Disclaimer: Ring my Lawyers.

Synopsis: Well, Adam meets his new daugher Geena and starts auditioning new MX members.....but what had happened to the others.....?

NB: Soz if I am not up to my usual form and not being as funny, but just watched a really sad tv show so a bit depressed. Oh and majorly sorry for the typos in episode 10.

*****************Nobody said life was easy*****************************

"Ok. Next please!" Adam called crossing "Femme Fatale" off his list for Shalimar replacement. She was fatal alright, she looked about 55 and needed a lift....and Adam didn't mean a face lift. Those things could kill somebody!

He sighed and reached for some more coffee. This auditioning process was draining. Luckily he had his daughter Geena here to help him....he was so glad they agreed to meet.....she was such a sweet young girl, the spitting image of the mother he couldn't remember, but was the janitor at Genomex when he worked there. Geena sure had his award winning smile though. He would make sure he did the right thing by her.....

"GEEENA! GET ME SOME MORE COFFEE! AND PUT SOME CREAM IN IT THIS TIME WHY DON'T YOU?" He shouted into the kitchen. Geena sure was a great girl. She had had an unfortunate upbringing, but as they say, nobody said life was supposed to be easy. Adam smiled to himself, he would treat her well and brighten up her life. "AND MAKE IT SNAPPY WON'T YOU?"

********On the hard streets of MX town......**************

Brennan was lurking behind some dustbins down an alleyway one day, as you do, when a murky shadow appeared from behind him... "Yo Brennan. Whats happenin' bro? I ain't seen you on these hard streets in a looong time. You know what I'm saying?" Brennan paused. He didn't know what that man was saying. "Err.....I was here yesterday remember? I sold you some stuff." The other man paused. Thats right. He was so high he had forgotten. "Oh yeah, thats right. Now that I remember, I figure I want some more. Hand it over." Brennan sighed and pulled out his stash. It was so degrading to be doing this when he could be picking up chicks at 7-11. He handed it over and frowned. He would have to get some more supplies. "Here you go bro, 5 bucks. Thanks for the jelly beans. I will be back again tomorrow." And with that the man walked off, shoving his face with jelly beans and giggling like a school girl. Brennan sighed and began to walk away. He had to deal in alley ways cos all the real drug dealers were taking all his spots on the streets. If only Adam would forgive him, at least then he could act like a man again with some dignity.....of a sort.... Brennan kicked a can and walked to a phone booth, it was time to get Mutant X back together again.

**********At the Sanctuary.***********

"Oh, there you are Geena, I was looking for you. I need your advice." Adam said as he stepped over the hunched figure on the grounf scrubbing the bathrooms. "Tell me what you think of him." He said showing her a picture. Geena made to get up and sit on the toilet seat, but Adam pushed her back down. "Oh please sweetie, don't let me disturb you! Carry on with what you were doing." He said giving her a smile. Geena scowled and looked at the picture. "He looks nice. He has a good teeth." Adam frowned. Geena was so naive. "Well, thanks I knew you would say that. I don't like him." He began to walk away when he heard Geena mutter something under her breath. "What was that honeybunch?" "Nothing.....dad....." Adam smiled, he loved happy families. He went back to his office to place another ad for Mutant X.

**************A country club somewhere....***********

"Well Cuddles, this is the life isn't it?" Jesse said as he poured himself another gin and tonic. "In a way I am glad we left MX, at least now I have more time to enjoy myself with my inheritance." Jesse made Cuddles move his head in a nod. "I knew you would agree Cuddles, now lets go inside and yell at the cook. I always enjoyed doing that as a child......" As Jesse and Cuddles were heading back inside, his mobile rang. Jesse sighed as he saw the cook leave the kitchen. Dammit. He answered the phone.

"Yes?" He said tersely. "What is it? I am rather busy." He took a leisurely sip of his drink. "Shut the hell up needle dick. I need you to get your faggy ass down to Delta on main, I have a proposition for you." Brennan said down the phone. Jesse paused with glee......Brennan had a proposition for him.....he could barely contain himself. Brennan read his mind. "Not like that girlfriend, meet me there in 30 mins. And don't bring your bear." He hung up. Jesse frowned. What did Brennan want?

***************At the Mall********************

"I so know Emma! Tell me about it! That guy was such a loser!" Shalimar said as she sat in the hairdresser's chair for the third time that week. "I just can't believe I lived with him with so long!" Emma paused and looked at Shalimar as the beautician did her nails. "Ah Shal, you kinda had too....he was your dad after all." Emma said carefully. Shalimar scratched her head. "oh! So that's why he was always picking me up from school!!! That would explain a lot!" Emma sighed. She had hoped this meeting at Shalimar's place of choosing, would lead them to have a serious discussion on MX, but all she talked about were the past men in her life. Suddenly her mobile rang and she answered. It was Brennan. Shalimar was having her hair dried so she couldn't hear the conversation. Finally Emma hung up. "What was all that about Em?" "It was Brennan." Shalimar perked up. She knew he wanted her. "He wants to meet us in half an hour." Shalimar frowned. Half an hour? That didn't give her much time to make herself look good. Then again, neither did several hours......unfortunately for her.

**************Delta's on Main......**************

"Ok guys, so that is what we are going to do. Can you all handle that? We will do it next Thursday. I hope it will work." Brennan said facing the former members of Mutant X around a large table, as Jesse brought Cuddles after all. One by one they all nodded. "So its a plan. This time next week we should be reinstated as members of Mutant X........." And with that they all left the diner, except Jesse, as Cuddles was a bit peckish, so they got so cherry pie......but then he too eventually left....

*********On Thursday at the Sanctuary.....***************

Brennan, Shalimar, Jesse and Emma enter the Sanctuary at about 1:00pm. They slowly walk down the corridor towards the lab, where they hear voices, when Geena steps out in front of them. They all stop in in shock. "Who the hell are you?" Emma asks angrily. "Who the hell am I? Who the hell are you lot?" Geena snapped back, mop in hand. "We're mutant x!" Brennan said puffing out his chest. "Yeah and who the hell are you?" Shalimar said, also puffing out her chest. "I am Geena Kane. And you cannot be Mutant X cos Mutant X is in the lab with dickhead....I mean dad...." There was a pause. Then everyone spoke at once. "WHAT?? But we're Mutant X?!" Brennan yelled. "YOU"RE ADAM"S DAUGHTER? But I am his little girl!" Emma said pouting. "Ah crap. Are we too late? AGAIN?" Jesse moaned. "So, who are you??" Exclaimed a frustrated Shalimar. "QUIET!" Yelled Geena. There was silence. "Look, just go in the lab and ask lame ass in there. I am outta here. I think I will just stick to the idea that the Milkman is my father...." And with the Geena left. "That was weird." Brennan said heading for the lab, the rest followed, except Shalimar who was looking after Geena. "Who was she?!" But the others had entered the lab. Shalimar sighed and went in also. She stopped in shock as she saw the people facing her.... "OMG! Who are these people?" The others looked just as stunned. Adam smiled and came over. "Meet your replacement Shalimar, my new Mutant X." He turned to the blonde woman and called her over. "This Shalimar, is Victoria Pratt and she will be the ideal replacement." "W-w-what? But she doesn't look anything LIKE me!" Shalimar exclaimed. Victoria Pratt smiled nervously and backed away. "And everyone else meet the new and improved Mutant X, Victor Webster, Lauren Lee Smith, Forbes March and of course Victoria. I know they will do very well and keep the Sanctuary clean. Oh wait. I have Geena. So, yes they will just do very well." Adam beamed at the group. Brennan clenched his fists. "Listen Adam, you are nothing without us, you NEED us. You can't replace us you jerk!" He shouted. Victor Webster came forward and put his hand on Brennan's shoulder. "Calm down man, can't you just be mature and deal with it? Move on!" He said gently. "Get out of my face you ponce!" And Brennan stormed off with the rest following except Jesse who was staring at Forbes and making him un comfortable. "You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen! Wait till I tell Cuddles!" Adam frowned. "GET OUT WIENER!" And Jesse ran squealing. Lauren shrugged. They had seemed like really nice people. "Ok everybody, listen up. I will take you to your rooms and you can settle in. Then the fun begins, we take down anyone who messes with us or calls me gay. Got it?" They all nodded. "By the way, new name. We are now Mutant Y, just to be a little different." And they turned to the camera and the wind blew in the hair.......Mutant Y will live long and prosper...........

****Meanwhile on the other side of town......or the Sanctuary as they they hadn't got that far......Mutant X begin to plan their revenge...........while Geena calls various milk companies looking for her dad.......

***So tune in next time folks to see what happens. Will there be a gang war? Or will somebody just cry a lot? Find out next time on....."A day in the life of Mutant X and Y."

Please read and review and say if I should keep writing these or not, as I am not getting mcuh feedback and i don't want to do it if no one reads them. Thanks a lot!