A/N: Sorry it has been so long. This gets a lot more steamy, sorry to my younger readers if this makes you squeamish. I hope you can forgive me. But for the rest of you sexually deprived ingrates, here you go some tasteful Ergo Proxy lovin' for your eyes to see. Will try to update more on this in the future.

She lay flat, awoken only just by the shuffling of blankets on the ground beside her. She tracked the time with breaths and surmised an hour had passed at most since they settled in to sleep. She felt restless and thought-scorned, watching the ceiling only to avoid the curling shudder in her stomach had she decided to twist in his direction to watch him sleep. It was a courtesy to herself as much as a kindness to him but part of her neck burned and the time ticked slower and slower she thought of his masked face nuzzled at her neck in violent abrasions as if to wake a proxy in herself. She breathed slow to keep the flames at the base of her throat tame but her fingers found the stiff mattress and gripped tighter the more he tousled in his bedding

Vincent was not asleep. He faced away, fooling her with open eyes of his false slumber, but more guiltily he found himself tortured by the vision of her meekly beneath him again, bitten and brazen with fallen straps and heavy breaths that urged him forward. Re-l was more than physical appeal, but he couldn't help but to wonder what voice would leave her if he pulled her into the covers with him for the night. The heat of the night's events still coursed in his blood from his head to his chest and otherwise, and he sheepishly kept his breath calm just to hear her own tired exhales.

Re-l glanced over when she had heard no movement from him and found herself careless to not look away. He had rolled back onto his back but kept his head turned away, leaving her only the view of his jawline from the side, his neck stretched and bared to her as if in utter surrender, one hand clenched at his head while one rested softly on his chest, undershirt hiked up above the blanket line with skin open to touch. Her grip on the bed loosened as she formulated her wants. Fear prickled her skin. In a slow, meticulous way that he could hear but dared not notice, Re-l lifted herself upward, twisting her legs over the bed as she touched toe to metal at the edge of his bedding. He stopped breathing the moment he felt the blankets shift beside him as she entered into his blankets and he could resist not looking at her for only so long. By the touch of her arms and chest to his arm, he jerked his attention to her nestling form as her eyes fell closed and reopened unfocused several times before admitting her intentions plainly to him with a concentrated stare into his eyes.

Vincent rose slightly on his arm to turn toward her, staring at her mouth with all movements focused. She drew her neck to arch toward him. He wasted no time cupping her cheek and nape, hoping to hold her there as he shuffled closer and crushed her. She snapped her hand up to grip his wrist helplessly as he pulled her upward roughly moving against her splayed lips in bruising fashion. She melted as his position shifted above her and his free hand worked to press her stomach to his hip. Re-l arched her back to aid him, trying out this new closeness only to find him losing his quiet nature entirely as he loudly repelled from her mouth to jaw and neck and collarbone to take in the tastes and smells of a woman once believed to be untouchable.

Much to his heart pattering her throat vibrated in such music that made his shoulders tense and stiffen. He kissed her in hungry bites that she responded to with vivacious energy and serpentine movements against his body busily pressing her as far into the floor as she could go. His eyes met hers as he parted for a moment to reposition her head by gripping her hair at the root and tugging back softly the blanket fell around his thighs as he raised up above her and examined her closely. His eyes clouded over in a satisfying way as he kept eye contact while his expression darkened and his thumb stroked her cheek in the most loving way he could manage so raw in heated sexual energy, and for once she felt his delicate treatment was warranted for she feared had he continued at the pace he had set she may be torn to pieces. Still, she wished for more.

"You look beautiful," he whispered huskily, unaware of the weight he had begun to press into her. He leaned down to kiss her on the cheek and eyes before she jerked on her own to find his lips again. He obliged with no sparing as he bore his armed beneath her and crushed her chest against her hoping to consume her. Her hands tangled in his hair and shoulders as she groaned when he finally wiggled her legs apart and flattened himself against her. She began to reach for the edges of his shirt and his hands traversed the expanse of her stomach. He bit her lip when his hand slip over the left of her bosom and the rest of her body was pulled up onto his lap. What was lying down shifted to her straddling him and part of her hid her face in his chest while another part of her moved in momentum to the kneading of her breasts. She let her head roll back when he held her steady to kiss her soft bits in the valley between. Re-l wrapped her arms at his waist and tugged at his shirt in hopes he would remove the cloth barrier, to which he stripped it away.

Re-l felt the rigid muscle of his chest and shuddered to think of the rest that had yet to be revealed. He looked fearless touching her in ways that made her tingle and sigh. She felt timid but still squirmed against him, clawing now at his nape and shoulders as he bit into her shoulder and neck, softer than she dreamed of but just as sudden and needing. He was holding back. She taunted the violence and need, she rocked and tore and gazed between hot impacts of lips or teeth, she wanted him real and frustrated. He ripped the top away and part of her winced at the tearing noise seams forever ruined as she straightened her back and gasped loud and shamelessly when his attention turned to coupling her breasts into his mouth, exerting much energy just to prop her up onto her knee to stroke the back of her thighs.

"Vincent…!" she huffed quickly as she felt one knuckle graze territory he never thought to have touched. Her chin dug into his head as her leg muscles twitched with every daring touch. He was done with her breasts and moved further and without removing her underwear took to nipping at the crease of her thigh to her center. She lost all support and clung to his shoulders to keep upright as he teased her. She dug her nails into the crook of his neck and he groaned deeply. She swayed with every stroke of his flat tongue on the fabric.

"I need you on your back," he grumbled into underwear, gripping her cheek opposite of him rough enough to leave marks.

She smirked at this request. Add a 'please' or a stutter and it would be any usual Vincent response. His voice sounded hoarse and deep, and as mundanely worded his voice was a command and she obeyed calmly only to have him unceremoniously tug her underwear down to a workable placement and crawled between her thighs. But as servicing as this position seemed, he was aggressive and selfish with his grip and movements, and she soon found her thighs and hips grinding almost painfully against his fingers as she arched and cried out, simultaneously breaching a breaking point both sexually and in her bones. Vincent wasn't complacent; she succeeded in his utter frustration, as if years of frustration began to spill out now, sweeping her into a swift gyration. He did not stop in spite of her tugging and whimpering until she was nearly snapping her spine to escape the sensation, and then he wiped the shame from his lips and shared with her a gruff kiss that made her eye flutter and lips cling to his when he tried to part.

"Was this your intention?" he asked genuinely, now pinning her arms above her head in one grip as the other hand played at her electric nerve endings by grazing his knuckles down the length of her body.

Re-l rolled her head back and let the feelings vocalize. "I don't know," she said shaking her head mindlessly. "I dreamed something similar, but nothing compares."

"Should I be more gentle?" Vincent asked, and she could hear the hoarseness fade.

"No," she said quickly, opening her eyes. "No, I need this honesty." He slid a finger in her and she jerked in response with a pained gasp. He recoiled.

"I need to be aware," he decided, releasing her arms.

Re-l woke from her weak sleepiness and looked up at him puzzled. "Wait… are you… are you stopping now?" She tried to sit up in objection but she felt weak and shaky and the stiffness of her hip joints was realized.

He settled down beside her with a gentle pull toward him, his body still rigid and hot from the almost deeds. She felt him nuzzle into her neck. "I don't want to break you, Re-l," he said softly against her skin, breathing her in. "I want to make love to you as a man would." She flushed at the bare sweetness to the last statement. She wrapped her arms over his, securing his grip as she idly kicked her underwear all the way off. "I love you too much," he decided in his deep voice, and she shuddered from the sensitivity of her skin. She knew he was right, he could potentially hurt her, but she felt primed and frustrated and needy, and his cuddling would not suffice forever.