Hello again. Fourth chapter is now up. Well I think this is going well.

Please enjoy!

Chapter 4: Quality Time part 2

The coordinates lead Barry just outside Coast City. There was a small farm house that seemed abandoned. As he drew closer he could hear soft music playing. A quick glance through a dingy window revealed candle light and a crackling fire. Barry knocked softly, slightly fiddling with the collar of his burgundy sweater. Cold opened the door immediately. Nothing of his posture gave away his feelings, while Barry seems to twitch with every passing second.

"You came." Cold moved aside and gestured for Barry to come it.

Barry gave him a soft smile. "We made a deal. Besides its the season for good faith, Cold."

Cold returned the smile, leading Barry into the living room. "I would think giving the circumstances that you might call me Len."

"Alright, Len." Looking around the room, it felt warm, inviting even. "Thank you for the night off."

Len glanced back. "I figured you shouldn't be worked too hard. After all can't have you falling asleep on the next heist."

Barry sat on the couch, relaxing as soft Christmas music surrounded them. "Why do this at all, Len? Cisco still thinks this is some elaborate trap. Caitlin and Joe believe this is to get me back for putting you in jail. Iris believes you're sincere."

"And you, Barry?" Cold asked settling beside him. "What do you think?"

Barry blushed. "I think you're playing at something, but whatever it is isn't intended to hurt me."

"I'm not sure if this plan of mine won't hurt you Barry, but it is not my intention. Like I said, I just want to give you some time off and let you let loose." Len chuckled. "I know your secret and you don't have to worry about trying to impress me." Len stood. "First I figure you will be hungry and we can continue to talk."

Barry nodded. "Sure. What's for dinner?"

Len smiled at the excitement in his voice. "Edger for what I can feed you, Scarlet?"

Barry blushed. "Well I have to eat a lot more ever since the lightening."

He affectionately run his hair. "Its all right, kid. Its very charming." Len disappeared into the kitchen before returning with two plates of food. Len handed one of the plates to Barry. "I hope you like it."

Barry took the plate and stared at it. There was a beautiful steak, a healthy portion of steamed green beans and a loaded baked potato. Barry looked up at Len. "This looks great." He whispered before digging into his food. Barry groaned softly as the steak just melted in his mouth. Len chocked on his food.

"That good, Barry?"

Barry turned to face Len. "I haven't had a steak this good in a long time. It is easier to keep up my energy by eating tacos and pizza, or having Thanksgiving every day."

Len laughed, it was a low sound that sent shivered down Barry's spine. "I guess it would be easier getting cheap food to feed our growing hero."

Barry reached over and pushed Leonard. "I think I'm done growing."

Len laughed again, before pulling Barry into a kiss. Barry sighed. He had been thinking about the kiss they shared a week ago, and now that Len was kissing him again Barry realized that his memory did this man no justice. When Barry pulled back both were panting lightly. Barry licked his lips, chasing the taste of Cold. "I understand us being civil at times, Len. But I don't understand where this is coming from." He nestled against Len. "I don't mind, but I would like to know what changed."

Len smiled down at Barry, trailing his hands down his back to rest on his hips. "Let's finish the food then I'll explain."

They stayed close as they finished their food, enjoying the moment of silence between them. Barry reflected that he felt at ease with the crook. Perhaps it was because he knew about Len's family, his honor and morals, or the fact that for the most part he played by his own rules it was just up to everyone else to learn the rules. When Barry was finished, Len took his plate. Len returned promptly. As Len sat down he pulled Barry in between his legs and nuzzled his face, wrapping his arms around Barry's small waist. Barry pressed his lips softly to Len's. Len pulled back with a sigh.

"If you do that again. We might get side tracked." Len chuckled, titling Barry's face up and pressing a chaste kiss to his forehead. "You gave me some time to think while I was in prison. Lisa visited not long after you did. She told me I need to get my shit in order and come to terms with whatever was going on between us." Len gave a soft smile Barry could swear belonged to just his sister. "She told me the length you went to so she could be free from our late father. She knew something had changed after I learned who you were." He took a deep breath. "You're the first person that knows some of my family baggage, and for the most part you accept me for who I am. So I thought about our relationship. You push me to do better and I know you do your best to keep up with me."

Barry smiled. "So that changed to kissing me how?"

"I'm not going to deny that you're sexy. You have made my world a challenge again. I can't promise you hearts and roses, Barry. All I can give is a safe place to just be, but outside I still have a persona to project."

Barry nodded. "I don't think our comrades would understand right now." Barry laid his head on Len's shoulder. "So what is this going to be?"

Len rested his cheek on Barry's head. "Right now let's keep this simply our sercet. We can come here to blow off steam and just be Barry and Len." His thumb rubbed Barry's hip. "At least for now Barry."

Barry looked up through his lashes. "I wouldn't mind the quality time."

Len kissed Barry. "You're going to have to tell me if I cross a line, Barry. I won't ever force you to do something you don't enjoy."

Barry locked lips with Len, enjoying the peace as the weight of who they were lifted, if just for a moment. They were just to people who were attracted to each other. "I promise I will let you know." Barry stated slightly out of breath when he pulled away.

"Good." Len smirked before brushing his lips against Barry's.

Thanks for reading. Please drop a review.

Next chapter will be on physical touch.