Hey guys LuLu here, and this is my first story of a sequel!

Please review and commentary will be approved,

I do not own Naruto, but I do own Matsui and other OC character.

Chapter 1: Found

It was a hot day in Suna, the desert village. Matsui Uzumi, is a jonin and on patrol, watching the village's outskirts. Matsui has dirty blond hair, with blue eyes. She wore long black pants with a white shirt, her Suna hitai-ite across her forehead. Matsui is in her early twenties. She looked around and found a little girl with bright red hair on the ground.

"Oh Kami." Matsui whispered and ran as fast as she could to the child. It took her a few minutes and arrived to see the child.

The girl was about four, had long red hair as bright as a tomato, up to her mid back. She had a slightly round face, with whisker marks on each side of her face; the child was covered in blood, sand, and weapons. She also wore ragged cloths. The child's skin was pale, and looked dead. Matsui checked her pulse, barley breathing. She picked up the little girl and ran to the village.

'Who would to this to a child.' Matsui thought while running to the Kazekage's tower.

She ran through the door. The Kazekage looked at her emotionless.

"Kazekage-Sama, please I found the child outside of the village. She needs help immediately." Pleaded Matsui. She bowed, showing her respect. The Kazekage's eyes widen, and looked at the child.

His mouth open, he couldn't believe it. He got off his seat and Matsui gave him the child. The Kazekage took the child into his arms and looked at her.

"Get the medics NOW!" He exclaimed. Matsui bowed and left. Quickly the medics arrived. They put her on the table and started to heal her. As soon as the critical wounds were healed the Kazekage picked her up and took her to the hospital as fast as he can.

But there was a little boy who was by his father's side with red hair as bright as the little girl's. He was the same age as her too. He had a seal on top of his head that meant ' Love '. The little boy's name was Gaara no' Sabaku. He followed his father all the way to the hospital. His father was the Kazekage.

' I wonder what happened to the girl.' thought Gaara.

They soon arrived to the hospital, in room 324, the left part of the wing. Matsui, the Kazekage, and Gaara left the room for them to operate. They sat down and looked at each other. Gaara was away from them, playing with his sand.

"Matsui-San, it seems you care about the girl." Commented the Kazekage.

"Yes, I do."

"Well, I would like you to take care of her but there is a problem, I saw." Matsui tilted her head to the right direction. He leaned down next to her ear.

"When I saw the medics healing her. There was a seal on her stomach. I knew that the Fourth Hokage couldn't kill the Nine Tails; their chakra is too strong. The seal, that seal, is a sealing jutsu for demon sealing. My guess is she is a jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails." Matsui and Gaara's eyes widen, in shock.

There was someone like him, who shared the same pain. Gaara too, was jinchuriki of the Ichibi. That's why everyone in the village hates him, or fears him.

'What have you too, been through?' thought Gaara curiously.

After a few minutes she looked back at the Kazekage.

"I don't care, I would like to take care of her anyway. Jinchuriki or not, I will watch over and take care of her." She felt warmth in her chest, after she said that. The Kazekage nodded, the door opened and doctors came out.

"How is she?" Asked Matsui, in worry for the child.

"She is stable, for now. She was lucky Kami was on her side." Said the doctor. He opened the door, to let them through. Gaara walked in to see the little girl. She was hooked up with IVs all over her, with a heart detector, to watch for her heartbeat. She was covered in bandages, her chest slower rising up and down. Her eyes were closed, her skin still pale, and she was still, too still.

When Matsui saw her, her blood went cold. The little girl looked dead, her breathing was slow. Matsui walked over to the bed and hugged her gently. She whispered in her ear.

"I'm so sorry my little one this happened to you. I promise you, from now on, I will protect you from them." Matsui stroked her red hair; tears fell and landed on the child's pale face.

"Please don't go. I already lost the love of my life, I can't loose you too. I promise to take good care of you. I know you're the jailer, and I don't care." Matsui whispered and put the girl down and kissed her head.

Gaara was staring at the girl.

'She's pretty. I wonder what happened. Why would they do anything to a pretty girl? Oh yeah, they think she is a demon too.' Thought Gaara sadden by the people.

The Kazekage sat down on one of the chairs; he too was staring at her. The girl looked oddly familiar.

'She reminds me of someone. The bright hair, the face, and the whiskers I still can't figure out. hmmm. Oh…My…Kami! She is The Ketsueki Maou (The Blood Devil) Kushina Uzumaki's daughter. Kushina was married to the Fourth Hokage which means...'

The Kazekage's eyes widen.

'She is the Fourth Hokage's daughter!' Finished the thought of the Kazekage. He vanished to The Kazekage's tower and started up a meeting.

After a few hours the girl started to stir, thanks to the Kyuubi, she can heal fast. She opened her eyes to see a bright light shining. Matsui ran towards the girl, and was about to hug her. Immediately the little red headed girl lifted her arms and protected her face.

"Please don't hurt me." She begged. She was waiting for pain but felt arms circling around her.

"You don't have to be scared anymore. I will protect you." Matsui declared, the girl started to cry letting all her emotions out. After a while, the girl pulled back.

"Who are you? Where am I? How did I get here?" The girl asked looking around.

"I'm Matsui Uzumi. I am your caretaker. You are in Suna, the hidden Sand village. I found you in the desert. Who are you?" The girl looked at her, memories came rushing in.

"I'm Naruko Uzumaki. I'm container of the Kyuubi. I'm from Konoha." Naruko said and looked down, a couple of tears fell down.

"WHAT! You walked all the way from Konoha, alone, and hurt?! You are lucky you managed to survive." Matsui said to Naruko. Naruko looked up to see a red headed boy, about her age.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Gaara no' Sabaku. I'm the container of the Ichibi." Said Gaara, Naruko looked at him with wide eyes.

"Do they, you know, treat you the same? Ignore your existence, abuse you, and call you names?" Naruko asked pleading that he say no.

"Yes and no, they won't even come near me because they are scared of me. Yes, they throw rocks, and hit me. Thanks to me being a jinchuriki, I have no friends." Gaara said looking down. Naruko touched his hand with hers; Gaara's eyes widen and looked at her.

"I'll be you friend. You are my first one too." Naruko said. She pulled the boy into a hug. She squeezed him tight, telling him he's not alone. Gaara slowly circled his arms around her. They let go and looked at each other. Suddenly, Naruko blushed.

'He's cute.' Naruko thought.

The thought soon disappeared. She just met this boy for Kami's sake!

"Naruko, what happened in Konoha that made you runaway?" Matsui asked.

She closed her eyes, tears came down, and was shaking uncontrollably.


It was a dark night that day in Konoha. It was October tenth, Naruko's birthday. Not only that but the day, the Fourth Hokage died, because the Kyuubi. Naruko is a prodigy; it didn't take long for her to know that the Fourth had sealed the Kyuubi in her. Why? That was her only question. Today she was thrown out of the orphanage while calling her names. Her eyes were hurting. Then, images came up; it was her being chased by a mob. She left those images be, thinking it was just her being paranoid.

She always hated her blue yes. Naruko didn't know what was wrong with them. Every time she has a vision like setting, it happens. Naruko always blames herself for the people's deaths. She could have changed it, but it was her fault they are gone.

Naruko was walking through the streets until, a bunch of people with torches and weapons started to chase her. They chanted, screamed and chased the poor little girl.

"Kill the Demon!"

"Let's finish what fourth started!"

"Kill the Kyuubi!"

"Just do us a favor and die!"

"You killed my wife and my brother!"

"We need to avenge for what we lost!"

"You're the demon of the village!"

"Stop running you little piece of shit!"

Naru was running for her life, from the villagers, even the Shinobi. They threw weapons at her, she ran out of the village that night, wounded. Naruko ran as far as her legs would take her. Tears ran down her face, she was crying from all the pain, loneliness, and hatred. Naruko just couldn't handle it anymore. She needed to get away, to be free from all of the pain. The four year old ran, and ran, until she dropped. The little red head was in the hot desert.

After ten days, without food and water, she found a village.

'I'm so close. Just need to walk…a…little…more.' Naruko thought and collapsed.

Flashback end-

"Dear Kami." Was all Matsui could say. Gaara looked at her with wide eyes and disbelief.

"I can understand if you want to stay away, I'm a demon." Naruko said not looking at them. Gaara held her hand.

"You're Naruko. Naruko Uzumaki. You're not the demon." Gaara said looking into her eyes.

Naruko starred at Gaara, with happiness, she smiled. Both got a warm feeling in their chest.

'What is this feeling?' They both thought in unison.

"Thank you." Was all she could say.

Then, the Kazekage walked in the room.

"Naruko Uzumaki Namikaze, the heir of the Namikaze and Uzumaki clans. It's a pleasure to meet you Uzumaki-Hime, or do you like Namikaze-Hime" The Kazekage said. Everyone's eyes widen.