Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or Kingdom Hearts. Whoever didn't know that, shouldn't be reading this fic! *just kidding! seriously!*
Gundam Hearts: Ending (Finally ^_^)
Wufei was the first to wake up. He was sitting in front of the T.V., with the controller in his hands. Quatre was leaning up against his shoulder. Duo, Trowa and Timothy were piled together on the sofa, while Heero was all alone on the other end of the sofa, with his laptop on his lap. Quatre started to stir, then opened his eyes.
Hey, Wufei, he said, smiling slightly.
Hey, how are you feeling?
Quatre said, with a smile.
Hey, where are we? Duo said, confused.
You two are on top of me! Trowa yelled.
Oops, sorry, Duo and Timothy said, getting off of Trowa.
Wufei said. Where's my book?
Quatre said, lifting up and pulling something from under him. That's what I was sitting on. Sorry.
That's okay, Wufei said, suddenly money fell out.
What's that? Heero asked. Wufei unfolded a note.
Dear Guys, Here's the money you had paid my brother for the toys in Traverse Town. I'm sorry for all the trouble he had caused. Take care ^_^ Signed Elenwen. Wufei folded it back and put it in his book.
Ooo, looks like Woofie has a crush on someone, Duo said. Wufei glared at Duo. Duo laughed, nervously. Of course, I could be wrong.
Well, everything seems like it's back in order, Heero said.
Quatre said, with a nod and standing. Thank goodness.
Wufei said, turning on the Playstation 2. I had fun. Who wants to play? It was extremely quiet. He turned around. Everyone was gone.
RS: Short ending, but I was kinda stuck ^_^;; Thanks for all the reviews! You guys are the greatest!! *hugs everyone and hands out chocolate and (insert flavor here) pocky* The boys are on a short vacation, before I think of another pointless fanfic, which is in the works (in my head ^_^;;) There'll be a sequel when Kingdom Hearts 2 comes out ^_^ See ya then!
Thanks everyone!!
*nut job- Down with Aerith! Cloud and Nut job 4-ever!
*Braidless Baka
*Wing Gundam- chocolate lives!
*Iniora Nackatori
*Black Hawk Down
*Newkid Egypt
*Anime Girl
*USA Tiger
*Sugar Baby
*Gracie Rin
*Ryoko (Juugatsu28)
*1 unknown