"Anto. Someone is fucking with me. With me. On my station. Explain."

She sat as she usually did on her private throne in Afterlife. Slightly slouched and her arms spread out across the top of the seat, from a distance it would look as though nothing was wrong. Up close however, and it was impossible to miss the irritation on her face.

And she had every reason to be irritated.

Omega's people were used to death, extortion, and the general chaos that came with being the center of crime in all the Terminus. But this was something very new. Wide-scale death and terror had ended when she took over Omega. Aria didn't tolerate mindless destruction. It hurt profits.

But this?

Deaths. Disappearances. First a few, then dozens. The hundredth person had disappeared two days ago. Sometimes there would be bodies left behind; attacked and mauled by some animal. But most simply vanished. The entire station knew what was happening and it was pushing Omega as a whole into panic.

"We have men looking into it. Hired some private detectives to help figure out who and what exactly. They're down at the warehouses and docking stations where it's been happening most. Paid some mercs to be muscle in case the bastards come out shooting."

Aria didn't look impressed or relieved by Anto's words. Her expression didn't change.

"Omega is mine. That someone is willing to take action like this means I haven't made enough examples. It also means we've missed a threat. I want to know why and I want to know how." Her voice held no room for compromise.

'Speaking of examples...' Her brow arched. "Has Patriarch been found?"

Anto shook his head. "No. We know he received a shipment from another krogan shortly before disappearing. Gatatog something or other. We are... almost certain he was the first to disappear." He cringed at Aria's scowl. "It's... possible they targeted him as a challenge to you. That's what some of the investigators are thinking."

Aria looked over to a nearby vid-screen, the headline catching her eye. The turians were in a panic over something. Apparently a new race had been found on the edge of their territory. It didn't matter to her. Unless they were an abnormal species like the hanar she'd be seeing them soon enough.

But she had a feeling. The turians were being unusually quiet about word coming and going from that region. There were no fleet mobilizations so war didn't seem to be inbound. The galaxy as a whole was waiting for 'official announcements' over what happened.

Aria snorted. While the galaxy waited, she had learned.

The turians had mobilized Blackwatch. And one of her contacts on Sur'kesh confirmed the STG was throwing a truly epic tantrum over something. She'd have to find out more later. She needed to know if she wanted to maintain power influence. But the situation on Omega required her immediate focus.

She put her attention back on her second in command. "Someone has broken my one rule. So someone is going to get broken."

The chattering sound of gunfire had stopped. Around him lay the bodies of over a dozen mercenaries and investigators. Many more had been pulled into the ventillation shafts and the darkness.

The lights overhead flickered intermittently.

Between the slashed and mangled corpses were the steaming chunks of some of their attackers. The fresh blood was still melting the metal floor.

The salarian had been nimble enough to avoid the incoming animals, positioning himself behind others and allowing him time to aim and fire as the things had killed everyone. He was the only one left.

He stood in the very center of the warehouse. There were no shafts to come out of, no columns or doors to hide behind, and his eyes danced across the distant ceiling and walls constantly.

He didn't have a radio. He knew some of the others had gotten quick messages out, but he didn't know when reinforcements were coming. If they were coming. He glanced at the nearest aircar. It's door was still open. It had been the last car to arrive just minutes before hell had come upon them all.

"Okay. No problem." His voice echoed in the cavernous, motionless room.

He walked slowly towards the car, spinning as he moved so his eyes covered all of the surrounding.

20 meters. Nothing.

He picked up his pace. 10 meters. He was getting disoriented from turning.

'Almost there.'

A long hiss caught his attention. He spun around with his pistol ready and froze. At the far side of the warehouse, in the doorway to an adjoining office, was one of the things.

It was hunched on all fours. In the darkness of the office, he could barely make out it's elongated head swooping backwards and it's tail swishing gently.

It took a single step forwards so it's head was in the light of the warehouse. It's lips pulled backwards in a soundless snarl and a steady stream of drool made it's way down to the floor.

He paused for only a moment, he couldn't help but stare at one of these monsters. He blinked and shook his head. Then slowly walked backwards towards the car.

Still facing the animal, he got into the driver's seat and hit the button. The door slid shut. A few moments of fumbling later and he had the engine started. He didn't allow his eyes to leave the black beast still lurking in the shadowy doorway.

The car lifted upwards, away from the animal's reach. He exhaled and slumped against the seat. He reached over and fumbled for the radio's microphone. He grimaced and pulled his hand away.

Thick strands of saliva were draped between his fingers and the mic.

AN: A 2-part plot bunny I wrote a while back. I half-forgot about it and never posted it here. Oops.

Second part is much longer and will be posted soon.