Disclaimer: I do not own Kamigami no Asobi
"I'm so bored. when is Weed coming back? She said she would be back right after her school was over, at 3:30. It is 3:45," Takeru complained. All of the gods had been on edge today. The events of last night gave them a reason to worry about Yui making it home safely.
One of Yui's brothers answered. "The walk home is at least fifteen minutes, then another five for the stairs to get up here, so chill out. Jolene is walking her home just to make sure nothing happens. Yui is perfectly safe."
Thor perked up a little at the mention of the strange girl.
"Why did you leave off the honorific," Apollon asked.
The brother who had answered Takeru spoke again. "Jolene is not from Japan, she is Australian, and they don't use honorifics. She only came to Japan after-"
"Shush," Jun cut off Manabu," Don't you think that if Jolene wanted them to know her past, she would tell them herself? It is her story to tell."
"What story? What about Jolene-sa-, I mean, Jolene's past?" Baldur questioned. All of the gods were curious, especially since they had nothing to do but wait, but the two brothers would not give away any information.
Just then, the front door opened. Yui walked in and was immediately surrounded by all the gods, excluding Hades, who was in the corner of the room, wishing he could welcome Yui, but too afraid of his bad luck affecting her, and Thor, who had stayed where he was, wondering about Jolene's backstory.
"Geez, back up a bit. A girl needs some room to breathe," said a familiar voice. This time, Thor looked up at the subject of the previous conversation.
The gods who had been crowding the doorway moved to make room, and once Yui got out of the doorway, Jolene walked in her stead. All of the men in the room paused.
"Um, Jolene, why are you wearing a boy's school uniform?" Apollon asked.
"I hate skirts and everyone at school thinks I'm a guy."
"... But you're a girl."
"Thank you, Captain obvious."
"You are a girl. You should wear the girl's uniform." Tsukiyomi stated in his monotonous voice.
"Hmm. Let me think about it. No." Jolene retorted.
"Wait, the students at your school think that you are a boy?" Takeru inquired incredulously. "How did you pull that off?"
"It isn't that hard. People can be pretty stupid."
"What about changing into your gym clothes?" Loki asked.
"I have don't have to do gym. I already got all of the required athletic credits for high school, so I don't have to."
"What did you leave behind in Australia?" Thor asked.
The gods looked at Jolene expectantly, suddenly recalling the talk they had with Yui's brothers before the girls had shown up. Jolene and Yui tensed up. Jolene glared at Manabu.
"Did you snitch?"
"He was about to let your story slip, but I managed to remind him in time," Jun said.
"Thank you, Jun." Jolene replied. She relaxed a little, but the kind-of-comfortable atmosphere had disappeared.
"Alright. Listen up, my past, my story to tell. I don't like people knowing about it. The only reasons the Kusanagi family knows about it is they had to take care of me when I had an extremely bad fever, and talked in my sleep. What they know is only a teensy-tiny bit, and I hate that they know even that much. So you might as well let your imaginations go crazy, 'cause nobody will tell. Got it?"
The Jolene that the gods were hearing right now was not so different from the one they saw last night, when the would-be rapist ran off. What is so bad that she didn't even want Yui to know?
The gods didn't even have a chance to reply. Jolene left with a sweetly voiced goodbye to Yui and her brothers.