Prompt: Dipper pretends to be a girl so Mabel can have him model her 'identical twin girls' clothes line and gets a blonde's attention.

For context: Mabel, Dipper, and Bill are all adults in this AU (and Bill is Human), Mabel is an established fashion designer, and Bill is a fashion magazine photographer.

Warning: Mild inappropriate flirting/humor but nothing graphic.

"I am not wearing this!" Dipper shouted at his sister from behind the black curtain he was standing behind.

Mabel turned away from her dressing table mirror and sighed dramatically. "Oh come on, Dipper, it's just for a few pictures."

"And I look ridiculous!" He stuck his head out from behind the curtain and glared at her.

"Put the wig on, let me do your makeup, and get over it!" She shouted back, "I only need 3 pictures of a few of my outfits and we're done."

Dipper pulled his head back into the curtain and groaned loudly. "You couldn't have found some actual identical twin girls to model your clothing line? Or just photo-shopped it like everyone else?!"

She swiveled her head around again and hissed, "Dipper! I swear if you do this for me I will give you half of the profit from my line."

There was silence for a moment, a heavy sigh, and the sound of the curtain sliding open. "Fine. Happy?"

Mabel squealed, jumping from her seat. "You look so cute! Just like an actual girl!"

Dipper rolled his eyes and stepped past her. Half-tripping and half-sitting down in her chair as he nearly rolled an ankle in his heels. He looked in the mirror and brushed the bangs of his long, brown wig out of his face. He raised his eyebrows in surprise and through the long ponytail over his shoulder. If he was someone who didn't know the Pines twins, he would've thought they looked strikingly similar. "Are you sure about this?" He said apprehensively, pulling at the lacy collar of the powder blue dress Mabel had forced him into.

"I'm always sure," she grabbed his chin and turned him towards her, "now, if you sit still this will only take a second." A few minutes later, with minimal squirming, and a little bit of eyelash glue in his left eye, Dipper was finally allowed to move. "There!" Mabel cried, "You look perfect! Let's go, he'll be here any minute."

Mabel grabbed him by the hand and pulled him after her down the hallway towards the room where they were doing their photo shoot. "Slow down would'ya?" Dipper asked, nearly rolling his ankle again as they walked. "Is 'he' that new photographer you were going on and on about?"

"Yes! You'll love him, I met him at a runway show a few weeks ago and he agreed to help me with this shoot." She released his hand as they reached the door and she pushed it open. "Ah! He's here!"

A tall, blonde, rather attractive man wearing a black button-up and skinny jeans looked up from his phone as the door opened, "Mabel! It's good to see you again." He hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek as he greeted her. "So this is one of the outfits for the new line you were telling me about?" He looked her up and down and she twirled in place, giving him a bright smile.

Dipper walked up next to her, his arms crossed across his chest and a mildly sour look on his face. "Dipper," Mabel grabbed him by the upper arm and pulled him closer, "this is Bill Cipher, the photographer I was telling you about!"

"Ah, Mabel, I didn't know you had such a pretty sister?" Bill looked Dipper up and down a few times before turning back to Mabel.

Dipper covered his face and sighed, causing Mabel to giggle. "Oh yes," she stifled her laughter for a moment, "and since we're identical, I take that as a compliment."

"Oh shut up, Mabel," Dipper looked up from his hands and glared at her. He turned back to Bill who had a bemused smile on his face, "I'm her twin brother, she's just being stupid."

Ah, I see," Bill glanced him up and down again before giving him a sly smile, "you still look very dashing in that dress, if I do say so myself."

"Are we ready?" Mabel stifled the remainder of her laughter and started to walk over towards where the lights and background sets were placed.

Dipper took a few steps after her before, predictably, tripping again. Bill put out his arms and caught Dipper easily by the waist, before helping him upright with a smile. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, yes, I'm fine, thank you." Dipper pulled off his shoes and continued to walk, noticing that Bill had kept his hand on the small of his back but not thinking much of it. "These shoes are stupid. I don't understand how girls wear these."

"They do make your legs look nice, though," Bill mumbled as they walked.

Dipper took a moment to process that comment, "What?"

"Oh nothing," Bill spoke a little louder this time, "I can make all of your poses sitting down if you'd like?"

"Better just let Mabel decide it, the sooner I let her have her way the sooner I can take this outfit off," Dipper grumbled. Dipper swore he heard Bill say something along the lines of, "I can help you with that," under his breath. He was about to comment on it, but Mabel cut him off by telling him where he should stand.

Dipper did as he was told, putting his shoes back on and standing where she'd indicated, noting the mildly pleased look that crossed Bill's face.

"Alright Bill," she put her hands on her hips and bounced up on her toes, "what should we do?"

Bill's eyes flickered between the twins momentarily before stepping forward and moving them into position. He had Mabel standing, one hand on her hip and her other hand resting on Dipper's shoulder the latter of whom was knelt down on the ground.

"There, hold that for just a moment," Bill said, backing away hand holding up his camera. He snapped a few before stepping forwards and moving them again. They went on for a while like that - pose, picture, pose, picture, rinse, wash, repeat.

"Okay, next outfit!" Mabel said excitedly. "While we take a few solo pictures of me, Dipper can change. It's the sparkly one, Dipper!" Mabel called to her brother as he walked back out into the hallway and towards the dressing room. "And don't forget the socks!"

"I swear," Dipper grumbled aloud, "she's going to be the death of me someday." He walked into the dressing room and shed the blue dress as quickly as he could. He glanced up and down the clothing rack before finding the sparkling dress she'd been referring to. He sighed before slipping it on and fastening it. He turned to look at himself in the mirror. "Hm. Not too bad I guess. At least it's not pink."

He turned a few more times in front of the mirror. He was wearing a black, sequined, halter-neck cocktail dress with see-through paneling along the sides. It was a little short for Dipper's taste, but he wasn't exactly the target audience.

He sat down in the makeup table chair and grabbed the black thigh-high sheer socks from the table. He put them on and slid the black platform heels onto his feet. He stood up and wobbled a little before steadying himself, then swapped his wig with a different wig that was long and curled. He did one more turn in front of the mirror before walking back into the hallway. As he walked he nearly ran into Mabel who was skipping down the hallway towards the dressing room.

"Oh my goodness you look so cute!" Mabel squealed at him.

"Did I forget anything?" Dipper did a half-turn allowing Mabel to inspect him.

"Oh! Hold on just a second!" Mabel dashed into the fitting room and back out again holding a tube of scarlet red lipstick in her hand. "Just hold still." Dipper did his best not to move as Mabel swiped the color across his lips. "Perfect!" Mabel spun him around and gave him a hard shove down the hallway. "Now scoot!"

"Alright, alright," Dipper sighed. He walked down the hallway, using the wall for support on his way, until he was back in the studio room with the lights and backgrounds. "Okay, I'm back. What are we doing now?"

Bill looked up from his cell phone and his eyes widened when he saw Dipper. "Oh... wow."

"Yeah, I know." Dipper rolled his eyes and walked over to him. "I look ridiculous. Just take the pictures and get it over with."

Bill didn't move from where he was standing. Instead he was looking Dipper up and down very slowly with an appreciative look.

Dipper placed one hand on his hip and snapped the fingers on his other hand in Bill's face. "Uh, Hello? You in there?"

Bill shook his head quickly and shoved his phone into his pocket. "Yes, yes, sorry." He turned and started to walk towards one of the background sets. He tilted his head as said over his shoulder, "I was just... admiring."

"Admiring?" Dipper questioned as he followed behind. "So he is coming on to me then." He thought.

Bill gestured towards one of the sets, indicating he wanted Dipper to stand in front of it. He flashed him a bright smile and glanced him up and down once more. "Oh yes. That's a very good look for you. You should wear thigh-highs more often."

Dipper did his best to hide an embarrassed blush beneath his hand. "Uh, thank you. I think?" He tossed some strands of the long wig over her shoulder. "I don't think I have many occasions where I could wear them though."

"I can think of a few," Bill shrugged. He held the camera up to his eye and looked through it. "Go ahead and sit there with your legs crossed, and sit at an angle if you can."

"Occasions like what?" Dipper laughed. He sat down in the ornate white chair in the way Bill had instructed him to.

"There just like that. Now, look to my left and don't smile." Bill snapped a few pictures and answered as he looked through them. "Depends, are you doing anything after this?"

Dipper glanced towards the door to see if Mabel was back yet. He looked back and gave Bill a coy smile as he shifted in his seat. "That depends on what you're doing after this."

Bill looked taken aback for a moment before recovering quickly with a smile of his own. "How would you feel about letting me take you out for a drink?"

"As long as you don't expect me to wear this," Dipper rolled his eyes and gestured to himself.

At that moment Mabel came back in through the door wearing a new outfit. Bill stepped closer and whispered into his ear, "you wouldn't be wearing anything for too long if I had a say in the matter."

"Hey Dipper, this is the last outfit I need pictures of for today. You can change if you're finished with this set," Mabel called over Bill's shoulder as she approached.

Bill instantly straightened up and turned to her. "Oh, I think we've got enough for now. But I need to use the restroom before we take the rest. Dipper, would you mid showing me where it is?"

"Wha-? Oh! Of course!" Dipper shook his head and stood up quickly with an embarrassed blush staining his cheeks the same color as his lipstick. "It's just out this way." Dipper started to walk towards the door with Bill in tow. He wasn't paying much attention to his feet so he nearly fell flat every couple of steps. He could hear the sound of muted snickers behind him. When they were out in the hallway he commented on it. "What's so funny."

"Oh, nothing," Bill responded as he took a step to be even with Dipper.

"Well, the bathroom is that way." Dipper pointed down an adjacent hallway on his right.

Bill looked in the direction Dipper had pointed and back again. "And, which way is your dressing room?"

Dipper raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms across his chest. "Why do you want to know?"

"Do you not want help with that zipper?" Bill placed a hand on the small of Dipper's back and started to guide them down the hallway.

Dipper walked along side him, thankful for the steadying hand. "I think I can handle it." When they reached the dressing room Dipper slammed his hand onto the door next to Bill's head. "But..." He looked down towards his feet and took hold of the door knob. "These socks are a different story."

"Well then," Bill took hold of Dipper's hand and yanked him into the dressing room, "I think I can help with that."

And you can imagine what comes next ;)

I hope you enjoyed! Please leave a review or PM with prompts!