Hermione stood on the astronomy tower facing the skyline. The sun was rising turning the sky into an array of oranges and pinks. She rested her face on her palm as she leant over the railing. She heard a swinging of a door and Draco joined her. He snaked his arms around her waist, kissing her lightly on the cheek.

"I hate this." Hermione whispered.

"What?" Draco asked, his voice laden with worry.

"Having to lie to everyone about our relationship. That we can't be seen together in public." Hermione explained.

"It won't be forever, Mine. It's just for now. You know Voldemort has to be kept in the dark about me switching sides." Draco whispered.

Hermione gripped Draco's arms at the mention of his name. She hated the thought of him returning to Malfoy Manor for so long and being without her. She hated thinking about how Voldemort would treat him, remembering what he did after the Hogsmede attack. She hated the idea of what Voldemort would do to Draco if he found out the truth about Draco's allegiance.

"What are you thinking about?" Draco whispered.

"You. Always you." Hermione replied.

Draco grinned like a boy at Christmas. He pulled his quidditch shirt of Hermione's shoulder to reveal her smooth tanned skin. He placed a gently kiss on the skin and inhaled, taking everything in with him. He growled at the pit of his stomach craving so much more of her skin to touch, kiss and love.

"Mmm, I have to have a shower." Draco mumbled, his lips still on her skin. He reluctantly dropped his hands from her body and walked away, but not without squeezing her bum.

"I will get you for that Malfoy." Hermione warned.

"If it's anything like what you did last night, I look forward to it." He winked.

Hermione laughed and turned her back to him to return to the view of the sunrise. She sighed, knowing the time till the holidays and when she would have to say goodbye to Draco would fly by. She knew it was inevitable, she was going to have to say goodbye. But she didn't know if it would be temporary or if by leaving him, she was digging his grave. She had to ask her friends, she knew what Dumbledore wanted but surely what she wanted mattered too? Ginny Harry and Ron and Cedric were the only people who knew about Draco and Hermione. She wanted to forget about everything, he head hurt from thinking and worrying. She felt older than her years despite her 18th birthday being tomorrow. She bit her lip and smiled as she remembered Draco had vowed to do something special. She was curious for her surprise even if she wasn't a fan of surprises and they often turned out completely different to what she expected.


It was like taking a deep breath after being starved of oxygen.

It was like the sun breaking out of a cloud, smothering you with warmth.

It was like sleep taking you hostage.

Slowly, and then all at once.

Falling in love with Hermione Granger.

His heart no longer beated for him. It beated for both of them. He didn't realise it at first. The name calling, the teasing the pain he inflicted. It was as if he was trying to run away from inevitability.

From destiny.

Strength was something he didn't need to show around her. It was his weakness she fell in love with.

Independance was something he didn't need to show around her. It was his dependance she fell in love with.

Perfection was something he didn't need to show around her. It was his imperfections she fell in love with.

But how did he manage to fall in love with Hermione Granger? The girl who was similarly opposite to the man he was.

There was no thing in isolation.

The way a stray tassle of her hair fell over her shoulder. Her assertive and stubborn nature. How she would curl her lip when she was concentarting on her work. Her soft skin that fiered under his icey hands, conducting heat and electricity into his body igniting him from his inside outwards. The soft flicks of her handwriting on a piece of parchment. Her kind eyes that wrinkled when she smiled.

He never knew what made him touch her hand on that first day in the piano room. He didn't know why he was behaving so strangely, but why did it feel so normal. It felt natural, like that was where his hand belonged. Beside hers.

It was when he realised he was going to die. His future consisted of months rather than years. He knew he wanted what was going to make him happy. And that was being beside the girl he loved. The girl he tried to hate, because he felt so weak around her. It was at that moment, he fell in love with Hermione Granger.

Slowly, and then all at once.


"Happy Birthday Mine!" Draco said.

"Uhhh...trying to sleep." Hermione mumbled into the pillow.

"Come on Mine. Get up! I've got you breakfast." Draco implored, pulling the covers of Hermione.

The aroma of coffee and croissants wafted inside their room as the sun shone through the ceiling. Hermione reluctantly got up, rubbed her eyes and starting munching on her breakfast. Draco watched her intently, grinning at her.

"What are you grinning at?" Hermione said suspiciously.

"Nothing." Draco dragged out acting innocent.

"Hmmm...Liar." Hermione laughed.

"Am I not allowed to be happy on my beautiful girlfriend's birthday?" Draco asked sweetly. They had both agreed that for this special day they would try and forget everything that was going on in the outside world. That for this day, they would try to be normal. Just two young adults, celebrating a birthday, and completely irrevocably in love.

"Not when it's you, you're not." Hermione said hitting him with a pillow.

Draco dodged it and laughed. Hermione got up and went for a shower. Draco eyed the clock impatiently, tapping his foot on the floor. Eventually, the shower turned off and she returned, a towel wrapped under her arms. Her hair dripped wet and water ran drown her sholders into the crevasses of her cleavage, tantalising him. Draco had to stop himself from drooling at her. She smirked, chose her clothes and returned to the bathroom. After they were both ready Hermione eyed Draco suspiciously.

"You know when I said you could plan what we were doing for my birthday, I do want to live to my next one if you know what I mean." Hermione warned.

"Oh damn, better cancel the fire breathing dragons then." Draco laughed.

"Haha very funny." Hermione said sarcastically.

"And anyway why would I need a fire-breathing dragon when I've got you Draco." She said emphasizing his name.

"Why indeed?" he mumbled before pressing his lips down to hers and kising her softly.

He pulled away and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear, grinning at her still suspicious expression. He took her hand and lead her out of their room, whispering the charm to conceal the door behind them. He called accio for his broom and climbed onto it. The cold winter air flushed Hermione's cheeks pink, but the sun was shining.

"If you think there is any way I'm letting you drive that thing you must be mental." Hermione said eying the broom.

"Why don't you trust me?" Draco taunted.

"You? Never." Hermione joked.

"What! I am Slytherin's best seeker. You don't trust my flying? Come on Mine, who else is going to drive it?" Draco pleaded.

Hermione smiled and straddled the broom. Looking back at Draco she grinned and said.

"You coming Goldilocks?"

After explaining 'who the fuck Goldilocks was' Draco scowled, sat down on the broom and hugged Hermione's waist. They agreed that Draco would direct Hermione on where they were going for her birthday surprise. Hermione lifted off and flew out of the castle. The wind rushed against her face but she didn't feel cold as Draco encircled his arms around her torso. He placed a warm kiss on her cheek and she shivered from the lust she could feel behind it. She couldn't help but wonder how many more kisses she would get before he had to leave and if after he left, whether she would ever get any more. He rested his head on her shoulder as he directed her where to go. They passed through serenic snowy mountain ranges and a busy city till they reached their destination. Draco instructed Hermione where to land. Hermione narrowed her eyebrows. They were stood in a field of barley.

"Where the fuck are we?" Hermione questioned.

"Close your eyes." Draco said whispering into her ear.

Hermione scowled but she did as she was told. Draco held her arm protectively and lead her forward. They walked for a few minutes, every now and again he would pick her up and put her down to get over obstacles. Hermione started to get worried until Draco kissed her eyelids and told her to open her eyes. Hermione did so and gasped. Stood infront of her was a house. But it wasn't just any house. On her copy of Romeo and Juliet there was a picture of a house on it. She gasped as she recollected the house from the photo.

"Do you recognise it?" Draco asked inquisitvely.

"Draco! It's perfect. How did you know?" She replied breathily, stunned at him.

"I tracked the photo down and did a little research. The muggles living here are on vacation, so the place is ours. It's nothing really." he said.

"Draco. It's everything." she smiled.

Draco grinned smugly back, ecstatic that she liked the surprise so much. He offered his hand and the couple retreated into the house. Hermione took her coat off as she walked into the hall. The house was light and airy, it had high ceilings and felt open. She rolled her shoulder and gazed at the paintings on the walls, surprised at how at home she felt, despite being in a strangers house. Draco held her hand and walked her to a room. She smiled as she caught sight of a sheek piano sitting in the corner if the room. Draco led her to the window seat next to it and sat her down. He kissed her forehead and sat at the piano. He stroked the keys tenderly as music echoed thorugh the room. He played all her favourite scores including the one from when they met in their piano room.

Draco finished playing and looked at Hermione. She had drifted off into a light sleep. He smiled, taking no offence. His music was soothing and he had woken her up very early. He picked her up, supporting her head on his chest and carried her to the bedroom. Their was a large four poster bed in the middle of the room. He placed her on the bed and pulled the covers over her. He kissed her forehead and stalked the shelves for any books that he took an interest to. The houseowner being a muggle had only muggle literature but he settled with a copy of Romeo and Juliet deciding to play it safe. He climbed into bed next to her and read the book, every now and again he would get distracted and find himslef watching the rise and fall of Hermione's chest, or playing with her hair.


Hermione woke uo to find Draco reading Romeo and Juliet. She didn't say anything and remained still, watching his face as his eyes skimmed the page. She moved a bit to get more comfortable and check out the bed she was in. He immediately looked at her and saw she had awoken.

"You are awake." he said

"Mmm." she mumbled.

"You must be hungry, let me make you dinner."

"Dinner! What time is it." Hermione said sitting up.

"About 5." Draco replied.

"Great. I missed my birthday because I fell asleep." she scowled.

"We have tonight don't worry. I have something special planned." he smiled.

Draco walked to the kitchen and started to make food whilst Hermione freshened up. She walked downstairs and snaked her arms around Draco's waist. She rested her head on his back.

"I didn't know you could cook" Hermione said.

"I'm a man of many talents Miss Granger. You should know that by now." he smiled.

Hermione rolled her eyes at his cockiness and set the table. She rolled her eyes when she turned around to grab the cutlery and Draco was watching her bend over with his mouth open. She smirked and gave him a kiss on the cheek bringing him back to his senses. He grabbed her from her t-shirt and pulled her back to him. He clutched her waist harder bringing her closer to him as he started to kiss her neck. He placed tender kisses on her neck applying so little pressure that it drove her crazy. His finger skimmed over the edge of her shirt as she plunged her fingers inot his silky hair.

He pulled back and held her head between his hands. "So beautiful" he whispered.

Hermione blushed and leant back in to kiss him but not before the pot began to sizzle and boil over.

"Shit!" Draco cursed as he began to lower the heat.

Hermione laughed at Draco's flushed state trying to recover the dinner.

"Do you need any help?"

"No, sit down, I want to do it for you."

Hermione smiled and sat at the table and watched him as he threw a tea towel over his sholder. She watched how his blonde hair fell and his musles moved when he reached for the pan. Soon enough, he brought her food with a proud grin on his face. She couldn't help but grin back. He placed the food infront of her. He sat down opposite her and motioned for her to start eating.

She wrapped the spaghetti around her fork a few times and popped the spoon into her mouth. The herbs and spices exploded in her mouth and tingled her tastebuds zinging them. She couldn't help letting a soft moan. She opened her eyes and looked at Draco. His eyes were wide and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Wow. I should make you food more often, if it makes you moan like that." Draco smirked.

Hermione scowled at him but the corners of her mouth rose a little.

"But then again it's not just my food that does that is it?"

"Don't flatter yourself." Hermione replied.

"No i'll let you do that." he smirked.

Hermione rolled her eyes and crossed her legs accidentally brushing her foot against his bare leg. She blushed, knowing he was going to make another dirty joke. But to her surprise he didn't, he simply said quietly:

"God, Mine you are really trying to kill me aren't you.?"

She grinned as he again shifted in his seat. She popped another spoonful of the pasta into her mouth to try to stop herself from laughing. Draco scowled at her as she sighed.

"Can you stop with the orgasm noises please, your giving me a raging boner and how am I meant to-" Draco scowled but then froze.

"Meant to what?" she asked.

"Meant to go and get desert." he replied.

Hermione raised an eyebrow at his too quick response. Something was up, she detected a quiver in his voice which was unlike her so-sure Draco. Her so-sure Draco. She liked the sound of that, that he was hers, she smiled a little to herself.

"What are you thinking about?" Draco asked.

"You. Always you." she replied mimicking his response from before.

Draco got up to get desert, her eyes subconsciously trailed down south and she inhaled sharply. She had felt it before but not exactly seen the huge shaft, but as it strained against his trousers she realised why he was such a hit with the ladies.

"Are you undressing me with your eyes Granger?" Draco laughed, "And I thought we agreed no orgasm noises."

"I said no such thing, and we both know you love it." Hermione grinned.

She felt Draco's hot breath on her neck as he came back and gave her a kiss on the neck from behind.

"I really do." he whispered into her ear, making her moan once more. He gave her another quick peck before going to get the desert. A couple of seconds he returned with two bowls. Inside was chocolate cake. She licked her lips enthusiastically as Draco approached. She frowned as he walked past her and lead her outside.

"Where are you going."

"Come outside with me." Draco said, his voice breaking at the last moment.

Hermione frowned and followed him. He placed the bowls on the table and took a seat next to her this time. He draped his arm over her sholder. She dug her spoon into the cake as the lava began to spill out. She was about to lift the spoon to her mouth before Draco stopped her. He took the spoon from her hand and moved it to her mouth. Hermione's eyes widened with surprise but she let him feed her. He watched her with intense concentration as her lips wrapped around the spoon. She closed her eyes and sighed as the chocolate lava oozed into her mouth drowning her tastebuds in succulence. She whimpered gently as her removed the spoon and she sucked the chocolate off. She opened her eyes to find that intense expression still over his face.

"What? Do I have chocolate on my face?" she asked wiping her lips with the napkin.

He shook his head and said no.

"Hermione, it's just that... you are so beautiful, sometimes I don't know what I did to deserve you."

"Draco, don't. We agreed not today."

"Hermione." he whispered.

She frowned as he pulled her up to stand and lean over the balcony. The night was black but in the distance the city lights kissed the skyline. The faint hum of traffic was the only thing she could hear until he broke the silence.

"Hermione, I want to have you in every way I can. I don't know how much time we have left- no listen. I have memorised this and don't want to loose my place. I don't know if we are going to have years or weeks but there is something I do know. I want to spend the rest of what I have left with you. I wanted to take things slowly but despite being many things, Im starting to realise 'patient' isn't one of them. And I will admit it. I've fallen in love with you Hermione. It was hard and fast but it's forever. So that's what I want to do. I want to make it forever. Me and you. Because whether it is years or minutes, for me it will be our little forever. I want you forever Mine, so Hermione Granger" he bent down onto one knee, "Will you do me the extraordinary honour of becoming my wife." Draco pulled out a small black velvet box from his pockets. She noticed how his hands shook slightly as he opened the box. Inside was a silver ring that had clusters of diamnds around it. In the middle was a beautiful green gemstone.

A million things swept thorugh her mind but they were insignificant there was only one thought that dominated them all.

"Yes." she whispered hoarsely.

Draco's mouth opened and he sighed as relief washed over his face. He stood up and scooped her into his arms and held her tightly and lifted her into the air. She remembered the first time he did that when they kissed and how she told him she hated it but now she liked it as much as he did. He placed her gently on the floor. He lifted her chin up with one finger and placed a soft kiss on her lips. She opened her mouth for more but he pulled away and smiled cheekily. He picked up her left hand and kissed her palm before turning it over and kissing her ring finger. He then slipped the ring onto her hand.

"Let's hope you don't give his ring back to me." he said his lips smiling against the ring on her hand.

"You better behave then." Hermione grinned wrapping her arms around his neck.

He smiled and put his around her wiast.

"But I know you love punishing me when I don't." he smirked.

"I think our cake has probably gone cold." she smiled back.

"I can think of a much better desert I want to try Mrs Malfoy." Draco smiled.

"Mmmm. Good I didn't promise to stop my orgasm noises tonight then isn't it?" she grinned back.

"Oh fuck, what the hell did I do to deserve you." he said before crashing his lips to hers.

She laughed, as he lead her to the bedroom where they fell asleep in eachother's arms, reliving the evening in their dreams, knowing one day, after Draco left, the memories will be the only things they will have left.