Spanking of adult female, talk of child abuse and neglect, forced marriage, unconstitutional spanking of a grown women
"So can you please make it so I don't have to go back" Harry begged. Severus though for a moment then he remembered a thought he had had about Petunia as a child.
"Well what happens next is up to you Harry" Severus told him.
"What do you mean" Harry asked his teacher.
" Well you could take your case to court but then their would be a chance that your aunt would go to Azkaban but there is another option" Severus told him knowing that Harry's hero complex wouldn't let him send his muggle aunt to Azkaban.
"Well I don't want her going to Azkaban, what's the other option" Harry asked, he didn't want to keep living with his aunt but he remembered when she was nice to him and he did care for her. Harry could remember his aunt before Durshley left her, he remembers her being very caring to him.
"Well the other decision is I become your main guardian" Severus said plainly.
"how, would aunt Petunia have to sign over guardianship and I don't think she would " Harry told his professor. At least Harry hoped she wouldn't just abandon him, he may not want to live with her but he didn't to be abandoned.
" Harry if we don't get a court case ending her going to go to Azkaban but i'm not letting her get away with how she treated you I have a proper punishment for her" Severus told his student waiting for the questions he knew was coming.
" What punishment do you have in mind" Harry asked hopping it wasn't something too horrible.
"Well Harry, since she doesn't act like a lady, I shall take her as a wife and train her to be one" Severus told him, waiting for harry's reaction.
"WHAT you..want...you want to...what" !Harry Shuddered unable to get his question out.
"I said I will marry your aunt and turn her into a proper land and wife" Severus said already planning to get the paperwork done and going to Petunia and getting her to sign them after Harry left.
"why would you do that?" Harry asked his professor, wondering what was a worse option.
"Because Harry I know you won't let your aunt be imprisoned and I won't let her get away unpunished for her treatment for of you and I knew your aunt when she was young and on many occasions I have thought that your aunt needs someone to turn her into a proper lady, I have decided to be that person". Severus explained to Harry knowing he would agree.
"well I want to agree but you have to promise me one thing" Harry said hopping his teacher would agree because if he didn't he would be going back to his Aunt.
"what do you want me to promise Harry" Severus asked wondering what the boy wanted him to promise.
"I want you to promise that you won't abuse my aunt" Harry told his professor.
"I Severus Tobias Snape promise that I will not abuse Petunia Soon to be snape" Severus swore a flash of magic sealed his promise.
"OK I accept,but I have a question how are you going to punish her" Harry asked hopping it wasn't something so terrible that would make him regret agreeing .
"I am going to treat her how muggles use to treat their house wives" Severus told him already planning rules that Petunia would have to follow and punishment for disobedience, and planing to contact the elder malfoys and his parents'.
"OK professor I trust you" Harry said sincerely"Harry said
"OK Harry you should be heading back to your tower because it's almost curfew" Severus told the boy as he was escorting the boy to the door.
"OK bye professor, oh and professor thank you for listening and agreeing to help me" Harry told his professor, he was halfway out of the door before Snape gently grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him to face him.
"Harry I need you to not tell anyone about our plan, understand" Severus told the boy sternly.
"OK professor, goodnight" Harry said to his teacher.
"good night Harry" Severus said to the boy as he watched the boy walk down the corridor towards the Gryffindor tower.
Tap Tap Tap
Severus heard the tapping and turned towards his window to see a dusty gray owl at the window with a roll of parchment in its talons. Severus walked towards the window and opened it allowing the owl entrance. The owl put its leg out towards Severus. Severus took the parchment from the owl and gave it a bowl of water and some owl treats. After the owl had taken its fill it flew away out of the still open window. Once the owl left Severus closed the window and retreated to his sitting room of his quarters.
"well lets see" Severus said to himself as he unrolled the marriage contract. The contract was in order, this contract was different from a normal contract. This contract when signed would give the husband control of his wife finances and daily life. The contract gave him the right to make rules for the wife and and punish her as he saw fit. Once the wife signs the contract the wife can not do much without her husband's permission. She can not get a job outside of the home without the husband's permission. Even though the contract gives the husband much power over his wife it doesn't allow him to abuse her. The husband to punish the wife he has to have a ligament reason to punish the wife and he can not do anything to her that would consist of a beating or anything that would cause permanent or fatal damage to the wife and the husband cannot use sex as a punishment. Once Severus made sure that the contract was in order he prepared for his quick trip to Private Drive. With everything he needed Severus apparated from Hogwarts to Private drive in front of the house of Petunia Evans.
Private drive
Knock Knock Knock
"I'm coming hold on" came rudely from behind the door.
"were going to have to do something about that attitude" Severus thought to himself when he heard Petunia's words.
When Severus finished that thought Petunia opened the door. When she saw Severus she quickly tried to slam the door in his face, expecting this Severus quickly pushed his way into the house.
"Well pet you're going to want to hear" Severus said as he walked towards what he thought was the living room.
"I DON'T NEED TO HEAR ANYTHING FROM YOU FREAKS AND DON'T CALL ME PET'' Petunia screeched again, her screeching was starting to get on Severus nerves.
"pet you would want to listen to me unless you want to go to a wizard court, be charged with child abuse and neglect and be sentenced to years in wizard prison I suggest you listen to me" Severus told the women sternly. He was pleased that that got the women to be quiet. he had found the living room so he walked back towards Petunia and lead her towards a couch and sat her down on one side of the coffee table and Severus sat in an arm chair on the other side of the table. Severus placed the marriage contract and sat back in the chair and waited for Petunia to pick up the contract. It took about 10 minutes for Petunia to read, the more she read the angrier she got.
"WHAT RIGHT DO YOU HAVE TO GIVE ME THIS'' Petunia screeched. She has mixed feelings about this contact, on one hand she was in rage about it because she knew if she didn't she would have to go to freak jail and from the stories she heard from Lilly that's not somewhere she wants to be. On the other hand she is secretly happy by what she read finally treat my like how she wants a true housewife.
"the right that as Harry's professor I will not let you get away with your treatment of you and that I knew you as a child pet and know how you want and should be treated. So if you want your dream life you will sign these papers" Severus told her truthfully he could see she wanted to sign but needed an extra push to sign. Petunia gave a suffering sigh as she signed her name on the dotted line.
"well pet I will be picking you tomorrow at eight to retrieve you be ready, pack only what you can live without and don't pack clothes or totalities those will be provided for you" Severus told her.
"OK" Petunia said simply.
"goodbye and pet I will leave you" Severus told her as he rose and walked himself to the front door. He opened the door and walked out closing the door. After closing the door Severus put up wards around petunias home to protect her. Once done Severus apparated back to Hogwarts.
Severus returned to Hogwarts and made his way to his Hogwarts quarters. Once he arrived he made his way towards his floo to talk to his parents.
"SNAPE RESIDENTS" Severus called into the floo.
"hello Severus" Severus heard his mom call through the floo.
"hey mom can you and dad come through The malfoys may be here as well" Severus told his mother. Severus quickly flooded the Malfoys and gave the same invitation. It took a few minutes for the two groups to floo in. Severus guided the group to his sitting room and sat them down. Severus tells the group about his plan and what will be happening in the next month. Severus asked his parents if harry could stay with them for a week while he gets Petunia settled. His parents agreed but asked to meet Harry beforehand. Severus agreed and they planned to have the Snapes meet Harry tomorrow while Severus went to get Petunia because it's a free day for students. Severus asked the Malfoys for a few books on wife etiquette. They agreed and were going to send them later that night. They group hung out for a few more hours before they separated and returned home. Severus went to his office make sure he had the deed to his home he owned in Enilpicsid. Enilpicsid is a closed gated community in the american magical community. In Enilpicsid iits where couples can get away and practice domestic discipline. It isn't rare to see or hear someone getting a spanking or being punished. Severus felt that Enilpicsid would be the best place to introduce petunia to her new life style because she won't be looked down upon and be able to make friends with similar life styles. He found the deed and everything was in order and they could move in tomorrow. Severus the retired to his room to sleep and prepare for the next day.