Authors note: Hello guys, this is a brand new story I've been thinking about doing for a loooooong time, and that's my Star Wars AU with Star vs. The Forces of Evil. I want to thank Dalek Prime for helping me with a bunch of the story ideas, and you should check out his own Star Wars/Star vs. The Forces of Evil AU he has now, and don't worry, my AU of it will be far different than his because I'm not some jerk that plagiarizes others work.

Other than that, I hope you guys enjoy, and may the force be with you all.

Prologue: Sensitivity


A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… A princess is sitting upward from her bed.

The calm midnight could not keep this teenage blond girl from having a good night's rest, for something was stirring her from her sleep. She didn't know what it was, but she knew it was something.

She got up, drowsily making her way to the doors at the far left of her bedroom and walked out to the balcony. Looking up at the stars in the moonlit sky, she stared up at the starry sky, wondering what exactly is was that kept her up.

Maybe it was the fact she was a princess being trained to be a queen, and the pressures of royalty were starting to stress her out so much she couldn't even get proper rest. Or maybe it was her boredom, sure she snuck out of the castle she resided in for other non-royalty activities, but she wasn't in any mood for that today. She didn't know what it was, but she could feel it was something.

The girl sighed, mostly out of exhaustion and confusion, not really understanding why she had even bothered waking up. She stared up to no avail, and after a few more minutes of lonely star gazing, she turned back to her room and closed the balcony doors.

"Star Butterfly, you're going cray cray." The blond mumbled flopping face down on her queen sized bed, ironically reminding her of her future.

Star Butterfly, princess of Mewni, the future of her kingdom of Mewni. And she hated it.

Many days went where she was being trained in queen etiquette by her mother to take charge when she is gone, her father the king supporting the same. While Star knew her parents cared for her and did all of this for her sake, her mother was quite overbearing about responsibility and the father simply agreed to whatever the queen said.

Star tossed and turned on her bed, burying her face on her pillow as she tried to get rest, but the nagging feeling persisted. Every time she shut her eyes, they shot back wide open to stare at the decorative ceiling.

She turned her head back at the balcony, staring at the doors and still saw the stars outside the glass, sighing contently as she shut her eyes once more. Star felt herself slipping into her slumber, the stars she looked at outside gave her a sense of serenity and peace as she breathed slowly, another one of her valuable practices she learned when she was younger.

Maybe when day comes, she could figure out what that feeling is. But now it is more soothing than irritating, and she couldn't care less for the usual etiquette that she would expect to learn, now all that mattered was sleep for another day.

A day that would change Star's life forever.


The midnight sky of the kingdom of Mewni hides much the normal eye cannot see, and with much of the kingdom asleep, they fail to notice the shuttle ship enter their world's atmosphere and fly near their outskirts.

The shuttle is shaped in a semi-circle and flew in a ninety degree angle, slowly descending to the ground just beyond the sight of the kingdom to a flat plain. The ship began to land, rotating its semi-circle on a horizontal angle as its trio of landing gear extended. The shuttle reached the ground and landed gently, its humming growing lower while the loading ramp touched the ground off the port side.

Two figures stepped out of the ramp onto the grassy ground, wearing simple clothing of boots, loose fitting pants, and clocks that covered the robes they wore. Both figures appeared to be human, one wearing brown robes and tribal tattoos on his face. The other a younger and medium height boy, no more than fourteen with lighter brown robes, no tattoos on his tan skin unless his mole counted.

"I sense it there, master." Said the boy, pointing to the kingdom to the distance.

"Strange." Said the older man perplexed. "I sense much on this world, but not what you are telling me."

The boy while he didn't show it, was frustrated by his master's doubts. He sensed something powerful on this world, and yet his master couldn't. Maybe it was just a false disturbance like before, but this time it didn't go away and he is determined to find out what it was.

"Master, it's here. I can still feel it." The boy protested calmly.

"I don't doubt your sensitivity to the force, young padawan. There's a reason why I picked you to be under my wing." Said his master, staring out at the kingdom beyond. "But perhaps we should wait until morning to continue, lest we want to disturb the locals. We are not needed by the order for now, so a break would be a wise idea.

The boy was restless, but he agreed to his master's suggestion. Two strangers in robes would be a rude awakening for most people, especially if they didn't know who they were. But everyone could recognize the attire these figures wore, and only one word could be associated with such beings; Jedi.

The master and apprentice, and while it was expected for Jedi to arrive at people's doorsteps unexpectedly, it was even stranger for a master to listen to his apprentice's calling.

It started to become more frequent as the padawan kept saying something about a disturbance in the force one too many times to be a coincidence. So the master heeded to his padawan's callings, and after finishing a recent diplomatic mission, maybe it would be more interesting to investigate such a disturbance.

"Do you know this world?" Asked the padawan to his master. "I uh, kind of just wanted to land and never thought what is here."

Usually, the master would scold his apprentice from such a mistake, but not these two Jedi. They have a much different bond than most Jedi in the order, more akin to family than simply master and apprentice. His master knew that his padawan was different from the others, and while most of the order doubted him once before and some of his choices now, he knew that there was something about the boy that was different.

"Only from the galactic archives. This planet is called Mewni, after the kingdom of Mewni that managed to rule it for centuries. Even the inhabitants call themselves Mewmans despite only having few differences from ordinary humans." Explained the Jedi master. "There were once more creatures though."

"But?" Inquired the padawan.

"But, there was a civil war between Mewmans and other kingdoms of more alien creatures. The Mewmans won, and the aliens that survived were exiled from their world, wandering the galaxy for a new home." Finished the master, with a hint of sadness. "Mewni has since become a neutral world, only willing to do trade with the Republic and the Trade Federation while taking no sides."

"Trade Federation?" Said the boy with concern. "Even after what happened on Naboo?"

"Mewni is neutral, and so far both sides have cooperated with the Mewmans. But I share your concerns as well, so be cautious."

The padawan smiled and replied confidently "Cautious is my middle name, master."

"So is that why you are called the 'Safe youngling'?" Asked the master jokingly.

"I wear my training helmet one time walking down the stairs, and suddenly my lightsaber doesn't matter." Said the boy exasperated.

"Your lightsaber is part of your being, but it does not make you whole." Reminded the master. "But maybe you should have brought your helmet as well."

The padawan chuckled with his master, while the comment irritated him, it was all in fair play. The boy yawned soon after, and his master went back inside the ship.

"Get some rest, Marco. We will continue your search tomorrow."

Marco nodded in agreement as he followed his master inside.

"Of course, master Hett."


P.S. - So here we go, the beginning of a new story. It'll start all happy and carp, with Jedi fun and Star and Marco fluff bound later, but it will quickly become something that you wish would happen more often. Also, if you recognize who exactly this Hett is, I commend you as a fellow Star Wars fan. A short prologue I know, but there will be longer chapters soon, so be patient since I have finals this week.

Disclaimer: I do not own Star vs. the Force of Evil or Star Wars.