Dedication: To you, my wonderful readers. These mini-stories were based on prompts provided in my group. They are my gift to you this holiday season.
Please feel free to join in. You can post images in my group on Facebook or send me a prompt some other way. Words. Lyrics. I'll be taking as many prompts as you can throw at me until the end of the year. I need a prompt and a pairing. I'll do anything you wish, except wolf stuff. Hehe.
Thanks to Mina for encouraging me to post these. She's an enabler, and I love her.
For: Belynda
Prompt: Her name was Lola.
Pairing: Edward and Bella.
"Her name was Leia. She was a princess. With a danish on each ear, and Darth Vader drawing near."
Bella snorted when she heard the words Edward sang under his breath. "Those aren't the words, Tony."
He looked up, his rag never pausing as he continued to clean down the bar. "What have I told you before, Lola? Parodies are better."
She grinned. "Anyone ever tell you you listened to too much Weird Al when you were growing up?"
"A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far away, Naboo was under an attack," he crooned to the tune of American Pie-a Weird Al Parody of the song.
"You're a geek, Tony."
"You like it, Lola." He leaned on the bar, waggling his eyebrows at her.
"Yeah, well. Everyone likes Star Wars."
"Mhmm. Speaking of which..." He held up two tickets. "Sold out midnight show. What do you say we get our geek on together, show girl?"
"With a segue like that, who could refuse?"
A/N: These prompts are un-beta'ed. Fair warning. Come join us in my group on Facebook. There are a lot of pretty pictures and discussion. My favorite things.