She was alerted to Nora's pregnancy the moment they met but she didn't bring it up until she was placed into her synth body.
"Nora, are you aware of your… situation?"
Nora became quite rigid, her hands smoothing out Curie's new dress had stilled and she looked up to Curie before rising from her knees.
"I might have to take it in a little, it's still too big for you."
"Nora, you're pregnant." Curie grew more curious, the lines of Nora's face were hard now as she turned away.
"I don't want to talk about it Curie," she started, turning away.
"It's too late to ignore, Nora, it's about three months in already. Please, we should discuss the proto-"
"Enough!" Nora shouted, dropping the scissors and thread, leaving the room to sit down in another room. Curie gave her a minute to cool off while she picked up the materials. She understood why Nora might be upset, the wastes would be a hard place to raise a child and with her son missing as it was she could have a difficulty with that.
"Curie, come sit with me," Nora called from the living room. Curie stripped from her unfinished dress and put on her casual clothes before meeting Nora.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you. It's just that I'm scared. Part of me was relieved to discover Shaun was 10- despite growing up in the Institute and being raised by someone else- at least he wasn't an infant out here."
Curie intertwined her fingers in Nora's and the other arm found its way around her shoulders.
"I don't even know how I'm going to raise this baby without Nate. I always thought he'd be there with me through it all."
"I know that I am not Monsieur Nate, but if you would like, I can be here for you."
Nora leaned into Curie and nodded against her side, "I'd like that."
4 months later
Nora was fiddling with the ring on her finger that she would soon have to take off again. Despite it being the coldest part of the year, it was still fairly warm- a side effect of destroying the atmosphere. Curie was working on the third batch of mirelurk cakes that day and she was happy just to help.
"I'm going to starve to death!"
Curie chuckled, setting the cakes on a plate and bringing them to Nora.
"I doubt you will starve, it's been an hour since last you ate, I'm sure you will survive."
Nora pouted but quickly switched to a smile once Curie set the plate down in front of her.
"They're- hot." Curie tried to warn her but Nora seemed to be immune to the heat in her mouth.
"I'm concerned that you're not putting on enough weight, Nora. You are eating for two now, remember?"
Nora cackled and started on the next cake.
"This isn't enough weight? What, do you want me to be fat?"
Curie winced, there was a fine line between eating too much and just enough. In truth she had never dealt with a pregnancy before but she had been trained on the matter before becoming a scientist. However a lot of that training had an override on it to make room for testing, nomenclature and basic first aid.
"Still, you should be mindful of what you eat also, I will prepare stewed carrots for dinner."
Nora groaned deeply, picking up the plate, and she left the room.
3 months later
Nora was writhing around on the bed in the clinic, she had been in labor for the last 5 hours and any minute now she was going to give birth. Curie was there, holding her hand and fanning her with the other.
"Not much longer now," the doctor insisted. But Nora wasn't listening, she was just growing more impatient and it was showing.
"Get it out of me already! Just yank it out!"
The doctor looked up at Nora, then Curie, then kind of made a noise like a hissing laugh then shook her head. "Absolutely not, there are too many complications involved to-"
Nora cut her off with a shrill scream and the rest seemed to happen very fast. So fast, in fact, that Nora may have blacked out on most of it. The pain killers were not sufficient and the pain was just too severe.
"Nora, Nora wake up, it's over. You did great."
Nora awoke in her own home with Curie sitting beside her. Her entire body ached and she wasn't able to sit up but she saw Curie and then she saw the baby.
"We never decided on a name, so I wanted to wait for you to wake up before calling him anything."
"It's a boy?"
Curie nodded and carefully placed the baby in Nora's arms.
"You needed some stitches, the doctor and I both recommend you stay in bed for at least a week. I know you have duties but your health is important, that comes first."
Nora didn't scoff like she normally would have. Instead she was intently focused on her brand new baby boy. "I want to name him Nathan, after his father."
Curie nodded, smiling at the two of them. Nora's dreamlike awe was suddenly overtaken by sadness, guilt and pain. She started crying, not tears of joy, and Curie could tell it would be hard on her then. She took the baby and let Nora cry. She had read up on post-pregnancy cases, there were some occasions when women were horribly depressed for months. She had hoped it wouldn't be like that for Nora but in reality she knew it would be.
Nora wanted to turn away and hide or leave to the other room and disappear for a few hours but she couldn't even roll onto her side. She was getting frustrated and she cried harder and she wanted to be alone but she didn't want to be mean to Curie so she just started screaming in hopes that Curie got the hint.
She did, she was always perceptive about things like that. "Call if you need me," she said. "I'll be in the next room." And for all that Nora was hurting about, she was grateful she wasn't completely alone in this.
"I feel like we should talk about this. We both have a lot to say on the matter and I know you want to talk, so let's talk."
Nora sat down across from Danse in the bunker. It had been two months since she had liberated him from the Brotherhood (at least that's how she saw it) and they really didn't get to talk much.
"Do you mean us? I've had a lot of time to think about it, Nora and I feel like you're right. If I deserved you as a Paladin in the Brotherhood of Steel, then I deserve you as I am now."
He spoke with bravado that took all of 60 days for him to muster up. Before now he was almost too pitiful to be around. Nora shifted uncomfortably in her suit and took a deep breath.
"You know I love you, then, and I want us to be happy together. There's something I haven't been entirely honest with you about."
He furrowed his brows and stood up, crossing his arms. "It's about Arthur, isn't it?"
She barked a laugh and shook her head, "no, goodness. However when you see what I mean you're going to think I'm lying, I just want you to know that at this rate it's impossible for me to be lying."
Another deep breath and she took his hand in hers. His expression did not change.
"Before the war Nate and I were trying for another child. I didn't think it would take, what with the stress of a nuclear apocalypse and the Commonwealth and the Institute and Shaun. Well, as it turns out…"
Her voice trailed off as she dropped his hand and ejected herself from the power armor. His jaw dropped when he saw her as she was. Her jumpsuit was unzipped a little to relieve the tension of her rounded belly, the line of flesh disappearing beneath the zipper.
"I'm pregnant. About five or six months. I know it's no technically yours but, if you'll have me-"
She didn't get the chance to finish her plea before his arms were around her and her head pressed against his chest. All the pain and anguish he had bottled up for months about her leaving him and only visiting so often had disappeared. He had been so worried that she would have an affair with someone else, more likely than not the very Elder that was hell bent on having him destroyed. But it was like she said, the timeline wouldn't have added up.
"You want me to… to be the… the father?"
He loosened his hold on her and she looked up at him with a smile. "I wouldn't want anyone else."
He kissed her gently, trying his best to fight off the tears that were welling up. He had always wanted a family with three or four children to his name; even if Nora's baby wasn't his blood, he would raise them as his own. He then looked around at the place and scowled.
"This is probably not a good place for you to have a child."
"I was thinking the same thing. If you're ready to get out of here, I want you to come live with me at Sanctuary."
He was quiet for a minute, swaying with her in his arms and then sighed.
"I've said so many hurtful things to the people there, how could they forgive me?"
"They will, I promise it will be alright."
"Wait, did you walk all the way here? Shouldn't you be resting or something?"
She clicked her tongue to her teeth and shimmied away from him, "I'm pregnant, not handicapped. Come on, let's go home."
Two months later
Danse had made himself at home with the others at Sanctuary, he had made a public appearance and apologized for all the wrong he had done. He was pleasantly surprised when it was all alright, just like Nora said it would be. Of late he was struggling to keep her off her feet for long periods of time like she was used to.
"The settlement isn't too far, it will only be one day at most."
"I'm not letting you leave, Nora, you're very vulnerable right now. I do have high confidence in your skills, I just don't know that it'll be very wise to go into battle right now."
They stared at each other for a long time before she finally gave in and told a small group of Minutemen to handle it for her.
"I know you would rather be out there saving the day, but it's just for now. You'll be back on the front lines in no time."
They spent a lot of time cuddling together; Danse with his hand rested lightly on her belly and being delighted every time the baby kicked. She never got enough of that, he was just so happy-looking, like nothing she had seen in him before.
"I think it's time we start talking names, big guy."
He was stroking her hair while half asleep and her voice made him jump slightly.
"What should we name it?"
He didn't answer immediately and she rolled over to see him deep in thought. His eyes were moving back and forth over a spot on the wall and she watched him contently.
"I don't know many names. In the Brotherhood we went by surname so I don't know very many first names at all."
"Makes sense," she lulled, smoothing her hand over his chest. "Hannah was my great aunt's name. Bart was her husband, short for Bartholomew." He snickered at that name, it was fair, no one these days had names like that.
"Hannah is a nice name. I don't care for Bart, though."
"How about David? That was my favorite cousin's name."
"That's a good name also."
"So that's that then, Hannah for a girl, David for a boy."
"I can't wait to meet them," he said sleepily.
A few short weeks later
She was ready to bite his head off if he told her to breathe one more time.
"What the fuck do you think I'm doing?" She was squeezing his hand tightly and he thought his hand was going to break. He hadn't seen her like this but he kept hearing stories from folks around town. Pregnant women apparently had a tendency to go off on whoever was around when the time came, so he had tried to prepare himself.
"Okay, ma'am, jut pop your feet up on the stirrups and let's get started."
Nora very reluctantly propped her legs up and groaned, sweat collecting on her forehead. Danse sucked in a quick breath in order to avoid cursing in pain. She was putting up a hell of a fight until the doctor administered some med-x.
"You've got a long way to go, unfortunately. You're only just dilated now, I'm afraid. These are just early contractions."
Danse glared at the doctor and could have punched him. Nora loosened her grip on his hand enough for him to slide free and she looked up at him groggily.
"This is going to take forever, why don't you make yourself useful and bring me some scotch?"
He laughed and pressed a gentle kiss on the top of her head. She was used to drinking; the pregnancy had been hard for her in that aspect. This shot of med-x was her first in 9 months and he could see the tension rise from her brow. She was still in a fair amount of pain but the dose definitely helped.
"She's right. It might take up to 20 more hours. So either you can wait here with her or we'll call you when she's close."
Danse straightened his back and put his hand on her shoulder. "I'm not leaving her side."
He sounded more menacing than he had tried for and the doctor took a few steps back. "Well how about you let us know when she's going through another bout of contractions." He left quickly after that, leaving the door open.
Nora seems to calm down after a while and almost falls asleep. All the while Danse watches her closely; watches her chest rise and fall with each breath, watches her hands twist the thin sheet over her into small knots. He knew this was the calm before the storm, if she was in that much pain and it wasn't even time for the main event he knew it was going to be a blow out.
"How are you doing?" He saw her turn to him with closed eyes and then she sighed.
"Right now, just tired and anxious. I hope I didn't hurt your hand."
"The pain is worth the comfort I bring you."
She hummed, "you're such a big lug."
15 hours later
They had told Danse to leave the room. The only reason he complied was because they said it was for her health. He had been pacing the hall ever since, and that was three hours ago. He couldn't help but imagine the worst-case scenario; what if she died? What if the baby died? What if both died? He was deep in thought and just about swung on the doctor's assistant when he came to retrieve Danse.
"Sir? Your wife is ready to see you."
Danse blanked for a moment, about to correct the much shorter man but he liked the sound of Nora being his wife. As he followed the assistant to the room he thought of his new family and being able to raise a child even though his anatomy wouldn't allow it.
The moment he saw them he felt his chest broaden with pride and he didn't fight the tears that came to him. Nora looked so peaceful now that she had given birth, as if a giant weight had been lifted off her uterus. There was a baby in each arm, he didn't know what to make of it.
"Look who's here," she spoke barely louder than a whisper. "It's your daddy."
Danse sobbed, now crouching on the floor with his face in his hands. He never thought that after he was revealed as a synth he'd be a father and here it was. Nora smiled over at him and let him take his time, she understood how emotional he must be right then. Eventually he made his way over to her and he dried his eyes on the back of his wrist.
"Twins," she said, "probably very rare these days."
Danse was in awe at the little faces with closed eyes. They were so small, he couldn't comprehend it.
"They're both girls, Hannah and… well I was thinking we could name the other Sarah."
He looked Nora in the eyes then, his mind wandering back to years ago when he fought alongside Sarah Lyons. She was brave and a good leader, "it's a good name." He knew Nora was thinking of him when she made that decision.
"Do you want to hold them?"
Danse hesitated for a full minute, afraid that he'd drop them before he held out his arms and took a girl in each of them. His heart was so full in that moment, he could hardly think or see or even breathe.
"Thank you," he said, starting to cry again. "Thank you for them. They're so beautiful."
"You know you don't have to hold me all the time."
"I know that but, if you knew how much I love you, you wouldn't mind me holding on so tight."
She smiled and leaned back against him. They stood up high among the artillery and watched over the Commonwealth, the general and her colonel. He had his arms wrapped around her, one above her bump and one below.
"I love you too, Preston. But I don't want to take away from your duties."
He chuckled and nuzzled the back of her neck with his nose. "My duties can wait for a while. You're here and I want to spend as much time with you as I can before you go back."
He wanted her to stay at Sanctuary because it was safe and he would take up responsibilities at the Castle. It was hard for them to be apart, especially at a time like this. When she was able to visit he took time away to spend as much time with her as he could.
"I'm here for a week, babe, you should probably at least assign someone to take over while you're distracted."
He closed the distance between them and kissed the crook of her neck. "Already taken care of. Believe it or not, I might just have things covered."
"Alright, okay, I get it. Did I mention that I love you?"
He hummed and closed his eyes, feeling happier than he ever had, "you might have."
That week while she stayed with him they slept peacefully, knowing that the Castle was being patrolled. They were able to sleep in late and take their time. Everyone knew about Nora's situation and didn't come to her with requests to aid settlements or set up new strongholds. Everyone was happy to see her, she was quite round at this point and for some reason people lit up when they saw her.
"Promise you'll send word over the radio if anything comes up."
"I will. You take care of these people, I know you can."
"Be safe."
Time apart from her weighed heavily on him. He dedicated all his time to protecting others and she spent most of her time protecting him. Mostly from himself and admittedly he had become a little impulsive without her by his side. He would go out on his own to handle settlements and take care of things where normally she would go with him. He felt like he had to step things up since he'd be a father soon.
He could almost hear her on times like these, 'you're going to get yourself killed! Then what will I do? He shrugged it off and slung his rifle over his shoulder. It wasn't a difficult mission, he'd done it hundreds of times. He took one look at his prized castle before heading off to save the day.
2 months later
She was trying to breathe through the pain, gripping viciously at the sheets beneath her. Codsworth was beside her, dabbing her forehead with a cold cloth.
"Where is he?" Nora groaned and wiggled.
"Sturges send word via radio hours ago, mum. It's all a matter of him getting here now."
Nora shouted and leaned forward, bringing her shoulders down to her knees. This was bad, it was really bad and she just wanted it to end, but not without him. She was upset, he should be here by now and he wasn't. He promised he'd be there. He fucking promised.
7 months earlier
"Is there a problem, general?"
"Preston, please, you don't always have to throw rank around."
"Well, is there a problem? You've been keeping your distance and staring at me, I just can't help but worry."
"There's no need to worry. Look," she took a deep breath and turned around a few times. "I've been up front with how I feel about you and it's been great! I just have a lot more feelings than I've been letting on and part of that is because…"
He leaned forward, waiting and listening. He stopped her from pacing and put his hands in hers. "You know you can tell me. Whatever it is, I'm here."
"I'm pregnant."
She would have laughed if he didn't look so taken aback. "Before the war. Nate and I… we tried for a second baby and-"
He laughed and pulled her hands to him so that she ran into him and he kissed her. It was possibly the sweetest kiss that they'd ever shared and her mind blanked. As soon as he pulled away she unfogged and cleared her throat.
"So, I'm guessing you're not mad."
"Mad? Nora, you're going to have a baby and… well now I guess it's my turn to step it up. Wow. I never thought I'd say this, I always thought I'd just-"
"Hon, you're rambling."
"Right, right. Okay. Nora I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to raise this baby with you. I want to be the father and I want you to… to be my w-wife."
"Your wife?"
"Oh hell I jumped the gun, didn't I? Oh shit. Nora I'm-
"Shh. You worry too much."
He stared at her and she stared at him and she took Nate's old ring out of her pocket and slipped hers on. He laughed as she took his hand and shimmied the ring onto his finger, it was a little loose.
"I'd love that. Being your wife. You just have to promise me one thing."
"You'll be there when it's born."
"I wouldn't miss it for the world."
She screamed this time, a bigger push but still no relief.
"I'm gonna fucking kill him!"
"I don't think that'll be necessary," Preston said as he knelt beside her and held her hand. She cried out but she was happy.
"I thought you'd be late."
"I almost was, I had a few things to wrap up before I could get here."
"What- eeeeugh- things?"
"You'll see."
"One more push, one big push, this should be it," called the nurse over Nora's shouting.
Moments later Nora birthed a baby boy and the pain was so great she nearly passed out.
"Stay with us, mum," chimed Codsworth, "it's a boy!"
"A boy?" her words were slurred but she looked around for her baby.
"He looks healthy, too," said the nurse as she took him off to be cleaned.
Nora's eyes rested on Preston and found that he was looking at her with more love than her heart could handle.
"You did so good," he whispered into her ear, followed by a kiss near her ear.
"I love you so much, I'm going to take a nap. Name him, he's your son."
Preston held the baby once he was brought back to them. He was impossibly small and it brought tears to the minuteman's eyes.
"My son," he mouthed inaudibly and held the bundle up to get a better look at him. "Malcom."
"Whoa whoa, wait up a minute. Pregnant? You?"
Nora laughed and punched him in the chest, "yeah, me. I know. Completely unfuckable."
Deacon scowled, "you know that's not what I meant."
Nora pulled him into a hug and scattered kisses over his neck. "You don't have to be the dad if you don't want to be."
He trapped her between his chest and his chin and she balled his shirt into her fists. "I didn't say that. I'm just not so sure that I'm qualified? I'm more of a cool uncle or the strange grandpa that falls asleep during dinner and barks at bloatflies."
She giggled, searching for his hands, still trapped under his neck. "You're not going to ask whose it is?"
He shook his head, releasing her They had always been careful during sex, he was always so afraid to get her pregnant when it turned out she was already knocked up. Talk about irony. "I just figured it was Nate's. I mean you guys were married and junk, it's not like you wouldn't want a ton of kids. Just promise me the kid won't call me dad, okay?"
Nora sighed, kissing his cheek. He pulled her into a more tender kiss and nearly swept her off her feet. Leaning back, he smiled brightly at her, "you can still call me daddy if you want though."
She gasped and hit him in the arm but he quickly kissed her again before she could punch him once more.
Three months later
Nora was showing now and while it was only a little bit, people noticed. Deacon was at her side a lot of the time and tried to alleviate the grief that came with being five months pregnant. More than anything she was grouchy nearly all of the time. He did his best to divert any tasks that the minutemen might have for her and he took Codsworth with him on Railroad missions. She tended to get after him for it, claiming that she was fine and very able to take on a mission here and there.
"Are you kidding me? Nora, there's no way you're going out to the field."
"Deacon, please tell me you're not trying to keep me locked up."
"I'm not, okay? It's just a suggestion. A strong suggestion. You're not leaving Sanctuary."
"I will fight you right now if I have to, don't even think for a second that I will hold back!"
He held back a laugh; she was such a cutie when she was upset with him. Especially since he knew it was false anger, she was just throwing a tantrum.
"I don't doubt that, alright? I just want this baby."
She stared at him and the pink color that rose on his cheeks was too cute to ignore.
"I mean I want it to be safe. Don't give me that look."
She cupped his jaw and pressed on his chin with her thumb. "I know what you meant, Deacon. Still, you're so cute when you care."
"I always care. It just works better if I don't talk about it. Anyway, why are you s angry with me? I thought you'd be all 'oh Deacon, thank you for caring about the well-being of my unborn child, you suave devil you.'"
She shook her head, the voice he imitated her with wasn't great and it only added to her lightening mood. Finally she laughed; "you're right. I should be thanking you. It's just hard being treated so delicately. This isn't my first rodeo in case you've forgotten."
He shrugged and sat down on a chair a few feet from her. "I'd say do what you want, but, you know, you're trapped here. You're my prisoner."
"Like hell, now kiss me before I throw another fit."
Three months later
"I can't stand this anymore, just cut it out of me."
Deacon took a drink of his soda and flipped the page of the magazine he was reading. It was about hair styles mostly, but it was a good read.
"I think you'd like that even less, honestly."
"You have to do it, I don't think you understand the hell that this is. I have to go pee every 10 minutes, I want to eat everything. The smell of my favorite foods make me sick to my stomach. I want to fuck your brains out but also throw you off the roof. This is the worst!"
He didn't look up from his magazine but he did cock his head to the side at the mention of getting laid. It had been too long.
"Deacon! Complain with me!"
"Oh I am, don't you worry."
She groaned loudly for a long time before throwing a handful of bullets at him. That did the trick; he set the tabloid down and walked over to her. He stood over her, straddling her slightly, and rubbed her belly.
"Jeez, when are you going to pop already?"
"Don't even get me started again."
Next month
For all that he was there for during her pregnancy of course he wasn't there when the baby was actually delivered. He was on his way back from a quick dead drop when it happened. As soon as he got back he wanted to see her. He held the boy, looking at him through sunglasses that shielded the emotion behind them.
"Hey there little guy." He felt a strain in his chest unlike anything he had ever known. He welcomed it instead of pushing it away like so many other things. His lip quivered and he chanced a smile, "I'm your dad."
Nora covered her mouth, smiling very hard but not wanting to ruin the moment. He had been so afraid to be a part of something that could make him happy. He never said that he wanted a relationship with her. He never agreed to being a father or a husband, but here he was. She only wished that now he'd accept all these feelings she had for him.
"What are we going to call him?"
She shrugged with her whole upper body, "I don't know; you're the dad, you can have some input."
He laughed briefly, looking down at his son. "Humphrey."
She scoffed, spurring him on to laugh more hardily. "Well what about Sergio," he asked, sounding more sure of himself this time.
"Sergio? Where did you come up with a name like that?"
"I read it in one of those girly magazines you keep around."
"You know I only hold onto those for you, handsome."
"Wow, a compliment!"
She smirked at him but rested back against the pillow. "I think Sergio is a fine name."
"You hear that, buddy? I got to pick your name. We're gonna be good friends, just you wait."
She has no idea Nora's Pregnant until about 8 months when she gets nosy. Nora had been wearing large jackets and power armor most of the time and when she wasn't mingling with the settlers she was alone in her house. One day Cait lets herself in to see Nora with a bit of a belly and she goes through all stages of grief.
"What in the hell is going on here?"
Nora is about to throw a blanket over herself but she realizes the damage is already done.
"Go on, gawk, I'm pregnant alright?"
Cait is about to lash out again when she suddenly goes from anger to sadness in one fell swoop. She plops down on the bed beside her and rests her hand on the swollen belly with a shudder. She tries her best not to let the tears flow but it's a winless battle.
"How long?" Cait removes her hand to wipe away the few tears that form. Nora sighs and smiles softly, taking Cait's free hand.
"Only a few more weeks left. It's been an easy pregnancy. I've been trying to figure out how to tell you in a way that wouldn't make you mad."
Then the denial came, and it hit hard. Cait's hands trembled and she pulled away from Nora.
"So who's is it then, huh? Is it Danse's? Maybe Deacon?" Her heart rate was up, her skin hurt, her eyes burned with more tears. Nora sat up a little, knitting her brows together and taking a slow breath as she thumbed Cat's face dry.
"Cait, you need to calm down. I came out of the vault pregnant. I wouldn't tell you I love you and then run off with someone else."
Cait sighed with relief, replacing her hand on Nora's bump. Her lips twitched until she was smiling, she had never seen a pregnant belly before, not like this. It wasn't as round as she'd been with Shaun, back then nutrients and vitamins were ample but now things were different.
"What are you gonna call it?"
"I thought you might like a say in that, after all you'll be its parent too."
Cait's eyes lit up, her smile traveling all the way up her face. She laid down beside Nora, wrapping herself around her.
"I like the name James, it's my cousin's name in DC." Nora nodded, playing with strands of Cait's hair.
"What if it's a girl?"
Cait was quiet, eyeing the popped belly button.
"I don't know. I always imagined there being a baby boy in my life, never thought of a girl. Maybe Laura. It's a pretty name."
"It is a pretty name."
They rested together in comfortable silence, and it might have stayed that way except that not three weeks later the time had come. Nora was just getting out of the power armor and about to lie down when her water broke. At that point there was no use hiding her condition, she left the house at once. Cait was beside her, holding her hand as she struggled through the first few hours of labor. It was very touch and go for a while there, she would go an hour or two of pain followed by three hours of nothing. By the time everything was done Nora was tired, almost too tired to hold her baby girl.
"Laura, it's a pretty name," she managed to say before letting her head fall back. Cait started to stress but the doctor assured her that she was fine.
After Laura was cleaned and swaddled she was handed to Cait, who was not ready for that at all.
Oh geez, oh god, oh heck
The baby was so small she didn't even feel real as Cait held her in unconfident hands. She looked at the tiny face, it all felt so incomprehensible, none of it made sense.
"Hi there, Laura, I'm so glad to finally meet you." Her voice was gentle, more so than she had ever heard herself be. The baby didn't stir, she didn't whine, she didn't make a peep, she only slept. Cait felt herself crying again, this time there were no doubts in her mind, this small human had stolen her heart. Nora shifted, breaking Cait's focus from Laura.
"You two are so precious," her voice was gravely from having screamed for about half an hour straight.
"Nora, she's beautiful," she still spoke softly, afraid to disturb the sleeping bundle. She had her family now, and as she handed Nora her baby she took in the entire image. The feeling of what it was to finally be part of something she didn't even realize she was after was more than she could ever want.
"I'm glad you're here," Nora told Cait while setting Laura against her bare chest. It was all so unreal still, Cait sunk back into her seat.
"Me too."
He held her close with her back against his chest. His fingers drew lazy circles over her belly as he hummed quietly. It had been like this for a few months now, in the warm sunlight of late afternoons he'd pull her into his lap and cuddle with her.
She had been having a rough pregnancy; she could hardly keep any food down and every morning for the first three months had her vomiting. She wasn't able to work with the Railroad under these conditions and it stressed her out. It was the least he could do to comfort her in her time of need. She was worried that she would be too heavy to sit on his lap but he shushed her, now that she was there with him he didn't complain, he didn't need to. She fit there like a glove.
Five months earlier
"You seem pretty distant lately, you wanna tell me what's up?"
Nora sat on the couch across from him and rubbed her hands together, a nervous tick he had noticed after a couple weeks. She didn't look him in the eye as she spoke but she was very clearly in distress.
"I don't want you to think there's someone else. There's not, I promise."
He swallowed hard and stood up, tugging at the ends of his sleeves. "You know, that's one hellova way to start an explanation. You've got me nervous now, Sunshine."
She laughed dryly and brought her hands to her knees. "John, I'm pregnant. I have been for a couple months now. It's from before the war, with Nate."
Suddenly he couldn't breathe. All the air had left his lungs and he held onto the windowpane for leverage. He wasn't mad, he had no reason to be; he was just shocked. He felt her eyes on him as he tried to regain his composure but it took a while.
"So when we met, you were…"
"And those times we… you were…"
"That's right."
He took off his hat and let it fall to the floor as he walked back to her. Slowly, he too fell to the floor and dropped to his knees in front of her. He grabbed her hands and kissed her knuckles.
"Nora, I know it hasn't been long that we've been together but I would be the best man a ghoul could be if… if you let me be a part of that kid's life."
Nora pulled him up to her and kissed his forehead. "I was hoping you'd ask."
"You mean I can be the dad?"
"Yes, dear."
"No bullshit. I'm serious. I want this."
"So do I, now get off your knees and sit with me."
He didn't move from his spot, he only looked at her with the biggest smile he could muster. It was too soon to say it out loud then, but he felt it in his heart that he loved that woman. He had never thought about having kids, especially after his transition to ghoul. He figured it was a lost cause to even want kids.
"John, come up here. I'm not getting on the floor!"
He chuckled softly, not even realizing that he hadn't moved to meet her the entire time he thought. He sat down beside her and she scooted into his lap so that she lay against him. He couldn't imagine a happier time. He wanted to celebrate, have a party with the entire town, hell even shout about it from the banister. But for now he cradled her between his legs and leaned back against the arm of the couch.
Six months later
She was quite round now for being a bit underweight. He tried his best to get her to eat but it wasn't without argument. She knew he was trying to help but she really wished he'd get off her back about eating.
"I'm fucking trying, okay? It's just every time I eat I throw up and my throat burns. I'm sure there's little craters in there, I'm practically suffering the effects of a 50-year smoker in my thirties."
"I know you are, I'm just worried it'll come out all skimpy and fragile."
She squeezed his hand hard until her arm shook and finally let go.
"I love you, you know that?"
"I love you too," he said, slowly dropping the fork to his plate. He watched her leave the kitchen and he sighed. It was hard to have her so short-tempered with him. She had told him it was the hormones and that she wasn't mad at him but it wasn't easy.
He followed her out to the bedroom shortly after he cleaned up and sat on the end of the bed. She was on her side, not asleep but her eyes were closed.
"I don't mean to snap at you."
He massaged her foot and tried not to focus on the pain in his chest. He wished things were like before when they got along so well.
"I… I know. I just don't understand why we can't go five minutes without arguing about something."
She rolled onto her back and sat up to face him. "Do you really want to get into this right now?"
He set her foot down and sighed. "That's just it, Nora, I don't. I don't want to fight. I just want to lie with you and love you and spend all my time with you without you jumping down my throat at the drop of a hat." He stood up and was about to leave when he heard her gasp.
"John, something… something's happening. I think this is it. I think the baby's coming."
He spun around on a heel and rushed to her side. "Are you okay? Are you in pain?"
"No," she said, slowly getting out of bed. "No, I feel fine, I just, my water broke I think. Unless I pissed myself. Oh shit. John it's happening right now."
He moved frantically, they didn't talk about what this would be like. They didn't have an escape plan, they didn't have a doctor ready for them, they weren't even where they thought they'd be when it was time. They were in Goodneighbor and Codsworth wasn't around to provide assistance.
"What do we do?" He asked, he felt useless. She, however, was calm and it was making him feel a little better.
"Go get Daisy. We've talked a little about how she would be able to help." She took a deep breath and let it all out at once.
Hancock ran out into the street and cursed under his breath, he was disoriented for a moment, it was a lot brighter outside and he felt blinded. "Daisy!" He didn't know how fast he needed to be but it felt too slow. The older woman quirked her brow at the mayor until she saw the look on his face. "Is it time?" Hancock nodded and as she closed up shop he ran back to the statehouse ahead of her.
Daisy entered their room to see Nora pacing with her hand dragging against the wall. Hancock was standing in the corner looking terrified. Daisy cleared her throat and took Nora's discarded pipboy in her hands to check the time.
"Any contractions yet?"
Nora shook her head but didn't stop walking. "I'm a few weeks early, Daisy. I'm a little scared."
Hancock felt himself stop breathing. He couldn't tell that she was scared, he didn't know that she was early either. He was now even more anxious, could this be dangerous? He had no way of knowing what she was going through and he just wanted to help.
"Hancock, honey, I know you want to be useful but you're stressing me out. Go wait out in the hall."
"But I-"
"I promise she will be taken care of to the best of my abilities. I'll holler if something comes up, okay?"
He stood there, still as a board for a moment before he turned to leave the room.
"Oh and Hancock, it could be a while."
A lot of time had passed where he heard nothing but the pulse in his ears. It was in that time that he thought about everything and how he had been overreacting. He loved her so much, he wanted nothing more than to make her happy. He was lucky enough that she'd have him and even luckier that she'd share the life of her child with him. He had been blessed and he knew it, he just hoped she knew he wasn't taking it for granted.
Then he heard her scream. He knew it would happen but it still struck him. It was awful to hear her in pain like that and it took everything in him not to burst in, he knew he'd just get in the way. He couldn't just sit around though, so he left. He paced around outside for a while before heading to the Third Rail. He figured if he was out of the building where he couldn't hear her it might be easier to bear.
The moment he set foot in the bar he turned around. He was going mad, he just knew it. He was afraid something might happen while he was away and what if she needed him or something went wrong. He ran back up the stairs and sat back down where he was before.
Hours passed before he heard Daisy call him. He had nearly dosed off but he was quick to spring to action. The room was eerily quiet as he walked towards the bed. Daisy was sitting beside Nora, the bundle in her arms wiggling only slightly.
"Here he is, Hancock, your baby boy."
"A boy?"
"That's right. Here, you sit down, I'll hand him to you."
He looked over at Nora who was breathing shallowly and wore a tired but happy expression. He sat down and Daisy very delicately placed the boy in his arms. He was awestruck. He had never held a baby before; the very idea that he was going to act as the father was blowing his mind.
"I'll leave you guys to it then. I gotta get back to the shop. Congratulations you two."
"Thank you for everything, Daisy," he rasped. He didn't take his eyes from the baby.
"Nora, are you awake?"
"He's perfect. What do we call him?"
"I love you too," she sighed. He smiled, Daisy must have drugged her up pretty good.
"I think, for now, I'll call you Mitch." He looked at Nora for some kind of response whether it be good or bad. When she didn't react he looked back at his son.
"Holy shit," he breathed, looking at the teeny tiny hands. "You're so small. I thought you'd be louder."
And he was happy.
She couldn't stop smiling and despite Nora's pleading for her to stop, she was clapping excitedly.
"Really, Piper? Must you?"
Piper shoved her arms to her side and yet the look on her face didn't change. "It's just so exciting, Nora! None of my friends have had babies! Now you're going for baby number two!"
"It's really that much of a big deal these days?"
"It's huge! All the kids around here must have been born around the same time or something because they're all Nat's age. Which is great, gives her the possibility of tons of friends but… But there's no babies!"
"I didn't know you were so big on babies."
Piper shrugged and took a few steps around Nora, circling her while caught in her thoughts. "I never get to meet any babies. I don't know if I like them or not, I don't know if they're cute. But I've seen puppies and they're great so human puppies should be just as cute, right?"
Nora laughed and trapped Piper in a hug on her second time around her. The reporter stilled and returned the hug. In all the time they had known each other, this was probably the third or fourth hug Nora had given her and Piper took it all in.
"What if you helped me raise him? Or her? Would that be something you'd want to do?"
"Are you kidding me? You'd let me help you raise a living breathing baby? Are you out of your mind?"
Nora brought her brows together and began to speak before Piper cut her off.
"I'd love that! You have no idea how much I was hoping you'd ask!"
Piper gave a tight squeeze before finally releasing Nora, but Nora didn't let go just yet.
"I want you to be 100% sure, Piper. This is a big deal." Nora dropped her arms and looked at Piper closely. There was no sign of doubt on her face, no hint of apprehension, not even a second thought.
"I'm sure. What are friends for?"
Six months in
"Are you okay in there?"
Piper stood outside the bathroom and listened as Nora hissed quietly a long line of swears. Piper found her some larger clothes that looked like they should have fit but from the sound of it, maybe not.
"I can give you hand if you need," Piper chirped from the hall only to be met with a groan and the door opening.
Nora was wearing a thick, green dress with long sleeves and a turtle neck. Piper stifled a laugh but the smile betrayed her.
"It's not funny!" Nora shouted a little louder than she meant to. She held her arms out and turned around quickly. "I feel fat."
Piper's face fell, suddenly she was sad for her friend. Seeing Piper's face didn't help the situation and Nora started crying.
"No, no, no! No, Nora, you're not fat, you're pregnant. It's different! Besides, I think it's a good look for you!" She hugged the vault-dweller and Nora hung her head and sobbed dryly.
"I don't look good."
"But you do! You're beautiful!"
"Don't patronize me, Piper, I'm huge!"
"Stop saying that, you're going to make yourself feel worse. You're always beautiful. Cheer up, alright? You're over half way through, I think?"
Nora nodded and Piper took a few steps back. "It's just the hormones, I'm just going through a lot. There's a lot of pressure but… but I'm okay. I'm going to be okay!"
After a moment of having a stiff upper lip, she crumpled again into Piper's arms.
"What am I doing? I wasn't supposed to be pregnant! I wasn't supposed to lose Shaun, Nate wasn't supposed to die! What if I can't do this Piper?"
"Now you stop that. I know you, you're the strongest woman I know. You could raise this baby on your own if you wanted to, but you've got me, okay? I'm here for you, I've got your back. I always have since the get go, so you just settle down."
Nora took a while to get a hold of herself but after some time she straightened up and took a few big breaths. "Thank you, I needed that. I am glad you're here. I don't take you for granted, you know that don't you?"
"Of course I do, Blue, let's see what other clothes we can find here and then head out. Sound good?"
Over the next few months Piper helped prevent several more breakdowns. They grew stronger together and as the date grew nearer they were happy. Piper had taken it upon herself to bring the specific foods Nora requested to her no matter how strange. Today Nora was snacking on mirelurk eggs blended with tato juice. The smell of it was so damn awful that Piper nearly gagged a few times while making it.
"What the hell drives you to ask for such a gross combination of shit?"
Nora shrugged, eating happily, "it sounded good. You want some?"
"Um, no. No thanks."
"Oh thank god."
Piper shook her head, smiling tiredly. She had spent a lot of time awake while Nora slept to keep up on the paper. She had a job to do, after all, and she couldn't take a break just because Nora was pregnant.
After a few long weeks, a very difficult night of labor and another tiresome later Nora was at home, sitting in the sun with her baby girl nursing happily.
"You're a foodie like your mama, I see." Nora looked up quickly to see Piper with Nat at her side.
"Piper! I didn't expect to see you for another two days! And Nat! Always so good to see you, come in!"
"N-Nora, your… you're hanging out a little there," Nat stammered at the sight of Nora's breasts as she fed the baby.
"Don't worry about that, I've got to feed her, this is how it's done." She hummed as she brought a small, thin blanket over herself.
Piper walked over to Nora and put her hand on the baby's back. "I'm sorry I wasn't here."
"Nat was sick, you did exactly what any good sister would have done. What any mother would have done. How could I be upset with you?"
"I was just kinda hoping you wouldn't be mad."
"What did you end up naming her?"
Piper looked down at the baby on her chest with the biggest smile, "Alexia."
"Could I hold her?"
"If you don't mind getting spitup on you, sure. Let me just give you a rag."
With a rag over her shoulder, Piper carried around the little girl that she had- in her own way- helped into this word. "Hey there, pretty girl. I'm Piper, I'm gonna be your auntie. That's Nat, Nat come here!"
Nat moved over silently and got a good look at Alexia with her mouth half open. Piper bounced a little and gave the baby a kiss on the head. "I hope you like me because we're going to spend a lot of time together."
He nuzzled his nose against her rounded belly, breathing her scent and smiling slightly. Resting between her legs and having long quiet conversations with the baby through the lump was a pastime of his now. MacCready never thought for a second that it was strange and neither did Nora so he found himself in a comfortable spot while she read.
"Do you think Duncan will like having a baby sibling?" She brought her knees up on either side of him and squeezed him a little.
"He'd only be about a year and a half older than this one. I think he'll love them. I know I will."
She smiled and reached down to touch his cheek with the back of her hand. He traced the grooves of her stretch marks with his fingers and kissed her just below her belly button.
"Were you an outie before?"
She giggled and set down her book. "No, actually. You don't remember?"
He smoothed his hands over her belly, "I guess not. It's been so long."
She closed her eyes and let her legs rest again. He started humming and before long she was asleep. The past eight months had been great; she was sick in the beginning but beyond that she did well. If anything she was low on energy, sleeping up to 15 hours per day. She said it was normal so he didn't think anything of it but he liked to stay with her.
"Are you asleep?"
She didn't answer so he ever so slowly crept up from her and left to go check on Duncan in the other room. He was sitting against the rails of the crib, chewing on an alien toy. "Hey there, tough guy!"
Duncan looked over to his dad and gave him a toothy grin. "Tat!" He couldn't pronounce his 'D's just yet and Mac got a kick out of it every time.
"I'm proud of you for being such a good boy. You've been so quiet. What do you think, you want a snack?"
He was leaning over the crib, sneaking sweetened mashed carrots to Duncan when he heard Nora clear her throat from the doorway.
"What a spoiled boy!" She strolled over to him and bent down to rub her nose on Duncan's. MacCready smiled and put his hand on her lower back. It was times like these when he fell more in love with her. He was excited to have another kid around, even more than that he was happy it was with her.
"That was a short nap," he kissed her cheek when she straightened herself up again. She smiled at him and gripped the crib tightly.
"We really should have another crib made for the baby. I don't think Duncan will want to share his. Besides, he's getting big. Isn't that right!"
Duncan laughed as she pat him on the head. A long, low groan erupted from her chest as her knuckles paled at the grip she had on the railing. Mac watched, knowing, this wasn't his first rodeo. The timing was off a little from what she predicted but apparently this was a normal thing.
"Maybe you should sit down?"
She grunted and shook her head as she left the room and began to sway. "I can't sit down, MMMMMMM, no. I can't do that, I need TO mOVE!"
She growled out some words and he could only watch as she took wide sweeping steps and squatted several times. After a few minutes she sighed and slid down the wall. "Stat counting, hon, I want to time these."
MacCready nodded and tapped his foot to help keep time. Lucy had delivered naturally, right there in a shack in the middle of the night. From the looks of it, Nora was going to do the same thing. She was a strong woman and supposedly gave birth without the help of a doctor the first time around claiming that it had been done for millions of years.
She shouted out after some time and stood up again, bouncing each step. "24 minutes I think?"
She hissed and shook her head, "that doesn't sound right, are you sure? It felt more like three minutes."
"No, Nora, it was at least 20 minutes."
She cursed and waddled some more until the pain wore off. "Still no water break either. Damn." MacCready wrinkled his nose. She was trying to cut down on swearing but he understood that it was hard for her right now.
Hours had passed before her water did finally break and she laughed triumphantly. "Finally! There is a God!" She cackled and Mac forced a laugh also, seeing her like this was definitely not normal, but he tried to see things from her perspective.
"I have to do this on my own, okay? Please?"
"Absolutely not, Nora. What if something goes wrong?"
"Then I'll call you. Please, Rob, I'll be fine, I promise, just-" she howled practically, crouching from the pain. "Just let me do this okay? I'll be fine."
With that she turned away and headed into the spare room, closing the door behind her. He stood there, in a whirl of worry and determination. He trusted her, he had to, he just hoped she knew what she was doing.
He had almost nodded off when he heard the baby cry. His first instinct was to check on Duncan. He shot up from beside the crib and looked at his son; asleep, so precious. He made his way to the room where Nora was in and opened the door slowly. He knew there would be a mess but he wasn't exactly prepared for it. He tried not to look at the pile of gore as he walked over to her.
The baby was still wailing as she held it to her bare chest. He put a blanket over them and soon the baby was warm enough to be lulled to a hush. Nora was sweating and wincing and taking deep breaths. The cord was clamped in her teeth and he tried his best not to freak out but he was on the brink of losing it.
"Do you want me to… to cut it?"
She nodded, gesturing to some forceps and scissors on a low shelf. He moved quickly and once the cord was removed she worked her jaw around.
"Are you okay?"
"Never been better. Do you want to hold him?"
"Him? Another boy? Another boy! My Duncan's got a baby brother!"
Nora carefully handed the baby over to MacCready who wrapped him up tight in the blanket. He kissed him on the head and forehead and laughed to hide the audible sob that escaped him.
"You're pretty cute," he said finally. "You remember my voice? I'm gonna be your daddy. Wow. You're so handsome, look at you."
Nora picked herself up and moved over to the tub to wash herself off and get in a warm bathrobe. When she was finished she went to lie in her shared bed. MacCready followed her to the bedroom and placed the baby on her chest again.
"I want to call him something bold." The boy cooed, fussing slightly and his hands grabbed loosely at her skin.
"I like the name Oliver, if that means anything." MacCready watched her happily and brushed her hair from her face with his fingertips.
"Oliver, I like it. Not exactly bold… but it's a good strong name," she said, yawning. "I'm so tired."
"You look beautiful," he kneeled down to her and kissed her cheek. "I love you. Both of you."
He was smoking up a storm outside in the waiting area. He hadn't been this stressed since before the war and now? Now there was a baby involved. Ellie waited with him, sitting in one of the chairs against the wall while he stood in the same spot, staring at the ground. She considered herself lucky to be part of this at all, Nora had named her the godmother and she nearly cried.
"How long has it been? I should be in there with her."
"There's nothing you'd be able to do for her, Nicky, these things just need to happen naturally."
He cursed under his breath and dropped the cigarette from his mouth with a sigh.
"What if something goes wrong?"
"There's two very skilled doctors in there, I'm sure they've got it under control."
He was glad she was there to keep him at bay, otherwise he might have made a scene. Just as he was about to open a new pack one of the doctors stepped out into the clearing.
"You can come back now, just one at a time."
Several months earlier
"I know you'll probably see it as a joke but, I want you to help me raise this baby."
"Baby? Nora, you are a baby, why are you having another child?"
She shook her head and sat down wearily behind the desk. He was hard on her because he cared about her, but now was not the time.
"Nick, please, just hear me out okay? I was pregnant before the bombs dropped, Nate and I were trying for baby number two but here I am with no Shaun and no Nate. All I have is you."
He had his back turned to her and he was rocking slightly on his heels. He used to be great with kids before Diamond City, this shouldn't be any different but it was. This was her kid. Nora did all kinds of things to him that he thought he'd never feel- caring so much about another person was very unusual for him. Ellie was one thing but Nora? She was a wild card.
"Nora, I don't know if I'm the right guy for the job. I'm not exactly the warm and affectionate father type."
"Nick, how 'bout you let me worry about that? You're great with kids, I've seen you with them. I know Ellie's no child but she looks up to you. I just…" she sighed and stood up. "Alright, you know what? Don't worry about it."
The detective turned to her as she prepared to leave and took her arm in his bare hand. It wasn't a tight grip, but he pulled her to him and pressed her head to his chest with his other hand.
"I just want you to make the right choice."
"I have," her voice was quiet as a front to hide her excitement.
"I'd be honored to raise your kid with you."
Ellie was over the moon when she heard the news. Already she started planning a baby shower and a nursery. Nora tried to talk her down from her enthusiasm, but she wasn't having it.
By the time Nora was showing big time Ellie threw the baby shower. People from all around Diamond City were invited and even a few closer friends of Nora's. Cait and Preston showed up, along with Strong. It had to take place in Sanctuary so that Strong could make an appearance and Ellie wasn't exactly thrilled.
"Let's do presents!"
"Ellie, how did you even find out about old baby shower traditions?"
"I'm a well-read young lady, Nora. You'd be surprised!"
Nora received a few new clothes for when she'd finally lose the baby weight, and for those she was grateful. She was sitting close to Nick the entire time, close enough for him to wrap his arm over her shoulders and she'd whisper into his ear now and then. It was close and intimate and not at all what he had come to expect from her. The entire time they were together of late, he'd been more of her noble protector, her moral guide, etc. Now things were changing, maybe for the better.
It was closing out on a high note when they got to have a strange version of wasteland cake- which was more like mashed corn and fancy lad's cakes. Looking around at everyone, suddenly Nora started crying.
"What's the problem, doll?"
Nora looked down at her clean plate and sobbed, letting it fall from her hands.
"I'm tired of being pregnant, I just want to hold my baby," her tone was wavering and he rubbed her back between her shoulders.
"You want everyone to clear out?"
"Yes. No? Oh goddddd." She shook her head and ran her hands over her knees.
"Alright, folks, party's over. Thank you for coming, that's all for now."
Nora was crying onto the back of her wrist while everyone left, leaving their congratulations at the door for her to hear but she wasn't listening. After a while it was quiet and Nick came back to sit with her.
"It was a nice get-together. Ellie always did have a flair for the dramatic."
"I'm here."
She turned to him, her eyes glossy and her face flushed. They looked at each other for a long time before her hand found his face. It was a soft touch, her thumb grazed over his cheek and he smiled, leaning into her hand just slightly.
"Thank you," she said. "I'm so glad you're here. I'm glad it's you."
She inched towards him and kissed his cheek opposite of her hand. He smiled, but then her mouth moved to his. He was surprised, he never thought this would actually happen, but he melted into her. Too soon she pulled away and sat back in her seat, keeping her eyes on his.
"I knew you'd never act first, you're too much of a gentleman. I can't go on letting you think that I don't have stronger feelings for you. I needed to tell you. Right now."
"So that crying, that was-"
"A ruse."
"Clever girl. Are you sure this is what you want?" His hand was on her knee now and he felt himself heating up.
Her fingers tangled with his and she smiled with a nod, "of course I am." He was on his knees in a flash, running his hands over her belly and giving her light kisses. This was what she wanted. He didn't know it in the beginning but this is right where he longed to be.
Present time
Nick walked into the room, sleeves rolled up and hat back with Ellie. He remembered old world customs about taking hats off in places like this. He saw her first, sitting reclined against pillows and bare-chested. There was a baby there, tinier than he'd imagined it would be.
Her eyes followed him lazily and she stretched her arm out to him and he took her hand.
"What do we have here?"
Nora hummed as his metallic fingers traced down her arm, over the curve of her breast and onto the baby's back. "A boy," she whispered.
Nick grinned as he took in the image of Nora and the baby. He had to hold onto it, make it a memory he'd keep through all the wear and tear he'd acquire in the future.
"What are you going to name him?"
"I like the name Roman, is that okay?"
Nick cocked his head; it was a strange name for this day in age. But he nodded and bended at the waist to kiss her forehead. "It's great."