"You can't call me when I'm at her house!"

"You told me she is asleep!"

"She is but-"

"But, nothing! We are gonna talk!"

"Fine! What!"

"You can't tell her!"

"Well I know but-"

"Ugh, what! What but?"

"I feel horrible keeping this from her. You are hurting her by doing this!"

"Does it look like I care? You know what never mind. What you and I talked about here stays between you and me. If you say anything to her, you know what I'm capable of."

"Is that a threat? I didn't think you were capable of that." But, the line was dead already. The mysterious person sighed in annoyance and frustration.

"What are you still doing here?" The person jumped up, startled at the feminine voice. She stood there, her tired and pale body looking like she never slept.

"Riley, you scared the crap out of me." The person said, looking at the senior.

"Sorry. But, Josh are you mad at me?" Riley asked, her voice cracking. She was scared of what her Uncle Josh would think of her. He was the only person to actually be there for her but he was unknown from the situation. She didn't want to throw him down with her stupid problems.

"What? Of course not. I get why you didn't tell me because I know how I get. But, you could of told me and I would understand. Maybe not at the first, but I would come around." Josh explained. He will not blame her for lying to him or keeping it from him.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I love you Uncle Josh." Riley said, smiling.

"It's okay and I love you too Riley." Josh and Riley engulfed each other into a hug. After Riley slept, Lucas and Josh talked for a little while until he had to go.

"I'm gonna find Lucas." Riley told him and off she went towards the door and opened it. She walked out and went into the main lobby. Quickly walking, she had to get to the subway as fast as she could so she doesn't miss the train. She walked into the situation, only to see Maya and Lucas talking. Narrowing her eyes, she decided to eavesdrop on what she was hearing.

"The plan was to have Riley to trust us and then we destroy her again. I talked to Josh and he was gonna tell her!" Maya exclaimed. Riley looked defeated, tears streamed down her face.

"Maya, I can't do this anymore! I fell in love with Riley again, right when I bumped into her, I fell in love with her again. I didn't go forward with the plan. I'm sorry." Lucas said. Maya slapped him across the face.

"No, you will keep going with the plan whether you like it or not. If you don't, I will tell Riley about that night. Riley deserves to be hurt. She took you away from me and she has everything! She makes fun of my home life, so she deserves what goes to her." Maya barked. Riley didn't know why Maya hate her so much, but she knew something wasn't right about Maya. But, that was someone deep inside her. The person who was barely deep, was heart broken from her ex best friend and ex boyfriend. It was all a plan. It was all fake! To hell, did he fall in love with her again and her own uncle was in on it. That is a piece of shit! Riley got out of her hiding spot, tears streaming down her face. Lucas and Maya turned to look at her. Maya's face was stunned. Lucas's face was heartbroken.

"It was all fake! It was all a plan to destroy me. Well congratulations! You won." Riley exclaimed, her voice cracking. Lucas took a step towards her, but Riley backed up. "Don't come any closer!"

"Riley-" Lucas started, he felt himself wanting to scream and cry.

"How could you! How could you do this to me? How could you plan this whole thing to see me suffer. What did I ever do to you?" Riley cried out, tears streaming down her face.

"It wasn't fake Riley. I couldn't bare to see you suffer. I really did, still do love you." Lucas explained, tears streaming down. Riley shook her head, sobbing.

"No, no you didn't. If you really did, you wouldn't of done it in the first place." Riley quietly said, her tears still flowing down. Maya walked up. Riley turned to her.

"What did I do to make you hate me? Everything I did for you was out of love from our friendship. I would never make fun of your home life. I was kidding around. I would of never did it on purpose. You know how my home life is! I don't have everything. And I never took Lucas! How could you think that. You knew you were my top priority! I would of given up Lucas for you! How could you this to me?" Riley shouted. Maya stared at her, tears streaming down her face.

"Riley, I-I-" Maya stuttered, her head looking down shamelessly.

"I knew I shouldn't of trusted either of you. I was so gullible to see you guys true colors. I never want to see you guys again. I'm done with you." Riley cried. She ran away, ignoring the shouts of her now ex friends.

She slammed the door of her apartment, fresh tears streaming. Josh rushed towards her.

"Riles, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Riley glared at him, while she started sobbing. She shoved him out of the way. "Riley, what the hell is your problem?"

"My problem? Are you fucking kidding me? How about you ask Maya?" Josh's face fell.

"You found out." Josh said.

"Hell yes I did. How could you? My own uncle!" Riley shouted.

"Maya threatened me!"

"How did she threatened you?"

"She said she would tell everyone something that was personal."

"Well did you know that she got Lucas to play in this game in breaking my heart?"

"She did what?"

"Yeah! And you were gonna destroy me too!"

"That's not true!"

"Then, what is?"

"I did this to protect the secret that was about you!" Josh cried out, but froze. Riley's eye widened.

"What is it?" Riley spat. Josh took a deep breath.

"Riley, remember the day when you were stressed out about school so you had to much to drink? You ended up drunk?" Josh asked, fear in his voice.

"Yeah? I remember in the morning, feeling really sore." Riley pondered for a moment. She remembered feeling her legs were really sore and her crotch area was sore. Riley's eyes narrowed and then widened. Her eyes brimmed with tears, as realization hit her.

"I-i was raped."

Duh duh duh. Shit happened. And Riley found out. I know if it seems rush but everything is going on track. This is how I'm doing my story. Everything will make sense in the end. But the story is far from over!

I hate to do this to you fellow Fix Me readers, but oh my god. I'm getting fed up with the comments about my "logic" Okay listen up. I get my logic is "not logical." But are you the writer? I think not. I'm trying my best. And if you are annoyed by my writing, I kindly ask you to leave! I don't mean constructive criticism people to leave because they are helping me. But the people who tells me to check my logic is annoying because you obviously either one don't understand my writing or how it was suppose to be interpreted or TWO you just don't know the story at all. Before you make those comments, I suggest you to go back into the story and you'll know what I mean. But, thank you for the people who stand by me day one of my story. And I'm so sorry for all the wait you guys had to have. I will post as much as I can!
