A/N: This was only gonna be a oneshot, but I got some inspiration and decided to add a sort of epilogue? Idk lol. Anyway I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Attack on Titan, nor any of its characters, plot, locations etc. They belong to Hajime Isayama.

UPDATE: Head over to my profile to vote for the next fanfic you would like me to write!

Mixed Messages

Hazy sunlight drifted through Hange's chiffon curtains, dousing the whole room in a sleepy golden shade. It was warm and kind, but in the same stead, it was somewhat uncomfortable. The unruly scientist let her big brown eyes open to the splendor, wishing only to roll back over and drown in the drowsy atmosphere. Her tawny eyelashes fluttered, eyes still heavy. Why did this always happen when she had to get up early?

Hange groaned, letting her body flop over in a tangle of limbs. She snorted. Why was this so difficult? She tried again, pushing herself upwards and sitting upright. Her whole room came into a blurred palette of browns, confusing her for a second until she remembered.

Oh, right. Glasses.

Hange's hand groped around her bedside table, her eyebrows digging until a finger slid past the cooler plastic. Slipping them on, she grappled her wild bed head out of the way, her world now clear. The brunette looked around, remembering Levi had been at her bedside when she'd dozed off; she hoped he'd still be there with her. But when no Levi befell her vision, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

'Don't be silly Hange. Don't make it more than it was.' She told herself, reminding herself of reality, though she couldn't shake the feeling that there was something different.

Hange wobbled to her feet, her body still tired from fighting off sickness. She threw on her shirt and jeans, strapping herself up in her harness before scraping her hair up so it wouldn't fall round her shoulders. It was only as she sat on her bed, pulling on her boots, that she heard a clunk from her bathroom. Her head whipped round, a light tingle of excitement welling up within her - could it be Levi? Had he just been in her bathroom all along?

'It would make sense.' Hange contemplated. 'I imagine I left a mess.' The brunette sprung to her bathroom, a grunt sounding from it. Beaming, she stuck her head round.

"Heeeeyy, Leeevv...i?" Her voice dropped. Her bathroom was empty. Hange's sunny smile fell into a disappointed line as only the groaning water pipes answered her.

Erwin sat at the oaken long table in the hall, a china cup resting in his hand. Across from him, in the dim candle light, Levi perched, pouring himself another cup of green tea. They sat wordlessly, though not ignoring each other. Quiet was appreciated among the Corps; expeditions were usually noisy, terror filled excursions.

Placing his teapot down, Levi sighed, looking up at the taller commander with a tired look. Erwin raised an eyebrow.

"You look tired, Levi."

"I'm always tired."

Erwin took a slip from his cup. "More so than usual."

Levi didn't really want to talk about it. When he'd slipped from Hange's quarters just before sunrise, he'd felt vulnerable and unsure. Exposing himself to someone like that was a first for him and the strange feeling gripping his chest made him giddy. The sensation of her skin against his lips... Levi had never felt anything like it. He was all over the place, but he sure as hell wasn't going to let Erwin know that.

"Shitty glasses was ill last night. Kept me up." He stated curtly, not intending to carry it on further.

"Hange?" Levi nodded. "What with?"

"Sickness. She was vomiting."

"Oh." Erwin paused. "How is she now?"

"The hell would I know?" Levi stated abrasively, but was stopped halfway though by the doors slamming open.

"Goooooddd moooorrrnninnngg gentlemen!" Hange bounced into the room, collapsing into the chair opposite Levi. The shorter man's steely eyes watched her, uncertainty and a tinge of uncomfortableness shimmering in them. Erwin smirked. His eyes fell upon Hange, observing her. Her dark eyes seemed to have gained a sparkle that wasn't there before, and Erwin swore it ignited when she cast her gaze over the captain. Levi stiffened, but his face was steely and desperately trying to remain stoic. It wasn't working. Erwin took a long blink, inhaling his tea's steam, thinking back to his younger days. Marie, yes that was her name... He remembered the pain he'd felt when Marie had looked at Nile Dok as Hange did to Levi. The glimmer. The uncertainty. Erwin didn't particularly know how to respond now his two colleagues, no, friends, were reenacting a day that broke his heart.

"Oi, Erwin." The commander blinked out of his memories, his eyes meeting with the shorter man's.

"Sorry," His eyes remained collected and calm. He turned his attention to the scientist. "I trust your feeling better, Hange."

"Uh-huh. I'm not sure Levi is though!" She laughed, nudging the captain, who flinched. Erwin looked to Levi, too bemused with his uncomfortable expression. He was gonna poke this fire a bit more.

"Oh? Levi I didn't know you were with Hange last night?"

"She was spewing shit all over the corridor." Levi monotoned.

"And all over his preciously clean bathroom!" The squad leader gave a snort, and Erwin nodded, a sliver of a knowing smile on his lips. "But I'm all OK now. Though Levi is probably still traumatised."

"I am not, four eyes."

Hange put her hand to her mouth. "He so is."

Levi cut his eyes at her, and Erwin shook his head. He stood, taking his leave, wishing Hange better health before leaving the room with an empty tea cup and a humored expression.

The two were left in the room alone. The atmosphere suddenly thickened, and an awkwardness descended upon the pair, neither knowing what to say. Levi chanced a glance at the scientist, flashing his eyes away when they met her's.

"So, uh...Levi..." Hange let go of a breath she didn't know she was holding. The sound of her heartbeat was deafening in her chest, so when he didn't reply, she wasn't sure if he genuinely hadn't said anything or whether he was too quiet. She continued anyway.

"Ahh, um..." Hange gave a slight nervous laugh, scratching at her wild hair. Levi interrupted.

"You need to take a bath, four eyes. That hair's disgusting."

"It's not that bad, Levi." She protested but was silenced by Levi's long fingers enclosing her hand, pulling her to her feet.

"Yes it is. You're having one right now." Levi willed his cheeks to stop burning from his contact with her hand. He was a grown ass man. He needed to stop acting like a teenage boy. He needed to remain stoic. He needed to get a grip and get his act together.

If only his heart would fucking slow down.

Hange stumbled along behind Levi. Her hand was enraptured in his, and she was quite frankly on another planet. Her speech was next to illiterate and her tongue seemed to flail helplessly when she tried to speak.

"Ahhah, Levi..." She spluttered, tripping over her own feet. Levi strode on, silently and seemingly composed, though his head was a mess. He ignored the stares and mumbles from passing cadets. He ignored their giggles. He ignored their whispers of "Captain Levi...is holding Squad Leader Hange's hand?!" "Where's he leading her?"

He threw open the door to his quarters, slamming it behind him. Hange stood awkwardly, her arms wrapping around her body. She didn't quite know what to do with her hands. She didn't know where to look. Levi started the water in the bath, and popped his head round the door.

"Come on, four eyes, in you get." Hange gave another nervous laugh, her face burning beat red into her hands. She couldn't help but let giggles take over her body. Bending over in laughter, she snorted, tears filling her eyes. Levi stood, unsure what to do. He'd broken her?

He took a moment. He'd never seen her like this; it wasn't quite her usual laugh, was she...nervous? He wasn't sure. He didn't know. He was crap at this kind of thing. He'd never done this before. Levi walked up to her, taking her face into his cupped hand. Hange's laughter immediately stopped, her eyes now scanning his soul. She looked unsure too. So four eyes was crap at this too? Levi felt secretly relieved.

"Normally," Hange's voice was quiet and soft, their faces now inches apart. "I can read you Levi. I understand you, even though you can't express yourself through your words." She paused for a moment, as though searching for courage within herself.

"But I'm going to be frank. Ever since that kiss... I don't have a flipping clue what you're trying to say. Half of me says things are no different than before between us, the other..."

"I love you." Levi blurted out, and Hange's expression was photographic. She was speechless. She delved into his eyes, looking for any trace of one of his shitty jokes. She found nothing.

"Can you understand that?" Hange bit her lip, her eyes wide and doe-like. She nodded.

"You're disgusting, unkempt, annoying, loud, ridiculous and have the shittiest eyesight I have ever seen, but I love you, four eyes."

Levi took her cheeks in his hands and pressed his lips flush against Hange's. He didn't have a clue what he was doing. He purely followed his animal instincts, hoping it was right. Hoping that it pleased her. But it was OK, because she didn't have a clue either. He felt her lips move against his, and he gripped her head more desperately. He took the opportunity when her lips parted slightly to capture her more, his hot breath flaring from his nostrils. The brunette's arms slithered around his neck and melted into his shoulders. Their lips continued to rhythmically caress each other, until they finally withdrew, foreheads touching. Their eyes remained closed, as Hange caught her breath.

"Ahahh..." Hange giggled, top of the world. "That was better than any abnormal Titan you capture for me..." Levi rolled his eyes.

"For fucks sake, shitty glasses."

A/N: Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it, and that the characters weren't too OOC. Please drop me a review, I would most appreciate it.

UPDATE: Head over to my profile to vote for the next fanfic you would like me to write!