Sasuke walked into English class and took his seat in front of his best friend, Gaara. Gaara smacked his shoulder. "Dude, you ready for the first game of the year on Friday night?" he asked. "Totally, I heard scouts from all kinds of schools will be there checking us out." Sasuke said. "Hopefully we can be playing for the same team in college too!" Gaara said. Then, their teacher walked into the room. "Good morning class, welcome to senior year!" he exclaimed. The football players whooped and hollered. smiled, "Alright everyone, I'm going to be handing out your syllabus with all of our assignments for the year. We will be reading two books and writing seven papers." The whole class groaned. "I know, but I've tried my best to make subjects that will keep your interest." said, walking to the front of the class.

Sasuke flipped through his syllabus, he froze when he saw the last paper assignment of the year, "My Biggest Secret." Sasuke swung the syllabus shut, his pen flying on to the floor. Before he could bend down to grab it, a hand reached out to hand it to him. Sasuke looked up and froze once again. He had never seen eyes so blue. Sasuke didn't know how long he was staring, but he grabbed the pen and mumbled a "thank you" to the new kid, then he winked at him. Sasuke felt a pulse of electricity go through him just then. He looked back down at his desk, his knees felt weak. He couldn't explain what he was feeling, he just felt like this kid knew his secret.


Sasuke sat down at the lunch table with Gaara and the rest of the football team. Sakura came walking up with her best friends Ino, Hinata, and the new kid. Sasuke gulped hard. "Hi baby!" Sakura smiled and kissed him. Ino sat next to Gaara and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Everyone, this is Naruto, he's new!" Sakura smiled, wrapped an arm around his shoulder. Naruto smirked. "Sasuke, hello?" Sakura said. "Huh?" he said. "You were spacing out, introduce yourself to Naruto." Sakura huffed. "It's okay Sakura, I met him this morning in English class." Naruto smiled. "Naruto is auditioning for the play with me!" Sakura exclaimed. "Jeez Sakura, you're already a cheerleader, isn't that enough?" Gaara asked. "Shut up douchebag." Sakura snapped. "You guys should hear Naruto's voice! It's so amazing." Hinata said. "Stop." Naruto smiled. Gaara snorted, "So you're one of those artsy fruits?" he asked. Sakura stood up and shouted "You're such a jerk Gaara!"

Sasuke had finally found his voice,
"So Naruto where are you from?" he asked.
"I'm from Maryland." Naruto smiled at Sasuke.
"What are you doing down in Alabama?" Sasuke asked.
"My dad is a doctor and got transferred here, my mom is a wedding planner, so she got lucky." Naruto laughed.
"That's awesome." Sasuke smiled back.

"Naruto's coming to the game to see you guys play and to see us cheer, well mostly Hinata." Sakura smiled and laughed. "Guys, stop!" Hinata blushed. The whole table went back to football conversation. Sasuke was playing with the food on his tray, he would sneak glances at Naruto. When Naruto caught Sasuke's eye, he winked at him. Sasuke's heart started racing. The lunch bell rang and Sakura raced over to Sasuke and pecked him on the lips. "See you later Sasuke." Naruto smiled. "See ya." Sasuke whispered. His mind was racing.


Sasuke was showering after practice, the game was tomorrow. He let the hot water run over his body. He couldn't stop thinking of Naruto, he had barely spoken to him, but couldn't get him off of his mind. He couldn't let this guy crack him, he was doing so well at keeping his secret. He couldn't let anyone know that the star quarterback was gay. Sasuke snapped out of his thoughts and turned off the water. He wrapped his towel around his waist and walked out to the lockers. "Oh Jesus, you scared the shit out of me." Sasuke said, when he turned the corner and Naruto was there in a towel. "Sorry man, I thought the football cleared out already." Naruto chuckled. "What are you doing here?" Sasuke asked. "I had swim practice." Naruto smiled. "Oh, well sorry I yelled." Sasuke said. "It's okay, it would have startled me too." Naruto chuckled. "So how long have you and Sakura been together?" Naruto asked, opening his locker. "Two years." Sasuke said. "Damn, wedding bells in the future?" Naruto asked. "We'll see." Sasuke chuckled. Naruto chuckled back. "Sakura said you're having a cookout this weekend after the game, she invited me, but I figured I should ask you since it's your house." Naruto said. "Yeah man, we would love to have you there." Sasuke smiled. "Thanks, I really didn't want to have to listen to the girls talk about homecoming all night." Naruto laughed. "Shit, I completely forgot that homecoming is two weeks away." Sasuke said, leaning his head against his locker. "Sakura set me up with Hinata and has everything planned out for us already." Naruto said. "Of course she does." Sasuke said. "Well hey, I gotta get out of here, but here's my number, text me." Naruto said, scribbling down his number and handing it to Sasuke. "Thanks, I'll text you tonight." Sasuke said. "Alright, see ya." Naruto smiled and winked.

As soon as Sasuke heard the door shut, he slid down the lockers to the floor and gasped for air. This kid took his breath away, literally. He couldn't do this, he couldn't blow his cover. But he clutched the piece of paper with Naruto's number on it in his fist, he knew he was going to text him later.