Sup friends? Yeah sorry I got really busy and so I sort of neglected my writing. I hope you don't hate me. But I'm back at it and ready to write!

So without further adieu…..

Saved by a less than proficient musical goat.

A loud clunk replaced the terrifying sound I had expected to hear. I opened my eyes to a large oak tree that had definitely not been there before. I did a quick glance around for Annie,but couldn't find her.

Oh my god, Annie was a tree.

"Annie?" I tapped the trunk, cautiously as if knocking on a door. Suddenly the bark morphed into Annie's face. I jumped back, shocked.

"I'm a wood nymph," she said as if this would explain the situation.

"Okay-" I started but suddenly Tree-Annie screamed in agony. The hydra had blown fire on her and her back side was engulfed in flames. She changed back into a person and crumpled to the ground burned and steaming as she hit the wet snow.

"Pesky nymph," head number one said, "I knew she would be a problem."

"Why are you doing this?" I yelled up at them, anger coursing through my body.

"Isn't it obvious, hero," head number four explained, "All children of the gods are our enemies, for they're the ones who keep killing us and depriving us of decades of fun."

"You think killing people is fun!" I screamed, appalled by their idea of entertainment.

"They're a monster, it's in their nature." a familiar voice, accompanied by a sound like a horse's feet running throwing the snow, called from behind me. I spun around to see Kev running as fast as he could in his snow pants. Wait, he wasn't wearing snow pants. His legs were covered in a thick brown fur. A satyr.

How did I know that?

Kev ran up to the attacker and pulled out what looked like set of panpipes and started blowing out a tune with as much force as he could muster.

Great. I was being saved by a less than proficient musician. This day just kept getting better.

"What are you-" I began, but was cut off by a large rumbling below my feet. Suddenly i was being raised up into the air by a huge tree that was growing out of the snow and carrying us far away from the Jimmys.

Turning around I could see them trying to climb the massive trunk, but the branches would swing around knocking the Jimmys back to ground. Interestingly enough each swinging branch occurred at the same time as Kev's panpipes belted out a high pitched note that kind of hurt my ears to listen to. For the first time it dawned on me that Kev, the satyr, was controlling the tree.

The tree deposited us on the blue run, Critter Corner. People were all around us, but none of them seem concerned that a huge tree was flying people all around the ski resort.

Kev finished off his song with a low base note that still rang in the winter air as he removed wooden instrument from his mouth. The huge tree dissolved into gold dust that fell to the ground making the already sparkling snow look like it was now way too valuable to ski on.

"What the hell Kev!?" I screamed anger coursing through every inch of my body, almost if it came out of nowhere, " Why are you part goat?! Why is Annie a tree?! And how did those dudes turn into that?! And…." suddenly the anger faded into worry and fear, tears began to roll down my cheeks and build up in the brim of my goggles, " And….. where's my Dad?" I fell to my knees trying to force myself to stop crying. I wasn't a baby. But the tears just wouldn't stop. I flung off my goggle and rubbed my eyes, trying force the tears back in with my palms.

"I'll explain everything," Kev said gently, crouching down in the snow next to me and the crumpled body of Annie (who was fine by the way she was just a little burnt and passed out from the pain), "Your Father's okay. I had him contact the camp and a group should be here to bring us there in no time. However right now we should probably get to a spot that's less in the way."

I was suddenly aware of the skiers giving us dirty looks as they narrowly avoided crashing into us. Kev helped me drag Annie over to the tree line where we sat in the powder and waited.

"What about the Hydra?" I asked Kev.

"We are far enough away from it and there are more people than the hydra would prefer to be around so we have some time." Kev explained, but as he looked nervously at his watch I could tell he was not so sure about our current location being all that ideal.

Within two minutes after our conversation a chariot pulled up in front of us with two beautiful black horses pulling it down the slope on runners instead of wheel which looks kind of funny on a chariot.

No, not horses; Pegasuses…. Pegasi? Never mind it's not important.

Two people, one girl and one boy, stepped out in puffy orange jackets with an emblem on the shoulder that I had never seen before yet it seemed oddly familiar. The girl was so pretty there was no way she could not be a movie star and the boy was pretty weak and looked like he was almost scared of the modern day equivalent to Marilyn Monroe standing before us.

"Lynn, Martin!" Kev exclaimed not masking the relief in his voice, " Let's get out of here before the hydra finds us." he turned to me and helped me gather up Annie. "Don't worry about your dad, he'll be okay. The Hydra won't go after him."

"Yeah," I said feeling horrible about leaving him and cutting our trip short right before christmas.

Once we were all on the chariot the pegasi began to pull us down the hill. And we gained speed before their wings spread and pulled into the sky.

The cold wind bit at my face and chilled me. I got one last glimpse of the ski resort before we disappeared into cloud and I couldn't see anything.

"Before we go back to camp, there is one last stop we need to make" Lynn said veering the chariot left and into yet another cloud.

Sorry for taking so long guys, I really wish had been writing as much as is used to, ive just been caught up in life soooooooo…. Dont hate me.

Anyway I hope you like it, I know it was short, sorry about that, but I did my best to not have a million grammatical errors like before.

Just so you know…. When I was writing 'grammatical' I wrote 'grammerical'… so that's kind of funny I think.

Bye ^.^