet tone.
"You know what to do." The blonde haired woman stated.
"Yeah..." The voice echoed.
"Hey, don't worry." The blue haired man spoke. "You'll be fine. Knock 'em dead."
"Thanks, Azure." The voice said.
Azure smirked as he glanced at the blonde. "Trust me, Glynda, he's really improved."
"Actions speak louder then words." Glynda replied.
"Let's let him decide his actions for himself, shall we?" The white haired man suggested.
"Of course, Professor Ozpin." They both nodded.
The sound of crunching leaves could be heard as the figure walked through the forest, a device attached to the left side of his head broadcasting the visuals back to the three viewers.
He seemed average in terms of body structure, regular sized body, limbs, head, nothing unusual, and had pale skin, the kind that didn't see the sun often, as two light green eyes shone brightly in the night. His purple hair was surprisingly bright through the darkness, and was mainly swept back, apart from where it messily stuck out at the back left and at the top forward right of his head, whilst most of it curved around the right side of his head in a crescent shape, to below his right eye, with the left side just hanging above his left eye.
He wore a dark purple thin open jacket with no zip, the arms extending down to just below the beginning og his fingers, and were very baggy, more hanging off of his arms then actually fitting them. The wrists had a dark green line circling around them, with the colour spiking off down to the elbow at the front, back, and both sides of the hands, with the same line framing the edges of it at the open middle and the edge at the bottom, though these ones didn't extend off, as two toggles fell from the base of the neck, each with a black diamond on the end of them. Underneath this jacket he wore a dark red shirt with a black stylised fleur-de-lis imprint on the chest, with the two arms curving upwards then spiking down like scythes, whilst the bottom of it stretched down to the stomach and spiked into three diamonds, one pointing down, another pointing left, and the last pointing right, whilst the top spiked out in both diagonals like a 'V' shape, the shirt being tucked tucked into his trousers. The trousers in question were skinny indigo coloured ones with big square pockets at the side buttoned up at the top with a single gold one each, whilst he wore plain black slip-on shoes with a wide sole.
Finally, strapped to his back was what a four pointed shuriken that was twice as big as his head, shing obsidian black in colour, with a square handle in the centre, and neon green curving stripes around the edges for emphasis.
After a few moments he stopped, and looked over his shoulder.
Low growling had broken the silence, as black shadows began to emerge from behind the trees. They took the shapes of what could only to be likened to a wolf, wearing a white mask with blood red markings on it; Beowolves, the most common type of Grimm.
The figure reached behind him and grabbed the shurikens handle with his right hand, pulling it off of the attaching device that was the diagonal strap across his back, and held it out to the side. He clicked a button on the handle, and suddenly hidden blades with the four points spun out, making the weapon as big as the person himself, as the added razors were very sleek and sharp, with a silver blade and neon green edge each.
One of the more braver Beowolves leaped at the figure with a roar, but it was effortlessly dispatched as he swung his arm, bisecting the monster with a single swing of the weapon.
The movement sent off a chain reaction in the minds of the creatures, making them all charge at him with murderous intent. He quickly clicked another button on the handle, and suddenly the weapon began spinning rapidly, transforming into a buzzsaw!
He swung his arm, easily cutting through a Beowolf before spinning around to cut down two more, then throwing it over to his left hand to slash through an attacker who thought it found a weak spot, before returning to the previous hand to cut another. He wielded the dangerous weapon expertly as he spun it around his head, behind his back and between his arms to slash through every opponent quickly without having to move an inch.
Another inhumane noise caught his attention, and his head shot to the left as a Boarbatusk, a similar creature, only with the characteristics of a boar, snarled at him. He pressed the button again, causing the blades to stop spinning, then flipped the weapon over to its other side, where instead of a handle being in the centre, a hole was. He fit his hand into it and pulled on the machinations hidden inside, causing the four blades to turn forward and bend, making the weapon now look like a four fingered claw.
The Boarbatusk charged, but the young man was ready as the found fingers of the weapon clenched. He stood his ground as the monster charged, and at the last second he pulled his fist back and delivered a skull breaking punch to the head, causing it to roar in pain as it toppled past him, exploding into dark dust.
He began to breathe a sigh of relief, only for an airborne growl to redirect his attention upwards as a Beowolf fell towards him. He grabbed the creature with the claw and held it in place as it struggled and thrashed around in a vain attempt to escape his grip. Another one charged from the front, and he took the opportunity to smash the two together, causing them both to explode.
He removed his hand, causing the weapon to revert back to its shuriken mode, and he looked around. Beowolves had completely surrounded him, snarling and gnashing at the air viciously. This always happened, they never stopped coming...
"This is looking dangerous..." Glynda said. "If we keep him out for much longer-"
"I would like to see how he handles it." Ozpin interrupted her, making Azure smirk.
Meanwhile, the examined was observing the situation around him. "...Time to disappear..." He mumbled to himself.
Suddenly, the ground literally opened up and swallowed him before closing!
The Beowolves growled in confusion and started pacing around the area, trying to find where their prey had gone, annoyed at the fact that they had been tricked.
"Did he flee?" Glynda asked Azure.
"No." He smiled. "Just watch."
All of a sudden a portal opened up on a tree vehind the pack of Beowolves, emphasised with a mirage-like violet and turqouise outline, and the young fighter came flying out of it at high speed! Using the velocity, he slashed through the entire pack with a swing of his weapon as he skidded to a halt, their remains blowing in the wind.
Ozpin leaned back in his chair, a small smile on his lips. "Excellent progress, I think I've seen enough."
Azure nodded. "You hear that, Emin? You passed! Now all you have to do is come back and survive initiation!"
"Got it." He replied as the screen went blank.
Emin took off the device and sighed in relief as his weapon folded back into its smaller form and he placed it on his back.
"Emiiiiiiiiin!" He was abruptly pulled into a bone crushing hug with his face stuffed into a full chest. "You were incredible! See? See!? I TOLD you you'd be fine!"
"S-Strawberry...can't breath!" Emin gasped.
"Ah! Right! Sorry!" The woman released the teen, making him gasp big mouthfulls of air. "I'm just so proud of you!"
Strawberry was a woman with slightly tanned skin and a body that some woman would be envious of, with large, chocolate orbs for eyes and bright pink hair that fell down straight to the small of her back. She wore a bright orange top with a white flower pattern, with a see through cream dress over the top of it, with lace on the ends of the sleeves, collar, and bottom, which was around her knees. She also wore a pair of jean short shorts, and black high heeled boots with pink hearts on the front, whilst a pink chain with a red handle that had a heart on the end of it, with a sharp red spike on the other end of the chain, was tied around her waist as a belt.
"I hope I did well..." Emin admitted, smiling nervously.
"You smashed it!" Strawberry grinned as she gave him a noogie (causing him to grit his teeth in pain) "C'mon! Let's head back to Beacon and have some dinner!"
"A-Alright." Emin winced, though with a smile on his face as the both of them headed off.
At Beacon Academy, Professor Ozpin turned to Azure. "I believe its safe to say that both you and Strawberry have done an exceptional job in training Emin, Azure. I look forward to seeing his performance in the initiation."
"Thank you, Professor." Azure bowed. "If you will excuse me, I have to go and congratulate him." And so he took his leave.
As he left, Glynda turned to Ozpin. "Are you sure its safe to have Emin take the initiation?"
"He is no longer a child. He can take care of himself." Ozpin reasoned. "Besides, we cannot keep him restrained forever." He opened a drawer at his desk, and took out some reports. "I have high expectations of you...Eminence Phlox."
Hey there! I'm OPFan37 and I guess this is a story!
So, yeah, I am a HUGE fan of RWBY and just decided one day: 'Eh, why the hell not?' and wrote this chapter...that's it.
But anyway! I hope you guys really enjoyed this, and if you want to see more, leave a review! They prevent me from writing two chapters then giving up. So, thank you for reading, and I will (hopefully) see you next chapter!