Roxanne walked around the chair in circles, waiting for the now bound Tyler to wake up.

"How did you know to take him?" Lucas asked.

"When I touched him, I felt his anger and hate towards Klaus. He'll be perfect to turn into a even more lethal killing machine." Roxanne said.

"I thought hybrids were already strong." Lucas stated.

"Klaus may have strong hybrids, but mine have even more powers. That's because of the extra witch power in me." Roxanne explained.

"You planning to keep the sire bond on him?" Lucas asked.

"Why should I? He'll do whatever I say, sire bond off." Roxanne said, as they heard Tyler gasp. "Rise and shine, sleepy beauty." She said in a sing song tone.

"Who are you people? What do you want from me?" Tyler demanded, Lucas walking around behind him, grabbing him by the hair and yanking his head back.

"Mm, look at that little adorable face." Roxanne said before walking over and sitting in Tyler's lap. "We're gonna have a nice little chat." She whispered into his ear.

"What do you want?" Tyler asked.

"I want you to help me bring Klaus down to his knees, begging for his death. Would you like that?" Roxanne said.

"I want that more than anything." Tyler said.

"Well big boy, you are gonna need more juice in your system if you gonna be a used to me." Roxanne said before showing her fangs before sinking them into her wrist. "Drink up." She said, holding her wrist near Tyler's lips.

"But I'm a hybrid, I don't need your blood." Tyler said.

"I had a feeling you would say that. See the thing is you are a hybrid but I'm a even more powerful hybrid. Why, I'm so special, you may ask. Because I'm a vampire, werewolf and witch rolled in one." Roxanne explained. "So do you want more power or not?" She asked, Tyler smiling before sinking his teeth into her wrist.

"That's the spirit." Roxanne said, a smile on her face as Tyler slowly pulled his fangs out and looking up at Roxanne.

"Do I need to guess the next step?" Tyler asked, as Roxanne put her hands on either on his head.

"Nope." Roxanne said before crushing Tyler's skull and killing him.

"Damn you look smoking hot when you kill." Lucas teased.

"Oh babydoll, stop being so adorable." Roxanne smirked as she climbed out of Tyler's lap. "Did you get a bit jealous watching me sit in his lap?" She teased.

"Mmm, I don't do jealous… I'm vengeful" Lucas said before grabbing Roxanne and pinning her down to bed. "And I've gotta say watching you in his lap got me a bit turned on."

"Oh you naughty, naughty, horny hybrid." Roxanne giggled.

"You made me like this." Lucas teased.

"Hm nope. That's all you baby." Roxanne said before they kissed.

"How long until he wakes?" Lucas asked, looking back at they tied up Tyler.

"I would say a few hours." Roxanne said.

"Perfect." Lucas purred.

Soon after Roxanne stood up and grabbed her light purple bra and panties before slipping them on.

"Mmmm, now where are you going?" Lucas asked as he laid on his back, his arms behind his head.

"Well once he wakes up and feed on my blood, he's gonna be hungry. I also know you are getting hungry and so am I. Our inner vampires require food." Roxanne said.

"Well you know the type of girls I like to feed on." Lucas said as Roxanne put on a simple black and white polka dot dress with red high heels.

"You will get whatever I serve you." Roxanne said before walking over and kissing him. "Get some damn clothes on before he wakes up please." She ordered.

"My alpha, likes to boss me around." Lucas said, standing up and yanking a set of boxers on.

"Deal with it." Roxanne said before she made her claws appear and sliced a line down her wrist and bled into a glass. "If he wakes before I return, make him drink this." She said before putting the glass down.

"Love ya." Lucas said before Roxanne left.

Roxanna wandered around the streets, out looking for prey when she spotted the perfect prey. One man and two women, Roxanne smirking before walking over to them and looking into their eyes and they fell under her compulsion.

"Hello you three, wanna have some fun?"