"A child's love magic." Ivory purses her pale pink mouth. "It could work, since you've both shared her childhood at different times."

"It's worth a try, at the very least," Morpheus adds.

Ivory nods, then casts a wise and knowing glance from him to Jeb. "The seal would only be a temporary fix, to hold her together until she can heal. You both must be willing to compromise . . . see past your needs, and accept that she is meant for more than fulfilling your expectations for her. You will have to support one another as constants in her life if you're to bridge her human and netherling heart. She must live in both worlds for equal amounts of time. This will allow her heart to grow and mend, piece by piece. Once it has healed and is unified, she'll no longer need the sutures, and she can endure being crowned without losing either part of who she is. Are you willing to let her have this dual future? The decision falls to you. She's too weak to make it for herself. Red's greed and vengefulness saw to that when she made Alyssa's heart the battlefield."

"I'll do whatever it takes," Morpheus and Jeb answer simultaneously.

"However I see two possible futures for Alyssa and her heart," Ivory says gazing into one of her bubbles, "in one future she goes home to the human realm, spending her waking time with Jeb where they will marry and spend a human lifetime together; and her dream time here, in Wonderland with Morpheus learning to rule and trust each other. When the time comes she will leave her human life and rule Wonderland with Morpheus by her side. Until one day, when her heart can no longer bare to be apart from her mortal night, she will jump through the looking glass ones more and grumble to dust.

In the other possible future, both Morpheus and her mortal night take the Red Queen to the human world to live for a time. Where all three of you learn to love and trust each other. This love will be so strong that it would bring living art to Wonderland."

Ivory then allows everyone to see the image in the bubble. Inside it shows Jeb working in an art studio, a blue haired boy with my eyes, is playing with a girl who is the spitting image of Jeb, except for her wings that look just like mine. Morpheus then flys into the studio holding a newborn child in his arms. As he passes the child to Jeb they kiss each other on the cheek and settle down in an old worn out chair covered in flowers to watch the other two children play.

The bubble in the vision pop just as Chessie rematerializes and bursts the bubble Ivory was using to show me what had just happened.

I frown overwhelmed by Jeb and Morpheus love for me.

"I believe your knights are waiting to speed to you just out side the door,"Ivory says leaving down to kiss me on the cheek. " do know that which every future you three decide to have, you will have to spend your dreaming time in wonderland, for a time."

As Ivory opens the door I see Jeb and Morpheus standing on the other side. They both rush to my side and take one of my hands each.

"Did you see our children, blossom?" Morpheus asks, "a Beautiful daughter with wings just like yours."

"And a son with eye just as deep as yours Skater Girl" Jeb adds giving me a big smile.

"Wait! You both are okay with this!" I gasp trying to keep the hopefulness out of my heart.

"Well," Jeb starts "their will be times that I probably will want to hit Bug Boy with the giant flyswatter" Jeb smiles down at me, "but after seeing those three Beautiful children how could we not want to try to give them to you."

"Plus," Morpheus interrupts " this way we both will be with you, making sure your heart has time to fully heal." Taking hold of Jeb's empty hand.

As I gaze in the eyes of both my men. I know that one day the children the three of us share, will bring dreams filled with madness to Wonderland.