I do not own NCIS or any of the characters


It had been only a dew days since she signed her life over to Gibbs or thats how it seemed, she didn't regret her decision to stay with him… she could tell that he really cared. he was awfully strict but he could be funny sometimes. she lay on her bed running the entire days events through her head. the sinking feeling in her stomach increasing by the minute. she thought back…


"Gibbs i want to go see abby! she's suppose to teach me new things today! this is not fair! i don't want to stay here with …" shooting the Israeli woman a look of disgust " her" glaring dagger only to have her chin roughly brought back to looking at Gibbs his finger giving a gentle warning squeeze to her cheeks before releasing her face.

" You will sit at this desk you will behave yourself, do not make me repeat it again" he quietly barked pressing the girls shoulders until she was seated. " you may go and see abby when am finished with my meeting with the director"

" How long will that be.." a tint of hopefulness in her voice

" A few hours" he answered simply.. turning on his heal and half running up the stairs.

Grumbling to herself she twirled in the chair she didn't know why she disliked Ziva but she wasn't going to think of reasons either. fiddling with her phone she was getting bored and fast. she was 14 years old! was was she forced to sit here like a baby and wait.

standing up she looked over at Ziva who was now looking back at her " Im going to the bathroom" Growling low to herself when she noticed Ziva following her " Im a big girl i can go by myself"

" Ah I think it is best if I accompany you" still following the girl who's expression was deadly

" Fine , whatever" walking in to the bathroom she was thankful that she wasn't followed all the way. Running a hand across her brow she took a deep breath, she was not used to being under constant supervision and quiet frankly she was getting tired of it really fast. doing everything she needed to do in the bathroom she walked out in the opposite direction of Gibbs desk.

" Ah.. Dakota.. you are heading in the wrong direction"

" Im going for a walk" she snarled her temper picking up speed

" I do not think that to be wise, Gibbs said to stay seated at his desk" the agent followed the girl getting annoyed at her lack of respect she had tried to be very nice to her but nothing seemed to work. she wasn't usually one who let other trample over her, but she was getting to her breaking point.

" I dont care just leave me the fuck alone.. I don't know what part you don't get" what happened next nobody expected, it happened so fast. This fiery agent reached out and grabbed the girls arm.. fully planning on escorting her back to Gibbs desk. what she wasn't expecting was the Loud slap and burning sensation across her cheek. reaching up to brush her fingers across her cheek she stood absolutely stunned

Dakota stood there.. stunned herself eyes wide contemplating what she had just done. she jumped suddenly as her name was yelled from the direction of the bullpen

"DAKOTA!" Tony practically ran over grabbing the girl by the arm and just looking at her.. unsure of what exactly to say. instead to silently led her back to Gibbs desk and sat her down. " Ziva?"

" I am fine Tony" she nodded

" I..I didn't…it was.." Dakota stuttered over her own words

" Quiet" barked the senior field agent dismissing any attempt to justify her actions.

swallowing hard she yanked on her fingers and chewed her bottom lip hard… she was in trouble. " Are you gonna tell Gibbs" he quickly spewed out

" Tell Gibbs what?" Asked a very familiar voice walking in to the bullpen….Gibbs

Everyone was silent watching Gibbs look from person to person.. " Tell Gibbs what" he repeated in his.. i better hear an answer now tone.

"There was uh.. a little incident" Tony spoke first

" Im fine Gibbs" Ziva spoke quickly watching the man walk towards her and grab her face in his hand.

" What happened" he spoke gruffly running a finger down the large red imprint. the only answer he received was Dakota squeak out " I…Im sorry"

Taking a deep breath the man tried to stay calm, which was proving to be very difficult he spun of the girl, looking absolutely terrified at his desk. " Get up" he barked loudly Making it over to the girl in just a few strides takes her by the upper arm non to gently and dragging her off in the direction of the interrogation room.

Her mind was racing and her heart beating so fast she thought it may explode from her chest she didn't dare try and pull away. but suddenly they stopped, she watched as he reached in to his pocket and took out his phone that was ringing loudly.

" Special Agent Gibbs" he barked in to the phone only to slam it shut less that an minute later. " Dead marine, gear up" dragging the girl now in the opposite direction he pressed the button to the elevator and waited for the doors to open. once they were inside he slammed down the emergency stop switch and rounded on the girl.

" You better have a good reason for assaulting a federal agent" he grabbed her chin so that she was looking at him and not the floor

" I.. she..I don't need a babysitter" as soon as it left her lips she knew that it was definitely the wrong thing to say and before she could utter another word she found herself spun around and bent over. gasping and yelping as three very solid smacks landed on her backside.

He lifted the girl up from her bent over position, he had no words and he knew he couldn't deal with her behaviour right now as they had a case. smacking the emergency stop button again so that they would keep moving, once the doors where open he led the girl out and down the hallway to abby's lab by the small of her back. without saying anything he marched her over to the corner of the room and planted her nose firmly against it. " You will not move from the spot for the next 20 minutes if you even think about disobeying me your punishment tonight will be much much worse then it already will be, abby will tell you when to come out, we clear?" Nodding her head she pressed her forehead against the cold wall only to grit her teeth hard as another stunning smack connected with her bottom.

" I can't hear a nod young lady, speak" he barked

" Yes I understand" she whispered in to the wall, face crimson with embarrassment. she heard him spin around on his heal and the elevator ding. she resisted the urge to reach back and rub the sting. Her stomach dropped at the words Gibbs had spoke.. Her punishment for tonight? wasn't she just punished? she gnawed on her bottom lip nervously.


Storming out to the cars where him and his team usually met he shook his head seeing all three of his agents standing around chatting with one another he had just gotten close enough to hear what they were talking about and he was not thrilled.

" How'd it feel to be had by a kid Ziiivaaa" chuckled Tony. the only response was a strong glare from the female agent and a sharp smack to the back of the head.

" Don't go there, DiNozzo" he barked grabbing the keys out of the younger mans hand " David, your with me, Mcgee go with Tony" getting in to the car he waited for Ziva before driving off. he noticed she was nervous and was glad most of the red from her cheek had vanished leaving just a slight pink glow. he looked over to her and raised an eyebrow " Explain."

" Gibbs it was nothing" she assured waving her hand and turning to look at him, but her answer quickly changed when she saw the look on his face. " I she was not listening and was walking off even after i told her she was going the wrong way… she uh said she did not care and to leave her alone, i went to grab her arm to escort her back to your desk…when well…you know the rest" he said nothing but nod his head and continue driving.


"Uh Dakota, Gibbs just called and said you can come out now" the gothic scientist stuttered feeling slightly awkward.

Dakota nodded and walked out, walking over to where Abby was standing she let her head fall on the desk with a thunk " I messed up"

" Erm well ill say.. i haven't seen Gibbs look this mad sin-" noticing the unappreciative look on the childs face she chose her words better " …. I mean .. uh I'm sure its not as bad as it seems… what did you do?"

" Its bad Abby really bad" the shook her head forehead still pressed tightly against the cool table top.

" Oh come on how bad could it really be" the bat girl waves it off, but still nudged the teens shoulder

" I….* sigh* I slapped Ziva… across the face" She started at Abby hoping to get some relief out of her facial expression but all she was left with was her gut flipping sickly. " What! why did you make that face!"

Abby tried to change the expression she was wearing but found it very difficult " I… I sorry …. I why would you do that!"

" No no no no, tell me why you made that face!" Dakota cried flinging her arms up in the air

" I… did that before…." Dakota could barely make out what the Woman had whispered but got the gist

" Was he really mad? what did he do? " Dakota rushed for answers, hopefully some telling her some good news.

Abby just shook her head " It was bad…. it was so bad… Gibbs firmly does not believe in family assaulting family… and this team INCLUDING you are all family"

" so you got yelled at?" the teen asked

" No Gibbs tries not to yell much, but i need get one heck of a arse whooping though" Abby reaches back to rub at her skirt clad bottom.. " I can still feel it sometimes" Looking down at the girl who now had a terrified expression on her face " But he may not do that to you!… i mean i don't know … i mean.. uhh * DING* ohhhh look my machine is ready" the lab bat rushed over to do her work

Dakota flopped in the spinny chair contemplating her future, She was doomed


A knock at her bedroom door awoke her from her day dreaming. she wanted to pretend to be asleep but knew shed have to face Gibbs at some point " um.. come in" she sat up in to a cross legged position, as he walked in she studied his face, he didn't look angry when he sat own on the edge of her bed, but he did wave her over and infant of his with his finger standing in front of him she played with her own fingers and looked down at the floor, which didn't last long because he pulled her fingers apart and lifted her chin with his hand.

" Explain" is all he gruffly said , steal blue eyes staring in to her soul.

" I.. i…just needed some space.. I guess i took it to far" she practically whispered

" You guess do ya?" he barked

Her face flushed red and she squirmed " I know i took it to far, she just made me so angry, I'm not a kid! she.. she.. she" she blinked realizing that she was working herself up again, her hands in fists.

" First of all, you are a kid 14 is not an adult you are barley a teenager. Secondly I believe we talked about respect and how you are to treat my team. Now for some reason you didn't take my threat seriously because not only did you disrespect my team you disrespected me by going against my rules. And on top of it you assaulted a federal agent." his voice raised with every word and he knew the girl had been through a lot so he lowered it considerably. " Now I'm not letting this go, I've given you ample chances and yet you still continue to push and push, i have reached the limit and you Little girl are about to find out what happens to disrespect young ladies."

" I.. i wh_" Before the words left her mouth she found her pyjama clad self over a pair of strong knees. " What are you doing! no! let me go!" she struggled and kicked to no avail. Gibbs had wrapped his left arm around her torso to hold her steady.

" Tell me why you are about to get this spanking Dakota" he barked gruffly

" Im not! let me go now!" he kicks her legs and tried her hardest to get away

He sighed and lifted his hand letting it Whack against the small bottom in front of him 6 times

" Wrong answer, Try again" hearing her gasp and still quickly he felt the need to remind her " Dakota i will never abuse you i will never hurt you the way others have, but I am a firm believer in naughty little girls getting a good butt warming if need be, now tell me why You are getting this spanking"

With a shaky voice she managed to mutter out " Because I hit Ziva" she gasped and cried out as 6 more swats rapidly assaulted her behind.

" Keep going" he said

" I.. because i was disrespectful" crying out again as another 6 swats landed on the now tender flesh.

"Good, and now you are being punished" With that he began raining swats after swat…whack after whack on the up turned bottom in front of him, not letting up for a single second. she was squirming and wiggling to no avail he hand a strong grip on her, and didn't plan on letting up any time soon, she was going to learn, and with that his swats got harder

" Ahhh! Gibbs! it hurts! stop!" The teen yelled and grabbed at the floor in front of her her legs where now quickly widely but were easily pinned down under his right leg. " noon! arggg! Gibbs owwwwwwww" Tears threatened to spill from her eyes but she was determined not to cry. instead she reacted the only way she knew how… with violence

He stopped… " Did you just bite me?" he stood her up quickly

" I… im sorry" she whimpered eyes wide seeing the anger in his.

" Pull down your pants" he barked loudly

" I.. what… no! why!" she took a step back

" Id i have to do it for you I will go and find a wooden spoon and we can finish this off using that " She slowly lowered her pants and as quickly as she was up she was back over his lap and the swats continues in a rapid pace

" Ahh! owwww owwww owwwy! it hurts gibbs" she couldn't believe how much this hurt tears dripped down her face as she was unable to hold them in any longer

" Its a spanking Dakota , that is the point" His hand rained down harder and harder, he knew she wasn't going to last long now. " you will think twice about assaulting anyone"

" I will!" she cried openly now her hands fisted in the blankets of her bed and her body shaking but the swats kept coming

" I know you will, because if it ever and i mean ever happened again we will be back here and i will be using the wooden spoon" the bottom in front of him was a deep crimson colour and sobs wracked the young body.

" I… * hic* wont do it * hic* again!, please * hic* no more" she tried to talk through sobs but its sounded like a big hiccuping mess

landing the last few swats on the Very red bottom he stood her up and yanked up her pants, he didn't miss the hiss she gave as they rubbed against the swore flesh. " You better behave little girl" with that he pulled the still sobbing her in to his arms for a hug, she fell in to the caring hold and her emotions got the best of her she slowly drifted off to sleep in his arms.