Chapter 8: A Medieval Adventure

Miriam sored threw the sky's discussed as a purple feathered eagle. It felt so good to change from animal to animal shape to different shape. It was almost liberating. She could change into anything she wanted.

She thought about soaring as a flying pig and discovered... It didn't work.

Fine she thought.

She changed into a purple butterfly.

To frufru she thought.

She turned into a purple bat.

To simple

She turned into a purple falcon.

That'll have to do.

She started thinking about all the pressure put on her, even by her friends, to be the daughter or Mad Mim the crazy and 'hates the sunshine' purple girl who doesn't care what other people think.

But she was. She was crazy, in her own little way, but who isn't? She does hate the sunshine, at certain times, but who doesn't? She got purple as her color from her crazy mom. And she tried not to let what other's were saying matter, but it did.

At that moment she arrived. She perched on the top of a shop roof. Camelot. The place her mom had told her about. She'd never been really bad till after she got better and wanted a re-match or to just get even with Merlin. Who really knows. She watched as shoppers rushed about the streets and people talked and laughed comfortably.

She thought about how it was totally different on the Isle of the Lost. People didn't stop and talk. They certainly didn't laugh. The only people who laughed were the kids who thought it was funny to make others miserable.

Miriam liked making people laugh. And she liked being called Mimi. The only people who calls her that was her father and the boy in her dreams.

As she stared into the street below her she thought she saw his face again. But it was impossible. He didn't exist and if he did he only existed in her mind.

Or did he. She blinked several times and turned into her favorite fluffy purple cat. It was him. He was looking around with his sandy blonde hair and his blue eyes.

She had to get a closer look. She hopped from roof to lower roof to cart to smaller cart to the ground.

It had to be him. He had the same necklace that she always saw to. It had to be popular here, it was Excalibur, and this was Camelot. The necklace was an exact replica of the one she'd heard her mom describe. So that didn't really mean anything.

She tried to slink across the street but got seen by a little girl.

"Oh look mommy." she said tugging her moms skirt and pointing, "A purple kitty."

The mother handed the man some coins as Miriam dashed under a cart selling blankets. She turned and looked then, seeing no cat said, "There's no cat there honey. Plus there's no such thing as a purple cat."

Miriam frowned, that wasn't nice. Telling your kid they were lying.

Suddenly there were boots standing in front of the cart. Then the person bent down and she saw the tip of the necklace come into view.

"Come on out." his gentle voice said, "I'm not gonna hurt you."

Miriam took a few steps backwards.

"Come on. It's ok. I'm not gonna hurt you."

Miriam took a step forward and sniffed his fingers. Then positioned his fingers behind her ear. He rubbed his finger against the back of her ear before grabbing a tuft of her fur to pull her out.

She shivered when her eyes met his. He knew who she was... At least that's what it looked like.

He pulled her into his arms and cradled her like a baby, petting her from the top of her head between her ears all the way down her back to her tail.

"Your fur is so soft." he said softly. "Lets go somewhere." he said and started walking.

He walked and crossed the gate but then once they'd crossed he turned to the right and started jogging into the forest ducking under the lame wooden fence that had a sign saying 'Danger: Mim Forest. Keep Out' and it had a coat of arms that had Excalibur.

"Now I can actually talk to you." He said at normal volume. He lifted her up by her armpits and stared at her in the face. She didn't sqirm. "Your Miriam aren't you?"

It was less like a question and more like a statement but it still had the option for denial. She didn't answer. If she answered that would be an affirmative. He'd know cause no normal cat could answer. Then if she said no. It'd be a lie. And she didn't want to lie to this guy. "I'm Aaron." he said laying her back in his arms. "Aaron, son of King Arthur of Camelot."

Miriam groaned internally. Of course her dream guy had to be the son of King Arthur. That's just the life of a villain right?

"I knew who you were the moment I saw you morph on the roof top. No one else saw you but I'm not just someone else right? We're arch enemy's." he said chuckling, "I thought I knew where you were looking for so I'm gonna take you there."

Miriam sighed, "How'd you know?"

Aaron chuckled again, "If my dad was a villain and I was let out into the world he was kicked out of, I would want to see his home before he was vacated."

He jumped over logs and under branches. He kept her from getting hit and when the walk was smooth petted her. Miriam sighed and let Aaron carry her all the way to the remnants of her mothers cottage.

When they entered what must have been the clearing in which her mother lived Miriam saw what was left of her mothers home. It was a large square built of stone with a window, door and what must have been a chimney. There wasn't much roof except for what looked like a small corner protected by magic. The so called 'clearing' was overgrown and wild, clearly no one had been here since her mother was banished.

Miriam jumped down out of Aarons arms and walked down the passage turning back into herself.

She could picture her mother being weird and crazy in the yard and the corner of the cottage. But worse than that she could see herself growing up there. She saw herself having her first steps across the wooden floors. Say herself brewing things in the caldron over the fire. Saw a Christmas tree in the corner.

She went over and sat on the bed. "That's where I sit too." Aaron said by the door.

Miriam looked at him, "I'm caught in what might have been, so I'm not in the mood for acting mad."

He chuckled leaning against the door frame, "I don't expect you to."

Miriam lifted her eye brawl, "Oh?"

He nodded, "When I saw how Mal and her friend turned out it got me thinking about what Mad Madam Mim's kid would be like. I decided that her kid would be as normal as could be since I know I don't like hanging out with my parents and I'm mostly influenced by the people I do hang out with."

Miriam shrugged. "I'm not who everyone thinks I am."

He nodded walking over and sitting next to her, "I see. Well maybe since your starting here with a clean slate maybe it's time to start off on a new leaf."

"I dream about you." Miriam muttered. "Both on the island and last night." she shrugged, "Almost every night really."

He chuckled, "I dream about you too." he nudged her, "In a good way."

Miriam smiled, looking at her shoes.

Aaron put his hands on either sides of her face to make her look at him, "Mimi." Her eyes grew wide. "I think your a pretty amazing girl."

Miriam's mind was blank. "You don't even know me."

He chuckled again, "True but I will. Eventually."

She leaned forward till her lips touched his. When he didn't react after a second she pulled back. He stared at her for a moment as his hands froze where they'd been, suspended in the air.

"I'm sor..." she began but was cut off by Aaron basically attacking her.

He connected his lips with hers and laid her on the bed laying next to her. He ran his fingers threw her long purple hair and down to her waist. After a moment they both opened their mouths and started french kissing.

After a couple minutes of that he pulled away. "Don't be."

She smiled. "No boys on the island would do that with me."

He smiled and kissed her again then trailed kisses down her jaw and then down her neck then pulled back. "I would do more than that with you Mimi."

She laughed, "How'd you know I like being called that?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. That's just what I always called you in my dreams."

Miriam smile widened. "When I get back I'm gonna be myself. Just start being myself."

He stood up, "That's great."

"Why don't you go to Auradon Prep?" Mimi asked.

Aaron shrugged, "My dad thinks that if he lets me go to that ridiculous prep school, our kingdom will be just another place in Auradon. My dad likes that Camelot is still special."

Mimi nodded then started looking around for her mother's books.

"Looking for something?" Aaron asked.

"My mom left behind some books."

Aaron frowned and looked at the ground.

"Do you know what happened to them Aaron?" she asked.

He slowly nodded. "Shortly after I rediscovered this place my father found out where I was playing... And..."

Mimi's hands jumped to her mouth. "He didn't burn them did he?"

Aaron shook his head, "No. He sent them to the castle at Auradon Prep to be guarded with the rest of the Villains things in the 'Hall of Villains'"

Mimi grunted, stamping her foot and standing up. "Guess I came here for nothing."

Aaron, jokingly, looked hurt. "Well I guess meeting me was nothing then."

Mimi smiled walking over and putting her arms around his neck. "It wasn't nothing... Just a plus." She kissed him long and hard before turning into a falcon and soaring out the open door.

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