It's time for Writing Prompt Wednesday! This story is from the theme for two weeks ago - I'm just a wee bit behind – but we'll be back on schedule tomorrow! Anyway, the theme was "AUs related to texting."
What is Writing Prompt Wednesday?
Writing Prompt Wednesday is a feature I run on my Tumblr. Followers, readers and friends suggest themes for AUs, and I come up with a list of prompts based on the suggested them. Then, based on those prompts, anyone who wants to join in writes up a short story (or a long story, I guess) and posts it to Tumblr (or AO3, or , or wherever) and tags it Writing Prompt Wednesday!
You can read more about Writing Prompt Wednesday, and read this week's entries, on my tumblr, username unforth-ninawaters
This week, I chose this prompt:
SextersAnondotcom is exactly what it sounds like - a site that hooks up two anonymous people who want to trade sexts with each other - completely at random, or set within certain parameters (age, gender, specific kink, etc.) at the discretion of the people signing up…I've got some things I've really wanted to try, no outlet for trying them, so I put them all in, and you're the person I got paired with.
Relationship:Castiel/Dean Winchester
Characters: Castiel;Dean Winchester; Joshua; Alfie; Anna Milton; Zachariah
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting; Top Castiel; Bottom Dean; Topping from the Bottom; Dom/sub; Sub Castiel; Dom Dean; Businessman Castiel; Photographer Dean; Sexting; Sex Toys; Anonymous Sex; Public Sex; Orgasm Delay/Denial; Masturbation
It's all anonymous…no one will ever know I did this unless I tell them…I cannot conceive of a single reason I would ever admit this to anyone…
Taking a fortifying breath, Castiel hit "submit" to finalize the creation of his new account on SextersAnondotCom. There had been little enough to fill out, only some general information about himself – his gender, his age, a credit card number they guaranteed would not be charged unless he signed up for premium services, and of course his cell phone number. Castiel had added a second phone to his plan specifically to indulge his curiosity as regarded exchanging sexual text messages with a stranger. It was crazy, he knew, and the extra phone cost $25 a month, but he'd resisted as long as could. Castiel had a vivid imagination and he'd always found it easy to transition from reading about a sexual act to picturing the act being done on his body to actually feeling as if he were being touched. Merely the thought of getting sensual messages was enough to harden him. His life was so busy, his job kept him on the go so constantly, that it had been impossible to forge a regular relationship. Further, experience had taught him that the type of relationship he wanted in real life was dangerously unhealthy for him to pursue and had a detrimental effect on his professional life.
SextersAnondotcom didn't offer real relationships; that was the whole point. All Castiel wanted was to find someone with whom he got along, an adult who shared his interests it'd help him through the loneliest nights. The few times he'd tried cybersex, he'd enjoyed it, but he'd struggled to find partners he felt safe with, safe forums, and the utter anonymity made him uncomfortable. He didn't know anything about those he'd cybered with, and it made him uncomfortable. Text messages were low pressure, SextersAnondotcom had profiles so he could at least read made-up stories about his potential liaisons, and it would be easy to coordinate times to get together. When Castiel had heard about the website, he knew he had to give it a try.
A screen popped up congratulating him on completing his registration and explained that he had to respond to a text on his phone to confirm that it was a real number. Before he'd finished reading, his phone chirped.
(888) 555-7122 (7:14 PM): Thank you for registering at SextersAnondotcom, your anonymous sexting matchmaking service! To confirm your registration, please text back 100. If you did not sign up for this service, please text back 200. For other inquiries, please text back 300 and a customer service representative will contact you.
Castiel (7:14 PM): 100
(888) 555-7122 (7:15 PM): Your account, Member ID 011444716535 is now confirmed. Thank you!
Refreshing his browser window launched a new congratulatory screen with a series of links to create a profile, answer questions about his sexual preferences, upload pictures if desired, take pointless quizzes, or read other member profiles. Castiel spent the evening perfecting his profile and filling in his preferences: an older match, someone mature and employed, ideally male, who shared his interests, as demonstrated by the ludicrous number of personal questions he answered about his sexual history and desires. He kept his self-description intentionally vague, indicating that he was a business man, had a high-pressure job, and enjoyed reading and art in his spare time. He uploaded a picture of himself, too, showing his scruffy chin, toned chest and abs, flat stomach, and a teasing glimpse of dark pubic hair. Thanks to the fuzzy inadequacy of cell phone cameras, the flaws were obscured: his developing wrinkles, his scars, the few scraggly long dark hairs he'd not had a chance to shave.
From time to time, he'd check the quality of his matches. Before he'd started his profile, the suggested partners had been useless, fake pictures and fake personalities with whom he had nothing in common, but the longer he worked, the better the results became. It was nearly midnight before he stopped, resolving that the next evening, he'd start looking through those he'd been matched with. He longed to start right away, but he had a 7 AM flight, a noon business meeting, and an important late-afternoon lunch; he needed his wits about him to face the day ahead. He needed his wits about him every day, which was why he was turning to the anonymous service. Normal relationships, or at least what passed as a normal relationship for him, interfered too much.
With one thing and another, Castiel wasn't able to log on again for three days. By the time he finally did he ached to see how things were going. Theoretically, he could have browsed from his phone. Their app was top-rated and one of their selling points, since their entire premise was geared towards a mobile platform. Once he was more comfortable, perhaps he'd switch to the app, but for now he had a crap data plan and he worried that he couldn't delete the app browser history as completely as he could obscure his browsing history. Wondering if anyone had outreached to him, if anyone would be interested in a kinky bisexual in his late thirties, Castiel active his internet protections to ensure that even should someone get their hands on his laptop, they'd never know what he was up to, turned on incognito mode, and went to SextersAnondotcom.
He had 12 new messages.
Castiel heaved a sigh of relief. He'd not known what to expect. Having messages didn't mean he had completed his search for the perfect sexting partner, but it was nice to feel desired and suggested that there were people on the site who shared his preferences.
Reading through the messages took time. Deciding what to do about them took longer. The majority he dismissed immediately. It was easy to tell from the way the profiles were written, the things they said to him, their entire approach, that they knew absolutely nothing about men like him and primarily sought to get their kicks without worrying about the consequences. That didn't interest Castiel. He'd done enough of that when he was young and foolish and he'd faced the consequences. As he'd grown older he'd learned safer, saner ways to pursue his interests, and he intended to apply his hard-learned lessons to an anonymous text relationship, same as he would have were he meeting with someone in person. After long consideration, he decided not to reply to his most ignorant petitioners. There was no point in engaging with conversation with those he'd rejected. That lesson was reiterated as unsolicited chats popped up on his monitor. Apparently, while he was online other users could message him. Each was virtually the same and identically offensive, people too immature to engage in the niceties asking if he wanted to have sex. Disgusted, he added them to a list of users to permanently ignore. At least SextersAnondotcom gave users the resources to deal with the obnoxious. Having learned of the "ignore" function, he added the rude messagers to the list. That way, he'd never have to deal with them again. When he was done, he was left with three messages that demonstrated potential. Considering each in turn, Castiel decided to reply to two of them.
The first user, SandyBlueEyes100, was considerably older than Castiel and didn't sound like a perfect match. He self-identified as a top, if not in such blunt terms, and Castiel also far preferred to be on top, or, at least, he far preferred to be the one doing the inserting rather than the one being inserted into. However, in other regards SandyBlueEyes100 had potential. Based on his profile and his erudite letter, he was domineering, professional, intelligent and unashamed. No one would lie about being over 60 on a webpage like SextersAnondotcom. Or, Castiel supposed, if being that much older was a lie it was likely a kink, the person wanted to feel older than their partner, and Castiel was willing to play along with that. He typed a considered reply, indicating his interest, asking questions about what specifically SandyBlueEyes sought from a text relationship with Castiel, and moved on to the second match he thought had potential.
The man went by the name Metallicar67, and while his profile description had a carefreeness to it, to Castiel's savvy eye that casual attitude overlay an iron will and a firm hand. Metallicar talked the talk of the scene well, too, and his approach to Castiel in private had been sensible and cogent, asking Castiel about his past experience, his limits, suggesting they might be compatible but that they should start by talking more. Reading Metallicar's words caught Castiel's interest, but it wasn't what excited him most. A shiver went down Castiel's spine as he surveyed Metallicar67's user photographs. The album description indicated that the contents were a portfolio of Metallicar67's work. Every photo was carefully cropped and depicted different men in various levels of undress arrayed in an impressive selection of bondage/domination gear. Ropes, ball gags, chains, spreader bars, chastity devices, cock rings, and more, some things Castiel didn't recognize, were used to obviously devastating effects. The shots appeared to have been taken mid-scene, judging by the tension in the men's bodies and the moisture gleaming on their skin. Not only was Metallicar67 a fine photographer, he was also an expert in BDSM. Castiel had experienced enough bad kink to recognize safe practice when he saw it. Entranced, he stared at a photograph of a man, hands bound by ropes that disappeared under the mattress, cock held upright by a ring, legs lifted and spread and parted by expertly placed bars, a black plug sticking from his hole, torso dotted with splashed of hot wax and crimson pearls of blood.
Castiel didn't care what Metallicar67 looked like, didn't care how old or young he was, didn't care what his profession was; everything he needed to know was in that photograph. The man who could do that to another man was one that Castiel craved like an addict longed for their next fix. The longer he stared, the more aroused he grew. Blood pulsed in his ears and rushed through his veins and caused his burgeoning erection to throb against his boxer-briefs. Licking his lips, Castiel turned away with difficult, rose, and assiduously removed his suit, hanging it neatly in the closer. He lay his shirt and tie out on the bed so he could iron them in the morning and bundled his undershirt, socks and underwear into the small bag he carried for laundry. As he worked with slow, deliberate, care his arousal grew, demanding attention. Castiel rigorously controlled his response, restrained himself from reaching for his aching cock or touching his tingling skin, and through the very act of self-control his desire grew, his anticipation curled hot. He loved being in control of himself. He loved the moment when that control finally cracked. But his absolute favorite was when he was with someone who told him he was allowed to stop being in control, that he'd earned the right to unbridle his self-restraint.
Sitting before his computer once again, Castiel scrolled through Metallicar67's portfolio, the images firing his imagination. Some where things he'd done – wax and blood play, gags and spread bars. Others were new to him. The most intriguing, the most tempting, were the shots of men complexly tied up, beautiful men made more beautiful by the arrangement of knots and lengths draped over their bodies. Staring at one photograph, a close up of a man's back, his arms knotted and bound in a way that mirrored the vertebrae of his spine, Castiel allowed his mind to drift, allowed his thoughts to encompass how it would feel to be tied up by someone he trusted, teased and pampered and taunted until he was ready to beg yet keeping absolutely silent until he was given permission to articulate, keeping utterly still unless permitted to move. His phantom lover moved and posed Castiel's body as he would to the accompaniment of the flash of a light bulb and the clatter of a shutter. Sometimes, he'd be left that way for hours only to be finally untied and sent home. Other times…
…Castiel wrapped a hand around his leaking cock. So lost was he in his fantasy that it felt like someone else's finger teased around his head, someone else's nail flicked at his slit, someone else's grip wrapped gently around his length and stroked it. Imagined words of praise were breathed into his ear, such a good boy, Castiel, you've been so obedient. Obedient boys earn their rewards. Are you going to sing for me, Castiel? With that invitation, Castiel let a soft groan free as he gently pumped up and down, using his other hand to switch to the first image that had captivated him. The remembered burning sting of wax singeing his flesh and soothing him as it cooled left him tingling with the desire to once again feel the teasing flick of a lover's nail picking the flakes from his skin. It had been a long time since he'd dared indulge in anything even so mild as that, a long time since he'd been with anyone else.
"Please…oh, please…" Castiel mumbled. Losing himself, Castiel's vision filled a beautiful man tending negligently to Castiel's cock, snapping pictures of Castiel's face as he slipped towards rapture, using the camera as a shield, a distancing tactic, a sign of mock disinterest, a way to keep Castiel from making eye contact. "Please, let me fill you, let me be inside you…I've been so good…it's been…it's been…it's been forever…"The sound of his own voice reverberating through his head, Castiel tightened his grip, pulsed harder and more firmly, imagined how helpless he'd be with his arms tied back, how buzzed he'd be on the sharp, brief pain of each drop of wax, how much he craved feeling a tight, prepped ass clenching around his cock. The photographer could make him feel that way, could make him feel enthralled yet needed, could decide for him when he'd been good enough to earn release and when his begging was for nothing. His hips stuttered against his hand – bad, Castiel, very naughty, you never used to lose control like that, I'll have to punish you – and with the promise of consequences firing his blood, Castiel moaned and spilled over his hand, panting.
If Metallicar's text messages are half as arousing as his photography, we're going to get along very well.
Buzzed on his release, Castiel dazedly typed a reply to Metallicar, far more intimate and suggestive than the one he'd sent to SandyBlueEyes, outlining his experience, specifying his preferences beyond what was obvious from his profile, and opening the door to further kink negotiation should the other man prove interested. A few moments after hitting send, he glanced again at his own profile. In contrast to the album of photographs he'd scrolled through, what little he'd posted seemed hopelessly inadequate. What if Metallicar decided he wasn't interested after all? Explicit photographs had never been a part of Castiel's sex life before, and thus he only had a couple shot of himself during past encounters, both depicting him unrecognizably debauched. They weren't high quality: the lighting was poor, the angles not ideal, but they would give Metallicar an idea of what Castiel was capable of. Downloading a simple photo editor, Castiel cropped the shots so that he wouldn't be identifiable. As he uploaded them to SextersAnon, he lamented that he couldn't share the one video he had. There was no way to make it anonymous within his limited video editing capabilities. The photographs would have to be enough. Hoping for the best, he sent his reply and headed to bed.
The temptation to check his messages the next morning proved irresistible. There were five: four new people and an insipid reply from SandyBlueEyes. Castiel wished he'd read Metallicar's message and profile before answering the first man, it'd have saved him trouble. Theoretically, he supposed he could initiate anonymous intimacy with both men, but it seems like a lot of work and besides, Castiel had never been interested in having multiple partners. He'd preferred to be owned, completely and utterly, by one person and one person alone. Once he gave himself over, he'd do anything for that his dom, anything they asked, anything they suggested they wanted, no matter the cost to himself. Maybe dallying with two people would be better, maybe it would prevent Castiel from growing so dangerously obsessed. Either way, it hardly mattered. Metallicar hadn't written him and Castiel was surprised by how disappointed he felt. Convincing himself to send at least a passable reply to SandyBlueEyes, Castiel reminded himself that most interactions on the website would end in disappointment and he only needed one to end successfully. He'd have preferred Metallicar to SandyBlueEyes, might yet prefer a third person to either of them, but regardless it was in his best interest to maintain contact with anyone with potential until someone actually came through.
A reply came from Metallicar67 moments before Castiel logged off. Heart pounding, he read it through, read it through again, tried not to read too much into each perfect phrase. Having a crush on someone he'd never seen, much less met, was a new experience for Castiel, but the symptoms were unmistakable. Metallicar was interested, he thought Castiel's photographs were a crime because the photographer hadn't been able to do justice to the beauty of Castiel's submission, and he wanted them to each complete kink checklists through an independent website so they could compare notes on their interests. The message included a link to an off-site album with more of his work. It was all Castiel could do not to click through immediately. He wanted to drink up every delicious image but his meetings for the day began in less than an hour and he didn't want to be rushed when he looked at Metallicar's work. Deliberately closing the message, Castiel navigated to Metallicar's profile and clicked the "thumbs up" button, selected five out of five stars. If Metallicar had rated him the same, they'd each receive an e-mail containing the other's cell number.
His phone pinged, telling him he had a new e-mail. Checking it, heart pounding, Castiel's lied to himself that it must be work related, must be from his secretary, must be anything other than…he opened his inbox to the message from SextersAnon informing him that Metallicar's number was (785) 555 – 8967. He took a minute to message SandyBlueEyes and indicate that he was no longer interested.
Castiel's day could not end fast enough. Every minute of the meeting dragged. As director of corporate sales for Sandover Industries, Castiel was always on the go, traveling all over the world, and he often had high stakes meetings where he had to be cool, collected, and in control. This trip was not like that. Castiel was in to Dallas for a week to attend the annual board of directors meeting. He had exactly one presentation to give – a status report on his division which he'd finished writing and refining a week before – and other than that his job was to look professional while occupying an office chair and keeping his mouth shut. Inactivity was his ultimate weakness. Compounded by his desire to complete the kink survey and write back to Metallicar, he was a jittery mess by lunch. Fortunately, there was nothing weird about a corporate executive pulling out his cell phone at the first convenient moment, especially when many present maintained a façade of attentiveness by not checking their e-mail during the meetings. Hardly anyone spoke during their fancy catered lunch, all frantically checking on work, tapping out replies, making calls. Except Castiel. Castiel looked like all the others, but instead he downloaded and installed the SextersAnon app and clicked the link Metallicar had sent him. It took him the entire hour break to complete the survey, indicating if he was green light, yellow light or red light for a list of over a hundred kinks, adding notes and clarification when necessary. By the time he was finished he was frustrated and excited. There were so many enticing options on that list but he didn't have time to follow up by writing back to Metallicar, nor did he have time to deal with how aroused he'd become while considering the potential suggested by the kink survey.
It was 7 that night before Castiel escaped the board room. Too worked up to care about dinner, he went straight to his room. In addition to the message he hadn't answered yet, Castiel had a second note from Metallicar with a link to their survey analysis which would show where they were compatible. Curious, Castiel went to the website that Metallicar had used for the surveys and confirmed that it was completely independent and that it was impossible for Metallicar to have seen Castiel's results, just as it was impossible for Castiel to see Metallicar's. If the analysis showed that they had kinks in common, it was genuine: Metallicar couldn't have geared his answers to match Castiel's.
Breathless with optimism and expectation, Castiel clicked on the link. The number 95% was written in bright green at the top of the page, a brief description below congratulated him that it was so high and indicated that their rating indicated a likelihood of a successful D/s relationship. Below that was a computer-generated discussion of their main areas of similarity and their few areas of difference. Discussing Metallicar as the dominant partner and Castiel as the submissive, it listed mutual interest in bondage, light sadomasochism, humiliation, orgasm delay and denial, control play, exhibitionism, marking, and more; mutual areas of disinterest included bestiality, water play, partner sharing, and a long list of others. Their few disparities appeared to be instances where one had indicated "yellow" while the other had indicated green or red – there were no deal-breaking disagreements where one of them had a kink they loved that the other considered out of bounds.
They were made for each other.
The temptation to take his phone out and text immediately was strong but Castiel forced himself not to. They weren't ready to scene yet. Castiel's hands shook as he typed out his reply to Metallicar, listing his availability, dodging the compliments, indicating his satisfaction with the results of their survey. Metallicar responded within minutes, his enthusiasm obvious as he sent a long list of scene ideas that he couldn't possibly have typed up so quickly.
He's been thinking about this all day. Thank God, I'm not alone in wanting this.
By the time Castiel retired for the night, he and Metallicar had talked for hours. Their boundaries were set, the scene ideas refined, and some basic rules were in place to protect them both. Castiel hadn't been able to bring himself to be candid about the issues he'd had in the past, but based on Metallicar's suggestions he'd picked up on how completely Castiel submitted and was determined to be careful of it. Metallicar's sensitivity to the subtleties behind Castiel's messages was particularly reassuring. Though they barely knew each other - they didn't really know each other at all – Castiel already trusted the other man. He always fell fast. He'd thought using the anonymous service would change that but apparently not. Going forward, he'd have to be careful and cut things off if he got too involved. Deliberately ignoring his erection, how hot he'd gotten looking at their results, going through Metallicar's portfolio, considering scenes together, Castiel went to bed with the hope that as soon as the next day, he might get what he needed.
Castiel's hopes were disappointed. They had no communication as Castiel wound tighter and tighter hoping for the telltale chime of his cell phone. That evening, he checked SextersAnon but he had no new messages from Metallicar. Because this was what they'd discussed, he didn't feel alarmed, but he did feel hunger, anticipation, and arousal that he wouldn't give in to. Metallicar was an expert, had read Castiel like a book, and one of their ground rules was that Castiel would restrain himself from masturbating except when Metallicar gave him permission. It was a lot of control to grant so early in a relationship, but it was precisely the kind of thing that Castiel thrived on. They were bound by the honor system – Metallicar would have no idea if Castiel obeyed or not – but Castiel would know. If Metallicar asked him, he would reply honestly. Truthfulness was one of Castiel's conditions, one to which his new partner had unhesitatingly agreed, and he hoped that Metallicar would extend equivalent trust to him, would believe Castiel when he reported his obedience. Castiel went to sleep unsatisfied for a second night, wound tighter, cock harder. Despite that, he fell asleep easily, deriving a different kind of satisfaction from having the decision taken from him, knowing that he was obeying, knowing that Metallicar would take care of him. He felt more at peace than he had for years.
More to come soon! (The entire first draft is written and is 15k words, just have to get it all edited!)