One kiss at a time

By: Zombie angel

Chapter six: Gajeel, mother fucking, Redfox

I do not own Fairy Tail or any of the characters, except the name Siva, in this story, they are the work of Hiro Mashima, anyways, here is my first, proper, multi chapter story, hope you like it and don't forget to review :3 photo by an artist called Blanania.

Levy yawned, her eyes refusing to open and she snuggled up inside her blankets, she didn't want to get up yet, plus she could hear him wandering around, not quite sure what he was doing though. When it went quiet, the hairs on the back of her neck stood us and she opened her eyes, slowly, she slid her hand under the mattress, feeling around for the hilt of the knife. It skidded against the floor as her fingers brushed it and she tensed but there was no movement, she pulled it out from under the bed and whirled around, the blade touching his neck and he grinned.

"So you are awake, shorty... cause I'm getting hungry..." he said and she stared into his red eyes before remembering what he'd used on her the past times. She quickly looked away, not removing the knife as she glared at the blankets.

"Then why didn't you just feed while I was sleeping...?" She questioned and he made a disgusted noise as he removed the knife, sliding her hand away.

"Because I like it when you're awake, you fight, your blood is full of life..." he said and she huffed, he had such a strange way of explaining it that made her feel... excited and she blinked up at him for a split second before she yanked down the side of his green shirt. Exposing the skin of her neck, she hated having to give him blood but she didn't want someone else to do it, plus he specifically wanted her... she didn't know why, plus... she was beginning to almost... like it.

"Just get it over with..." she mumbled, her hazel eyes closing and turning away, her breath began to hitch as she felt his lips on her skin. His touch made her shiver and he chuckled as he held the side of her face, licking her up her neck to her jaw and she bit her lip. He began kissing her skin, softly, gently, deeply and she whimpered, why wouldn't he just bite her already? It was like he read her thoughts and she felt his teeth slide against her skin, cutting it gently and she hissed as it began to burn, his mouth opened wider, his fangs began to pierce her neck when someone burst into the room.

"Levy... it's, it's Siva... she, she's dead!" Lily yelled and Levy blinked up at him, Gajeel instantly set her free and she stood up abruptly.

"What... how, who... Zancrow...!?" She growled, she knew they couldn't trust him and Gajeel snarled as he stood up.

"Have Jellal and Cobra search the tunnels for him, me and you will take the surface, he won't have gone far, the sun is still up, grab your cloak!" Gajeel snapped and Lily ran out, gone within the blink of an eye. She was so angry with herself, of course he would do that, he looked like a caged animal, this was like a buffet for him, they had to find him... fast.

"I'm coming with you, the master will have already taken safety measures and gotten everyone into the hall and locked it off, the elites will handle him should he try to get to the civilians" Levy said and Gajeel stared down at her with a stern look.

"You are not, you don't know what Zancrow is like, he doesn't even drink people, he just kills them, I'm not putting you in harms way!" He snapped and she pouted angrily at him.

"I can take care of myself, I'm coming with you, how do I know this wasn't your plan all along!?" She argued and he opened his mouth then snapped it shut.

"Fine but you do not leave my side, I mean it!" He growled and she grinned triumphantly as he bent down, rummaging through his own bag as Levy walked over to her chest. She kept her back to him as she pulled out a black vest like top that had a long, black collar, much like a turtle neck only it stuck to her skin. Levy wasted no time in being self concious as she pluck off the now, slightly blood stained top and pulled the other over her head. She grabbed her crimson, denim shorts and a pair of black leggings, throwing them on quickly and she threw on her mid shin length, creamy boots. When she turned, Gajeel was gawking at her and she blushed but clapped her hands to capture his attention.

"We don't have time for your perverted tendencies, we have a rogue vampire to hunt!" She yelled at him and he blinked, covering his mouth as he coughed and she could see the slight blush that stained his cheeks.

"Y-yeah... sorry" he mumbled as he clasped a black cloak around his neck and she lead them both out, the guards were leading civilians towards the dinner hall, the opposite direction that Gajeel and Levy were pushing themselves towards. Levy dodged and forced her way threw the crowd towards the gates where Elfman would be, probably now with Lisanna, eventually they managed to pry themselves free of the panicking innocents and Levy gasped, feeling more than claustrophobic. She'd never felt so happy to see that rusty old gate with Elfman, Lisanna and Lily all stood by it, Elfman said nothing and Lisanna only smiled at her as they opened the gate and let the trio past. Her hazel eyes caught sight of Gajeels determined and seething face as they turned and twisted in the maze of tunnels before reaching the light. Lily and Gajeel both put there hoods up despite the fact that it was raining, the beats of rain drops echoed inside the tunnels and she took a deep breath before stepping out.

"He left... he's inside the city... his scent is still strong" Lily said and she yelped as Gajeel picked her up with one arm, grinning down at her as he held her to his solid chest, despite him being... undead, he was surprisingly warm.

"We'll move faster this way..." he smirked and Levy almost screamed at the sudden speed, it felt like she was on a motorbike going down the highway at top speed. She felt like she was going to puke as he set her down on solid ground and she bit back the urge to kiss the floor. Levy wiped away the droplets of water from her face and looked around, they were in the middle of the city that had been taken over by nature. The things she'd been told as sky scrapers were rotting and vines, moss, even some trees were growing through the concrete. It must have been beautiful when it was full of life... now it looked dead, the elements had worn it away and mother nature was creating a home inside the skeletal buildings, it sounded slightly... morbid but in the rain, in the pouring rain it looked... wondrous, she longed to explore it but with the vampires it was just to dangerous.

"I can only direct his scent from either north or east, we should split up to find him" Lily stated and Gajeel nodded in agreement.

"My and shorty will go east, you go north, if you find him... kill him!" Gajeel growled and Lily only grinned as if he had been waiting for such a moment before he dashed off and Levy trailed after Gajeel with a light jog. They said nothing as they waked, only listening, looking and in Gajeels case, smelling for the rogue vampire, nothing but the sound of the rain could be heard and the wind whistling through the buildings that creaked around them. There was a crack and Levy jumped as on of the buildings foundations collapsed, the ceiling falling through due to the weight of the water and Gajeel instantly held out his hands to shield her. "Stay close..., he's somewhere around here, I can smell him..." Gajeel said in a low voice and Levy nodded, grabbing his arm as they walked. Her heart was beating like a jack hammer in her chest, out of the fact that she was hunting a vampire with a vampire of because he attempted to save her, she was unsure.

"What will you do once we find him?" Levy asked out of curiosity and Gajeel looked down at her for a second with a ferocious look in his eyes.

"Kill him, I told him that should he back out, I'd kill him but he also killed one of yours after you took us in out of trust... he needs to die!" Gajeel snarled and she gulped at the sound of his voice.

"Oh, cap'n that hurts... they're only lowly humans after all... hehe!" She heard a happy and amused voice laugh from behind her and she whirled round to see Zancrow smirking behind them. His skin was smoking but not burning due to the sun not being out and he had blood stains all over his shirt and hands.

"You traitor, if you were only going to do this then why did you come!?" Gajeel snapped, moving Levy behind him and she glared over at the blond vampire.

"Cause they're humans, they should be gone, this is our world now and as far as I see it... your just like them..." Zancrow growled back and Levy gasped as she almost fell forward, Gajeel had ran at Zancrow so fast that she almost slipped and she watched as Gajeel slammed his fist square into Zancrows face. He catapulted backwards at the force, slamming into a building that collapsed under him, Levy almost couldn't keep up as the two began to fight, Zancrow returning every blow but with a sadistic grin. They were both on another level to the kind of vampires she was use to fighting, was this because they were from the shadow gang? She stood, watching in awe at their strength as rain beat down on her, soaking her completely but she was too preoccupied to care.

"Gajeel...!" Levy yelled as Zancrow picked up a huge, iron beam from near by rubble, Gajeel didn't have time to defend himself as Zancrow hit him with it, the way you would swing a golf club. Gajeel flew back with a groan, landing a couple of feet from Levy who scuttled toward him. Zancrow apparently had other plans and grabbed her by the scruff of the neck, lifting her up as he stomped on Gajeels chest, the iron beam high in the air.

"Sorry, cap'n but weak vampires like you don't belong in this world!" The blond growled out and Levy yelled as she scratched at his hands, punching and kicking him but it was like a bug to a giant. "Don't worry little blue, once he's dead, I'll kill you too hehe!" He laughed and Levy stared down at Gajeel, he was looking up at her, puffed out and weak, that's right, he hadn't had time to feed from her. She had to think fast as Zancrow savoured the moment of power over his superior. Without a second thought the thrust her wrist in front of Zancrow, making him growl and she screamed as he bit her out of annoyance. His bite didn't burn like Gajeels did, his felt like someone was slowly trying to cut away her hand, making tears stream down her face as she ripped her arm away. He had no time to notice what was going on as she hovered her hand over Gajeels mouth and the droplets of blood touched his lips. His eyes began glowing with anger and hatred as he licked his lips and opened his mouth, taking in more of her blood until he had enough strength to grab Zancrows leg. Zancrow blinked in shock and screamed as Gajeel twisted his leg until there was a profound crack that made Levy want to gag. The blond vampire dropped her and she yelled as she landed on her knees and stared up at Gajeel who had discarded his cloak, his skin was smoking as he glared down at Zancrow.

"How dare you touch her...!" He growled in the most dark and deep voice that she shivered and Zancrow hissed as he stared up at Gajeel.

"She's a fucking human... she isn't worthy of life, none of them are!" Zancrow yelled back, his crimson eyes full of confusion and rage as Gajeel picked him up by his throat.

"And who are you to say so... who is Zeref to say so, you do not get to dictate who lives and dies... not any more!?" Gajeel snapped crushing Zancrows windpipe as Levy looked on in horror at the drawn out violence. Lily came running down the street and in a second was at Levys side, she flinched as he took her bitten wrist in his hand as inspected it.

"Wh-who... are you... to... say... we can't!?" Zancrow argued and Gajeel smirked evilly as he thrust his hand into the blonds chest. Levys eyes widened as blood came thrusting from his back and Gajeels hand appeared, clutching his white, dead heart.

"I'm Gajeel, mother fucking, Redfox, captain of the Phantom platoons Shadow gang and Zerefs first turned... cunt, don't you fucking forget it!" He smirked and pulled the heart out as he dropped Zancrow who began gasping and smoke was coming from his eyes and mouth. He began screaming as his flesh blistered and burnt until it exploded and Levy flinched, she felt so sickened, so... so happy.

"Wow... captain... that was... brutal and badass...!" Lily laughed and Gajeel picked up his cloak as he grinned and nodded, Levy was completely speechless and she watched, unable to say a word as Gajeel bent down an inspected her wrist.

"He only broke the skin, you're not going to die, lets get back and tell the master..." he said and Levy only nodded as he picked her up, bridal style this time and within about three second they were at the entrance of the sewers again.

"W-wait... Lily, you go on ahead... I need to speak with Gajeel..." she squeaked and Lily turned with a curious brow raise but did as she asked as Gajeel put her down. When she looked back up at Gajeel he had a nervous look in his red eyes and she stood up on her tip toes, her hand touching his cheek. She could only just reach his jaw and placed a gentle kiss on it before smiling up at his shocked and blushing face. "Thank you..." she whispered and headed inside, leaving him confused and slightly dazed at the entrance before he smiled and followed her...