Kazuma, Reika and Ayano sat on a wide seat within a side-room, quietly awaiting for their arrival in Kyoto through the Shinkansen.

Reika's head was nestled securely in the crook of Kazuma's neck, practically sitting on his lap. Her breathing was soft and steady, but Reika was far from asleep. Having thought about the possibility of being attacked while on the move, Reika's senses were on high alert, even though her search radius was a massive ten kilometres, when moving at three hundred kilometres per hour, it wasn't very assuring especially considering that that monster could easily attack from more than twenty kilometres away.

Even though this was only to make herself and Kazuma feel more secure, Reika continued to keep her guard up. Even if she sensed an attack, her most powerful shield in her normal state would only be able to block two hits, while Kazuma helped them escape.

Kazuma thought to himself, idly flipping through a magazine he'd purchased from a stall. After the first strike, I need to escape quickly with Reika before the third hit... And on top of that, I even have to bring along a burden. Is it possible?

Ayano shot murderous stares straight at Kazuma and Reika, who were sitting diagonally across from her.This is infuriating. This is so infuriating!

Even though it was impossible not to notice her, Kazuma and Reika did not even look at Ayano. Kazuma shook his leg comfortably as he skimmed through a magazine he bought from a stall while Reika fell asleep on a mission. Unprofessional much?

Ayano shifted her view back towards the scenery outside once more. She felt worse than she ever had in her entire life. Having to work together with Kazuma and Reika made her very unhappy. Not to mention that her father, Juugo, seemed to have more faith in Kazuma and Reika's abilities rather than hers, which agitated her even more.

Ayano stubbornly forced herself to face the window while glancing at Kazuma. From the looks of it, he was completely different from the way he was four years ago. He didn't seem very different to the naked eye, but in her mind's eye, he had already jumped up several levels. Speaking of which, this is totally unbelievable! How did he become so strong in just four years?

It was the same even during the 'Successor Ceremony'. Kazuma joined the ceremony only because Genma forced him to. The match between Kazuma, who could not even use Enjutsu, and Ayano, wasn't even a fight. After all, everyone knew what the outcome would be even before the ceremony.But I heard that his fighting skills and other fuu-jutsu were pretty good, also, when did he meet the mysterious ke-jutsushi?

Ayano shook her head fiercely, removing all of her unpleasant thoughts. She organized her breathing and raised her head. At this moment, her eyes met Kazuma.

"You seem very happy." Kazuma was not mocking her. He was simply surprised.

"Who-Who would be happy!? Just being with you annoys me more than anything else!"

"Is that so?" Kazuma replied lightly. He took out a cigarette from a hidden pocket in his jacket as though nothing had happened.

"Hey! Don't smoke in this small room!"

But, just from looking at that detestable person chewing his cigarette and taking out a lighter, Ayano went on a rage once more. When Reika wrinkled her nose in disgust, Kazuma quickly commanded the spirits to purify the small air bubble indefinitely, the smoke went through the kekkai and began to taint Ayano's surroundings with its white fumes.

"Are you deaf? I told you not to smoke!" Kazuma filled his lungs with smoke and released it slowly. The air between them became thick with the smoke. After repeating the same actions once more, he met Ayano's angry stare.

"I heard you."

"...You imbecile!" Ayano stared at Kazuma's mouth. The spirits quickly responded to the will of the wielder of Enraiha. An explosion sounded off. The cigarette that Kazuma was chewing on was burned down instantly. If Kazuma had spat it out even a moment later, his own mouth would have been scorched.

"Heh heh! " Ignoring Ayano, who seemed proud and pleased with herself, Kazuma took out another cigarette. This time he set up a kekkai around himself which sealed off any flame spirits that may try to get out of control.

"Stop being stupid, we have to discuss our plans for the mission, and while you're at it, wake Reika up! " Ayano fought hard to subdue her desire to burn down the entire train sector and instead proposed a plan for cooperation.

"Let Reika rest, she had a late night. If it's the three of us, there is no plan. You just weaken Ryuuya, Reika will stab him and absorb his soul, and I'll stay away and cover the both of you. Is there any other way? " Kazuma said calmly.

"Why do I get the feeling my job is much more dangerous?" Ayano also knew that this was the most efficient way, but she felt that something wasn't right. Since she didn't completely trust Kazuma, she always got the feeling that she was being set up by him.

Kazuma scoffed, "Don't be stupid, Reika has the toughest job, absorbing that monster would mean that she would need to have a stronger will than him. Also, this is your family's problem! Shouldn't you work harder for it?"

"For someone who's getting paid for this, you sure sound proud. Mercenaries should fight at the front line! You and Reika are obligated to protect me."

Kazuma gave a snort of contempt and said, "You mean you're that weak? You mean to say that cannot survive without someone to protect you?"

"You-" Ayano spluttered.

Kazuma then said something even ruder to Ayano, who was so angry that she was at a loss for words. "Listen well, and remember this. I have no energy to spare to protect you. Ryuuya is very strong. Maybe stronger than me and Reika combined, and of course even stronger than you. We all have to use our powers to their limits, or there's no way we'll win. Even if you don't trust Reika and I, at least try to do it for today! Otherwise, we're all screwed."

Kazuma said everything so frankly and calmly that Ayano was unable to rebut. She knew that she was losing her momentum. A strong kiwas restraining her to the extent that she could not even move a finger.

"I-I got it already. "

Reika smiled against Kazuma's skin. The only resistance Ayano could put up was a tone that sounded as though she was fighting back, because she felt that if she didn't make any attempt to resist, she would have been conquered both physically and mentally and would never be able to resist again.

"But it's just for today. If it weren't for a time like this, I would never-"

She tried her best to rebut, but Kazuma did not reply. His presence earlier seemed to have vanished without a trace, as though it was just a dream. Kazuma relaxed his whole body and lazily fiddled with his cigarette. Ayano thought to herself, he's just like a poisonous bug.

"I'm going to sleep." Ayano told Kazum rudely and shut her eyes. She suddenly opened them again to stare at Kazuma.

"If you try anything funny, I'll burn you!" Kazuma looked up from his magazine to gaze at Ayano scornfully.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in creatures that have yet to become a woman like you when I have Reika."

After hearing such a rude reply, Ayano held up her fist and stood. However, Kazuma merely continued to read his magazine without paying any attention to her, clearly acting out what he had just said about not being interested. Ayano forced herself to concentrate on sleeping. Within a few seconds, Ayano forgot all about her anger and breathed peacefully.


The journey after getting off the train required a car. After exiting the train station, the three headed to the car park as instructed. Because of the possibility of having to go around the entire mountain, a four wheel Range Rover was prepared. Kazuma placed the key he obtained from Juugo into the ignition and switched on the GPS before starting the engine.

Reika opened the front door at the other side and slid in fluidly while Ayano sat in the backseat. Apparently wary of Kazuma's driving capabilities, Ayano clipped on the seat belt immediately.

"Don't put on the seat belt." Reika remarked as she looked at the GPS.

"Why?" Kazuma sighed at Ayano's ignorance. "Ryuuya is much scarier than a car accident. Be prepared to jump out of the vehicle at any time."

"I understand."Ayano said stiffly.

"Then let's go!" Kazuma swiftly stepped on the pedal to accelerate.

The Range Rover did not meet much interference and went swiftly down the road. After leaving town, they took a scenic route and went around to the back of the mountain.

"Oh yeah, I wanted to ask Kazuma something."

"What?" Came the slightly distracted question.

"You mentioned earlier, Ryuuya's wind is berserk, right? Won't the spirits you control go berserk as well?"

"Well, if they're just attacking, it should be fine. But I doubt they'll stay that way if our fight drags on."

"Are you sure it's going to be okay?" Ayano asked doubtfully.

Kazuma glanced upwards, sensing the monster's kiripple with power. Before he shouted, Reika was already moving, kicking the door open for her exit. "Jump out!"

As if pushed out by Kazuma's voice, Ayano kicked the door down and jumped out. After jumping out, she realized that Kazuma had ordered her, and she became angry. Before she could explode with anger, the range rover exploded.

Reika wrinkled her nose, a corrupt youki, darker and duller than even her black combat boots clouded the unresponsive monster. Thin lips, a straight nose, and a proper face that might have once been handsome if it weren't paler than a mask.

"Ryuuya...? I didn't notice at all..." If it weren't for Kazuma, Ayano would have been killed without even seeing Ryuuya. A chill went down Ayano's spine.

"Don't take him to be same as the Fuuga clan. If a first rate Fuujutsushi hid himself, an Enjutsushi would never be able to find him. Once you get into a close combat battle, don't let him get away no matter what." Reika instructed, willing Ketsuryū to materialize in her hands.

"So... are you ready?" Reika gave a fearless smile to Ayano, who was frozen from the tense situation.

"Don't order me around. Just do your job Reika, and you better cover me, Kazuma!" After throwing out that sentence, Ayano dashed out. As she ran, she pulled out Enraiha, and shot a fireball to Ryuya to show her might.

"I told you, that won't work!" Reika grumbled unhappily, backing into Kazuma's arms. "Good luck." Reika told Kazuma, pressing her forehead against his. Kazuma smiled at her sadly and glided away.

Ryuuya quietly stood before the approaching fireball. The scorching flames crashed into Ryuuya, who did not do anything to defend himself. "That's not enough! Keep pressuring him! " Reika shouted, watching Ryuuya gradually get surrounded in flames.

"I know! I told you not to boss me around!" Ayano waved Enraiha as she replied. She did not expect such a low level flame to do much harm against that monster. It was good enough to simply divert his attention.

Ryuuya cleared away the flames and closed in at Ayano. She could clearly see the pitch black claws, about thirty centimeters long, coming out of those pair of bending curves.

Did he use those to block Enraiha? Reika did not even have time to think about it. Reika dashed in, utilizing Ketsuryū's curved blade to repel the claws that sliced at Ayano from the left and right. Just as Reika tried to back away, the opponent already vanished from sight. From behind.

She instinctively swung her blade, catching Ryuuya. The pitch black claws blocked Ketsuryū'with a loud 'screech' marking the impact. Their weapons clashed, but in terms of size, Reika was at a disadvantage. She forcefully pushed forward her blade, jumping back and using the force from Ryuuya's push to create some distance between them.

"What the hell have you been covering, Kazuma!?" Ayano did not look away from Ryuuya and Reika, but furiously scolded her other partner who was doing nothing. However, she did not get a reply, no matter how long she waited.

"Hey, Kazuma?" With a very unpleasant thought, Ayan hesitantly called out to Kazuma again. This time, she finally got a reply. In the form of a distant voice transmitted by Fuujutsu.

"I'll be going first! You and Reika handle Ryuuya. Good luck!"

Ayano raised her head, and glared sharply past the battling Ryuuya and Reika as if she could see the despicable person who had slipped away long ago. Ayano shouted in a trembling and furious voice.

"You-You damn traitor! Watch it! After I beat this guy, you're next!" Her shout echoed throughout the empty mountains.